Daily Media Summary 2017-03-20

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

 Monrovia, Liberia


News of Gabriel H. Williams, Minister Counselor for Press and Public Affairs at the Embassy of Liberia in the United States for Liberian in the US to organize immigration outreach programs to inform, educate and assist fellow Liberians who are seeking to regularize their American immigration status and Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organization, Ambassador Isaac W. Jackson, Jr. pronouncement on the country’s intention of seeking re-election as a Category ‘C’ Member of the International Maritime Council are among stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.



Liberians Called Upon To Organize Immigration Outreach Programs Across U.S.


The Liberian Community Organizations in the United States of America have been called upon to organize immigration outreach programs to inform, educate and assist fellow Liberians who are seeking to regularize their American immigration status. Quoting a dispatch from the Liberian Embassy, the In Profile Daily reads that the call was made by Hon. Gabriel I. H. Williams, Minister Counselor for Press and Public Affairs at the Embassy of Liberia, when the Mayor of the City of Brooklyn Park, Minnesota, Jeffrey Lunde, and City Councilmember Susan Pha, paid a courtesy call at the Liberian Embassy for consultation while on their way to Washington D.C. to meet with relevant Members of the U.S. Congress and officials of the new Trump administration to advocate for issues related to Brooklyn Park, including challenges facing the large immigrant community of their city. Hon. Williams assured that the Liberian Government will continue to explore every avenue, in keeping with the spirit of the special historical relations subsisting between both countries, to advance the interest of Liberia, including seeking the respective extension of the Deferred Enforcement Departure (DED) and the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) that have benefitted many Liberians residing in the U.S.


Related Caption: Liberians In US Urged To Organize Immigration Outreach Programs(The INQUIRER)


Liberia To Seek Election To International Maritime Council

Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organization, Ambassador Isaac W. Jackson, Jr. has announced the country’s intention of seeking re-election as a Category C Member of the International Maritime Council.Ambassador Jackson made the declaration at a Friday meeting with the Secretary General of the IMO, Mr. Kitack Lim in London.  Amb. Jackson said this ambition is a further expression of Liberia’s commitment to the global partnership that works towards a safe and collaborative environment for the development of the Maritime industry. For his part, the Secretary-General of the IMO, Mr. Kitack Lim, expressed satisfaction for the high quality standards being used in the management of the Liberian maritime program, stating that said standard was contributing to maritime safety in the world, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Caption: Liberia To Seek Election To International Maritime Council(In Profile Daily)


Cabinet Reviews 150 Days Action Plan

The In Profile Daily reads that a special meeting of Cabinet has carefully reviewed a 150-day action plan focusing on agriculture, education, energy, health and infrastructure. According to an Executive Mansion release, the 150 days dubbed: “The Last Mile” is intended to keep the administration on course and focused. The 150-day action plan will witness the operationalization of four rice mills at ten metric tons each, the acceleration of the WASH program in the education sector, the rehabilitation and renovation of the exterior of J.FK, and the dedication on the Samuel K. Doe Sports Complex, among others.


Related Caption: Cabinet Reviews 150 Days Action Plan At Special Meeting(FOCUS)


W’kshop on Economic Reporting Opens Today

A training workshop to boost the financial and economic literacy of mid to upper level media practitioners in the banking and finance sector as well as staff of the Legislative Budget Office (LBO) kicks off today, March 20, at the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL). According to the Daily Observer, the exercise, which is part of CBL’s financial inclusion outreach program, will be conducted by the West African Institute for Financial and Economic Management (WAIFEM) in collaboration with the Central Bank of Liberia. Among other things, the 5-day workshop will provide insight on the importance of economic and financial information in planning and formulation of policies.


Related Captions: W’kshop On Economic Reporting Opens At CBL Today(INSIGHT), Workshop On Economic Reporting Opens At Central Bank(Heritage)


Liberty Party’s 2017 Ticket

Presidential hopeful Cllr. Charles Walker Brumskine of the opposition Liberty Party has chosen ex-managing director of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) and native of Nimba, Harrison Kanwea, as his Vice Presidential running mate. According to Brunskine, the decision of the special committee to have recommended Mr. Kanwea is in the best interest of the party and the country at large. “Two months ago, we appointed a special committee to recommend a vice running mate and I think that Mr. Kanwea is the best person that can fill the gap with honesty, dedication and commitment to the process” the LP leader said. Mr. Kanwea is believed to have a strong political base in Nimba County, particularly amongst the Gio ethnic tribe, reports the New Dawnnewspaper.


Related Captions: Brumskine Names Karnwea As Running Mate…As Ricks Toweh Defects To Liberty Party(The INQUIRER), Brumskine/Karnwea Ticket Announced(Daily Observer)


President Sirleaf Extends Warmest Felicitations To Republic of Ireland on St. Patrick’s Day

The INSIGHTnewspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a Message of Congratulation to the Government and people of the Republic of Ireland on the occasion commemorating St. Patrick’s Day on March 17. A Foreign Ministry release states that in the message to her Irish counterpart, His Excellency Mr. Michael D. Higgins, the Liberian leader conveyed, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, warmest felicitations and sincere best wishes to him and through him to the Government and peace-loving people of Ireland. She assured Mr. Higgins of her unflinching support to both nations’ shared interests in the expansion of cordial ties between the two countries and peoples.


New Appointments In Government

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has made several appointments in government affecting the National Social Security & Welfare Corporation, National Housing Authority, the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Internal Affairs as well as the Law Reform Commission. Those appointed include: Mr. Dewitt von Ballmoos, Director General, National Social Security & Welfare Corporation; Mr. Prince Wreh, Managing Director, National Housing Authority; Atty. Naomie Gray, Assistant Minister for Legal Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cllr. Felicia Coleman, Co-Chair, Law Reform Commission among others. These appointments, according to the In Profile Daily are subject to confirmation by the Liberian Senate where applicable.


Disabled Community Elects New Leader

An inside-story of the Heritage newspaper reads that Liberia’s community of persons with disability has elected its new leader to steer the affairs of the group for four years. The group, named National Union of Organizations of the Disabled (NUOD), held its election at the Eco Hotel on 14th street in Sinkor, Monrovia, on March 17, 2017. The election coincided with NUOD’s two-day General Assembly, which began March 16. Representative of the U.S. Embassy in Liberia, Mr. Thomas Quiah, said the U.S. Embassy had fought with the Liberian disabled community to the Liberian government to domesticate the “White Cane’ Law, an international law that compels people to respect the rights of visually impaired persons on use of public places. “The US Embassy will continue to support Liberia’s disable community for a better welfare,” Mr. Quiah added.


Related Caption: Disabled Community Elects New Leader(FrontPage Africa)


Over 30,000 People Live With HIV/AIDs

The Anti-Aids Media Network, in partnership with Action-Aid-Liberia, and the National AIDS Commission has commenced series of training programs for 40 media practitioners on HIV and key populations; issues in Liberia. Liberia accounts for 30,000 of the 34 million people who are currently living with HIV/AIDS globally. More than 35 million people have died of HIV or AIDS. According to HIV statistics in Liberia, each year, and approximately 1,000 people are diagnosed with HIV. In effort to guide the media concerning its reportage on the virus, the Anti-AIDS Media Network, and partners on Friday commenced the first of series of training programs, the Insight newspaper reads.


 3-Day Child Labor Elimination Conference Kicks off Tomorrow

The three-day National Sustainability Conference for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor in Liberia opens Tuesday, March 21, 2017 in Monrovia. The conference which is under the theme: “Child Labor Elimination in Liberia through Sustained Commitment and Partnership” is organized by the Ministry of Labor in collaboration with WINROCK International Actions to Reduce Child Labor (ARCH) Project. The objective of the conference is to solicit genuine commitment and partnership from key stakeholders in the continuation of the ARCH project bet practices in reducing child labor in Liberia. The ARCH is a four-year project designed to support Government’s  efforts in reducing child labor in the Rubber production areas in Liberia Rural Montserrado, Margibi and Nimba counties, theFOCUS newspaper reads.


Mob Violence Claims Causalities Police Reports Three Killed from Mob Violence in Bong Co.

The Bong County Police Detachment says three suspected criminals have been killed in the county as a result of mob violence in less than one month. The Commander of the local Crime Service Department, John Kelenso Flomo, told the Liberia News Agency that those killed are Emmanuel Yarkpawolo, alias Deaf Rogue, Siafa Fumbah and Charles Tokpah . Inspector Flomo said Yarkpawolo was mobbed to death in the People Street Community in Gbarnga on January 31, Siafa Fumbah on February 7 in the Fareast Community, while Charles Tokpah died on February 24 in David Dean Town, popularly known as Gold Camp in Kokoyah Statutory District. “Records in our possession show that the three were notorious criminals who have been arrested, charged, and sent to court on several occasions for different criminal offenses, the FOCUS newspaper says.


Mental Illness Takes Center-Stage as Gov’t Expands Access to Mental Health Professionals; Craving to Bridge Previous Gap of 300,000 Mental sufferers to on Psychiatrist

21 clinicians specializing in child and adolescent mental health graduated Friday in Kakata City from a training developed by the Carter Center’s Mental Health Program in partnership with the Liberia Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Gender, Children, and Social Protection. These graduates, the second batch of clinicians focused o children and youth from the partnership, will provide mental health and psychosocial care in schools, clinics and other child ad youth centered settings. The graduates add to the 187 mental health professionals previously trained in the collaboration to significantly increase access to mental health services in Liberia, the FOCUS newspaper reds.


VP Boakai To Address National Sustainability Confab Tomorrow

A three-day National Sustainability Conference for the Elimination of the Worst Forms of Child Labor in the country is expected to begin Tuesday, March 21-23, in Monrovia. The conference, which will be held under the theme: “Child Labor Elimination in Liberia through Sustained Commitment and Partnership,” is organized by the Ministry of Labor in collaboration with the WINROCK International’s Actions to Reduce Child Labor (ARCH) project. The objective is to solicit genuine commitment and partnership from key stakeholders in the continuation of the ARCH project’s best practices in reducing child labor in Liberia. The Daily Observer reads that Vice President Joseph N. Boakai is expected to deliver the keynote address at the opening of the conference.