Daily Media Summary, 03-21-2016


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia





Today’s edition of the summary of the local dailies includes President Johnson Sirleaf’s congratulatory message to the Government and people of Tunisia on the occasion commemorating the 60th Independence Anniversary, Liberia and Ivory Coast’s call for an increased, concerted, regional and international efforts in curbing terrorism, President Johnson Sirleaf’s acclamation on the African Development Fund for proving to be an effective, credible and relevant vehicle in supporting African aspirations towards building resilient communities and societies among others.


Ellen Congratulates Tunisia on 60th Independence Anniversary

The Heritage newspaper quoting a Foreign Ministry release reports that the President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has congratulated the Government and people of Tunisia on the occasion commemorating the 60th Independence Anniversary of that country on March 20, 2016. Tunisia gained its independence from France in 1956. In her message to His Excellency Mr. Beji Caid Essebsi, President of the Republic of Tunisia, the Liberia leader extended warmest congratulations and best wishes to the Government and people of Tunisia, on behalf of the Government and People of the Republic of Liberia and in her own name. The Liberian leader entertained the hope that their two countries will continue to collaborate for the promotion of international peace, economic integration and social development. She assured the Tunisian leader of her government’s determination to continue to strengthen the cordial relations subsisting between their two countries for the mutual benefit of their respective peoples. President Johnson Sirleaf then prayed that the Almighty Allah will continue to endow President Essebsi with wisdom as he leads his people on the path to peace and economic stability.



Liberia, Cote D’ivoire Committed To Regional Terrorism Fight

Presidents Ellen Johnson and Alassane Ouatara have called for increased, concerted, regional and international efforts in curbing terrorism. The two leaders spoke Wednesday in Abidjan following bilateral talks, which focused primarily on security. The FrontPage Africa quotes a dispatch from Abidjan as saying that the two leaders were addressing a joint media stakeout at the Presidential Palace in the Ivorian capital. President Sirleaf  said - with the countries of the region still experiencing fragility and economic stress, hence, the menace of terrorism if not urgently contained could pose an existential threat. She praised the swift response of the Ivorian security forces, as a result of which "many lives became saved". President Sirleaf said there is ardent need for increased surveillance and other internal and cross-border measures to prevent further attacks.  Also speaking, President Ouattara said La Côte D'Ivoire will not give in to terrorism, adding that Ivorians are a resilient people. He called on his Liberian counterpart to join him in pushing for a regional approach through ECOWAS. "We must deal with the root causes and attack the problem from its source", he said. The two leaders agreed to place security top on the agenda at the next meeting of ECOWAS. It can be recalled that a group of terrorists on Sunday attacked Grand Bassam, Côte d’Ivoire leaving several civilians and security personnel dead.


Related Caption: Sirleaf, Quattara Pledge Regional Approach To Combat Terrorism (The New Dawn)



Liberia’s Request Taken To Security Council

The Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Coordinator of UN Operations in Liberia Mr. Farid Zarif has transmitted to the UN Security Council, President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and neighboring Côte d’Ivoire’s requests for UNMIL to remain in Liberia until after the 2017 elections. Briefing the Security Council in New York on Thursday, 17 March, a dispatch says Mr. Zarif also spoke of a petition to the Security Council from three opposition political parties and several civil society organizations here, calling for the postponement of UNMIL’s departure. Ivorian President Alassane Ouattara recently vowed to speak with the UN Security Council and Secretary-General Mr. Ban ki-Moon for the extension of the peacekeepers’ mandate in Liberia. Ahead of Mr. Zarif’s appearance before the Security Council, politicians and some civil society groups in Liberia petitioned the peacekeepers amidst a recent politically charged environment, requesting a postponement of their departure, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Caption: Security Transition A Significant Milestone Still Engaged In Liberia (FrontPage Africa)



Liberia Commends AFDB For Building Resilient Communities

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has lauded the African Development Fund (ADf) for proving to be an effective, credible and relevant vehicle in supporting African aspirations towards building resilient communities and societies and changing the lives of people. According to a dispatch, President Sirleaf made the commendation when she addressed the ADF-14 Negotiations, aimed at sharing the African Development Bank through the African Development Fund’s important developmental role it continues to play on the continent, and of course including Liberia, and how crucial it is for the Fund to sustain its valuable assistance to Africa.  President Sirleaf said: “In our region, the effects of climate change are increasingly manifest – higher temperature, variable rainfall, and more frequent droughts and storms.   As these changes interact with high levels of vulnerability and low adaptation capacities, our national and regional development plans will be significantly challenged. We must also build the capacity to respond to increasing regional insecurity in the form of ongoing civil conflicts, secessionist movements, organized crimes and the rise of extremists groups”. She paid tribute to the AfDB for the road from Fish Town to Ganta which represents the extension of the segment, which the AfDB supports is about 350km and will still need to be paved. She then asked ADF Deputies to consider increasing the resource envelope of regional operations, which have multiplier effect that will result from the scaling of comparative advantage operations. Speaking earlier, Dr. Adesina thanked President Sirleaf for leading the charge for the replenishment of the ADF. He said as a strong voice in Africa, the President's clarion call to donors will yield maximum results. He promised to continue the bank's manifold programs throughout Africa to better the lives of Africans, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.



Guinea, Liberia, Sierra Leone Managing Ebola Effectively

According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, health authorities from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone and representatives of partner organizations have expressed confidence in the capacity of the three Ebola-impacted countries to effectively manage residual risks of new Ebola infections—pointing to the rapid government-led containment of recent flare-ups of the disease. The review of prevention, detection and response capabilities of the three countries, as well as progress in expanding clinical care and screening for survivors came at a meeting March 1-2, 2016 in Conakry, Guinea, convened by the World Health Organization (WHO) and attended by some 80 participants. WHO, partners and Ministry of Health staff from the three countries have been meeting regularly throughout the epidemic to assess tactics, tools, research and operations and chart strategies accordingly.  At the Conakry meeting, representatives of the three countries and partners provided detailed assessments of advancements, challenges and resource needs in these areas, as well as efforts to adapt and integrate Ebola-focused programs into broader national strategies to address other diseases and health emergencies. 



Police, Immigration Acts Ratified

An inside story of the Frontpage Africa newspaper read that the House of Representatives has passed into the acts creating that Police and Immigration Commissions as lawmaker underscores the need for surveillance. House’s Committee Chair on National Security has revealed that surveillance play a cardinal role in the day to day operations of the 2006 Police and Immigration Acts of Liberia. According to Representative Alfred Koiwood, the act gives surveillance more authority to put policies into place in working appropriately to ensure that the affairs of Police and Immigration are administered in accordance with best practices. Speaking Thursday, at the Capitol in Monrovia, he noted that the work of Liberia security will remain ineffective without cordial relationship between the police and the public.



G. Gedeh Braces To End Land Crisis

At least six towns and villages out of nine within B’hai and Gbao administrative districts, Gbarzon Statutory District, Grand Gedeh County have resolved to give out an encroached parcel of land for concession purpose. The parcel of land to be given, borders Liberia and Cote D’Ivoire, deep in the forest of Gbarzon, Grand Gedeh County. The land in question has been encroached upon for the past four years by some Burkinabes and Ivoirians who have since claimed its ownership and are engaged in to livestock farming. The disputed parcel of land has been a bone of contention between locals and occupants. According to the New Dawn newspaper, elders, chiefs, women, youths and opinion leaders of B’hai and Gbao administrative districts recently met in Dougee Town and agreed to petition Electoral District #3 Representative, Alex Chersia Grant to source a unique concession (preferably agriculture) company to invest in the area. During the meeting, citizens expressed optimism that when taken over by a concession, the land and other nearby forest of theirs will be protected and local communities shall accrued economic and social benefits. According to them, the benefits will include asphalt paved roads, modern schools and hospitals and trade among others.



Chief Justice Challenges New Counselors-At-Law

Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor, Sr. has challenged lawyers recently admitted into the Supreme Court Bar Association to uphold the Constitution and statutory laws of Liberia. The Supreme Court of Liberia, which is the final arbiter of justice in the country, is located at the Temple of Justice on Capitol Hill in Monrovia. Chief Justice Francis S. Korkpor, Sr. told the newly admitted Supreme Court Bar Association lawyers to always adhere to the rules of all courts within the country. The Chief Justice made these remarks in the main court room of the Supreme Court of Liberia when he delivered the opening address at program marking the official opening of the March AD2016 Term of Court, the Heritage newspaper writes.



Labor Minister Wants Minimum Wage Enforced

March 1, 2016, stressing that they need to pay their workers according to the law. The Labor Ministry official made the call Thursday at a one-day forum organized by the Liberia Chamber of Commerce (LCC) on Capitol Hill for employers in the country to implement the Decent Work Bill to the letter. He maintained that the minimum wage applies to all employees across the country ad that every employee expects to be paid according to the number of days worked for an entity. He assured that issues surrounding domestic and casual workers will be further enhanced to ensure that they are paid well and protected in Liberia, noting that domestic and casual workers have been abused in the past. Minister Lighe reminded all that the Ministry of Labor is the government entity responsible to ensure that employers in the country implement the law without discrimination, reports the Heritage newspaper.



YMCA-Yekepa Launches Anti-Violence Campaign

The Young Men Christian Association (YMCA), has launched its second Anti-Violence Campaign in Yekepa, Nimba County. The launch brought together several elementary, junior and secondary schools in Yekepa, including Pentecostal Elementary and Junior High School, Randy Godfray Elementary and Junior High School, Bishop Carroll High School and Arcelor Mittal High School, among others. The branch coordinator for the Yekepa YMCA, Madam Elizabeth Varnnie said, the campaign is intended to sensitize young people on how to resist any form of violence that may occur in their respective communities, towns and villages as well as the entire county. For his part, the chairperson for Anti-Violence Campaign at the Yekepa-YMCA, Allenton Menklee told reporters the second phase of the campaign is helping to reduce violence in the county.  According to him, the YMCA is also working in partnership with the Government of the United Kingdom to provide training programs for the youths to divert their attention from violence to peace. During the prolonged civil conflict here, young people were exploited by competing armed factions, which used them as child soldiers, leaving them with no skills at the end of hostility except knowledge of the barrel of the gun, writes the New Dawn newspaper.