Daily Media Summary 2016-12-23


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s summary includes stories on President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf's Executive clemency, Gender Ministry's food and educational supply to Ebola orphans, and President Sirleaf's condolence message to Germany.



Ellen Grants Executive Clemency to 34 Inmates - Identifies With Patients At JFK


According to FrontPage Africa newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Thursday, December 22, 2016 granted Executive Clemency to 34 inmates of the Monrovia Central Prison as part of her pre-Christmas and New Year's activities. Traditionally, the Liberian leader uses her discretion to grant Executive Clemency to some inmates in prisons around the country. President Sirleaf granted Executive Clemency to some thirty-four inmates from prisons around the country including the Monrovia Central Prison as well as prisons in Grand Bassa, Maryland, Grand Gedeh, Nimba, Bomi, Lofa, Grand Cape Mount and Margibi counties. The freed prisoners were charged for different crimes, ranging from “Theft of Property, Simple assault and Drug related Offenses”.

Related Captions: Ellen Pardons 34 Inmates Nationwide(Daily Observer), and Ellen Releases 34 Inmates(New Dawn) 

Gender Ministry Distributes Food, Educational Supply to 400 Ebola Orphans


The Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection is putting smiles on the faces of over 400 Ebola orphans and vulnerable groups in five counties across Liberia with the distribution of food and non-food items as well as educational supplies. The counties are Lofa, Montserrado, Bong,   Margibi and Grand Bassa. The distribution of items began on Tuesday December 20, 2016 in Montserrado County with seven orphanage homes benefitting. They are the Hawa Massaquoi Safe Homes, Love A Child Orphanage, Rock of Divine and Marpu Transit Home. Others were Francs Gaskin Orphanage, Victoria Thomas Orphanage and the Antoinette Tubman Cheshire Home. Minister Duncan Cassell thanked ECOWAS for the support and said the ministry will use whatever amount given it wisely in order to impact the lives of people in difficult conditions. ECOWAS recently presented a check of seventy Thousand United States Dollars ($70,000.00) to the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection for support to social welfare programs in Liberia targeting Ebola Orphans and vulnerable groups, reports FrontPage Africa newspaper.

Related Captions: Gender Ministry Put Smiles On The Faces Of 400 Ebola Orphans…Distributes Food And Educational Supplies (Heritage), Gender Ministry Donates To Ebola Orphans (In Profile Daily), Gender Ministry Puts Smiles On Faces of 400 Ebola Orphans…Distributes Food and educational Supplies (FOCUS) and Gender Gives to 400 Ebola Orphans.. Distributes Food and Educational Supplies (Inquirer)

President Sirleaf ConsolesGermany

Insight newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release: President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has expressed her deepest condolences to the Government and people of the Federal Republic of Germany, following the attack by a lorry which ploughed into a Christmas market in Breitscheidplatz, Germany on Tuesday, December 20, 2016. The tragic incident claimed the lives of at least 12 persons and left over 50 others injured. According to a Foreign Ministry release, in the condolence message to her German counterpart, His Excellency Mr. Joachim Gauck, the Liberian leader said, “Our sincere prayers and thoughts go out to the families of the victims and to all the people of Germany.”She hoped that the perpetrator(s) will be apprehended and brought to justice.


Related Caption: Liberian President Consoles Germany…Following A Lorry Attack(FOCUS)


Minister Kamara named ‘Best Minister of the Year 2016

The Insight newspaper reports that a pro-democratic student group at the University of Liberia under the banner “Conscious Student Alliance for Democratic Promotion” has praised Liberia’s Foreign Minister Marjon V. Kamara for her commitment and invaluable contribution to the Liberian Government and people. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the comments were made during a brief program at the Ministry when the students gowned Minister Kamara in an African traditional attire and bestowed upon her “The Best Minister Year 2016 Award”. Presenting the award on behalf of the organization, its chairman, Mr. Siaffa Kanneh recounted Minister Kamara’s laudable initiatives for Liberia, couple with the pivotal role she played during her long diplomatic service particularly during her tenure as Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations where she promoted Liberia’s interest and at the same elevated its image at various international fora. Mr. Kanneh hailed her role as the country’s foreign minister where she recently chaired the 77th Ordinary Session of the ECOWAS Council of Ministers making sure that Liberia plays a major part in the sub-regional organization’s activities.


Related Caption: Pro-Democracy Group Hails Foreign Ministry…As ‘Best Minister In 2016’(In Profile Daily)



WHO Donates Ambulances To MOH


According to the Daily Observer, authorities of the Ministry of Health were the proud recipients from the World Health Organization (WHO), of three brand new ambulances which are among contributions of international health stakeholders to strengthen Liberia’s health sector. The Land Cruiser jeeps, built for Liberia’s rough terrain, are expected to be used by three counties including one the southeastern region and two in Western Liberia, where the dirt roads are virtually impassable by ordinary vehicles during the rainy season and early dry season.