Daily Media Summary, 09-29-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




Today’s summary of the local dailies includes the President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, participation at a special event organized by the Clinton Global Initiative that focused on many issues confronting the world, the Head of the European Union Delegation to Liberia, Ambassador Tiina Intelmann urge for Liberia to feed its people as well as the National Legislature opening of the Book Of Condolence for its Fallen member.





Pres. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf Joins Clinton Global Initiative

On the margins of the United Nations General Assembly, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, on Sunday, September 27, 2015, joined several global leaders at a special event organized by the Clinton Global Initiative that focused on many issues confronting the world today. At the event held at the Sheraton Hotel in New York, representatives of governments, private sector, civil society, international organizations, discussed a wide range of issues including refugees, disease outbreaks, slavery, trafficking of women and children, terrorism, education, among many others. According to a dispatch from New York, President Sirleaf and the Chief Executive Officer and Board Chairman of Merck & Company, a vaccine company, Mr. Kenneth C. Frazier, in sharing a panel moderated by former U.S. President Bill Clinton, specifically to discuss the topic: “Taking the Long View: Investing in Prevention,” with emphasis on the outbreak of infectious diseases around the globe and effort to prevent them. Introducing the panel discussion, former U.S. President Bill Clinton told his audience that the United States of America has a special responsibility to Liberia because the country was created by free slaves from America and has had a longstanding traditional relationship and friendship. He praised President Sirleaf for putting the country back on track after the devastating Ebola crisis; thanking her also for the declaration of Liberia as an Ebola-free nation. The Liberian President thanked former President Clinton and others who took the risk to visit Liberia during the Ebola crisis. “You took a very serious risk by coming to Liberia when the disease was still raging and I want to sincerely thank you for that,” she told former President Clinton. She pointed out that with the defeat of the virus and a declaration of freedom from the Ebola virus disease by the World Health Organization, Liberia is trying to rebuild and recover. “Thanks to all who helped us to overcome the Ebola virus disease,” she said, adding, “We can now put the pieces back together because already, She said government is committed to fixing the healthcare system, reforming the educational sector, fixing the infrastructure and investing in agriculture. “These are four basic pillars of our recovery program,” President Sirleaf indicated. The Liberian leader urged the world to support initiatives that strengthen healthcare systems and will address infection and ensure the prevention of diseases by ensuring there are no outbreaks in the first place, the FrontPage Africa newspaper reports.


Related Captions: Ellen Joins Clinton Global Initiative (New Democrat), Pres. Sirleaf Support Global Initiative To Focus On Investing In Prevention (FOCUS), EJS Joins Clinton Global Initiative Event (The News)




EU Envoy Stresses Food Sufficiency

The Head of the European Union (EU) Delegation to Liberia, Ambassador Tiina Intelmann, said Liberia should be able to feed its people because it is endowed with vast potentials, including fertile soil and a good climate. She suggested that doing so requires not only increasing food production, but also improving the business climate in the country, which according to her, is vital as the EU engages in multiyear support of the agriculture sector in Liberia. According to a press release, Ambassador Intelmann gave the urge when she shared thoughts with the Mayor of Bentol City in Montserrado County, Christine T. Norman, on the need to support local communities, and enhance women participation in both the public and private sectors. In an interview on the Voice of Rural Montserrado (VRM), a community FM station in Bentol, Ambassador Intelmann underlined that the importance of the decentralization process undertaken by the Government cannot be overemphasized because it creates the opportunity for everyone to benefit from the services it provides to the public, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Captions: EU Envoy, Bentol City Mayor Share Thoughts on Development (In Profile Daily), EU To Earmark On Development In Bentol (FOCUS), EU Envoy, Bentol City Mayor Share Thoughts on Development (The Inquirer), EU Envoy, Bentol City Mayor Share Thoughts on Dev. (The News), EU Envoy And Bentol City Mayor Share Thoughts on Development (FrontPage Africa), EU Envoy, Bentol City Mayor Share Thoughts on Development (Heritage)







Legislature Opens Book Of Condolence For Fallen LawmakerThe Daily Observer reports that the Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives of the 53rd Legislature today, September 29, at 11:00 a.m. assembled in the Rotunda of the Capitol Building to sign the Book of Condolence for the fallen Lofa County District #2 Representative, Fofi Sahr Baimba. According to the protocol, the President and Members of the Cabinet will sign the book of condolence at 11:00 a.m., while the Vice President, President Pro-Tempore and members of the Senate will follow at 11:45 a.m. The protocol further said the Speaker and Members of the House of Representatives will sign at 12:30 p.m. and at 1:30 p.m., the Chief Justice and Members of the Supreme Court will sign the book of condolence. The Doyen and members of the Diplomatic Corps will sign in at 2:15 p.m. and at 2:45 p.m., the heads of Public Corporations, Autonomous Agencies, Bureaus and Commissions will follow. They will include religious leaders, Council of Chiefs and Elders and members of the business community at 3:15 p.m. Rep. Baimba died on Sunday, September 13, at the John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital in Monrovia. The deceased lawmaker was chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, Fishery and Forestry. He was an executive member of the Unity Party (UP).


Related Caption: Ellen, Others To Sign Book Of Condolence For Fallen Lofa Lawmaker Today (Heritage)




EJS Attends Global Meeting On Women’s Empowerment

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has committed Liberia to some aspects of Goal No. 5 of the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted last weekend by the United Nations General Assembly in New York. According to a dispatch, the Liberian leader made the commitment at an event on gender equality and women’s empowerment on Sunday, September 27, 2015. In committing her administration, President Sirleaf said before the end of her tenure, she shall endeavor to ensure the domestic violence bill is passed into law; ban female genital mutilation (FGM) and ensure women participation in politics. On the domestic violence bill, the Liberian President promised to collaborate with the National Legislature to pass into law the proposed Domestic Violence Act endorsed by the Liberian Cabinet on June 15, 2015 and currently before the lawmakers for enactment. The draft Bill defines Domestic Violence pursuant to Article 2 of the Declaration on the Elimination of Violence against Women.  As regards ban on female genital mutilation, President Sirleaf committed to ensure the complete adherence to the enforcement of the ban on female genital mutilation in light of the backdrop that the 2011 Law on Children offers protection against all forms of violence including FGM which is against such practice. On women participation in politics, the Liberian leader pledged to ensure the ongoing Constitution Review process in Liberia guarantees women’s full participation in governance and national affairs on a parity basis.

Related Caption: Liberia To Enforce Adherence To FGM Ban (The News)



16 Countries Request Int’l Aid To Liberia’s Socio-Economic Growth

A total of 16 countries have requested the international community to provide Liberia with the necessary assistance to achieve its human rights, anti-poverty and socio-economic goals. The call was made at mid-day meeting at the weekend when the Human Rights Council (HRC) adopt the outcome of the Universal Periodic Review of Liberia in New York, according to a release from Liberia’s Periodic Review of Liberia in New York, according to a release from Liberia’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations. The release named Libya, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Togo, Venezuela, Angola, Rwanda, Benin, Botswana, Chia, Congo, Cuba, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Gabon and Ghana as countries that made the request. In remarks at the program, Justice Minister Benedict Sanoh said Liberia had been in the vanguard of the promotion and protection of human rights for over 168 years, FOCUS newspaper writes.


Related Caption: 16 Countries Request Int’l Aid To Liberia’s Socio-Economic Growth (Heritage)




Veep Boakai Calls For Responsible Journalism

Vice President Ambassador Joseph N. Boakai has called on Liberian journalists not to only ask for information for publication but to properly manage and responsibly report such information for the good of the society. The Liberian Vice President said media practitioners have the responsibility to management information they have and promised that the Government of (GOL) will always ensure that the Liberian people have access to information especially those that affect their lives. In a speech delivered on his behalf by his Chief of office Staff, Mr. Samuel A. Stevquoah at the celebration of the ‘International Right to Know Day’ yesterday, Vice President Boakai recounted that because the Government of Liberia is committed to ensure the right to know for its citizens is paramount, the Freedom of Information (FOI) Law was passed in September of 2010. Carter Center Vice President for Peace program, Mr. Jordan Ryan said Liberia made history when it became the first country to pass the Freedom of Information Commission law and later followed by Sierra Leone, the Inquirer newspaper reports.




Equip-Liberia Extends Operations In Gbarpolu

The New Republic newspaper says Equip-Liberia has extended its operations in Gbarpolu County, aimed at strengthening community health structures to be more functional for effective community services in hard to reach communities. Making the disclosure, Equip’s senior program manager of the organization Emmanuel Kimen said the organization’s permanent field office in Promised Land community in Bopolu City, Gbarpolu County will enable the organization to work in 80  communities in that western part of Liberia. The first phase of the program is supported by USAID through Mercy Corps, Kimen said.




MRU Countries Commended For Fight Against Ebola

World leaders have commended Liberia, Guinea ad Sierra Leone for their resilience in the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). The commendation came from Ghanaian President Jon Mahama, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, World Health Organization’s Dr. Margaret Chan, Tanzanian President Jikaya Kikwete, Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg and Microsoft founder Bill Gates, among others. Meanwhile, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has told global stakeholders in the Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sector that Water and Sanitation also play a very important role in delivering quality healthcare to mankind, Heritage newspaper reports.




LBNM Certificates 25 Midwives

According to the Daily Observer, a three-day seminar aimed at building the capacities of nurses and midwives in Liberia has ended with the at least each of the 25 participants receiving a certificate. The program is intended to help accredited institutions, as well as students who want to continue their education in the profession, by developing a Bachelor’s degree program in midwifery, registered nurse-midwifery and certified midwifery. The seminar, which ran from September 22 thru 24, was conducted by the Liberian Board for Nursing and Midwifery (LBNM) with support from the Ministry of Health (MOH) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). It brought together participants including midwives and nurses from the 15 counties. Cecelia Kpangbala Flomo, LBNM Registrar said the seminar was a climax of a five-year project to develop, review and revise what they referred to as “Advance Midwifery Curricula.” Mrs. Flomo facilitated the training and development of the curricula. She noted that the bridging program will help institutions in teaching the required courses to be on par with international standards.


Related Caption: LBNM Trains 25 Mid-wives (The Inquirer)




Postal Ministry Trains It Staff On E Government

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications has ended an E-government workshop on internet technology for IT personnel from government line ministries and agencies. E-government is a platform designed by the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications to decentralize government development projects. Speaking Saturday, 26 September at the closing ceremony, the head of the Project Management Office, Darren Wilkins, said the essence of the five days training is to build the capacity of trainees. “We have reached the end of this workshop, which was useful to our group and there is a need for our trainees to make maximum use of knowledge they got, because we all will benefit from the E-government projects”. Also speaking to the participants, training facilitator Dr. Paul Danquah, said the E-government platform is a fast track approach in taking development to rural dwellers and outside of the country. Dr. Danquah said it was time trainees, who are direct beneficiaries of the exercise, do something that will attract the attention of the outside world, adding, “You guys are technicians; there were things you knew nothing about but with this training, I strongly believe from now on your performance will boost up the ICT Sector of this country”, writes the New Dawn newspaper.