Daily Media Summary 2016-12-22


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s visit to the late Vice President Harry Moniba's home, Mohammed Ibn Chambas' meeting with President Ellen Sirleaf, and the shooting of two armed robbers in New Kru Town by the Liberia National Police Emergency Response Unit are the dominant stories on today’s newsstand.


Dominant Stories 

Ellen Visits Former Vice President Harry Moniba's Home


The New Dawn newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has paid a visit to the home of the late former Liberian Vice President Dr. Harry Fumba Moniba who died in a fatal motor accident in 2004 when Liberia was gearing up for the post -war presidential and legislative elections of 2005.The late former Vice President Dr. Moniba served in slain President Samuel Kanyon Doe’s government, sworn in 1986. An official at the Executive Mansion says President Sirleaf’s visit at Dr. Moniba’s residence in Paynesville on Tuesday night, 20 December was her first, 12 years after the former official died. President Sirleaf was lead on a guided tour of Dr. Moniba’s house in Paynesville by his son Dr. Clarence Moniba, as she viewed historical photos of the former Vice President. Children of the late Vice President including other family members, friends and wellwishers were at his home when President Sirleaf and her entourage visited there. The son of the late Vice President, Dr. Clarence Moniba who works in President Sirleaf’s government as head of the President’s Delivery Unit or PDU, told journalists that the family was due to transfer his father’s remains on Wednesday, 21 December to his native hometown of Kolahun in Lofa County where they have built a monument for him. 


Related Captions: President Sirleaf Visits Deceased VP – Dr. Moniba’s Family Ahead Reburial Ceremony (FrontPage Africa), Ellen Visits Late VP Dr. Moniba’s Family Ahead of Reburial Ceremony(Daily Observer), Ellen Visits Deceased VP – Dr. Moniba’s Family(Heritage), President Sirleaf Visits Deceased VP – Dr. Moniba’s Family(Insight), and Ahead of Reburial Ceremony: Ellen Visits Deceased VP Dr. Moniba’s Family(Inquirer)


Mohammed Ibn Chambas Meets President Sirleaf in Monrovia

According to FrontPage Africa newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Wednesday, December 21, 2016 received in audience the UN Secretary General Special Representative and Head of the United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA), Dr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas at her Foreign Ministry office. Dr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas met with President Sirleaf in furtherance of the just ended 50th Ordinary Session of the Authority of ECOWAS Summit held in Abuja, Nigeria with a view to resolving the political stalemate in The Gambia, Guinea Bissau, among others. President Sirleaf and Dr. Chambas discussed the general security situation in the sub-region, including the peace process in Mali, threat of global termism and the partnership between ECOWAS and UN.

Related Captions: CHAMBAS CALLS FOR CREDIBLE, TRANSPARENT, FAIR ELECTIONS HERE (New Dawn), Ellen Receives Dr. Chambas (Heritage), President Sirleaf Receives Dr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas(Insight), Pres. Sirleaf Receives Dr. Mohammed Ibn Chambas(Inquirer)

Gov’t Wants US$24m Spent on Key Projects

The Minister of Finance and Development Planning, Boima Kamara says the government has authorized spending entities to spend US$24.5 million on key public investment projects across the country as of December 20, 2016. Minister Kamara said despite the slow revenue performance, the government remains resolute in securing funding for critical public investment that seeks to improve the country’s economy. Speaking at the Ministry of Information press briefing, Kamara disclosed that US$12.45 million of the total allotment has already been disbursed in cash on various projects including US$4.0 million on Mount Coffee Hydro, Fuel storage facility for HFO Power station and counterpart funding for the West African Power Pool electricity project critical to Liberia’s ongoing economic revitalization, the Inquirer newspaper reads.

Related Caption: Liberia’s Finance Minister Admits Economy Hit by Recession (FrontPage Africa) andGOL Cuts Spending To Mitigate Inflation Mitigate Inflation (Daily Observer)



Two notorious armed robbers were early Wednesday morning (December 21, 2016) gunned down by a vigilant officer of the Liberia National Police Emergency Response Unit (ERU) in New Kru Town, Bushrod Island.Witnesses told The New Dawn that the suspected robbers, who were five, including one female, had been terrorizing peaceful residents in the vicinity for several months. They disclosed that during their planned robbery mission on Carpet Street, New Kru Town the robbers met strong resistance from an ERU officer, who vigorously engaged them.
While in the process of escaping the scene, the police pursued the criminals and shot one close to the Redemption Hospital before gunning down the second on Carpet Street.
The witnesses furthered that the ERU officer then shot and severely wounded a third robber, who is presently chained on bed at the John F. Kennedy Medical Center in Sinkor, Monrovia, pending further investigation, according to the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Captions: 2 Armed Robbers gunned Down in New Kru Town(Daily Observer), and 3 Alleged Armed Robbers Killed… Two Escape (Inquirer)


Other Stories 

Executive Mansion Set for 2018


Ongoing renovation work on the Executive Mansion is expected to be completed in 2018, the contractors have said. The Executive Mansion, home of Liberian Presidents was gutted by fire on July 26, 2016 at the time when President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and other foreign leaders were celebrating Liberia’s Independence anniversary at the Mansion. Since the fire incident government has made several budgetary allotments on several occasions for the renovation of the Mansion but nothing has been seen. In an interview recently the Chief Executive officer of CESAF disclosed that serious work is now ongoing on the building and 75 percent of the first phase has been completed in the interior of the building, theInquirer newspaper writes.


198 Women Receive Certificates in Food Nutrition and Cosmetology

At least 198 females of West Point, a slum community in Monrovia, received certificates in several training ranging from food nutrition, catering, cosmetology and tailoring. At the program, there was an exhibition of several rugs, dolls, African clothing embroidery and pastries all done by the graduates. The 5th cycle graduation exercise is under the project “Women training and integration” which was established in 2008 for the purpose of developing war affected women associated with conflict trauma and vulnerabilities, who are victims of social economic exclusion following the Liberian civil crises and to contribute to improving the living condition of marginalized women for social integration and sustainable livelihood. According to the Red Cross, the project is socially included intervention that aims to restore the dignity and values of vulnerable and marginalized women in gender balance environment in communities of Montserrado and to promote social economic women empowerment, reports FrontPage Africa newspaper.

LEC Begins Connection of 700 Back-logged Customers Today

According to the Daily Observer, the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) will today, December 22, begin connection of 700 backlog customers, Winston Bedell of the Public Relations Department told the Daily Observer yesterday. He said prior to the completion of the 22 megawatts hydroelectric power plant recently, the LEC had 500 customers prepared in Monrovia and 200 others in Raymond Town Community near the Mount Coffee Hydro plant. “We installed 53 light poles in Raymond Town, and 530 street lights across our network in Monrovia,” Bedell said. He noted that across their network today, 100 customers who have already registered and paid for their connection with the LEC and are waiting for connection will be connected, and the process will continue to complete the 700 customers. “The LEC will also repair 40 damaged transmitters and also damaged light poles across our network,” Bedell added.


 840 Smallholder Farmers Acquire New Farming Skills

More than 840 smallholder farmers the Liberia Agri-business Development Activity (LADA) selected from Bong, Nimba, Lofa and Montserrado counties have acquired new agricultural skills that will enhance their productivity in farming to improve the country’s food security. The US$20 million agriculture project is funded by the United States government under the Feed the Future Global Food Security Initiative. LADA conducted the training simultaneously in the four counties from December 14 – 20. The capacities of the farmers were built in basic business management skills, the utilization of agro-inputs and post-harvest handling methods for assorted crops, including rice, cassava and vegetables, reports Daily Observer.


Liberian,  26, Missing In Ivory Coast…Father Deeply worried

The Daily Observer reports that a 26 year-old Liberian, identified as Jeremiah Yeamah, has reportedly gone missing in the Ivory Coast after he was allegedly arrested by Ivorian security officers in the city of Daloa on charges of drug trafficking. According to his father Oldman Henry Yeamah, Jeremiah left Gbarlay, a border town in Liberia, sometime in June this year and went to the Ivory border town of Seipleau, located between the towns of Binhouye and Touleplue to mine gold.


Ellen Directs Bong College President Reinstatement

According to the Heritage newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has directed the Board of trustees of the Bong County Technical College (BCTC) to reinstate the suspended president of the College, Dr. John Flomo. In a letter dated December 15, President Sirleaf said the audit conducted by the Internal Audit Agency on the college’s construction project did not implicate Dr. Flomo in financial improprieties. The President further directs the board to the BCTC to reinstate Dr. Flomo but with retirement effective December 31, 2016. President Sirleaf has also endorsed the decision of the board to establish a search committee for the recruitment of a new President for the school.


Med-View Aids ECOWAS Plans For Regional Integration

ECOWAS under the leadership of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, is focusing its attention on regional integration. In the just-ended ECOWAS 50th Ordinary Session, President called on the regional body to be an ECOWAS of people, instead of an ECOWAS of states. She requested body to be more people – centered. Acknowledging the call of ECOWAS Chairman, President Sirleaf, and in a bid to strengthen regional integration through convenient movement of people, Med-View Airlines, a Nigerian-owned airlines has commenced flights to Liberia from Nigeria via Accra to Monrovia then Sierra Leone, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Liberian Community of Boston, Massachusetts Donate Toiletries To Kids In Liberia

Each year, the Liberian Community of Boston gives back to Liberia under its Metro-Boston Cares Program. The program was established in 2013 as an extension of the organization towards children, education, and healthcare in Liberia. This year, the Metro-Boston Cares Project was chaired by Mr. Alphonso Freeman & Ms. Jassie Senwah, Together with local churches such as the St. Augustine & St. Martin’s Church, and community members, the organization collected enough supplies t make 300 toiletry kits for children. They partnered with kid’s Educational Engagement Project (KEEP) to deliver those supplies, reports FrontPage Africa newspaper.


NGO Launches Literacy Computer Project in Bong County

The Foundation for Recreation and Children’s Education (FORCE) has official launched its Literacy Computer Program for kids in Bong County. According to the Chief Executive Officer for FORCE, the launch is in providence for creating a computer lab and library at its children learning center. Mr. S. Tonolah Varpilah explained the project provides the opportunity for children to have access to the laptop computers, academic and functional reading materials, and internet services with an objective of improving their academic performances. Mr. Varpilah further said, after a 2012 study conducted by UNICEF, one of the major causes leading children to drop from school is the lack of books and school supplies, the Focus newspaper reports.

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