Deputy Foreign Minister Meets With UNAIDS Regional Director, Dr. Diallo; Has Asked President Sirleaf to Serve as ‘Emergency Plan Leader for West and Central Africa’

The Regional Director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) for the West and Central Africa, Dr. Djibril Diallo, paid a courtesy call on Deputy Foreign Minister, Mr. B. Elias Shoniyin.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, during their brief discussion Thursday, July 28, Mr. Shoniyin welcomed Dr. Diallo and delegation to Liberia, saying that Liberians were grateful for the visit.


“We are particularly pleased with your presence here. For us, this is a manifestation of your commitment and partnership to confront the challenges as it relates to HIV and AIDS,” the Deputy Foreign Minister said.


Mr. Shoniyin further indicated that everyone is aware that the disease is one of the major challenges in Africa and Liberia is of no exception. “You have come at a very critical period because I was informed a few weeks ago that the HIV prevalence rate in Liberia saw a marginal increase as compared to pervious years,” he said.


According to the Deputy Minister, this is a major concern of the government and people of Liberia particularly in light of the nation’s recent history of the deadly Ebola virus disease, which left the nation’s health sector and economy badly hit.


“We understand how HIV and AIDS has affected the population in some parts of Africa so once we heard of the increase, it became extremely important for us,” he emphasized.


Mr. Shoniyin informed Mr. Diallo that when he heard that he (Diallo) was visiting Liberia he had said that the visit is probably in respond to this slight increase in the rate of infection and to figure out together what can be done in the partnership to tackle it.


He further told the Regional Director for West and Central Africa that the UNAIDS Office in Liberia has been collaborating with the Liberian Government in providing the necessary framework to the National AIDS Commission (NAC).


The Deputy Foreign Minister appealed to Dr. Diallo that for the next few days that he will be in the country to take a look at Liberia’s HIV and AIDS  programme, including the country’s approach and give his pieces of advice.


Responding, Dr. Diallo thanked Mr. Shoniyin for the warm welcome. He stated notwithstanding the slight increase in the prevalence rate of HIV in Liberia, they intend to use Liberia as an “Island of Hope”, for their Emergency Plan for West and Central Africa expected to be launched shortly at the UN Headquarters in New York, U.S.A. He said these regions need to have more attention if the world is to attain the goal of ending the pandemic.


Meanwhile, Dr. Diallo, addressing journalists following his closed-door meeting with President Sirleaf on Thursday, July 28, disclosed that she has been asked by the specialized UN Agency to serve as its Emergency Plan Leader for West and Central Africa. The meeting is expected to take place on the margins of the United Nations General Assembly in September, this year.


He said the emergency plan for these regions is intended to bring more focus on the needs of these places as it relates to the HIV and AIDS rate of infection.


Dr. Diallo disclosed that UNAIDS and the international community has asked the Liberian leader, who is the current Chair of the sub-regional organization, ECOWAS, for two reasons: “The need for political mobilization throughout West and Central Africa (25 countries and close to 65 million people) where infection rate is approximately 2.2 percent but still very important; and to mobilize the international community to come and respond to the needs of West and Central Africa.”


According to him, they have chosen the President Sirleaf because of the leadership role played in leading the country’s efforts at fighting the deadly Ebola virus disease and as President of Liberia, a tireless person, she gave visibility to the response of Sierra Leone and Guinea, not only in Africa but internationally.


Dr. Diallo stressed that in the meeting with the President, he told her that his Agency intends to document the “The Liberia Experience” and put it at the disposal of not only West and Central Africa but the whole international community. “The Liberia story needs to be told much more forcefully in the media, including local, regional and international media,” he said.


He indicated that his boss, the Executive Director of UNAIDS and United Nations Under Secretary-General, Mr. Michel Sidibé, highlighted the fact that at the height of the fight against Ebola, President Sirleaf was also paying attention to the response of HIV and AIDS.


Before his meeting with the media, Mr. Diallo delivered a Special Message to President Sirleaf from Under Secretary-General Sidibé.


The Regional Director of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) for the West and Central Africa, has been visiting Liberia over the last four days.


During his visit, Dr. Diallo held meetings with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, where he conveyed a special message from the UNAIDS Executive Director. He also met with other key actors of the HIV response in the country; briefed them on the implications of the newly adopted political declaration on HIV and AIDS and presented to them the emergency plan for the West and Central Africa region, UNAIDS is developing.


Dr. Diallo attended a Ministerial conference on post-Ebola health reforms that is ongoing in Monrovia. 


He also held meetings with the Ministries of Health, Gender, Children and Social Protection, and the National AIDS Commission. He met with the Association of People Living with HIV and AIDS. He met with members of the UN family including the Special Representative of the Secretary General Mr. Farid Zarif and the Resident Coordinator.