Daily Media Summary 2017-06-23

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies highlights among other stories news of the Deputy Special Representative of UN Secretary-General and UN Coordination, Mr. Yacoub El Hillo’s call for an urgent need to restructure the county’s land tenure system for the consolidation of peace and continuation of stability, the dedication of several projects in Bong County by President Sirleaf and the Chairman of the National Elections Commission, Jerome Korkoya’s assurance to the Senate that all legally registered Liberians will be on the final registration roll.


Deputy SRSG Calls for Restructuring National Land Tenure System

Yacoub El Hillo, Deputy Special Representative of UN Secretary-General (DSRSG) and UN Coordination, says there is an urgent need for Liberia to restructure its land tenure system because the reform will help in the consolidation of peace and continuation of stability and prosperity in Liberia. According to the Daily Observer, Mr. Hillo spoke Thursday at the kickoff of a 2-day national multi-stakeholder meeting at the Monrovia City Hall, under the theme “Improving Citizen’s Engagement in Concessions Management.” He said in 2016, the Liberia Peace Building Office in Monrovia conducted a nationwide research and gathered that land tenure and concessions issues were the number one driver of conflict in the country. Mr. Hillo noted that the governing of land issues and concessions’ rights will help create equity, access to prosperity, and economic development for Liberians.

Related Captions: UNMIL Official Wants Land Issues Addressed Urgently (Heritage), Passage Of Land Rights Bill Still Creating Concern (The INQUIRER), Against Corruption In Liberia: UNMIL Calls For United Front (INSIGHT), Land Rights Bill Crucial To Peace And Stability of Liberia – Says UN DSRSG (FOCUS)

President Sirleaf Arrives In Bong County; Dedicates Several Development Projects

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Wednesday, June 21, 2017 arrived in Bong County on final leg of her nationwide county tour, which took her to Belefania, Palala, Zota, Mano-Wainsue, Garmue, Bellemue, among others. She held interactive Town Hall meetings, inspected ongoing projects and dedicated several completed projects, including Commissioner compounds, Clinic, Town Halls, among others. According to an Executive Mansion release, the County Tour was among other things intended to acknowledge and appreciate citizens for keeping 11 years of continued peace and for electing her twice as President. She commended the people of Bong County for their sincere desire for peace as demonstrated by their support to the government during the last 11 years. The Liberian leader reiterated her government’s continued commitment to paving the Gbarnga to Lofa road. She said active work on the road will start in the dry season 2017. She told the people of Bong County that she wanted to complete the road during her administration but there was a small problem that caused the delay by the people who did the study for the road including the deadly Ebola, which delayed the getting the road started in time. Meanwhile, President Sirleaf has ordered the temporary closure of the Bong County Technical College until September at which time normal academic work will resume, reads the FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Related Captions: Ellen Dedicates Several Development Projects In Bong (Heritage), We’re Not Sleeping—Ellen (The New Dawn), Several Projects Dedicated In Bong (FOCUS)

‘No Need for Alarm’

National Elections Commission Chairman Jerome Korkoya has assured Plenary of the Senate that names and photos of all legally registered Liberians will be on the final registration roll, therefore there was no need for alarm. The NEC boss said his commission has resolved to conduct one of the best elections in recent history and noted that what is currently happening with regard to the voters’ registration exhibition does not amount to massive irregularities as is being perceived by some citizens. According to the Daily Observer, the appearance of the NEC boss in the Senate Chambers was prompted by a letter from Margibi County Senator Oscar Cooper, who informed his colleagues of reports of massive irregularities in the elections process, especially the just-ended nationwide voters’ registration roll exhibition.

Related Captions: NEC Concedes (The New Dawn), No Registered Voter Will Be Denied…NEC Chair Reassures (The INQUIRER)

MFDP Holds SOEs Annual Review Workshop

A two-day State-owned Enterprises (SOEs) Annual Renewal Workshop gets underway from June 23 to June 24, 2017 in the port city of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County. The New Dawn newspaper quoting a release from the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) said the annual event is organized by the SOE Financial Reporting & Coordination Unit of the MFDP, and is intended to address planning and reporting challenges of SOEs as well as develop a common agenda to mitigate risks associated with SOEs operations. The event is part of government’s initiative to continue the implementation of reforms necessary in the SOE sector. 

Related Captions: 2-Day SOEs Annual Renewal Workshop Gets Underway (Heritage), SOEs Annual Renewal W’shop Begins Today In Buchana (FOCUS), SOEs Annual Renewal W’shop Begins Today In Buchanan (FOCUS)


LACC Assured Of Support To Tackle Craft – VP Boakai

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai has assured the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) of his unreserved commitment to tackle the scourge of corruption in the country. “As has been noted, vices are more conveniently perpetrated under the cover of darkness or in isolated places, strenuous efforts are made by evil doers to evade detection and eliminate evidence,” he said. Vice President Boakai indicated that as such, those who manage to witness crime are instantly viewed as threats that deserve only elimination or incapacitation. The Liberian Vice President made the statement recently at a one-day CSOs Whistle-Blower and Witness Protection Colloquium organized by the LACC held at a local hotel in the King Gray Community in the Monrovia suburb of Paynesville, reports the FOCUS newspaper.

Related Caption: VP Boakai Assures LACC Of Support To Tackle Graf (Heritage)

Liberia Applauds Luxembourg…On ‘National Day'

The INSIGHT newspaper reads that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a congratulatory message to His Royal Highness, Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg, on its National Day. Luxembourg’s National Day is celebrated annually on June 23, and it’s considered the official birthday of the Grand Duke although non-Grand Duke/Duchess has ever had a real birthday that fell on this day. However, Grand Duchess Charlotte, who ruled Luxembourg from 1919 to 1964, was born on January 23, 1896, but the celebrations were shifted to June so that the celebrations would have a more favorable weather. According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Sirleaf, in her message to His Royal Highness, the Grand Duke Henri and the Government and people of the Grand Duchy, said her government remains hopeful that the agreements signed between their two governments will be fully implemented to contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, which both nations strive to fully implement.

ECOWAS Envoys Congratulates Pres. Sirleaf

According to the FOCUS newspaper, the Dean of ECOWAS Ambassadors and Heads of Mission accredited to Senegal, General Edouard Tiape Kassarate, has congratulated President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and conveyed profound thanks to the Liberian leader for her stewardship as Chairperson of ECOWAS Authority of Heads of State and Government from June 4, 2016 to June 4, 2017.According to a statement from Dakar, the Ambassadors, Heads of Mission and GIABA noted with delight the tremendous efforts of the Liberian leader in ending the crisis in The Gambia occasioned by the political impasse, following the electoral victory of Mr. Adama Barrow, President of the Republic of The Gambia. Ambassador Kassarate praised President Sirleaf’s courageous criss-crossing of the region to ensure peace and stability at very short notice and her ability to help the parties reach an amicable agreement brought to the fore through Madam Sirleaf’s superlative organizational abilities.

GAC To Audit Legislature-Lawmakers Assets Targeted

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the Auditor General of Liberia, Yusador Gaye, has written members of the House of Representatives, informing it of the General Auditing Commission’s intention to commence an audit of assets declaration of members of the House of Representatives. The audit, according to the letter, is in keeping with section 53.3 of the Executive Law of 1972 as a statutory mandate and with provisions of part X section 10.2 of the National Code of Conduct Act of 2014. The audit, according to the Auditor’s General communication, objective is to express an independent opinion on the Asset Declaration system (ADS) of Liberia with a focus on corruption, and also provide a reasonable assurance as to whether the system, as it is being administered, is in compliance with established provisions of the National Code of Conduct as prescribed by an Act of the Legislature and other regulations and conventions.

Related Caption: GAC To Audit Asset Declaration (The New Dawn)

UNAIDS, Partners Conclude HIV Social Protection Training

According to the In Profile Daily, the United Nations Joint Program HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) has concluded a two-day training workshop with focus on Liberia’s HIV and Social Protection Assessment Agenda, held at the Corina Hotel in Monrovia, between 21st and 22nd June, 2017. The HIV Sensitive Social Protection initiative brought together over 40 representatives of UN System, Government of Liberia, civil society, INGOs, NGOs including, policy makers, Persons living with HIV, young people (in and out of school youth), persons with disabilities, migrants and caregivers of orphans to review the HIV and Social Protection situation of the West African State Liberia. Liberia has a generalized HIV epidemic with a HIV prevalence of 2.1% (2013 LDHS) with an estimated adult HIV population of over 30,000 (2015). Significant variations in HIV prevalence exist between and within regions and counties. The epidemic is heterogeneous and variable across the country.

Related Caption: UNAIDS, Partners End HIV Social Protection Training (FOCUS)

Nation’s Future Depends On Education-Lone Star Cell MTN Underscores

According to the New Dawn newspaper, the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Lone Star Cell MTN, Mr. Babatunde Osho says the future of any nation depends on education, and at such his company has thought it wise to focus on education, because its plays a major role in the life of every citizen. Speaking at the close of 21 days of “Yellow Care” on Thursday, 22 June at the Lorma Quarter Elementary School in Buzzy Quarter along United Nations Drive in Monrovia, Mr. Osho said the idea behind the 21 days of “Yellow Care” within the MTN family is to remember the environment where they operate, stressing that a business must give back to the communities “so we instruct all of our employees to take up as a volunteer to get involved in these activities.” He says the 21-day is set aside every year in all counties as a way of giving back to those communities in which the telecommunication giant operates. Meanwhile, the Principal of the Lorma Quarter Elementary School, Mrs. Catherine Mongar, expresses delight to the company for taking up time to recognize the importance of education. 

Chief Justice Commissions Two New Judges

The Heritage newspaper reads that Supreme Court Chief Justice Francis Korkpor has commissioned counselors Scheaplor Dunbar and Serena Garlawolu as Relieving Judge and Resident Circuit Judge of Criminal Court “E” respectively. Performing the ceremony, Chief Justice Korkpor described them as assets and leaders with knowledge, who have arrived at the Judiciary at the crucial time of election in the nation’s history. “Election is important in order to legitimize those who are to be in control of government and as Judges you must ensure the impartial dispensing of justice so that people will accept the results and keep our country safe” he cautioned. He want the newly inducted Judges to also stay out of politics as they are now above reproach, and assure them of the bench’s full protection once they continue to do the right things.

“China, Africa Can Fight Poverty Together” – Chinese Foreign Minister

A two-day Africa China High-Level Dialogue and Think Tank Forum has ended in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, with the Chinese Government reaffirming its commitment to fighting together with Africa. Held at the African Union (AU) Headquarters, the forum focused particularly on the way poverty has been dealt with in China and in Africa in the past two decades. It drew lessons from the two decades of poverty alleviation experience of government and civil society organizations. Particular focus was given to rural poverty and to the type of policies and programs that have made the most impact, reports the In Profile Daily.

Cadet Scott Amos Collins Departs For US West Point Military Academy

A young Liberian, Cadet Scott Amos Collins depart s Liberia for the West Point Military Academy in the United States of America on Friday, June 23rd as part of the United States West Point Military Academy Class 2021 which begins in July 2017.  According to the INQUIRER newspaper, Scott is the first Liberian in 29 years and one of 13 from 161 countries around the world to gain admission to the prestigious United States Military Academy.

Related Caption: AFL Cadet Departs for Us West Point Military Academy (In Profile Daily)

Public Service Day Celebrated Today

According to the In Profile Daily, Liberia will today join member states of the African Union for the celebration of the ‘African Public Service Day’ under the national theme: ‘The Role of Youth in National Services Delivery in Liberia.’ According to a statement delivered by the Deputy Director General for Administration of the Civil Service Agency (CSA), Othello Weh, on this day in Liberia, Civil Service Agency Recognizes and appreciates those who work above and beyond the call of duty since 2008. He said there are criteria set for qualifications of becoming the Civil Servant or Public Servant of the year, adding that among other things, the nominating institution must be able to give a story of the candidate performing a specific duty such as saving lives, combating corruption, increasing revenue quota and service beyond duty.

Cuttington University Promises To Sustain

According to the Heritage newspaper, the Administration of the Cuttington University has assured the excellence in Higher Education for Liberia Development (EHELD) of its commitment to maintain projects that the organization implemented at the University. Speaking Tuesday, June 20, at the (EHELD) close-out ceremony at the Cuttington University, CU president Dr. Herman Browne, assured that his administration will do everything to ensure that project implemented by (EHELD) are sustained. “The school is not about the building or the number of students that enroll but it is about providing quality education and that is what my administration stands for to give excellent education to the public” Dr. Browne asserted.

Related Caption: Cuttington University Promises To Sustain EHELD Projects (FOCUS)

LEC Battles Power Thief

Authorities of the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) are stressing the need to seriously address power thief, warning that it undermines growth. Addressing residents of PHP and Plunkor Communities in Monrovia during an interactive dialogue on Thursday, 22 June on the danger associated with power thief, the Assistant Director for Planning at the LEC, Mr. Edwin Fahnbulleh said the question of power thief remains a great concern to the LEC, so management and citizens must all work together to find ways to resolving the situation, saying if nothing were done to eradicate this problem, the country stands to benefit nothing from the power that is being offered to citizens across this country. Mr. Fahnbulleh notes that the intent of the community awareness campaign is for citizens to join the LEC management to put a halt to power thief, reads the News Dawn newspaper.

Related Caption: LEC Holds Community Engagements Against Power Theft (Heritage)

UBA Launches First Debit MasterCard

According to the Daily Observer, United Bank for Africa Liberia Limited (UBALL) has launched the first debit MasterCard in the country. The UBALL said the cost to acquire the MasterCard is US$5 and it is valid for five (5) years, subject to renewal and replacement. The president and chief executive officer (CEO) of UBALL, Lekan Balogun, said the MasterCard is an electronic payment solution which will deliver a quick, convenient and secure payment alternative for their clients. He asserted that with the launch of the MasterCard, their clients can also use it alongside their Visa and other cards across the country and Africa, and throughout the world.

Related Caption: UBA Launches Debit MasterCard In Liberia (FrontPage Africa)

PREVAIL-Three Ends Enrollment June 30

Katy Cone – US – Co-Lead for SMC PREVAIL Enrollment into the ongoing Ebola Natural History Study for Ebola Survivors and their closed contacts will come to an end by the 30 June, 2017, the joint US-Liberia clinical research partnership – PREVAIL has disclosed. Speaking during a community engagement meeting in the Paynesville Rehab Community recently, the US Co-Lead for Social Mobilization, Katy Cone said the study will remain active but there will be no new entry after June 30 this year. Ms. Cone said participants in the Ebola Natural History Study also known as PREVAIL – Three years adding that stopping enrollment does not mean ending the studying, reports the In Profile Daily.

WFP Trains Farmers, Technicians in Improved Lowland Development

The World Food Program (WFP) in Liberia has embarked on developing the capacity of more than 80,000 smallholder farmers in improved lowland development in 10 of Liberia’s 15 counties. As part of efforts to meet this goal, WFP recently completed a 2-day workshop in Suakoko, Bong County for more than 80 persons comprising lead farmers, County Agriculture Coordinators (CACs) and District Agriculture Officers (DAOs) in the improved methods of swampland development. The trained lead farmers, CACs and DAOs in the targeted counties will work with farming cooperatives to develop or rehabilitate 285 hectares of lowland. The project is an asset creation plan designed as a food/cash for work scheme aimed at providing needed incentives for vulnerable food insecure smallholder farmers and their communities. These farming communities are expected to engage in the expansion of agricultural production through the development and rehabilitation of swamps with small scale irrigation facilities that will enable them to restore their livelihoods and increase agricultural production and farm incomes. It is supported by the government of Japan under the Japanese grant fund for Ebola affected communities, through WFP-Liberia in collaboration with MOA, asserts the Daily Observer.

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