Daily Media Summary, 4-04-2016


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s edition of the summary highlights President Johnson Sirleaf’s condolence message to the Government and People of the Republic of India, following the death of twenty-two (22) persons as a result of the collapse of a flyover under construction in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata, the confirmation of the second new case of the Ebola Virus Disease infection in Liberia and the indictment of seventeen persons for allegedly withdrawing US$126,300.06 and LD$16,550,416.40 from the accounts of the John F, Kennedy Medical Center.


The news of President Johnson Sirleaf’s condolence message to Germany is also included in today’s edition of the summary.





Pres. Sirleaf Consoles India

The New Dawnnewspaper quoting a Foreign Ministry release reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has extended a condolence message to her Indian counterpart, Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, the Government and people of the Republic of India, following the death of twenty-two (22) persons and injury to more than hundred others as a result of the collapse of a flyover under construction in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata (Calcutta). On Mach 31, 2016, a flyover under construction collapsed on a busy road in the eastern Indian city of Kolkata. The flyover had been under construction since 2009 and had missed several deadlines for completion. The accident took place in an area near Girish Park, one of Kolkata’s most densely populated neighborhoods, with narrow lanes, shops and houses built close together. The release quoted President Sirleaf as saying, “It is with profound shock and deep sorrow that we have learned of the death of twenty-two (22) persons and more than hundred inured as a result of the collapse of an overpass, on Thursday, 31st March 2016, in the State of Kolkata.” President Sirleaf, in her message, extended on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, heartfelt condolences to the Indian leader, H.E. Mr. Mukherjee, and through him, to the Government and people of India, especially the families of the victims, heartfelt condolences as a result of this tragic incident. She said, as the people of India go through this period of national mourning, she hoped and prayed that the resilience and strength that the people of India have always exhibited during challenging circumstances will remain a hallmark of that nation.


Related Captions: Following Death Of 22 Persons: Ellen Consoles India(Heritage), President Sirleaf Consoles India On Tragic Collapse The Kolkata Flyover(The INQUIRER)



Boy, 5, Confirmed With Ebola -3 Others Suspected, Held At ETU

The Daily Observer reports that the five-year-old son of the woman who died last Thursday from the deadly Ebola virus disease (EVD) has been confirmed positive with the virus. The boy (name withheld), along with three others, is being given supported treatments at the Eternal Love Winning Africa (ELWA) II Ebola treatment unit (ETU), which presently has a 60-bed capacity, should the number of cases in this new outbreak increase. The other three, including the sister of the boy’s deceased 30-year-old mother and his two siblings, are suspected of having the virus, because of their direct interactions with the index case, who died last Thursday, March 31, while en-route to the Redemption Hospital in New Kru Town. The three are still yet unconfirmed as having the virus. Health Minister Dr. Bernice T. Dahn said in a statement that the 30-year-old woman’s “blood specimens were taken and tested positive for Ebola.” She also said investigations are “ongoing to identify the source of transmission and the line-listing of contacts,” and called on Liberians and foreign residents to not panic as health authorities are doing everything possible to contain the new outbreak. WHO has recorded the latest deaths and summed up Liberia’s Ebola death tally to 4,809 since March 2014. It also said at least 10,675 persons have been affected with the virus in Liberia. The MOH has called communities to remain vigilant to report to their respective leaders and health care-givers any person/s showing signs and symptoms of Ebola and any deaths in their communities, or call 4455 with any concerns and information. “Always protect yourself, family and community,” Minister Dahn urged.


Related Captions: MOH Cautions Against Panic-Confirms 1 death from Ebola(The New Dawn),46 Ebola Contacts Identified in Liberia Latest Case of Virus(FrontPage Africa), New Ebola Death In Liberia Confirmed(Heritage), Woman, 30, Dies Of Ebola At Redemption Hospital(INSIGHT)


17 Charged For Stealing LD$16.5M Along With US$126K From JFK Hospital

The Daily Observer reports that seventeen persons, including four senior staff of the John F. Kennedy Medical Center (JFKMC), have been indicted for allegedly designing a criminal syndicate that used fictitious identification cards and withdrew US$126,300.06 and LD$16,550,416.40 from the hospital’s account at the First International Bank (FIB). They were said to have opened the account in the name of one John Freeman Kennedy and used that name to issue several checks to some of the co-defendants, Ballah Holmes and Jerry D. Morlu, who later withdrew the money. At Saturday’s hearing at Criminal Court ‘C’ at the Temple of Justice, eight of the defendants were sent to the Monrovia Central Prison until a valid criminal appearance bond can be secured for their release. They face a five count indictment, including economic sabotage, theft of property, money laundering and criminal conspiracy and facilitation, which is eligible for bail. The defendants include Patrick Konuwa, former Accounts Officer; Boakai J. Varney, former Senior Budget and Accounts Officer; Arnous Rabeah, former IT and Database Supervisor; and Grace Dolly Jallah, former Executive Secretary to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). Others are James Ricks, former Clearing Officer; Lethia W. Waleh, former Customer Service Officer, also of the First International Bank (FIB); Prince Jallah, former Hardware Technician of the IT Department of the Central Bank of Liberia (CBL); Henry K. Sambolah, former Production Manager of the Women Voices Newspaper. The rest are Fahn F. Borbor, alias John Fred Kennedy; Thomas G. Tellewoyan, alias John Franklin Kennedy, GIS Assistant – World Resource Institute; Jerry D. Morlu, Caretaker, Ministry of Post and Telecommunications; Ballah Holmes, Thomas Oliver Mezzeh, Benjamin Wlay Dargbe Jr., and the purported John Freeman Kennedy.


Related Captions: JFK Syndicate Busted!(The New Dawn), In Connection With ‘Syndicate’ At JFK: Several Arrested …Others On The Run(Heritage)






Liberia Consoles Germany

The INSIGHT newspaper quoting a Foreign Ministry release reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has extended a condolence message to her German counterpart, His Excellency Mr. Joachime Gauck, the Government and people of the Federal Republic of Germany, following the death of Mr. Hans-Dietrich Genscher, former Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany. Former Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor Genscher (March 21, 1927–March 31, 2016) was a German statesman who served a Minister of the Interior from 1969 to 1974, and as Foreign Minister and Vice Chancellor from 1974 to 1992 (except for a two-week break in 1982), making him the longest – serving occupant of either post. In 1991 he was chairman of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). According to the release, the Liberian leader said, “I extend heartfelt sympathy to you and, through you, to the Government and people of Germany, particularly to the bereaved family and dear ones. She recalled with fond memories the bond of friendship that subsisted between the late Mr. Hans-Dietrich Genscher and Mr. C. Cecil Dennis, the late former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Liberia, which strengthened the ties of friendship and reinforced the collaboration between both countries. “We also recall with appreciation the pivotal role and invaluable financial contribution from the Federal Government to Liberia toward the hosting of the 16th OAU Summit in Monrovia, in July 1979,” President Sireaf indicated. President Sirleaf said, at the time of national mourning, pleased be assured of Liberia’s empathy with the people of the German federation; and wished that they will receive divine consolation.



U.S. Embassy Visits Yes Project Sites

The INQUIRERnewspaper writes that the U.S. Embassy near Monrovia has visited the 'Building a Sustainable Liberia' a project sites in rural Montserrado County being implemented by Youth Exploring Solutions (YES).  The ultimate goal of the project is to establish an environmentally aware culture in Liberia through research, education and action utilizing a youth-led sustainability movement in the areas of energy, water, food, waste and ecology thereby creating an ecosystem of innovation. According to the daily, the visitation was intended to ascertain first-hand project activities, participate in dedicatory ceremonies, educate emerging environmentalists about the importance of “Clean Toilet” “Washing Hands” and “Safe Drinking Water” as well as interact with direct project beneficiaries, engage in tree planting, and tour organic school gardens. Mr. Paul Hinshaw, Public Affairs Officer led a delegation of three U.S. Embassy diplomats who included Lilieth Whyte, Political/Economics Officer alongside a visiting U.S. Embassy staff member based in Germany.



PUL Prexy Advises Journalists To Uphold Ethics, Remain Impartial

The President of the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), Mr. Kamara A. Kamara, has advised journalists to uphold the ethics of the profession and remain impartial in the discharge of their duty. He noted that the public may lose confidence in a particular institution or media practitioner who fails to uphold the ethics of the profession, noting that this will not be good for any practicing journalist. According to the Heritage newspaper, the PUL President made the statement Friday at the St. Theresa's Convent Catholic Archdiocese Pastoral Center in Monrovia at a one-day “Teach in: Freedom of Expression With Rights Come Responsibility,” organized by the Liberia Law Society in collaboration with the UNMIL Human Rights and Protection Section. Speaking on “Freedom of Expression,” Kamara stressed the need for journalists to stick to their ethics and avoid inflaming issues, reminding his colleagues to maintain their neutrality and impartiality at all times. In his presentation, an executive of the Liberia Law Society, Ezekiel Pajibo called on the government to guarantee, uphold and protect the fundamental rights of all Liberians and residents within the Republic.



VP Boakai Turns Over US$700K Medical Equipment To Health Ministry

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai has turned over to the Ministry of Health US$700,000 worth of medical equipment to strengthen the health sector to meet the needs of the Liberian people. Speaking at the turn-over ceremony at the Health Ministry Friday, VP Boakai said the equipment were donated through the intervention of “some friends” in Arizona, USA, during his visit there last year. “These friends, who are both Liberians and Americans, also made available a container of relief items during the heat of the Ebola crisis which were distributed to hospitals and clinics in Grand Cape Mount County; and this is the second container with medical equipment,” Boakai noted. The Vice President emphasized that the medical equipment will help in building a resilient health system in Liberia. He did not, however, name the equipment. He said the medical equipment will ensure that efficient medical services are provided the Liberian people and make the country’s health sector once again vibrant. Receiving the equipment, Health Minister Dr. Bernice Dahn thanked Vice President Boakai and those who made the donation possible, adding, “the equipment will go a long way in meeting the health needs of the country,” reports the Heritage newspaper.



Extending Tax Clearance Period…President Sirleaf hints changes amid complaints

In the wake of numerous complaints from businesses in Liberia that the three months period for the renewal of tax clearance is too short and is proving burdensome for many businesses, President Sirleaf has conceded that the complaints from businesses are genuine and the government is looking to do something in extending the period. Currently businesses have only three months or 90 days to renew their tax clearance which has now been declared as the valid document before payments are made by Government entities to vendors, writes FrontPage Africa newspaper.

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