President Sirleaf Congratulates Angola on 40th Anniversary

The President of Liberia, H.E. Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and People of the Republic of Angola as the nation celebrates its 40th independence anniversary.


In President Johnson Sirleaf’s Message to her Angolan counterpart, H. E. Mr. Jose Eduardo Dos Santos, she stated: “It gives me immense pleasure to extend to you and through you to the Government and People of Angola, heartfelt congratulations and best wishes on behalf of the Government of People of Liberia and in my own name.”


The Liberian Leader further noted that as the People of Angola commemorate this historic occasion, she looks forward to strengthening the existing bilateral cooperation with Angola for the mutual benefits of both nations and peoples.


“As we work together in furtherance of international peace and economic integration in Africa and the world, it is my fervent prayers that the Almighty God will endow your Excellency with abundant wisdom and strength as you lead your people to sustainable peace and greater prosperity,” President Johnson Sirleaf wished President Dos Santos as she concluded her Message.