Daily Media Summary 2016-05-23


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




The commissioning of 11 Foreign Service Officers, the promise made by the French Governments to renew cooperation with Liberia and strengthen its security sector, the postponement of the 12th graders exams by the West African Examinations Council and the Liberian legislative representative presentation of the country’s report to the ECOWAS Parliament in Abuja are among stories dominating today’s edition of the local dailies





Foreign Minister Kamara Commissions 11 Foreign Service Officer; Urges Them To Serve With ‘Unwavering Commitment, Integrity, Honesty and Dignity’

Foreign Minister Marjon V. Kamara, during her commissioning of 11 Foreign Service Officers, urged them to serve at their respective missions with unwavering commitment, integrity, honesty and dignity. She cautioned that the task ahead will be challenging, requiring much sacrifice; but trusts that they will make decisions always in the interest of the people of Liberia. Foreign Minister Kamara reminded would-be Foreign Service Officers that for the Ministry to move steadily in improving the staffing complement of the foreign missions, administration will begin a merit based system so that officers are promoted on the basis of how they perform rather than who they know. Responding on behalf of his colleagues, the newly commissioned Counselor at the Embassy of Liberia, Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany, Mr. Charles H. V. Allen Jr., assured that they will endeavor to do their best to realize Government’s foreign policy goals and work cooperatively with their respective heads of mission, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Captions: Foreign Minister Kamara Commissions 11 Foreign Service Officers (FOCUS)



France, Liberia In Security Ties-To Fight Global Terrorism

The New Dawn newspaper reports that the French Government has offered to strengthen cooperation with Liberia and its security sector amidst the global threat of terrorism. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Ambassador of France to Liberia, His Excellency Joel Godeau, made the offer last Thursday, May 19, during a courtesy call on Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara. Amb. Godeau said though there is no specific or immediate threat against Liberia at this time, the country could be a soft target considering its relations with perceived enemies as was the case of some countries in the sub-region, including the attack at Grand-Bassam in Côte d’Ivoire recently. In response, Foreign Minister admitted the country’s vulnerability, especially weaknesses in border monitoring, but indicated that the government was making serious efforts in training and equipping personnel of the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization to be present at all entry and exit points across the country. She expressed her thanks to France for its offer of collaboration with Liberia’s security sector.


Related Captions: France Offers To Work To Work With Liberia Amidst Terrorism Threat (FOCUS), France To Strengthen Liberian Security Sector…Amid Threat Of Terrorism (The NEWS), France Expresses Support To Terminate UN Arms Sanction On Liberia (INSIGHT)




12th Graders Exams Canceled

The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education has canceled this year's 12th graders exams due to alleged burglary at one of its storage facilities at Konola Mission in Margibi County over the weekend. The Assistant Registrar for Testing and Evaluation at WACE, Mr. Dale Gbotoe disclosed that several persons including senior students and security guards who were on duty during the alleged burglary are currently being investigation by the police. The NEWS quotes Mr. Gbotoe as saying that WAEC needs between US$700,000 and US$800,000 to reprint and administer new senior high exams. He revealed that the new exams will be administered from June 27-July 1, 2016.


Related Captions:  Examination Theft In Konola (The New Dawn), WAEC Exams Cancelled After Test Questions Stolen From Konola Campus, WAEC Rescheduled For June 27 thru July 1. (Daily Observer)




Snowe, Weah, PYJ, Others Make Report on Liberia to ECOWAS Parliament …Says Country Made Tremendous In Roads In peace, Development, And Democracy

According to the INSIGHT newspaper,  Liberian legislators representing the country at the level of the ECOWAS Parliament have outlined the high level of progress being scored back home through a Country Report they presented to their sub regional colleagues. The daily quotes a dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Abuja as saying that Montserrado County Representative Edwin Melvin Snowe, Jr. read and presented the Country Report as part of the ongoing 1st Ordinary Session of the Fourth Legislature of the ECOWAS Parliament.  The Liberian Country Report gave an overview of the current state of affairs in the country, the state of the Liberian economy, and security with emphasis on the effect of United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) drawdown. The Liberian lawmakers' report also touched on the Liberian agricultural sector; post Ebola healthcare delivery, preparation leading to the 2017 presidential and legislative elections, human rights, and press freedom, among others. The 115-Member Parliament sits in session three times a year with two ordinary sessions in May and September. There may however be an extraordinary session at any time in the course of the year to discuss an urgent, specific agenda.


Related Captions: Liberia ECOWAS Parliament Delegation Presents Country Report (New Democrat), Liberian ECOWAS Parliament Delegation Presents Country Report (FrontPage Africa), Liberian ECOWAS Parliament Delegation Presents Report (The NEWS)





VP In Turkey For World Humanitarian Summit

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai, at the head of a high powered Government delegation, is in the Turkish City of Istanbul to participate in the World Humanitarian Summit convening today, May 23 to 24th, 2016. En route to the Summit, Vice President Boakai made a stopover in the Accra, Ghana where he was hosted by the Turkish Ambassador to Liberia, with residence in Accra, Her Excellency Nesrin Bayazit. During a dinner tendered in honor of Vice President Boakai, Ambassador Bayazit recounted the cordial ties subsisting between Liberia and Turkey and spoke of the opportunities that abound in the fields of power generation, education, social affairs among others. Responding, Vice President Boakai said he was glad for the invitation extended him by Her Excellency Nesrin Bayazit, writes the New Democrat newspaper.


Related Caption: VP Boakai In Turkey (The New Dawn), Boakai In Turkey (The NEWS)








UNFPA Vows To End Fistula

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), says ending fistula globally remains one of its highest priorities, pledging to continue to accelerate efforts, both in its own work and within the United Nations system to terminate the scourge that has affected many women around the world. According to the New Dawn newspaper, the pledge is contained in a statement released by United Nations Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UNFPA, Dr. Babatunde Osotimehin in New York, to commemorate the annual International Day to End Obstetric Fistula on today, May 23, as designated by the United Nations General Assembly.


Related Caption: 4 Pregnancy-Related Deaths Daily In Liberia Today Is Int’l Day To End Obstetric Fistula (Daily Observer)





Cameroon Celebrates Unity Day - Recounting Liberia’s Friendship

Celebrating the occasion marking Cameroon’s 44th National Unity Day at a well-attended program of government officials and members of the diplomatic corps, Cameroon Ambassador to Liberia, Augustine Gamg said Cameroon’s relationship with Liberia has been steadfast since their independence in 1960 which saw former President William V.S. Tubman in attendance. Speaking at celebrations marking Cameroon’s 44th National Unity Day, Ambassador Gamg  urged more bilateral cooperation between the two countries. Also speaking, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Madam Marjon V. Kamara noted the cordial relationship between Liberia and Cameroon goes as far back as 1919 when the former German Cameroon was placed under a League of Nations trusteeship, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.




President Launches E-Registration Platform

The New Democrat newspaper reports that during President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s  launch of  the Liberia Agricultural Transformation Agenda (LATA), e-Registration of Farmers in Liberia on Saturday, May 21, 2016 at the Klay Agricultural Vocational Training Center in Klay District, Bomi County, she commanded the farmers for  making the nation a food secured nation as compared to depending on the traditional  extractive  resources of rubber, iron ores  and timber in the development of the country. President Sirleaf who registered during the e-registration launch, said with the drop in prices of rubber and iron ores, there was a need to diversify the nation’s infrastructural development with investment in the agricultural sector. For his Part Agriculture Minister, Dr. Moses Zinnah said the e-Registration process is the real beginning of a revolution in transforming the country for the better. Minister Zinnah said the process is targeting 150,000 farmers in all 15 counties, which is aimed at collecting information and link farmers to service providers across Liberia.



Related Captions: Pres. Launches E-Registration Platform (FOCUS), 150,000 Farmers Documented (The New Dawn)



Government institutes New Measures On Cross- Border Money Movement

According to the FOCUS newspaper, the Government of Liberia has published a four count regulation prohibiting cross border transfer of not more than US10, 000 as threshold for businesses and institutions. The regulation also limits individuals to the threshold of not more than US$5,000 or LD$100,000. Addressing the Ministry of Information regular press briefing in Monrovia, the Chief Executive Officer of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), Alex Cuffy said the new regulation is part of measures intended to protect Liberia’s financial system from being abused by criminals to fund crimes.




EU, Liberia Dialogue on Sustainable Fisheries Partnership  

The first joint committee meeting under the Liberia–EU Sustainable Fisheries Partnership agreement (SFPA) has been held in Monrovia. The NEWS newspaper writes that the total EU financial contribution of the SFPA first protocol to Liberia amounts to EUR 3, 250, 000 for a period of 5 years.  

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