Daily Media Summary, 29-03-2016


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of the World Bank Board of Executive Directors’ approval of US$10 million credit to increase water supply services to the capital and surrounding areas and the National Port Authority over US$6 million agreement with Smit Lamnalco for the supply of marine crafts are stories highlighted in today’s edition of the summary of the local dailies.




63,000 Liberians To Gain Access To Safe And Regular Water Supply

The World Bank Board of Executive Directors has reportedly approved US$10 million International Development Association (IDA) credit to increase access to piped water supply services in the capital and surrounding areas. The credit is also intended to improve the operational efficiency of the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC). The Liberia Urban Water Supply Project (LUWSP) which targets 63,000 direct beneficiaries, 44 percent of which are females, will facilitate critical repairs, rehabilitation of existing distribution network and extension to new areas with additional customers. The FOCUS newspaper quotes a release as saying that the project will also facilitate new connections, more hours of water supply, fewer interruptions in water service and closer proximity to safe water supply sources. Project beneficiaries of the LUWSP comprise residents of Central Monrovia, Somalia Drive, Duport Road and Roberts International Airport Highway.  World Bank Country Manager for Liberia Inguna Dobraja said, the project constitutes an important step towards implementing the Government’s Agenda for Transformation and post-Ebola Economic Stabilization and Recovery Plan, which emphasizes urgent need to improve water and sanitation service delivery in Liberia.


Related Captions: World Bank Board Approves US$10m For Water (The New Dawn), World Bank Approves US$10M…For Safe Water Supply To Liberians (The NEWS)



NPA Signed Contract

The NEWS newspaper reports that the Management of the National Port Authority (NPA) has signed a contract value at over US$6 million with Smit Lamnalco for the supply of marine crafts. The marine crafts include two Tug Boats (Lamnalco waxbill and Lamnalco wagtail). A patrol boat, Smit Qasim and Pilot boat, Smit Oloma for use at the Port of Greenville in Sinoe County. The signing ceremony took place on March 22, 2016 at the headquarters of the NPA on Bushrod Island in Monrovia. NPA Managing Director, David F. Williams, signed on behalf of the institution while Mr. Paul Grizell, Regional Commercial Manager for Africa signed on behalf of Smit Lamnalco. The contract marks the second for several procurable items under the terms and conditions of the Kuwaiti Loan for the rehabilitation of the Greenville Port in Sinoe County. A release said the process, which culminated into the signing of the contract involved International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procurement method and the required bid evaluation and due diligence process for each of the marine crafts mentioned.


Related Caption: NPA Pens Deals For Marine Crafts (The New Dawn), NPA Signs US$6m Agreement For Supply Of Marine Craft (FOCUS)





LISGIS Release First Survey Report Since 1964

According to the New Dawn newspaper, the Liberia Institute for Geo-information Service (LISGIS) will today release Liberia’s Household Income, and Expenditure Survey (HIES) report for 2014/2015, highlighting extreme poverty here. LISGIS Director for Public Affairs Varfee Holmes says the survey was conducted throughout the country in six months, but was suspended during the deadly Ebola virus outbreak that disrupted all economic activities. Mr. Holmes says since the country’s last HIES was conducted in 1964, the exercise had not been carried out due to serious capacity challenge. He says the latest report is as a result of six months survey conducted in Montserrado County and other political subdivisions. The LISGIS spokesperson noted that though the report’s duration is less than a year; the exercise is basically intended to inform the public about current national statistics such as unemployment rate, among others. He added that it will also point out existing gaps in the country, and how much is being done in terms of development, something which, according to him, will encourage the Government of Liberia and her partners to know how the country stands economically, pens the New Dawn newspaper.



FDA Launches 4th Annual Outreach Tomorrow

The New Dawn newspaper reports that the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) in collaboration with the Community Forestry Working Group (CFWG) with support from USAID Liberia will on Wednesday,30 March 30 launch the  annual outreach campaign on Community Forestry at the Monrovia Christian Fellowship Hall, 9th Street and Warner Ave., Sinkor in Monrovia. The campaign is the 4th in a series of outreach activities organized annually by the FDA and the CFWG with support from USAID-Liberia/PROSPER to raise awareness on Community Rights Law (CRL) and its Regulations; and to build the capacities of local and national institutions to design and conduct outreach intended to improve sustainable forest management as well as environmental awareness and compliance. According to a release, this year’s launch will be held under the Theme: “Make Community Forestry Rights Real’’ and it seeks to reemphasize previous outreach efforts which aimed to make the CRL and its regulations accessible to forest dependent communities, while ensuring sustainable management practices. The 4th annual outreach campaign targets over 200participants, including members of the Legislature, national and international partners, stakeholders in the forestry sector, representatives of civil society organizations(CSOs), community leaders, donor agencies and the Liberian media.


Related Caption: FDA Partners Launch Camppaign To Raise Awareness On Community Law Right (FOCUS)



Five Suspects Charged

According to the News newspaper, Police in Monrovia have arrested and charged five suspects with Burglary, Criminal Conspiracy and Criminal Mischief for allegedly breaking into Global Bank in Sinkor. The suspects include Moses L. Kollie, Edwin G. Naimah, Joseph Kekulah, Isaac T. Tumbay and Joseph W. Arthur. According to a police charge sheet, the suspects were arrested on March 18, 2016 based on a complaint filed by Atty. Garrison W. Barh, Secretary of Global Bank. Atty. Barh in his complaint said while they were away from their Paynesville, Red Light Global Bank Branch during the weekend of July 25, 26 and 27, 2015, unknown persons criminally broke into bank but no cash or items were discovered stolen. He told the police that suspects Naimah, Arthur and Kollie were the security officers from the Wright Security Guard Service, who were on duty the night of the incident. During police investigation, the suspects denied the allegation but the police established that the crime did occur and the culprits gained entry into the bank by using a drill machine to drill the two cylinder locks, inserting particles believed to be putty in the drilled hole on the front steel door, using a key to open the two pad locks on the steel door. Police said they established that the culprits tampered with the cylinder lock on the main vault steel door, but they could not gain entry. Police also found out that officers of Wright Security Guard Service were fully assigned at the affected bank throughout, and that the CCTV was tampered with during the time of the reported burglary.

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