Daily Media Summary 2016-10-11


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


News of President Sirleaf’s participation in the high level panel convened by the World Bank Group in Washington D.C, the Liberian Government’s pledge to address youth unemployment in the country and the recognition of roles women played in sustaining peace and security in the country, are among stories dominating today’s edition of the Summary.




Ellen Participates In WB High – level Panel On Fragility, Conflict and Violence


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has served on a high level panel convened by the World Bank Group (WBG) at the WBG Headquarters in Washington D.C on Saturday, October 8, 2016. The High- Level Panel, which deliberated 0n the theme Preventing Violent Conflict through Development , was a major highlight of the 2016 world Bank / International Monetary Fund (IMF) Annual Meeting held October 7-9 in Washington, according to the In Profile Daily.


Related Captions: Delays In Int’l Response To Emergencies, Costly For Poor Countries-President Sirleaf (The New Dawn), Delay In Int’l Response To Fragile  States Costly-Pres. Sirleaf(INSIGHT), Pres. Sirleaf Participates In World Bank High-Level Panel On Fragility, Conflict And Violence(FOCUS)


GoL Vows To Address Youth Unemployment

Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations says while the country’s youth population can easily be a liability and disincentive for economic growth, government considers this segment of society an asset and an opportunity to yield demographic dividends given the application of the right investments. “As youth unemployment remains a larger area of concern, the National Policy on Technical Vocational Education and Training launched on May 26, 2015, highlights the nation’s focus and is a roadmap to addressing youth unemployment through the promotion of vocational training and education with much emphasis on private sector engagement,” he said. According to a dispatch from New York, Ambassador Lewis Garseedah Brown II made the statement when he addressed the 3rd Committee of the 71st Session of the United Nations General Assembly on social development, including questions relating to the world social situation; youth, ageing, disabled persons and the families; as well as literacy for life: shaping future agendas. Ambassador Brown noted that despite government’s commitment to implement the Agenda for Transformation, a five-year slice of Liberia Rising: Vision 2030, and the interlinked SDGs, uncertain economic trends in the global market due to plummeted prices of the country’s main exports – iron ore and rubber – have presented challenges to the means of implementation. However, he noted that all was not lost, as government has embarked on decentralization initiatives intended to shift the dominance of the political and social structure from its historically-restricted center, and has begun to enhance the delivery of basic social services and empowering local communities across Liberia, reports the Daily Observer.



Related Captions: Govt Vows To Address Youth Unemployment(FOCUS), Gov’t Considers Youthful Employment(The New Dawn)



Liberia Lays Foundations For Gender Equality And Equity

The FOCUS newspaper reads that Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations says the crucial and continuously important roles women have played in sustaining peace and security in Liberia have laid an enduring foundation for gender equality and equity as enshrined in the country’s Constitution. Highlighting institutional and policy frameworks aimed at women’s empowerment and equality as well as access to justice, Ambassador Lewis Garseedah Brown II named the implementation of the National Action Plan (NAP) for Security Council Resolution 1325 (2009-2013) that has significantly contributed to women’s participation in the national security sector and decision making processes at the national and local levels in Liberia. According to a dispatch from New York, Ambassador Brown made the assertion when he participated in a panel discussion at the United Nations Headquarters earlier this week. As the 6th Committee of the 71st General Assembly continues at the UN Headquarters, the Permanent Missions of Finland, Liberia and Nepal to the United Nations, U.N. Women and the Rule of Law Unit on behalf of the UN Rule of Law Coordination and Resource Group co-sponsored a panel discussion under the theme: “Women’s Access to Justice: A Transformational Approach.”




Related Captions: Liberia Lays Foundations For Gender Equality, Equity(In Profile Daily), Liberia Lays Foundation For Gender Equality And Equity(Daily Observer), Liberia Lays Foundations For Gender Equality, Equity(The New Dawn)






President Sirleaf Congratulates Fiji…On 46th Independence Anniversary

The In Profile Dailyreads that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and People of the Republic of Fiji on the auspicious occasion commemorating the 46th Independence Anniversary of that country. According to a Foreign Ministry release, in her message to His Excellency Mr. George Konrote, President of the Republic of Fiji, President Johnson Sirleaf extended heartfelt congratulations and hoped that as Fiji celebrates its 47th Independence Anniversary, the cordial relations subsisting between both Liberia and Fiji will be strengthened for the mutual benefit of their respective peoples.


Related Caption: Pres. Sirleaf Congratulates iji On 46th Independence Day(INSIGHT)

Today Is ‘International Day Of The Girl Child’

The President of Liberia, Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has issued a Proclamation declaring today, Tuesday, October 11, 2016, as “International Day of the Girl Child,” to be observed throughout the Republic as a Working Holiday. Quoting a Foreign Ministry release, the New Dawn reads that the event will be celebrated under the global theme, “Girls Progress - Goals Progress: A Global Girl Data Movement”, while the Day will be observed under the national theme: “Make It Counts: Advancing an Integrated Movement for Girls Empowerment.” The Proclamation called on local and international organizations, including UNICEF, Plan-Liberia, Government Ministries and Agencies concerned to join the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection in executing appropriate programs befitting the occasion. The Proclamation is in consonance with the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 66/170, which was adopted December 19, 2011declaring October 11, of each year as the International Day of the Girl Child in recognition of girls’ rights, which are critical for the eradication of poverty and breaking the cycle of discrimination and violence.


Supreme Court Foregoes Break

The New Dawnnewspaper reads  that Liberia’s Supreme Court says it will not take its regular vacation beginning the March 2017 Term of Court “until the Presidential and General Elections in 2017 are held and a new administration is inaugurated”. Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor, Sr. said on Monday, 10 October at the Supreme Court’s opening for the October Term that the pending presidential and representative elections will be very critical to the maintenance of peace and security, as well as and survival of Liberia’s fledgling democracy. Mr. Korkpor suggested that the Judiciary is mindful that the greatest security a nation can have for lasting peace is the presence of the rule of law. Already, Chief Justice Korkpor has said discussions have been held with the Chairman and Commissioners of the National Elections Commission (NEC) to explore ways and means for election cases to be expeditiously heard and decided. He cited the importance of creating an enabling environment for the smooth conduct of the elections, saying the elections will be very critical to the maintenance and survival of the country’s fledgling democracy.

Related Caption: ‘Supreme Court Will Not Recess In 2017’(Daily Observer).At the same time, Justice Minister Frederick Cherue has called for a review of Laws relating to trial with the aim of bringing them to current realities, circumstances and conditions. He also wants Laws to be enacted to harmonize the assignment of Judges in all Courts across the Country to enhance the rotational procedures affecting the Circuit and Magisterial courts.  The INSIGHT newspaper reports under the caption “Justice Minister calls for Review of Judicial Laws”that Minister Cherue made the call in response to a concern expressed by Chief Justice Francis Korkpor during the opening of the Supreme Court October term at the Temple of Justice on Monday.



Political Parties, Partners Commit To Holding Peaceful Elections

Opposition political parties in collaboration with the ruling Unity Party and stakeholders on Monday, October 10, pledged their respective commitments to the holding of a peaceful 2017 presidential and legislative elections. The multi-stakeholders dialogue on the election management process in Monrovia was organized by the National Youth Movement for Transparent Elections (NAYMOTE) in collaboration with its partners. Held at the Monrovia Christian Fellowship Church in Sinkor, under the theme “October 10, One Year to Elections: How Prepared Are We?” National Patriotic Party (NPP) Secretary-General Andrew Peters, who spoke on behalf of the representatives from the political parties at yesterday’s multi-stakeholders’ dialogue, assured that the political parties are prepared to hold violence-free elections in 2017. “We have agreed to remain mature and responsible in dealing with each other as members of the opposition block, with the ruling party and our partners who are always ensuring that we remain at peace with ourselves to conduct peaceful elections,’’ Peters said. He, however, said that while it is true that they are prepared to stand for peace, authorities of the National Elections Commission (NEC) should institute corrective measures to ward off violence. NAYMOTE Executive Director Eddie Jarwolo said the gathering, was to assess developments leading to the elections in 2017 and charge everyone with the responsibility to contribute positively towards the success of the elections process, according to the Daily Observer.



Preventing Electoral Violence - LCP Launches Nationwide Peace Festival

The FrontPage Africa reports that the Liberia Crusaders for Peace (LCP) and its partners have embarked on a nationwide peace festival to create awareness to the public in avoiding election violence as the country gets ready for election next year.In the spirit of preventing future electoral violence, the Executive Director of LCP Madam Juli Endee said the nationwide peace festival was intended to help the government of Liberia and the National Elections Commission (NEC) as well as developing partners in mobilizing the general Liberian public in promoting lasting peace in Liberia. She said the initiative was also intended to re-establishing the co-existence of cultural relations with all counties. “The peace that Liberia enjoys must be sustained through nonviolence, durable peace, stability and the participation of all Liberians before, during and after elections campaign in Liberia,” she said.



Serving Humanity in Liberia - Alfalit President Meets Vice President Boakai

The President of Afalit International Dr. Joseph Milton says his organization is in Liberia to serve humanity. He made the statement when he pay visit on Vice President Joseph Boakai as part of his 10-day visit to Liberia.  In the meeting, the Vice President committed his office and the government of Liberia to helping the organization achieve in its effort to provide education for people who are adult literate. During the meeting, held at his Capitol Building office, the visiting Alfalit President disclosed his organization’s commitment in serving humanity, specifically in the area of education. Dr. Milton is also in Liberia as part of the thanksgiving celebration for Alfalit’s 10 years of dedicated service to youth and adult literacy education in Liberia since 2006. In the meeting Vice President Boakai, promised to write the United States Embassy for assistance to the Alfalit program in response to a request made by Dr. Milton, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.



EU Supports World Day Against Death Penalty

European Union Chargé d’Affaires Emma Sundblad said the Council of Europe and the European Union welcomed the global trend towards the abolition of capital punishment. She applauded Liberia for keeping in place the moratorium the government of Liberia has imposed on the death penalty, stressing that more than two thirds of all countries have abolished the death penalty in either law or practice. Madame Sundblad noted that the European Union continues to underline that the death penalty is cruel, inhumane and incompatible with human dignity and the right to life. Also, the death penalty is irreversible in cases of miscarriage of justice and does not deter crime more effectively than other punishments. When the death penalty is abolished it does not lead to an increase in crime. According to the Daily Observer, Madame Sundblad made the statement at a panel discussion to mark the observance of this year’s World Day against the Death Penalty organized by a local civil society organization ‘Action by Christians for the Abolition of Torture – Liberia’ in the borough of New Kru Town.      


President’s Young Professionals On Recruitment Spree

According to the New Dawn newspaper, the President’s Young Professionals Program (PYPP), in collaboration with the Civil Service Agency (CSA) is currently conducting its 7th regular recruitment exercise for 20 exceptionally talented recent university graduates in any discipline to form part of class seven or VII of the President’s Young Professionals Program. A statement from the organization issued in Monrovia indicated that the requirements for the exercise included a reasonable mix of criteria as history of service to community or school through involvement in extra-curricular activities, law-abiding Liberian Nationals determined by a clean criminal background check with an age range of not more than 35 years and a university degree in any discipline for the last five years, as well as a cumulative grade point average of 3.25, among others. According to the organization, the Civil Service Agency will administer to shortlisted candidates an aptitude test.

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