Daily Media Summary 2016-05-02


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara’s commendation on the relations subsisting between the Republics of Liberia and Cuba, the turning over of security by the Counter Assault Team of UNMIL assigned with the President and the Vice President of Liberia to the Executive Protection Services and Liberia’s establishment of diplomatic relations with the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus




Foreign Minister Kamara Meets With Cuban Charge d’Affaires

The FOCUS newspaper, quoting a Foreign Ministry says Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara has expressed pleasure at the excellent relations subsisting between the Republics of Liberia and Cuba but said its about time to give more content to the relationship. Speaking when the Charge d’Affaires at the Cuban Embassy here, Mr. Yordenie Despaigne Vera, paid her a courtesy call at her Foreign Ministry office on Friday, April 29, 2016, Minister Kamara highlighted some of Cuba’s assistance to Liberia, naming the provision of several scholarships, and support to the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease, that struck West Africa. “Cuba had really been exceptional in their response to that epidemic,” she said. On further cooperation, the Liberia’s Foreign Minister urged collaboration and cooperation with Cuba in the education and health sectors. She indicated since education and human resource development are priorities for Liberia, both countries will need to discuss how scholarship programs offered Liberia can be synchronized in order to meet the real needs of the country. Speaking earlier, the Charge d’Affaires at the Cuban Embassy, Mr. Yordenie Despaigne Vera expressed his country’s deepest condolence for the loss of thousands of Liberians during the Ebola outbreak. The Cuban Charge d’Affaires reminded Minister Kamara that April 19, marked the 42nd anniversary since Liberia and Cuba established diplomatic relations and assured that Cuba will continue to work with Liberia to extend and strengthen bilateral relations.


Related Captions: Liberia Seeks More Content In Cuban Relations (The New Dawn), Foreign Minister Kamara Meets With Cuban Charge d’Affaires,-Mr Vera During A Courtesy Call (FrontPage Africa)



EPS Takes Over From UNMIL

The Executive Protection Service, a personal security group responsible to protect the President of Liberia, the Vice President and other VIPs, has assured the public that it is ready and prepared to take over the security of the President and others. Speaking over the weekend at program marking the official turning over of UNMIL Counter Assault Team assigned with the President and Vice President of Liberia held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Director of the EPS, Frank O. Nyekan assured that his men are well-prepared to protect the Liberia leader and the Vice President of Liberia, reports the INQUIRER newspaper.


Related Captions: UNMIL Withdraws From Ellen’s Convoy (The New Dawn), EPS Gets Huge Task-UNMIL Turns Over Ellen, Boakai Security To Elite Force (Women Voices)



Liberia Establishes Diplomatic Ties with Kazakhstan and Belarus

Liberia has established diplomatic relations with the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Republic of Belarus with commitments by all sides to promote and strengthen the friendship in all spheres of developments as the three countries look forward to improving their interactions at the highest levels. According to a dispatch from New York, the countries, in separate communiqués, also undertook to consolidate friendly relations based on mutual respect for national sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity, as well as non-interference in the internal affairs of one another. The communiqués further assert that the countries will exert efforts to observe diplomatic protocols including those of the United Nations Charter, the Provisions of the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic Relations of April 18, 1961 and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of April 24, 1963, respectively. Signing on behalf of the Government of Liberia, the Charge d’Affaires a.i. at the Permanent Mission of Liberia to the United Nations, Mr. George Patten pointed out that by establishing these relations, Liberia, Kazakhstan and Belarus are poised to take their diplomatic interactions to a new level and expressed optimism that the three countries will seize the opportunity to reinforce the spirit of cooperation in both bilateral and multilateral realm. In separate remarks, the Permanent Representative of Kazkhstan, Ambassador Kairat Abdrakhmanov said that the establishment of formal diplomatic ties between his country and Liberia paves the way for a new partnership that has come to stay and considers this as a historic moment that will be recognized by the Government and the people of Kazakhstan.  For his part, the Permanent Representative of Belarus H.E. Andrei Dapkiunas expressed appreciation and hoped that the establishment of formal diplomatic relations between his country and Liberia will open a new chapter and reinforce the existing cordial ties between the two countries, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Captions: Liberia, Kazakhstan, Belarus Establish Diplomatic Ties (The New Dawn), Liberia Establishes Diplomatic Ties With Kazakhstan & Belarus (The INQUIRER)







Liberia Observes International Labor Day Today

The INSIGHT newspaper writes that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has by Proclamation declared Sunday, May 1, 2016, as “International Labor Day” to be observed on Monday, May 2, 2016, as a Working Holiday throughout Liberia. According to a Foreign Ministry release, Liberia, as a Member of the International Labor Organization (ILO), will join other countries in commemoration of the day under the international theme: “Celebrating the International Labor Movement” and the national theme: “Advancing Decent Work for shared prosperity.” The Liberian leader has called on ministries, agencies, labor unions, civil society organizations, students, youths and women groups to join the Ministry of Labor to initiate and execute programs marking the observance of the day.



GOL. Partners To Open Nimba CSC

Authorities at the Ministry of Internal Affairs announced Sunday that the Liberian Government and its partners will today officially open the Nimba County Service Center in Sanniquellie City, as part of efforts to decentralize government services here. In a release issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs, it said Vice President Joseph N. Boakai, will perform the official opening ceremony. The program is also expected to be graced by an array of Government officials, development partners and members of the diplomatic Corps. The Nimba County Service Center brings to four, the number of centers opened under the National Deconcentration Platform of the Liberia Decentralization Support Program, reports the New Dawn Newspaper.


Related Caption: Government, Partners To Open Nimba County Service Center Monday (FOCUS)



Chinese Embassy Donates Bikes, Agric Tools To Council of Chiefs

The Chinese Embassy near Monrovia on April 29 handed over several agricultural tools and two motorbikes to the National Traditional Council and Elders of Liberia to complement their community farming agenda. Making the donation Deputy Chief of Mission Li Zhuang said “the donation is a symbol of the China-Liberia practical cooperation and also a small concrete step towards implementation of China’s work guidelines towards Africa, initiated by Chinese President, Xi Jinpinng”. The guidelines, according to Counselor Li, include sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith, the Daily Observer newspaper writes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            MoT, LNP Move To Minimize Motor Accidents

The Ministry of Transport (MoT) in collaboration with the Liberia National Police and the Liberia Revenue Authority will launch a vehicle inspection and enforcement exercise beginning today, Monday May 2, 2016. The government reached the decision as result of the alarming rate of defective motor vehicles, heavy duty trucks and other earthmoving equipment plying the streets and major highways, resulting to increasing accidents and deaths of citizens and residents. Reading a statement issued Thursday by the Ministry of Transport, Deputy Information Minister Isaac said beginning today, May 2, the quick impact “C”  will be launched on major roads and highways, reports INSIGHT newspaper.



Save The Children Donates Drugs To Health Institutions

According INSIGHT newspaper, Save the Children International (SCI) has donated medical drugs and other items to three health institutions in Grand Bassa, Margibi and Montserrado countries. The drugs and motorbikes, valued at some two hundred thousand Euros, were donated to the C.H. Rennie Memorial Hospital in Margibi County, Americare in Grand Bassa County and the National Drug Service (NDS) in Montserrado County.




MOH Burns Counterfeit Drugs

According to the New Dawn newspaper, the Ministry of Health thru the Nimba County Health Team along with the Pharmacy Board of Liberia has arrested and destroyed a huge counterfeit and expired drugs in Ganta, Nimba County. The fake and expired drugs, including drugs brought in by the government were arrested from drugs store owners and street venders in Ganta, Sanniquellie, Bahn and Saclepea, respectively in a vigorous sweep by health authorities. He called on state security forces along with the county administration of Nimba to join the fight against those involved with the importation of fake drugs here as they pose serious harm to the population. 




NTA Bus Burns On Highway-Authorities

Liberia’s National Transit Authority (NTA) has reported the burning of one of its mass transit buses marked 5172 in Careysburg, Montserrado County, while travelling along the Monrovia-Kakata highway. The NTA Board of Directors, Management and Staff said in a release that the incident happened on Friday, 29 April, but with no human casualty so far. The institution says it remains grateful to the Almighty God and the collaboration between its bus crew and the commuters that there was no human casualty or loss of life. The NTA says it is working with the Liberia National Police to investigate the cause of the incident, according to the New Dawn Newspaper.


Related Caption: Fire Guts NTA Bus On Kakata H’Way (The INQUIRER)




Swedish Embassy Inspires Young Readers

Two staff members of the Embassy of Sweden have inspired children between 5 to 16 years old from Philips Farm and its adjacent communities in rural Montserrado County to become lifelong readers and learners while serving as Guest Readers for the Reading Enrichment Program instituted by Youth Exploring Solutions, an accredited, passionate and voluntary grassroots young-led development organization. Helen Harris and Regina Svanberg who served as Guest Readers gave vivid description of Sweden to the young audience, stressed the relationship that exist between the two countries and recounted similarities and contrasts of both nations in terms of people, form of government, education, climatic conditions, geography, demography among other essential subject matters, the FOCUS newspaper asserted.