Daily Media Summary, 09-30-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s call for the prioritization of health and human security for the  new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the University of Liberia’s plan to award bachelors in Nursing and Midwifery and President Johnson Sirleaf’s rejection of pension Bill for Government officials are among stories highlighted in today’s edition of the summary of the local dailies.





Ellen Wants Health, Human Security Prioritized

The New Dawn newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has emphasized the prioritization of health and human security as critical to the achievement of the new 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. She also stressed that by adopting universal health coverage, the world would have positioned its energies towards combating various health-related challenges such as infectious diseases; re-echoing the call that the rapid response to strengthening the global health systems is crucial to confronting potential pandemics. A dispatch from New York, says the President spoke at a high-level meeting on “The Path Towards Universal Health Coverage: The Promotion of Equitable Global Health and Human Security in the Post-2015 Development Era,” on Monday, September 28, 2015.  The event, which was held on the fringes of the United Nations General Assembly, was co-sponsored by Japan, France, Senegal, Thailand, the World Health Organization and the Global Fund. She said human progress is often measured in terms of their health as basic human security; which she says thrives alongside trappings of the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). President Sirleaf emphasized the need for strategic pooled financing instruments backed by private partnership, which according to her, would play a major role in translating global goals into investment within the context of global health. “This makes it exceedingly imperative for global health leaders to adapt to the transitioning landscape that is critical to determining the unprecedented achievements in global health following the adoption of the SDGs,” the Liberian leader observed.


Related Captions: Sirleaf Wants Health And Human Security Prioritized (New Democrat), Ellen Wants Health And Human Security Prioritized In 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development (The Informer), Ellen Wants Health, Human Security Prioritized In 2030Agenda (Women Voices), Eyeing Health, Human Security Prioritized In 2030 Agenda (FrontPage Africa), Ellen Rallies For Free Global Healthcare Says the Achievement of Global Health Pivotal to 2030 Global Agenda Success (Daily Observer), Ellen Wants Health And Human Security Prioritized (Heritage), At UN General Assembly-Ellen Advocates For Health, Human Security (Public Agenda), “Ebola Exposed Liberia’s Weak Health System”…Ellen Tells World Leaders (The Inquirer), Pres. Sirleaf Wants Health And Human Security Prioritized Globally (FOCUS)




UL To Award Bachelors In Nursing And Midwifery

The New Dawn newspaper reports that the University of Liberia, in collaboration with the John F. Kennedy Medical Center and the Tubman National Institute of Medical Arts (TNIMA), has introduced another four-year degree granting program in the College of Health and Life Sciences leading to a B.Sc. in Nursing and B.Sc. in Midwifery. According to the Vice President for Life and Health Sciences, Dr. V. Kanda Golakai, the new program has already commenced and has 19 students. “These student will transfer with a certain amount of credits from what they learned at TNIMA and then they will supplement it with a certain amount of credit from what they will acquire from the University of Liberia through the College of Science and Technology as well as the medical school, and then finalized by more intense courses being offered at TNIMA, but complementary for degree in nursing,” he stated. Dr. Golakai further stated that the Nursing and Midwifery degree option is a combined articulation program between the TNIMA, which is an established nursing training non-degree program that has been the only public option over the years to a degree option now being provided so that nurses can have a career that is compatible with other degree granting units at the University of Liberia. According to the new program curriculum, the Articulation Program requires a total of 126 credit-hours to complete the Articulation Program.


Related Captions: UL To Award Bachelors In Nursing And Midwifery (New Democrat), UL To Award Bachelors In Nursing And Midwifery (Daily Observer), University Of Liberia To Offer Bachelors In Nursing /Midwifery (FrontPage Africa), UL To Award Bachelors In Nursing And Midwifery (Heritage)





Ellen Rejects Pension Benefits Bill

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has rejected the bill seeking to provide pension and retirement benefits to the President and Vice president, Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, the President Pro-Tempore of the Liberian Senate and Members of the National Legislature, the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court and Judges of subordinate courts of Liberia, FOCUS newspaper reports.


Related Captions: Sirleaf Vetoes Controversial Pension Bill (FrontPage Africa), Ellen Rejects Pension Bill…For Government Officials (The News), Ellen Slaps Lawmakers…Disapproves Bill For Huge Retirement Benefits, Others (Heritage)





“Liberia’s Development In Your Hands” - UNDP Country Director

The Country Director of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Liberia has stressed that Liberians are the masters of their own development.  Dr. Kamil Kamaluddeen noted that working together as a nation and people brings about rapid development.  Speaking during the hosting of the Social Good Summit on Monday, September 28th, and organized by the UNDP in partnership with the Press Union of Liberia (PUL), the UNDP Country Director stressed that development can only be achieved through collaboration and partnership.
“The development of Liberia is in your hands” Dr. Kamaluddeen noted. This year’s social Good summit was also center around the buildup to the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the “new development agenda, Transforming Our World”. Also making remarks at the program, the President of the Press Union of Liberia Kamara A. Kamara encouraged Liberians to take appropriate actions to end poverty, with the adoption of the new set of development Agenda, the SDGs. The Social Good Summit explores how technology is being used for social good around the world. The global theme, #2030 NOW, asks the question, "what type of world do I want to live in by the year 2030?". During the summit, global citizens around the world unite to unlock the potential of technology to make the world a better place. In Liberia, the Social Good Summit highlighted ways in which new technology was harnessed to help tackle the Ebola outbreak in some of the country’s most disadvantaged communities, writes the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Captions: “The Development Of Liberia Is In Your Hands”, UNDP Country Director (In Profile Daily), “The Dev't Of Liberia Is In Your Hands” -- UNDP Country Director (The New Dawn), “The Development Of Liberia Is In Your Hands”…Says UNDP Country Director (Heritage), Liberians Should Be Masters Of Their Own Development-Says UNDP Country Director (INSIGHT), “The Development Of Liberia Is In Your Hands”-Says UNDP Country Director (Public Agenda), “The Development Of Liberia Is In Your Hands”…Says UNDP Country Director (The Inquirer), “Liberians Responsible For Development”-Says UNDP Country Director (FOCUS)





NPA Signs MOU Extension With GPA Trade Agreement Extended for Three Years

The National Port Authority (NPA) and the Georgia Ports Authority have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) extending the ports’ partnership. Although, there is no monetary value to the MOU, the original one signed August, 4, 2010, to 2012, is being extended for an additional three years. The new MOU is geared towards expanding trade between the Southeastern United States and Liberia. The Port of Savannah is the highest-volume exporter to Liberia among U.S South Atlantic ports, and the highest in imports from Liberia. According to a statement from the NPA, the MOU encourages voluntary cooperation in the areas of capacity building, joint marketing activities, and information sharing on trade forecasts, market studies and developments in the shipping market, as well as details of modernization and technological improvements necessary to meet market demands and enhance throughput. The signing ceremony took place after the US-Liberia Trade and Investment Forum held September 15 and 16 in New York during which the Liberian Government’s Agenda for Transformation (AFT) was presented, according to the Daily Observer.


Related Captions: NPA, Georgia Ports Authority Sign MOU Extension-For Three Years (In Profile Daily), NPA Extends Trade Agreement With US Port (Women Voices), NPA, GPA Sign MOU…Trade Agreement Extended For Three Years (Heritage), NPA Signs MOU Extension With GPA-Trade Agreement Extended For Three Years (FOCUS)




Senate Ratifies, Repeals 7 Laws & Protocols Legislature, Executive Sign Book of Condolence of Rep. Fofi Sahr Baimba

The Senate at its 8th day extraordinary sitting yesterday unanimously ratified and repealed several Acts, Protocols, and Treaties. The Senate was scheduled to act on the passage and ratification of the documents last Thursday, but a motion was filed against the reading of the recommendations before plenary. This was because it was observed that the Committee on Foreign Affairs which should have been the lead committee was left out of the three that made up the joint committee. The committee included Commerce, Trade and Industry, and Judiciary. The Senate unanimously voted to repeal the Act Adopting a new copyright Law approved March 20, 2003, constituting title 24 of the Liberian Code of Laws, and enacted in their stead a New Title 24 to be known as the Liberia Intellectual Property Act 2014. The Acts have meanwhile been sent to the House of Representatives for concurrence. When concurred upon and signed into Hand Bills by President Sirleaf, the Acts will make both the copyright office and the Industrial Property Office more responsive and thereby help remove unwarranted bureaucracies and disjointed operations in order to establish an integrated and efficient Intellectual Property Regime for the country. The signing of the ratifications, according to the committee, will further help promote economic development, efficiency in utilization of resources and effectiveness in the delivery of public services. Meanwhile, members of the Legislature and the Executive Branch of Government yesterday signed the book of condolence for the fallen Lofa County Representative, Fofi Sahr Baimba in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building. The Lofa County lawmaker who chaired the House Committee on Agriculture passed away recently in Monrovia following a brief illness. The Minister of National Defense Brownie J. Samukai, Jr., who is currently serving as Acting President, and Vice President Joseph Boakai, both of whom hail from Lofa County, signed on behalf of the Executive. The Speaker, Alex Tyler, Senate Pro Tempore, Armah Zolu Jallah, accompanied by an array of law makers from both Houses signed on behalf of the Legislature, pens the Daily Observer.



Related Captions: Senate Passes Several Acts Into Law (Heritage), Representative’s Death A Big Gap (The New Dawn), He Was A Good Man Legislature Opens Book Of Condolence For Fallen Colleague (FrontPage Africa), He Was A Good Man, Unifier-Lawmakers, Other Describe Fallen Lofa County Representative (Women Voices)








Nyenswah Tells World ‘Liberia Has Effectively Beaten Ebola’

Deputy Health Minister Tolbert Nyenswah has told the global community that Liberia has effectively beaten the Ebola virus twice and that the country has the capacity to deal with any resurgence. According to the Liberia News Agency (LINA), he was speaking at a high-level meeting on “The Path Towards Universal health Coverage: The Promotion of Equitable Global Health and Human Security in the Post-2015 Development Era”, on Monday, September 28, Heritage newspaper reports.





Health, Finance Speak On Ebola Hazard Pay

Authorities at the Ministry of Health have disclosed that the Government of Liberia and partners have met all obligations in terms of payment of Ebola Response workers. In a joint press release issued by the Ministries of Health and Finance and Development Planning Tuesday, all payments to Ebola Response Workers paid by the government have been managed by the Project Financial Management Unit at the Finance and Development Planning Ministry in coordination with the MOH and banking institutions, the NEWS newspaper writes.





VP Boakai Hails Guinea For Level of Development

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai, at the head of a high-powered Liberian delegation, at the weekend travelled to the Republic of Guinea to join in that country’s pre independence day celebration activities with several African heads of State and representatives of governments in attendance. Upon arrival in the Guinean Capitol Conakry, Vice president Boakai and delegation were received by the President of Guinea, professor Alpha Condé and senior officials of the Guinean Government. Vice President Boakai met African heads of State, who had come to Conakry to grace the inauguration of the Kaleta Hydroelectric project, which will operate at the capacity of 240 megawatts at the cost of over 400 million dollars, Heritage newspaper reports.





Ellen Urges National Responses To 2030 Agenda

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has told world leaders that the successful implementation of the 2030 Development Agenda will depend largely on the concrete measures taken at the sub-national, national, regional and global levels. “We must craft ambitious national responses towards the implementation of the agenda. We must set in motion national processes that will guide member states’ efforts to integrate and domesticate the new agenda into local content that will engender national ownership in the implementation process. She disclosed that the new global development agenda is the result of the most consultative process in history; noting that the negotiations culminated in the consensus document, “Transforming our World, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”, the Informer newspaper reports.





Ukraine To send Six Military Helicopters

Kyiv is ready to send six military helicopters to Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire within the framework of the UN-led peacekeeping mission, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has said. “We would like to provide six military helicopters to Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire after the UN operation is over”, the Ukrainian President said at the Peacekeeping Summit held as a part of the UN General Assembly session in New York, New Democrat newspaper reports.





Think Outside The Box … Nigerian Envoy Urges Liberians On Tourism Day

The Ambassador of the Federal Republic Nigeria accredited to Liberia, Chigozie F. Obi-Nnadozie, has urged Liberians to think outside the box by first identifying those things that make them unique and those things that non-Liberians may find intriguing. The Nigerian envoy was speaking Monday, September 28 at ceremony marking the commemoration of the 36th anniversary of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) held in the port city of Buchanan, Grand Bassa County, Heritage newspaper reports.



Related Caption: Liberia Observes World Tourism Day, Nigeria Amb. Calls For Holistic Engagement (The Inquirer)





USAID Donates US$100k Materials To LRS

The Liberia Revenue Authority (LRA) has received furniture and equipment valued over US$100,000 from the U.S. Agency for International Development Governance and Economic Management Support project (USAID-GEMS). The materials are intended to help facilitate, boost and protect revenue collection in the country, according to an LRA release issued Tuesday. The furniture and equipment were donated as a part of USAID-GEMS technical support to the LRA decentralized revenue collection windows. Madam Vicky Cooper-Enchia, Chief of Party USAID-GENS said they are excited about the additional 11 new and renovated revenue windows, particularly the ones destined for Duala and Red Light by the LRA. Receiving the donation at the authority’s headquarters in Paynesville, LRA Commissioner General, Elfrieda Tamba, applauded USAID-GEMS for the invaluable investment in the works of the LRA and stated that it will significantly contribute to the goal of facilitating revenue collection, Heritage newspaper reports.





First National Aging Confab Underway In Liberia

The Coalition of Caregivers and Advocates for the Elderly in Liberia (COCAEL) says it is set to host the First National Aging Conference in Liberia on Thursday, October 1, as part of the celebration of the UN World Older People Day, a day set aside by the United Nations to recognize the contributions older people have made toward the development of their countries. A release issued by COCAEL disclosed that the event will be held at the S. Trowen Nagbe United Methodist Church and expected to draw an array of personalities from government, international community, and non-governmental organizations. The event will include activities such as panel discussion and the official launching of COCAEL, Heritage newspaper reports.

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