Daily Media Summary, 03-14-2016


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia





Today’s summary of the local dailies highlight the African Development Bank’s pledge to support Liberia and Vice President Joseph Boakai’s commendation to community radio stations for their role in bridging the communication gap between the Government and its people.




Other stories include news of the Liberian Government’s pledge to further strengthen relations with Japan for the mutual benefits of the two countries and peoples.







AFDB Pledges ‘Maximum Support To Energy, Agric Sectors

According to the Daily Observer, the African Development Bank (AfDB) has pledged its overwhelming support to Liberia’s economic diversification agenda from the traditional export commodities such as Iron Ore and rubber to the agriculture sector. AfDB President, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina assured President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and her government at a state Dinner held at Bella Casa Hotel in Sinkor that the AFDB will do everything possible to support Liberia.

Dr. Adesina recalled that since 1967 when AFDB started operations in Liberia, the bank has financed operations to the tune of over US$ 1 billion; and the overall current portfolio in Liberia comprises 17 operations for a total commitment value of US$ 383 million, with the infrastructure sector that includes roads, energy, and water and sanitation accounting for 53 percent of total commitments. Yet he acknowledged that challenges still remain and there were more to be done here, citing examples that only two percent of the Liberian population has access to electricity, while about 50 percent are living in extreme poverty. According to Dr. Adesina, the bank has approved US$200 million financing for the Cote d’Ivoire-Liberia-Sierra Leone-Guinea regional electricity interconnection project, which upon completion, is expected to increase the electricity access rate in Liberia and reduce the cost of electricity from 58 US cents per kilowatt per hour in 2013 to 15 US cents by 2020. He described President Sirleaf as a “jewel to Africa,” saying further that she is a great source of inspiration for him personally. He said having listened to President Sirleaf over a year ago in the hallowed chambers of the African Union during its Summit, he was convinced that indeed, for Africa to move forward, women are needed in top leadership positions.


Related Captions: AFDB Commits Maximum Support(The New Dawn), Ellen’s Excellent Leadership Lauded-African Development Bank CEO Describes Her as “Jewel To Africa” (Women Voices)

At the same time, the ANALSYTnewspaper reports under the caption “Pres. Sirleaf Extols AFDB For Continued Support To Liberia’s Development Agenda”that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has extolled the African Development Bank for its continued support  towards Liberia’s development aspirations while acknowledging that the country  has since the 1960 been a key beneficiary of the bank’s assistance. The daily quotes an Executive Mansion release as saying that the Liberian leader made that remarks at a joint Press Conference held in the Foyer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday, March 11 with the President of the African Development Bank, Dr. Akinwumi Adesina who is on an official visit to Liberia.



Veep Boakai Commends Community Radio Stations-Says They Are Vital In The Promotion Of Democratic Values

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai has hailed community radio stations around the Country for their meaningful role in bridging the communication gap between the Government and its people, noting,” no matter how good the policies of government are, if the people in the communities remain ignorant of these policies because of lack of information the execution of national development programs and projects could experience a setback.” He said community radio stations should be strengthened, encouraged and promoted in order to enhance community development at the grass roots level. These assertions were contained in a speech delivered on behalf of Vice President Boakai during the celebration of the eleventh anniversary of Super Bongese Radio in Gbarnga, Bong County over the weekend, by the Media Director to the Vice President, Atty. George Saah, reports the ANALYST newspaper.



Related Captions: VP Boakai Applauds Community Radio(The New Dawn), VP Boakai Commends Community Radio Station(The NEWS)






Liberia, Japan Working Relations On Course

The NEWSnewspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that Liberia’s Foreign Minister, Ms. Marjon Kamara has assured the Japanese Ambassador to Liberia, His Excellency Kaoru Yoshimura, of her government’s continued cordial working relations, pledging that relations will be further strengthened for the mutual benefits of the two countries and peoples.According to the release, Minister Kamara made the assertion when Ambassador Yoshimura paid her a courtesy call last week. The Japanese Ambassador, who has concurrent accreditation to the Republics of Ghana, Liberia and Sierra Leone, resides in Accra, Ghana. He used the opportunity to congratulate Minister Kamara on her preferment as Liberia’s new Foreign Minister, saying he looked forward to working with her to further strengthen the already cordial relations that subsist between Japan and Liberia. During discussions, Foreign Minister Kamara urged the Japanese Ambassador to consider reopening its resident embassy in Liberia, rather than shuttle from Ghana. “We want to plea that you will consider the reestablishment of your presence here before the end of this administration and beyond the Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA),” she admonished. She thanked the Japanese Government and people for all the assistance provided Liberia through JICA in support of its development efforts in the areas of infrastructure, roads, electricity, food aid and non-profit grants, human development and the promotion of private sector investment, among others. However, Minister Kamara pleaded with the Japanese Ambassador to be a bit more creative in encouraging private sector companies to join in Liberia’s development efforts and move away from the traditional methods. She specifically cited the Toyota Motors that can make an impact if it establishes other branches outside Monrovia to service, as well as train Liberian mechanics to maintain its products. “I know the power of Toyota. I know what they are capable of doing once it is encouraged by our two governments,” she emphasized. The Liberian Foreign Minister also used the opportunity to reassure Japanese Ambassador Yoshimura that Government is nearing completion with its investigations at different ministries and agencies into the alleged misappropriations or misapplication of the Japanese grant. She noted that as soon as these investigations were completed, the government would review the findings and recommendations and institute appropriate actions expeditiously. “We want to reassure you that we will do all that is necessary to ensure that the contribution of Japan in this regard is utilized effectively and for the purpose for which it was provided,” Minister Kamara indicated, adding that very soon these investigations would be concluded and appropriate actions against anyone found culpable will be taken to avoid a reoccurrence. During the courtesy call, the Japanese Ambassador presented a formal invitation to Liberia to attend the upcoming Sixth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD VI) Summit scheduled to be held in Nairobi, Kenya, the first time in Africa, on 27 – 28 August 2016. Ambassador Yoshimura, on behalf of the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe, extended a special invitation to President Ellen Johnson to attend the Summit. The Japanese Ambassador disclosed that there will be basically four major issues to be high on the agenda at the Summit considering the changing situations around the world. He specified issues relating to rebuilding a resilient health sector, fight against terrorism, declining prices for export commodities, and climate change. He emphasized that all these issues affect Liberia in particular, and other countries on the continent in general. Foreign Minister Kamara expressed appreciation to Japanese Prime Minister Abe for the invitation extended the Liberian leader and confirmed that she would convey the information to her. On her behalf, Minister Kamara assured the Japanese Ambassador that President Sirleaf will make every effort to attend. Ambassador Yoshimura also expressed his government’s gratitude and appreciation to Liberia for co-sponsoring a resolution at the United Nations Security Council in New York recently that ensured that sanctions was placed on the Democratic Republic of Korea (DPRK) or North Korea for its flagrant violation of a number of UN Security Council Resolutions which threatens to destabilize world peace and a clear disregard for the DPRK’s commitments under the 2005 Joint Statement of the Six Party Talks.


Related Caption:  Foreign Minister Assures Japanese Ambassador(The New Dawn)





ICRC, IFRC Back Ellen's Action

The International Committee of the Red Cross and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies have both expressed support to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for the recent actions taken at the Liberian National Red Cross Society – LNRCS, following reports of massive corruption there. According to the New Dawnnewspaper, President Sirleaf last Tuesday dissolved the Board of Directors of the Liberian Nation Red Cross Society following what the Executive Mansion said, careful review of unfolding events at the Red Cross. The Liberian leader subsequently halted activities of the current Management Team of the LNRCS, and ordered the Police to shut down the entire entity amidst outcry from the Emmanuel O. Kparh leadership, which expressed disgust over the action by the Government, challenging its legality. The daily quotes the Executive Mansion as saying that the Head of Delegation and the Acting Head of Country Office of both the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), Julien Lerison and Youcef Ait Chelloucheon, have respectively expressed concern about credibility and transparency regarding the operations of the LNRCS and declared support for the recent Presidential actions aimed at restoring the image of the Red Cross. According to a press release, both Julien Lerison and Youcef Ait Chelloucheonon Friday, March 11, 2016 paid a courtesy call on President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf at her Foreign Ministry Office in Monrovia, and held consultations with the Liberian leader on the current situation involving the Liberian National Red Cross Society (LNRCS). The two delegations assured President Sirleaf that they stand fully behind her actions and will work with an interim Management team to make the Liberian National Red Cross Society work again for the good of the country and its people. They also announced the arrival of a high-level delegation of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies on Sunday, March 13, 2016 for a three-day visit to Liberia, including a meeting with President Sirleaf.


Related Caption: ICRC, IFRC Support Red Cross Shutdown(DAILY OBSERVER)




UN Prepares Standby Force For Liberia

A top French Foreign Ministry official has told President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf that the UN will ensure the establishment of a standby force for Liberia that will respond to crisis that may arise in the wake of UNMIL drawdown. Mr. Jean- Pierre Lacroix, the Director of United Nations organizations, International Organizations, Human Rights and Francophone Directorate of the French Foreign Ministry made the exertion when he paid a courtesy call on President Sirleaf Friday at her Foreign Ministry office. The New Dawn newspaper writes that Mr. Lacroix who is in the country to follow up on the ongoing UNMIL drawdown and Liberia's peacebuilding processes said the UN is keen in having Liberia among its success stories. Before meeting with President Sirleaf, the French Diplomat had already met with several stakeholders including the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General to Liberia. Earlier President Sirleaf had informed the French official that despite the smooth UNMIL transition plan so far, there have been constraints and challenges, which are been worked on. She named some of challenges as urban congestion, youth unemployment among others as issues with security implications that must be given attention as the drawdown and peacebuilding processes continue. President Sirleaf also told the visiting Diplomat that the Liberian Government is also keen on accelerating the training of more personnel of the Liberian National Police.


Related Caption: Senior French Envoy Pays Courtesy Call On Ellen(Women Voices)



Seeking Collaboration – Dey Governor Wants Police Intervention In Handling Traditional Cases

According to FrontPage Africa newspaper, Dey Governor Jakey Brown has told Police Director Chris Massaquoi that his office wants collaboration with the Liberia National Police (LNP) in handling traditional cases to give police the chance to concentrate on other cases that are criminal in nature. In a letter dated February 19, addressed to Director Massaquoi, Governor Brown reminded him that his office wants to work with the LNP to manage people of the Deygbo-Gbwaweah Chiefdom in Lower Montserrado County. Traditional cases involve domestic issues such as conflicts in marriages, family relationships, children and women’s issues, lack of cooperation in joint ventures like brushing land and cases where a farmer causes fire to affect other farms and sensitive issues that need the collaboration of elders, who have influence to deal with them in their respective communities.



Vice President Boakai Extols ‘Prevail’ for Excellent Work

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai has lauded the US-Liberia joint Clinical Research Partnership for its sustained initiatives aimed at safeguarding the health of Liberians. Since February last year, the Partnership for Research on Ebola Virus in Liberia has been carrying out a lot of clinical research studies on Ebola. VP Boakai said the level of work done by PREVAIL, has put Liberia on course for any battle to keep Ebola subdued and extend the counter assault to any other disease that may emerge to torment the minds of the world. VP Boakai said the government of Liberia will continue its cooperation with PREVAIL to help sustain the various clinical studies which he described as worthy ventures. The Liberian Vice President spoke last night at the one year anniversary celebration of the Partnership for Research on Ebola Virus in Liberia know as PREVAIL, reports the FrontPage Africa newspaper.




Foreign Minister To Lobby For Election Support

The NEWSnewspaper reports that Liberian Foreign Minister Marjon Kamara has promised to lobby with the international community to help support the 2017 general elections in Liberia. Foreign Minister Kamara indicated that the provision of adequate support to the 2017 elections is important because elections are critical to sustenance of peace and stability. She said Liberia needs to set a good example in 2017 by conduction elections that would be rendered free and fair. Minister Kamara commended the NEC for conducting credible elections in the country over the years and urged it to replicate such successes in 2017, The Foreign Minister made the call Friday when a four-member delegation from the National Elections Chairman Jerome George Korkoya, paid her a courtesy visit at her Foreign Ministry office in Monrovia.




VP Boakai Assures Cape Mountainians Of Road Construction

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai has assured the people of Grand Cape Mount County that the government will do all it can to construct the road from Madina to Robertsport, the county’s capital. The Construction of the Cape Mount road will bring development and attract tourists to the county because of its beauty and thereby create opportunities for the citizens, the VP asserted. VP Boakai made the statement during a program marking his visit to Grand Cape Mount County over the weekend, writes the Daily OBSERVER.



Ellen Welcomes Partnership, Cooperation With Seed Global Health

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says her administration welcomes partnership and cooperation with Seed Global Health, which seeks to strengthen healthcare delivery capacities. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf was speaking in Monrovia on Friday, March 11, 2016 at her Foreign Ministry Office when the Chief Executive Officer of Seed Global Health, Dr. Vanessa Kerry at the head of a four-man delegation paid a courtesy call on her. The Liberian leader stressed the importance of such critical and strategic partnership, aimed at enhancing government’s determination to improve the quality of healthcare delivery for the Liberian people.  Speaking earlier, the CEO of Seed Global Health, Dr. Vanessa Kerry thanked President Sirleaf for the audience and said she and her team had been in the country working with the Ministry of Health in areas of likely interventions. Dr. Kerry, among other things, said the Seed Global Health strives to strengthen health education and delivery in places facing a dire shortage of health professionals by working with partner countries to meet their long-term health care and human resource needs. The Global Health Service Partnership (GHSP) is a public-private collaboration between Seed Global Health, the Peace Corps, and the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Established in 2012, the GHSP program is a novel federal initiative addressing vast shortages of health professionals in many parts of the world, writes the New Dawn newspaper.



LNP/BIN Get Boost Amidst UNMIL Draw Down-As Help Comes From Japan

TheGovernment and People of Japan have donated one hundred and sixty motorbikes (160) two thousand sets of raingear, (200) two hindered Infrared Thermometers and eighty Public Address Systems to be used by the LNP and BIN in eight of the country's border counties. The eight counties are Maryland, Gbapolu, Lofa, Bong, Cape Mount, Grand Gedeh, Rivergee, and Nimba Counties. The latest gesture follows a recent donation of 18 Land Cruiser jeeps to the two security entities by the government and people of Japan to be used in these counties. The New Dawn newspaper writes that these gestures come as government and partners try to strengthen the capacity of the local security agencies here amidst UNMIL troops’ drawdown. On June 30, this year, UNMIL is expected to officially turn over security to the local security agencies here with the LNP/BIN playing lead roles. A release from the LNP Sunday said the donations are part of the Emergency Support to National Response to Ebola Viral Hemorrhage Fever Epidemic. Japan Ambassador accredited near Monrovia Amb. Kaoru Yoshimurasaid his government will remain engaged with the government and people of Liberia in supporting the capacity building drive of the Liberian security sector in the wake of the United Nations Mission drawdown process.



Fire Destroys Home In Congo Town

The Daily OBSERVER writes that fire gutted a four-bedroom house within the vicinity of Lonestar Cell Communication (LCC) Incorporated in Cong Town on Saturday, March 12. Items worth over US$25,000 are reported to have been completely incinerated. The fire was noticed at midday by a housekeeper in the compound of Jacqueline, an American expatriate, who is working with a non-governmental organization, Action Contre La Faim (ACF). The fire was later brought under control by kind-hearted neighbors and some employees of Lonestar.