Daily Media Summary, 10-05-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



The resignation of Liberia’s Foreign Minister, H.E. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan is the sole dominant story on today’s newsstand.


Other stories include the reopening of agriculture center in Bong County by China, the burial of Lofa County’s late Lawmaker and the banning of commercial motorcycle in Ganta City.


Dominant story


Ngafuan Steps Down

According to the New Dawn newspaper, Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan has begun the latest senior government official here to tender in his letter of resignation following Agriculture Minister Florence Chenoweth as the Ellen Johnson Sirleaf regime wines down the clock.Former Public Works Minister Kofi Woods and Justice Minister Christiana Tah were the first two officials to have tendered in their resignations earlier. Ngafuan in a statement issued Friday said his move was in compliance with the new code of conduct for public officials seeking elective positions. The outgoing foreign minister has made it repeatedly clear that he would be an active player in the 2017 presidential and general elections. The Act says all officials appointed by the President shall not engage in political activities, canvass or contest for elected office; serve on a campaign team of any political party, or the campaign of any independent candidate. The Act further says any official who desires to contest for public elective office shall resign said post at least two years prior to the date of such public elections. He says his decision at this time is to ensure that he abides by the code of ethics saying if he does not quit at least two years prior to the elections, the law would render him inactive. He says, he does not concur fully with some of the provisions cited as basis for his resignation, but he did so as law-abiding citizen. “I have therefore determined that my continued service in the Government in the position of Minister of Foreign Affairs will have the net effect of legally making me politically inactive, an outcome that conflicts with my intention for the future,” Mr. Ngafuan added. “Consistent with the outcome of my reflection and consultations, I made it unequivocally clear about two years ago that I did not intend to be inactive in the 2017 Presidential and General Elections, which depending on how it pans out, will determine whether our country will progress or retrogress,” Ngafuan said in his resignation dated 2 October.


Related Captions:Foreign Minister Ngafuan Tenders Resignation, Prepares For 2017 Elections(Daily Observer), Liberia's Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan Resigns (FrontPage Africa), Foreign Minister Ngafuan Explains Why He Resigned(Heritage),Ngafuan Resigns(Analyst),Ngafuan Resigns….Eyes Active Role In 2017(News),Liberia’s Foreign Minister Resigns( In Profile Daily),Ellen’s Confidant Resigns(FOCUS)and Ngafuan Resigns For 2017 Race (Inquirer)


Other stories


China Re-Opens Agriculture Center In Suakoko

The China-Liberia Agriculture Technology Demonstration Center has reopened in Bong County after abrupt closure last year due to the Ebola crisis. The Center laid its foundation in 2008 and completed in June 2010 with technical operation started in 2011 by 12 Chinese at the Central Agricultural Research Institute (CARI), in Suakoko District to help improve the agriculture sector of Liberia. Officially reopening the Center over the weekend, the General Manager of the Lonpeng High-Tech Fang Yuanxiang, who spoke through his Vice General Manager, Kobe Zhang, said the abrupt closure was due to the deadly Ebola Virus Disease that engulfed the country in 2014, leading to the deaths of many people, including health workers. The Center that is highly noted by many as the gateway to the improvement of agriculture in Liberia is under the nomenclature Liberia Longping Agriculture Development Company Limited. It was reopened to the country at the Central Agriculture Research Institute in Suakoko recently in the presence of major stakeholders. According to statistics, since the establishment of the Center by the Chinese agriculture technicians, there have been numerous training opportunities for several Liberians in the areas of animal husbandry, machine operation and other agriculture related exercises. Earlier giving an overview of the initiative at a one-day stakeholders’ consultative meeting, the interim team leader at CARI, Aaron Garway Marshall, welcomed the Chinese back to the district. He said the departure of the Chinese was due to the rampant spread of the deadly Ebola Virus Disease in the country and assured the CARI’s family stands ready to working with the Chinese for an improved society, asserts the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Caption:China-Liberia Agriculture Demonstration Center Reopens(Heritage)




Carter Center Vp Tours Projects In Bong

The Vice President of the Carter Center has ended a one-day visit to Bong County as part of assessment of its programs in Liberia. The Carter Center current Vice President, who is based in Georgia, the United States of America, also paid a courtesy call on the management of the Gbarnga Regional Justice and Security Hub to enable him get acquainted with work of the hub and some of its challenges. After the tour, he told reporters that he was glad to visit Liberia after serving the country thru the United Nations for about four years. Mr. Ryan expressed Carter Center’s commitment to the maintenance of peace in the country as UNMIL gradually draws down. He added that his organization has worked and continues to work to improve the justice system and also support other areas of rule of law. According to him, the Center is currently working with chiefs and traditional leaders across the country to help with improving local government. The former deputy SRSG told reporters that he has seen a lot of development in the country that were not on the ground during his tenure with UNMIL. He added that while in route to Monrovia from the Roberts International Airport, he saw many beautiful structures and very well paved road, adding that before he left Liberia in 2009, roads were littered with pot holes, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Caption: Carter Center VP Ends One-Day Visit To Bong(Heritage)





Segal Seeks Partnership With Govt.

The New Dawn newspaper reports that aprivate security firm, the Security Expert Guard Agency of Liberia or SEGAL, is calling on the Government of Liberia to promote joint collaboration among security forces in the country to maintain peace in the wake of UNMIL drawdown. SEGAL also emphasized the need for law enforcement agencies to sit around the table with various private security firms to discuss issues relating to maintaining the peace of Liberia.  Speaking to reporters Friday, October 2, at his office on 10th Street Sinkor, General Manager and CEO Momo T. Cyrus, said the reason for seeking partnership with the government is to enable private security firms buttress efforts of the security sector after the drawdown of UNMIL. He indicated that national security forces cannot handle all situations alone, adding, “Our job as private security officers is static; no one will leave post unless his or her assignment is change, but with the national security officers, you will find them leaving for no reason, and their presence is not felt at our various border entries around the country”. Cyrus noted that his call for collaboration comes from the backdrop of UNMIL drawdown, noting, “Our national security officers are not trusted enough to handle [all] situations whenever they sparked up, because they don’t have a complete response team that will immediately rush to situations, but with the private security, we are always on ground; our presence alone can put to halt any uncomfortable situation in the country”. Commenting on the recent violence in Ganta, Nimba County to led to one death and arson attack on both public and private properties, the SEGAL general manager said if enough security officers had been on the scene to swiftly respond, the damages would have been minimized.



Gov’t Expresses Remorse Over Ganta Revolt

The government has expressed remorse over the September 30th disturbance, which rocked Ganta leaving several business centers vandalized and obstructing the free movement of peaceful citizens. The Minister of Justice, Cllr. Benedict Sannoh, who spoke to the local authorities and a cross-section of citizens in Ganta on October 1, promised that the government will do everything possible to bring those involved in the demonstration as well as those suspected of carrying out reported ritualistic killings in the county to justice, adding, “Whether it takes a long time or not, the government will bring the perpetrators as well as those suspected of violent activities to justice.” Minister Sannoh admonished Ganta residents never to repeat what took place on September 30. He also asked them to help officers of the Liberia National Police (LNP) to bring those involved in vandalizing and looting of properties to book to serve as a deterrent. “Commercial motorbike riders cannot hold the country hostage by burning police stations and vandalizing properties. These acts are a direct challenge to constituted authority,” he declared.Minister Sannoh was accompanied to Ganta by Information Minister, Lewis Brown and Internal Affairs Minister, Morris Dukuly to assess the level of destruction. They assured the citizens that the incident in Ganta will be the last involving motorbike riders in the country. “The government will take all appropriate steps to bring to justice all those involved in the rioting and looting of properties,” the officials declared. “We are aware of the economic implications of the motorcycles, because we do not have public transport in all the areas, but that doesn’t mean the commercial bike riders should take the law into their hands at all times,” Minister Sannoh scolded. He cautioned the citizens to be law-abiding in order to enjoy the country’s peace and stability, pens the Daily Observer.


Related Caption: ‘No Crime Will Go Unpunished’…….Says MICAT Boss Of Violence In Ganta (Heritage)



Ambassador Nnadozie Calls For Attitude Change….On Nigeria’s 55th Anniversary

According to the Daily Observer, Nigerian Ambassador to Liberia, Chigozie F. Obi-Nnadozie, has urged both Nigerians and Liberians to participate in bringing the needed change to their respective societies. Ambassador Nnadozie made the call in Monrovia during the occasion marking the 55th Independence Anniversary of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on October 1. She emphasized that “Change does not just happen. You and I must have our part to play if we must bring about change. We must change our lawless habit and attitude toward public office, rude behavior in schools, hospitals, marketplaces, motorbike traffic and offices.” She said if change should come, “We must change ourselves and be law-abiding citizens.” On behalf of the Liberian government Vice President Joseph Boakai acknowledged Nigeria’s role in Liberia’s peace building efforts and in last year’s Ebola crisis. He acknowledged that despite the challenge of terrorism in that country and coupled with other domestic issues, Nigeria continues to demonstrate African solidarity, reaching out to Liberia and other African countries. He added that Nigeria faced a minimal level of the Ebola disease, but regardless of the situation Africa’s most populous country came to Liberia’s aid from start to the end. The independence anniversary of Nigeria was preceded by many other activities in Liberia, including a street parade, visits to orphanages and prisons, and intercessory prayers for the country as it goes through economic reforms and terrorist threats from Boko Haram.




 Lofa Lawmaker Buried

On Friday and Saturday wake keeping and funeral rites were held over the remains of the fallen Lofa County District #2 Representative Fofi Sahr Baimba. An array of government officials, who attended the two ceremonies, was led by Defense Minister Brownie J. Samukai and Speaker J. Alex Tyler. Scores of sympathizers at the funeral watched the flag-draped coffin lowered into the ground at the Kaizer Memorial Lawn Cemetery in Brewerville City outside Monrovia. The protocols for the funeral rites of the former Lofa County lawmaker began last Wednesday with the opening of a book of condolence followed on Friday by the removal of the body from the Samuel Stryker Funeral Home in Sinkor to the Rotunda of the Capitol Building where a State wake keeping was held. While Baimba’s remains lay in repose on Capitol Hill, there was a quiet family wake-keeping at the deceased’s Soul Clinic Community residence in Paynesville, outside Monrovia. Early Saturday, the remains were taken to his Soul Clinic residence, and later to the King Kizito Catholic Church for the Mass of the Resurrection. The former Lofa County lawmaker died on Sunday, September 13 upon arrival at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital in Sinkor after a brief illness. He was 61. During his early tenure at the 53rd Legislature, he served as Co-Chairman on the Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery. He was a member of the Committee on Internal Affairs, reports the Daily Observer.




Now Boarding - Flights To Rural Liberia, New Carrier Launched

Transport Minister Angela Cassell Bush has commended the management of the Mission Aviation Fellowship Liberia (MAF) for investing in Liberia’s aviation sector by providing alternative means of transportation to rural areas of the country, particularly within the south-eastern region. She also disclosed plans underway by the Government to establish 17 weather stations across the country as well as the establishment of the Liberia Meteorology Center by early next year, which will complement efforts to revive domestic air transport in the country. “Your investment is another means to alleviate hardship as it provides option for us to access the rural communities”, she stressed. Mr. Max Gove, Special Project Director of MAF, in opening remarks, said the light aircraft services launched will indeed bring help to the most vulnerable people in the country. He said the inspiration for the establishment of MAF was conceived in 1945 by ex- servicemen from the United Kingdom and the United States of America who flew aircrafts and brought destruction to people during World War II. He said the mission, which officially began operation on October 23, 1946, was now shuttling in 25 countries with Liberia as the 26th and the first in Africa. Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF), a faith-based organization which operates light aircraft services to rural communities in several countries around the World, will also be providing medical evacuation charter services amongst others, reports FrontPage Africa.





CBL Governor Predicts Future Economic Boom For Liberia

FrontPage Africa pens that despite criticisms in some quarters against offering micro-finance to empower small businesses across the country with some Liberians squarely saying that the loan offer is politically motivated which is yet to be established, Central Bank Governor Mills Jones remains hopeful that prosperity lies ahead for the country’s economy in the wake of dooming hardship currently facing the average Liberian. Governor Jones who is expected to end his second year tenure expected in April 2016 just a year to the country’s third post war election has called on Liberians not to lost hope as a people and nation. “We have the facts about the CBL”S private sector initiative but what is more interesting is the story associated with the facts that with vision and commitment we can use the resources even if not much, to transform lives, that we do not have to wait for others to do for ourselves. But above all, the story to tell is that Liberia still has the chance to live up to its promise, to be a land of possibilities for all” said CBL Governor Jones. The Central   Bank Governor spoke Friday when he served as guest speaker at the 2nd Anniversary of the of a local business establishment, National Toiletries Inc attended by cross section of Liberians including former National Investment Commission Chairman Dr. Richard Tolbert, Liberia Bank for Development and Investment (LBDI) John Davies. The National Toiletries INC owned by a Liberian businessman Fumba Trawally was established in 2013 and is located in the Bernard Farm Community in Paynesville.


Related Caption: CBL Boss Identifies Recipe For Liberia Prosperity(Heritage)




EU Envoy Recommends Pre-Election Sensitization

The head of the European Union (EU) delegation to Liberia, Tiina Intelmann, has recommended “a robust pre-electoral sensitization campaign” that will give Liberian voters full knowledge of the 2017 Presidential and Legislative elections. Speaking Thursday on the ELBC Super Morning Show, Intelmann stressed that Liberians must take steps to improve their own lives, restore institutional confidence as well as in their nation by extension, The New Republic asserts.




Strengthening Capacity Of Security Institutions

The Liberia National Commission on Small Arms (LINCSA) in continuation of its build up to respond to the menace of small arms and light weapons to regional peace, security and development, has conducted a three-day Training of Trainers (TOT) at the Justice and Security Regional Hub in Bong County. Funded by the European Union, and implemented by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the training, under the ECOWAS EU Small Arms Project, “Voluntary Arms Collection for Development”, was designed to improve the skills and knowledge of personnel of national security institutions on the security of arms and ammunition and the management of arms stockpile and their storage facilities. The Deputy Commissioner of the Bureau of Immigration and naturalization, Peter Zaizay cautioned the trainees against the misuse of their authority as security personnel carrying arms. On his part, the EU, ECOWAS Cluster Coordinator, Lacina Barro stressed that continuous training of security agencies and Institutions” remains paramount in arms collection, management, record keeping and destruction, The Analyst reports.


Related Caption: UNDP Strengthening Capacity of Security Institutions(FOCUS)



LEITI, CSOs Sign Grant Agreement To Build Capacity

The Liberia Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (LEITI) and six civil society organizations (CSOs) have signed grant agreements aimed at providing technical assistance and capacity building support to enhance the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) process. Speaking at the signing ceremony, the Head of Secretariat of LEITI, Mr. Konah D. Karmo said the purpose of the grant is to empower CSOs to help citizens understand the workings of the LEITI. The US$50,000.00 (Fifty Thousand United States Dollars) grant was provided by the African Development Bank (AfDB), to LEITI for technical assistance and capacity building support, In Profile Daily writes.



Govt. Bans Motorcycles In Ganta

The government has banned the operation of commercial motorcycles in Ganta City, Nimba County until investigation into Wednesday’s mob violence allegedly carried out by motorcyclists is finalized. Making the pronouncement on behalf of the Liberian Government in a special address to the nation Wednesday, Justice Minister Cllr. Benedict Sanoh said any motorcyclist caught violating the ban will be dealt with in keeping with the law, the NEWS reports.