Daily Media Summary 2017-05-03

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Today’s edition of our Summary of the local dailies includes news of President Sirleaf’s Proclamation declaring May 1 through 31, as Red Cross Month and the message of congratulations sent by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf to the President of Israel, His Excellency Mr. Reuven Rivlin, and people of the State of Israel on the occasion commemorating their 69th Independence Anniversary on Tuesday May 2, 2017 among others

May Is ‘Red Cross Month’ - Pres. Sirleaf Declares

The FOCUS newspaper reads that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has by Proclamation declared May 1 through 31, as “Red Cross Month” and, May 8, 2017, as “World Red Cross Red Crescent Day” to be observed throughout the country as a Working Holiday. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Proclamation directs the Liberia National Red Cross Society to join the World Red Cross Red Crescent Movement to celebrate the month of May this year under the theme: “Everywhere for Everyone.” Additionally, the Liberian leader has directed all civic and voluntary organizations and government agencies concerned, to fully participate in programs as planned by the Liberian National Red Cross Society to make the occasion meaningful and rewarding. She emphasized that the events which focus on highlighting the universal presence and impact of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in humanitarian service should be held in Liberia’s 15 counties. The Liberian leader notes that after 150 years of its birth, the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement continues to provide humanitarian services to vulnerable communities and has indicated commitments to continue doing so now and in the future. President Sirleaf, in the Proclamation, states that this month (May), Government renews its sense of common purpose and honor all those whose sacrifices have made the society more prepared, resilient, and united.

President Sirleaf Hails The State Of Israel On 69th Independence Anniversary

According to the INSIGHT newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to the President of Israel, His Excellency Mr. Reuven Rivlin, and people of the State of Israel on the occasion commemorating their 69th Independence Anniversary on Tuesday May 2, 2017. According to a Foreign Ministry release, in the Message to her Israeli counterpart, President Sirleaf recommitted to exploring new economic frontiers for the promotion of trade and investments between the two countries to boost economic and social development for the prosperity of our two peoples. The Liberian leader entertained the hope that the cordial ties of friendship and cooperation subsisting between their two countries and peoples will be further strengthened in the spirit of Israel-Africa solidarity.

CABICOL Ends Conference With Renewed Pledge to Promote Peace And Development

The Catholic Church of Liberia has reiterated its commitment towards supporting key sectors of the Liberian society with the aim of promoting sustainable peace and development in the country. The church’s statement was contained in a pastoral message delivered at the end of the plenary assembly of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Liberia (CABICOL) on Sunday, April 30 at the Sacred Heart Cathedral in Monrovia. In the message delivered by the President of CABICOL and the Bishop of Gbarnga, the Most Rev. Anthony Borwah, the Bishops announced that the church would continue to support the education and health sectors of the country, as well as constructively engaging the Government of Liberia on issues of common concerns. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, CABICOL announced the establishment of the National Catholic Health Council (NCHC), which would be responsible for coordinating all of the church’s health related activities in the country. 

Remove Names of Dead, Ineligible Persons From Voter Roll Says GC

The Governance Commission (GC) has stressed the need for the National Elections Commission (NEC) to address the challenge of removing from the voter roll the names of the dead and others who are ineligible to vote. The latter include those who as a result of judicial decisions or of mental impairment are considered incompetent to vote or have temporarily lost their right to vote, according to the Commission’s 2016 annual report released recently. The report, which discussed Liberia’s electoral system for 2017, indicated that the process of removing such names from the voter register demands a higher level of efficiency and inter-agency cooperation which will strengthen both the cooperation agencies and improve the integrity of the voter registry, the FOCUS newspaper reads.

Skin Disease Outbreak at Kakata Prison

Authorities at the Kakata Central Prison in Margibi County say there is an outbreak of a skin disease among inmates that is causing health problem. A report from the Kakata Central Prison released during the county’s monthly Peace, Security and Rule of Law Pillar meeting, Deputy Prison Superintendent, Marcus Yanco, said the situation requires immediate attention by government through the Ministry of Health avoid an epidemic. Yanco said the inmates were receiving treatment twice a week from the Margibi County Health Team but this stopped and the itch has now covered the entire body of some of the victims, the Focus newspaper reads.

Related Caption: Disease Outbreak At Kakata Central Prison! (In Profile Daily)

WHO Speaks on Undiagnosed Illness, Sudden Deaths

The World Health Organization (WHO) has been commenting on the cluster of undiagnosed illness and sudden deaths which recently occurred in Sinoe and Montserrado Counties in Liberia. According to a Weekly Bulletin on Outbreaks and Other Emergencies, Regional Office for Africa, WHO Health Emergencies Program Week 17, April 22-28, 2017, Data as reported by 28 April 2017, the Liberia Ministry of Health notified WHO of a cluster of acute illness and sudden deaths due to an unknown aetiology in Sinoe County located in the southern region. The event, linked to a funeral function, started on 23 April 2017 when the index case, an 11 year old girl from Teah Town, Greenville district developed an acute onset illness, the Insight newspaper reads.

Miss Liberia Gets Ellen’s Blessing as She Represents Liberia at Miss Africa

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has given her blessing to Wokie Dolo, Miss Liberia 2017, as she leaves the country to participate in Miss Africa Continent in Kigali, Rwanda. Miss Africa Continent is an annual international beauty pageant run by ProAct Communications, along with Miss World, Miss Universe and Miss Earth contests. Miss Africa Continent is prone to be one of the largest beauty pageants globally and one of the most anticipated beauty pageants worldwide. Miss Dolo is Liberia’s representative to the second edition of Miss Africa Continent scheduled for Saturday, May 20, 2017, in Kigali, Rwanda. Ahead of departure, Miss Dolo met President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf at her Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ office on Monday, May 1, 2017, during which time the president promised to support her participation, the INSIGHT newspaper reads.