Daily Media Summary, 01-04-2016


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s edition of the summary highlights Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara’s suggestion for presence of some UNMIL peacekeepers during the 2017 Presidential and general elections.



Foreign Minister Meets 2 – Member US Foreign Relations Senate C’ttee Team

The Heritage newspaper reports that Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara has suggested that some form of United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) presence remains in the country until after 2017 presidential and legislative elections. Ambassador Kamara told a US Foreign Relations Senate Committee delegation currently visiting the country that Liberians have been a little bit paranoid about UNMIL’s drawdown, and that in her view the level of fear should be erased. “We have to continuously explain to our people that on June 30, 2016, UNMIL is not going to disappear, especially as we approach the 2017 elections. It’s going to be a transition of security from the UN to the Liberia Government,” she added.

Related Captions: Foreign Minister Wants ‘UNMIL Presence…During 2017 Elections(The NEWS), GOL Wants ‘UNMIL Presence On The Ground’ During Elections Foreign Min. Kamara(Daily Observer), Two-Member US Foreign Relations Senate Committee Meets With Foreign Minister(FOCUS)



Ellen Declares Friday, April 8, National Holiday

The INSIGHT newspaper quoting a Foreign Ministry release reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has by Proclamation declared Friday, April 8, 2016 as “National Fast and Prayer Day” and is to be observed throughout Liberia as a National Holiday. According to the release, the Day is to be observed as a Day of supplication, prayer, fasting and meditation so that the country’s efforts as a nation and people may be crowned with great achievements to the common cause of the Nation, the State and its humanity. The Proclamation further calls upon all Prelates, Priests, Elders, Deacons, Evangelists, Imams and all residents, regardless of religious creed, to gather with one accord in their places of worship, across the territorial confines of Liberia, in simple and non-costly apparel to fast, pray and meditate from 8 o’clock in the morning. The release says all public offices and business houses as well as market places are to remain closed during the observance, while all citizens and residents will cease from their usual occupations and avocation in recognition of God’s love and guidance. The Proclamation further recalls there have been unusual and extraordinary outbreaks of natural phenomenon and man provoked national crises that have caused much harm, devastation and destruction in many parts of the world, and in Liberia, respectively, from which, by the Grace of God, survivors have been spared. The Proclamation recounts that there are large numbers of the nation’s kith and kin living in uncertain conditions in the Diaspora, and the need for remembrance in prayer of those who have made the supreme sacrifice remains unfulfilled. “The people of Liberia have always submitted themselves, in humble contrition, to the Almighty God for guidance and protection as well as for peace in their national life and affairs”, the Proclamation stresses. The Proclamation is in consonance with an Act of National Legislature which was passed in 1883 declaring the second Friday in April of each year as a “National Fast and Prayer Day” for the safety and welfare of the nation and its people with penitent reference to God.


Mt. Nimba, Providence Island on Tentative World Heritage List

An International World Heritage Expert, Pascall Taruvinga, has disclosed that Mt. Nimba and the Providence Island in Monrovia have been included on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Tentative Listing due to their international significance and value. He said they have accordingly submitted the recommendation to the Minister of Information, Culture Affairs and Tourism. “Mt. Nimba is a protected area and significant because of biodiversity with endangered species and endemic species which are threatened and cannot be found anywhere else in this world,” Taruvinga said. Addressing the regular Ministry of Information press conference in Monrovia Thursday, Taruvinga noted that endemic species can only be found in Liberia, Guinea and Ivory Coast which qualifies Mt. Nimba to be listed as a World Heritage Tentative property. According to the World Heritage Expert, this site is shared by Guinea, Ivory Coast and Liberia, adding that the Ivory Coast and Guinea components of Mount Nimba are already on the World Heritage Tentative List. Speaking further Taruvinga explained that the second site that will be considered by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Tentative Listing is the Providence Island which, he said, is historically significant on the issue of slavery, writes Heritage newspaper.

Related Caption: Mt. Nimba, Providence Island To Become World Heritage(FOCUS)

Gbarnga Streets Under Construction…Hundreds Express Delight

According to the INSIGHTnewspaper, Bong County authorities have began construction of the principal streets in the county’s capital, Gbarnga, with ‘concrete’ road. The project is not only aimed at giving the densely populated central Liberia city a facelift but to also ensure free movement of goods and service. The development of the Gbarnga streets would cover at least 10.6 kilometers at the estimated cost of over US$1million, according to Bong County acting Superintendent, Anthony B. Sheriff.


Over 10K Students in 6 Counties Sit WASSCE

Ten thousand four hundred and forty-nine candidates, who registered for this year’s West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE), began writing the test yesterday in six of the 15 counties, John Y. Gayvolor Sr., head of WAEC National Office in Monrovia has confirmed. The six counties where the students registered are Bomi, Bong, Margibi, Nimba, Grand Bassa and Montserrado. Of the number of female’s candidates, Mr. Gayvolor said 5,397 are males and the remaining 5,052 females. He said the large turnout led the West African Examination Council (WAEC) Monrovia National Office to train and hire 348 proctors to monitor the students taking the exams, the Daily Observer writes.


EU, Sweden Project to Boost Security Sector

Another Daily Observer story reads that the European Union (EU) Ambassador to Liberia, Tiina Intelmann, said the EU is committed to working alongside Sweden in support of International Alert, Liberian National Law Enforcement Association and the Center for Justice and Peace Studies to launch the “Security Actions for Everybody” (SAFE Communities) project in Liberia. At an event to formally start the project in Monrovia yesterday, Madam Intelmann said the initiative is aimed at promoting accountability and transparency in the security and justice sectors, ‘because it is very important in Liberia as the country faces United Nations Missions in Liberia drawdown by June 30.


Demonstrate Ethical Values at Work EU Envoy

European Union Delegation Ambassador to Liberia, Tiina Intelmann, has emphasized that Liberians must demonstrate integrity, honesty and commitment at their work places in order to succeed in the country’s development drive, in remarks at the end of a training course in Monrovia for personnel of the Bong, Lofa, Margibi and Nimba Service Centers, Ambassador Intelmann underscored the importance of the work of these providers in bringing essential civic services to people residing in rural areas under Liberia’s ongoing decentralization process, the Daily Observer reports.


UNAIDS Calls for Partnership

A sub back page story of the News newspaper reports that the Joint United Nations Program on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) is calling for partnerships and a united approach to end the twin epidemics of Tuberculosis (TB) and HIV to save millions of lives. UNAIDS said it has never been more urgent for governments, medical and scientific communities, the private sector and people affected by the diseases to come together to ensure access to existing treatment.


MOH, Partner to Launch Radio Learning Program

Beginning Saturday, April 2, 2016, Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) across Liberia will be able to tune in to a new radio program designed just for them. Community Action for a Health Life is radio distance learning program being launched by the Ministry of Health (MOH) in partnership with the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) and is made possible by the generous support of the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (UNSAID). Communication Action for a Healthy Life will cover topics related to maternal, child and family health, the News daily reports.