Daily Media Summary 2016-05-27


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Dominating today’s newsstand are stories on President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s appointment of new government officials, the termination of  the United Nations Security Council  sanctions on Liberia, and the arrest of five University of Liberia students at the Capitol Building for rioting.


Dominant Stories

New Appointments In Government

According to the New Dawn newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has made new appointments in government affecting the Ministries of Youth and Sports, Lands, Mines and Energy, Internal Affairs, Governance Commission, Law Reform Commission, Liberia Maritime Authority and the Public Procurement and Concession Commission. According to an Executive Mansion release, those appointed are:  Rufus Neufville Deputy Minister for TVET –Ministry of Youth and Sports, Jenkins Atuanya Deputy Minister for Administration – Ministry of Lands, Mines & Energy,  Henry Sambola   Assistant Minister for Administration – Ministry of Lands, Mines & Energy, Law Reform Commission Cllr. Felecia Coleman Commissioner, Liberia Maritime Authority Mr. Willard Russell Member, Board of Directors, Governance Commission Mr. Wesley Johnson Commissioner, and Public Procurement & Concession Commissions Mr. John Ballout Member, Board of Directors among others. These appointments are subject to confirmation by the Honorable Liberian Senate were applicable.

Related Captions: Pres. Sirleaf Makes New Appointments In Government(FOCUS),New Appoints In Government(INSIGHT), Ellen Makes New Appointments In Governments(Heritage)


Liberia Commends UN Security Council As It Terminates Sanctions

According to FrontPage Africa newspaper, The Charge d’Affaires, a. i. of the Permanent Mission of Liberia to the United Nations has commended the United Nations Security Council for lifting the remaining sanctions and an arms embargo imposed on Liberia during the civil crisis. Mr. George Patten acknowledged that the targeted sanctions on key individuals, the arms embargo and a ban on the export of Liberian timber and rough diamonds were well placed.
According to a dispatch from New York, the Liberian diplomat, speaking on Wednesday, May 25, 2016, following the unanimous vote by members of the UN Security Council to terminate sanctions on Liberia imposed through resolution 1521, said while there have been numerous debates about the usefulness of sanctions, targeted sanctions in the context of Liberia have been very constructive, the paper says.

Related captions:Arms Embargo on Liberia Lifted UN Security Council(Informer), 13-year Sanctions End on Liberia (The News), 13-Year Sanctions End(News)and Liberia Commends UN Security Council(The New Dawn), U.S. Diplomat Hails Effective Sanctions Against Liberia (FOCUS) and Liberia Commends UN Security Council For Lifting Sanctions (Inquirer)


UL Students Face Multiple Charges

The NEWSnewspaper writes that Police in Monrovia have arrested and charged five students of the University of Liberia for multiple crimes. Statement from the police said several persons who claimed to be student of the University of Liberia Thursday stormed the National Legislature. According to Police Spokesman Sam Collins, the protestors forcible entered the grounds of the Capitol Building after being prevented by legislative security. He said the individuals currently in police custody have been charged with Criminal Mischief, Rioting and Disorderly Conduct.


Related Captions: Police Clampdown On Students – Several Arrested(New Dawn),Police Fire Teargas To Disperse Protecting UL Students(FOCUS), Police Disperse Protesting UL Students With Fire Teargas(INSIGHT),Police Fire Teargas To Disperse Protesting UL Students(Heritage) andPolice Arrests Five Students For ‘Rioting’ At Capitol (Inquirer)


Other Stories 

VP Boakai Calls on Liberians to Unite


According to the Insight newspaper, Vice President Joseph N. Boakai has call for a rational approach to issues affecting the country, and urged Liberians to in difficult times fall back on their keen ability to unify and fight challenges no matter how daunting the odds. According to a dispatch from Turkey, Vice President Boakai said he intends to honor his commitment to address the opening plenary session of the Comprehensive Mid-Term Review of the Implementation of the Istanbul Program of Action for Least Develop Countries (LDCs) set to open on Friday, May 27, in Antalya, after which he will depart for Monrovia.

Related Captions:VP Boakai Cuts Short Trip to Turkey(Heritage), and In the Wake of Indictments Against Sherman, others Over “Bribery”: Veep Cuts Visit Short(The Inquirer)


USAID, Govt. Launch New Roads program in Liberia

The Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Public Works and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) are launching a four-year Feeder Roads Alternative and Maintenance Program (FRAMP) to be implemented in four counties: Bong, Grand Bassa, Lofa and Nimba Counties. CARDNO Emerging Markets USA has been contracted by USAID to implement the Program, the Informer newspaper writes.

Related Captions:GOL, USAID Launch New Roads Program Next Week(New Dawn), MPW To Launch Feed Road Upgrade June 2(FOCUS)


Agric. Is Key Component to Liberia’s Growth Minister Zinnah Announces

The Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Moses Zinnah, has told Liberians that agriculture is a key component to the growth and development of the country.  Dr. Zinnah further said with the help and support by every citizen toward Liberia’s agriculture, it will certainly transform all farming activities across the country, the Informer daily reports.

Related Caption: “Agriculture Key In Reducing Poverty”…Minister, MOA(News), Agric. Minister Lauds Pres. Sirleaf, Others For Support(FOCUS)


“Support Liberia’s Arts and Culture” says Young Liberian Int’l Actor

A Liberian media Professional, photographer and a writer Mr. Zubi Cooper has challenge Liberians and the Government of Liberia to support the country’s arts and culture.mr. Cooper who recently, made his debut in a Cannes film called ‘The Last Face’ produced and directed by two-time Academy Award Winner Sean Penn said there is a need that Liberians start to prioritize their own and give it some level of promotion. He further said that consumers should stop the habit of borrowing movies produce on the local scene, but they should instead purchase them to empower the industry, the Inquirer daily newspaper reports.


LEC Completes 18 Megawatt Power Plant to Increase Electricity Supply

The Inquirer newspaper writes that the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) with funding from the Government of Liberia has constructed an 18 megawatt Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) Power Plant located at the LEC Bushrod Island Compound. Construction works on this plant began in 2014, but delays were experienced because of the Ebola outbreak in the country. In February of 2016, the LEC commissioned the World Bank funded ten (10) megawatt HFO Plant, which is also located at the LEC Bushrod Island Compound. The completion of the 18 megawatt HFO Plant has increased the LEC power generation capacity to 28 megawatt.


Education Stake holders Brainstorm o Transformation Strategy

A one-day symposium has ended in Monrovia with stakeholders in the education sector brainstorming a way forward in transforming the sector from ‘mess’ to best. The forum, which was held Thursday, May 26, 2016 at the Steven Trowen Nagbe United Methodist Church in Sinkor, Monrovia, was organized by the Full-Circle Learning Liberia. It was held under the theme: “Education As Community Transformation”. Full-Circle Learning is a nonprofit organization currently operating in Liberia with collaboration from the Ministry of Education and other partners, the Heritage newspaper asserted.


Over 900 recruits to Up Security in Cape Mount

The Insight newspaper reports that The Community Watch Forum of Liberia (CWFL) Gola Konneh District, Grand Cape Mount County chapter, has conducted two-week training for over 900 recruits to beef up security in the county. According to the CWFL Chairman of the Grand Cape Mount County branch, Augustine K. Chenoweth, the training will enable the recruits to help members of the national security apparatus monitor illegal crossing points in the country. Chenoweth made the disclosure Tuesday at his office in the district in an interview with journalists.


Ellen Off To U.S., Others

According to the News newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, will today depart the country for official visits to the United States of America, Senegal and the State of Israel respectively. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf will be away from May 26 to June 10, 2016.  The first leg of the Liberian leader’s official visit takes her to the United States, thereafter she will proceed to Dakar, Senegal to attend the ECOWAS Summit of Heads of State and Government. The final leg of the Chief Executive’s official visit takes her to the State of Israel where she will have the opportunity to meet Israeli authorities on crucial matters of bilateral concern. While the President Sirleaf is out of the country, Hon. Brownie J. Samukai, Minister of National Defense takes charge from May 26 - 29, and Dr. Edward B. McClain, Jr. Minister of State for Presidential Affairs from May 30 – June 9, will serve as Coordinator respectively of the Cabinet in telephone consultation with Her Excellency and with the Vice President who will be returning to the country.

Related Caption:Pres. Sirleaf Off To US, Senegal, State Of Israel(New Dawn) 

Local Partners Celebrate community Health Achievements in Liberia


Mercy Corps Liberia on Thursday hosted a National workshop that brought together Liberian NGOs, Officials from the Ministry of Health, USAID and Media partners who have contributed to a 1- year community health program known as ECAP 2 which has now directly benefited 1.3 Million Liberians with critical health information through its community campaigns. ECAP 2 partners have work with community to reduce risk of EBOLA and other infectious diseases, and have strengthened, trained and mentored over 1,500 community health committee (CHCs). They have also engaged clinic to build trust and usage of health facilities so that Liberians seek the best possible care and treatment when they are sick, reports FrontPage Africa.

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