President Sirleaf Congratulates the Vatican City State on 88th Anniversary

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations and sincere best wishes to His Holiness Pope Francis on the occasion marking the commemoration of the 88th Anniversary of the founding of the Vatican City State.


The Vatican City State was founded following the signing of the Lateran Pacts between the Holy See and Italy on February 11th, 1929.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, President Sirleaf recalled that for decades Liberia and the Vatican have maintained excellent relations which established the basis for a strong partnership in significant areas of cooperation including education, peace and health.


The Liberia leader noted that the Catholic Church remains a reliable partner to the development goals of the country and also stands out as a pillar of moral consciousness in the society.


She stressed that the dissemination of messages geared toward a peaceful and truly reconciled Liberia has been a preoccupation of the Catholic Church which she said has significantly contributed to the prolonged peace and stability Liberians enjoy today.


The Liberian President also quoted a famous statement of His Holiness Pope Francis which states in part: “Peace is the only true direction of human progress and not the tensions caused by ambitious nationalism, nor conquests by violence, nor repressions which serve as mainstay for a false civil order,” noting that it continues to resonate in the minds Liberians.


She assured His Holiness Pope Francis that as the peace-loving people of the Vatican celebrate this historic occasion of the establishment of the Vatican, the Government and people of Liberia will continue to forge cordial ties with the Vatican for the mutual benefits of the two peoples, while at the same time collectively contributing to global peace and prosperity.


President Sirleaf then wished for His Holiness Pope Francis continued good health as he remains committed to inspiring the people of the world to peaceful coexistence.


She further extended deepest respect and profound gratitude on behalf of the Government of people of Liberia to the people of the Vatican City State for the long standing partnership with Liberia.