Daily Media Summary, 09-21-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s arrival in the United States of America for the 70th United Nations General Assembly and other high-level meetings, the United Nations’ Envoy’s call for joint support to boost Liberia's recovery efforts, the Government of Liberia’s US$256.7 million grant under the Millennium Challenge Compact program and Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai’s meeting with US-based Liberian groups are stories dominating our summary of today’s local dailies.



The summary also includes President Johnson Sirleaf’s proclamation declaring today, Monday, September 21, as International Day of Peace.






Ellen Arrives In New York For 70th Un General Assembly

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, at the head of a high-level delegation, has arrived in New York, United States of America where she will participate in the 70th United Nations General Assembly and other high-level meetings which kicks off on September 25, 2015. According to a dispatch, she arrived in New York on Friday, September 18, 2015 after a successful working visit to Berlin, Germany where she addressed the G-7 Forum for Dialogue with Women Empowerment. The United Nations 70th Session, which officially began on September 15th, 2015, is being held under the theme: “Human Rights, Peace and Security.” While in New York, the Liberian leader will preside over several important side-events and meet with a number of development partners at bilateral and multilateral levels in a quest to accelerate the country’s recovery program as well as address the United Nations General Assembly.


Related Captions:York ForUN General Assembly(The New Dawn), Pres. Sirleaf Arrives In New York For 70th UN General Assembly(FOCUS), President Sirleaf Arrives In New York To Attend 70th UN General Assembly(Success Forum), Ellen Addresses UN General Assembly (Public Agenda)




UN Envoy Calls For Consolidated Support For Liberia's Recovery; Lauds Government's Efforts In Combating the Ebola Virus Disease

The United Nations Secretary-General's Special Envoy on Ebola, Dr. David Nabarro, has emphasized the need for the international community to remain fully engaged in its support to boost Liberia's recovery efforts, while praising the government’s efforts in tackling the deadly Ebola virus disease for the second time being declared "Ebola free". He said particular attention should now be paid to key areas such as food security, health systems, and non-Ebola related health services. According to a dispatch from New York, the UN Envoy made the observation over the weekend when he addressed the business community recently at the US- Liberia Trade and Investment Forum which took place in New York, U.S.A.  He said that the momentum built during the International Ebola Recovery Conference recently which generated tremendous international support for national recovery plans of the affected countries should be taken forward. "There is a need to build up the public health systems and improve primary care in Liberia and the region,” Dr. Nabarro stressed, adding, “Ebola exploits fragile and overstretched health systems with limited public health capabilities; therefore, we must prioritize strengthening the health institutions, develop their infrastructure and support the training of the necessary personnel."  He, however, acknowledged that there has been significant progress to end the Ebola outbreak; but was quick to stress that getting to and staying at zero remains a challenge in the other affected countries. "Transmission is on-going and the risk of reintroduction due to virus persistence has emerged as real threat." The UN expert intimated that the focus of this last phase of the Ebola response is aimed at reaching a sustainable end and preparedness to respond to any future outbreak. He explained that the world must focus on understanding the risks especially viral persistence in survivors, maintain surveillance and putting in place a rapid response capacity that can quickly contain any future flare-up of the virus. On the impact of Ebola on economies of the affected countries, Dr. Nabarro said the Ebola outbreak took a significant economic and social tool on West African nations. He said beyond human death and illness, the widespread and intense transmission of Ebola has had grave health, social and economic consequences; noting that it has devastated families and communities, compromised essential services including health and education, weakened economies and isolated affected communities. Speaking on the role of the private sector towards the long term development of post-Ebola, Dr. Nabarro said that aside from the significant social and economic impact that Ebola has had on many West African countries, the epidemic has also triggered a range of innovative and flexible partnerships with the private sector, civil society actors, as well as local governments, regional organizations and international actors, writes the Daily Observer.


Related Captions: UN Envoy Urges Consolidated Support For Liberia’s Recovery(Heritage), UN Envoy Rallies Support For Liberia’s Ebola Recovery(FOCUS)



Liberia Gets US$256.7M MCC Grant

The News newspaper says the Board of Directors of the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) has approved the amount of US$256.7 million as a final cost of United States grant to Liberia under the Millennium Challenge Compact program. The grant, approved during the MCC Board’s annual meeting held on 17 September 2015 in Washington, D.C., was chaired by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. According to a Ministry of Finance and Development Planning (MFDP) release, the approved grant will fund projects in electricity, road maintenance, reforms and capacity building. Finance and Development Planning Minister Amara M. Konneh will sign on behalf of the Government of Liberia, while Ms. Dana Hyde, CEO of Millennium Challenge Corporation, will sign on behalf of the US Government.


Related Captions: Liberia Gets US$256.7m MCC Grant (In Profile Daily), Liberia Gets $256.7M MCC Grant(New Democrat), MCC Approves $256.7M Grant For Liberia(FOCUS)



VP Boakai Holds Talks With US-Based Liberians

Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai has held discussion with United States-based Liberian groups with keen focus on promoting reconciliation and fostering progress and development in Liberia.According to a dispatch, the meetings were held in New York on Friday, September 18, 2015. The Liberian Vice President led a high-level government’s delegation to the U.S.-Liberia Trade and Investment Forum organized by the Developing Market Associates (DMA) in collaboration with the Governments of Liberia and the United States of America. Vice President Boakai met separately with the leadership of the Grand Gedeh Association in America and a conglomerate of Liberians in the U.S. under the banner, “The Patriots”, at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in New York City. The meetings were held at the separate requests of the two organizations. At the meeting with the Grand Gedeh Association in America, the group’s President, Fred Gwyan, indicated that they are glad that Liberia has enjoyed 10 consecutive years of peace and stability, but noted that much more was required to consolidate the peace and promote unity and reconciliation. He then appealed to Vice President Boakai to deliver a special message to President Sirleaf seeking executive clemency for their kinsmen and expressed the hope that the granting of executive clemency to the detained Grand Gedeh citizens will help promote and foster peace, unity and reconciliation in Liberia and enable them to fully benefit from the dividends of the current peace being enjoyed by Liberians. Mr. Gwyan further pointed out that they are aware of the legal process and do respect the decision of the Liberian court system; but believe that granting clemency to their kinsmen is good for Liberia’s healing process and for the relationship between the people of Grand Gedeh County and the Government of Liberia. In a related development, the Liberian Vice President also met with a conglomerate of Liberians based in the United States of America under the banner, “The Patriots”. The “Patriots” are a stakeholders group with membership across the United States of America that has as its objective, the election of Vice President Boakai as President of Liberia during the 2017 general and presidential election. The spokesperson, Gayah Fahnbulleh, informed Vice President Boakai that they have followed his work and history and believe that Liberia needs his experience, maturity and professionalism in 2017 as the country will be at the crossroad and in dire need for a leader who will move the country forward. They expressed their willingness and commitment to work with the “Joseph Nyumah Boakai Movement”, a citizens group based in Liberia that is also committed to the election of Vice President Boakai in 2017. Vice President Boakai thanked the group for the visit and the pledge of support him and assured them that together, they can make Liberia maintain its rightful place in global affairs and elevate the country’s development profile. He also urged them to remain focus and committed to achieve the goals for which they exist. Some prominent Liberians present at the meeting at the meeting included Mr. D. Karn Kalor, Richmond Draper, Sando Wayne, Scott Davis, Sahr Johnny, Joseph Tolbert, among others, reports the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Captions: Vice President Boakai Addresses US-Liberia Trade And Investment Forum 2015(FrontPage Africa), VP Woos US Investors(New Democrat)







Today Is Int'l Day Of Peace

The New Dawnnewspaper says President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has by proclamation declared today Monday, September 21, 2015, as “International Day Of Peace” and to be observed as a Working Holiday throughout Republic.The Proclamation requests all persons in Government Ministries and Autonomous Agencies, Civil Society Organizations, and Private Businesses, Schools and Colleagues, places of worship, market places and all transport systems and in homes and other dwelling places to cease movement and observe One Minute of complete and total silence at the precise hour of 12 noon ante meridian on that day. According to the Proclamation, the theme for this year’s Peace Day is "Partnerships for Peace-Dignity For All", which aims to highlight the importance of all segments of society working together to strive for peace as well as to support the Organization in achieving its future goals. The proclamation further stressed that Liberia, which was among the first fifty(50) countries to sign the Charter establishing the United Nations on 24th October 1945, with the mandate to save further generations from the scourge of war and to promote world peace, is today among those countries benefiting from the United Nations Peacekeeping Missions around the world. 2015 as the year of "Partnerships for Peace-Dignity for All" holds special significance for the Government and Peace of Liberia as the nation reflects on engagement with citizens, communities and development partners in the struggle to free Liberia from the deadly Ebola Virus Disease and the implications these partnerships have for post Ebola Recovery. The Proclamation also urges Government Ministries and Agencies, Civil Society Organization (national and international), schools places of worship and individuals within the borders of Liberia to commemorate the International Day of Peace with appropriate programs including community service projects, cultural exhibits and performances, ringing of bells and sharing the universal wish "May Peace Prevail on Earth", religious services and other educational and public awareness activities to help spread peace in our nation and throughout the world. As the world celebrates this year’s International Day Of Peace ,the proclamation discloses that United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, has called on all nations including peoples from all spheres from Civil Society groups, Academics, Health Practitioners and Media, to place Partnerships on top of their development agenda to ensure a more peaceful and inclusive society.


Related Caption: Today Declared International Peace Day-Pres. Sirleaf Wants It Observed(Public Agenda)



UNMIL’s Mandate Extended

The Inquirer newspaper reports that Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Coordinator of United Nations Operations in Liberia, Mr. Farid Zarif, has welcomed the UN Security Council’s decision today to extend UNMIL’s mandate until 30 September 2016. “The Security Council’s decision to extend UNMIL’s mandate for another year demonstrates the international community’s commitment to fully support Liberia’s assumption of full security responsibilities by 30 June 2016”, said Mr. Zarif. “In less than 10 months from today, t is expected that Liberia would have assumed responsibility for all aspects of its own security to ensure peace, stability and the protection of the civilian population, taking over the residual tasks still performed by the United Nations Mission in Liberia”, he noted.


Related Caption: Security Rests With Liberia…Beyond 3026, Security Council(The News)



Liberia, Partners Sign US$12.4M Deal Today…To Support Electoral Processes

The European Union (EU), United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and the Government of Liberia are expected to sign today, September 21, 2015, an agreement valued at US$12.4 million to support the Liberia electoral processes.  The fund will be used to help support the country through the National Elections Commission (NEC) covering 2015 to 2017. During the signing ceremony, the head of the European Union delegation in Liberia, Ambassador Tiina Intelmann will represent EU, while Finance and Development Planning Minister, Amara Konneh will represent the Government of Liberia, as well as the Resident Representative of UNDP Antonio Vigilante will represent the UN. The Agreement will be signed at the offices of the National Elections Commission in the presence of the Commission’s Chairman Jerome Korkoyah, the News newspaper reports.




'Depleting Ozone Chemicals Harmful’ -EPA Biosafety Focal Person

The Focal Person on Biosafety at the Environment Protection Agency (EPA), Johansen Voker, has called on Liberians to stand up against harmful chemicals that are emitted due to depletion of the ozone layer. The statement was made during the 30th celebration of the international Ozone Day under the theme: “30 years of healing our ozone together”. The program, which brought together the EPA, United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), Youth groups, Students, Government officials and international partners was held at the Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) edifice in Monrovia on September 16, 2015. Delivering the welcome remarks on behalf of the Executive Director, Mr. Voker said the continuous depletion of the ozone layer have greater effect on humans, plants and marine ecosystems to an alarming rate due to extreme temperature and climate related diseases that causes serious socio economic implication. “The ozone depleting substance presents a clear threat to every human being whether rich or poor, and we can chose to act now or keep ourselves in dilemma and suffer the consequence together as failure to act will equally lead to collective suffering'' said Voker in a statement, the In Profile Daily writes


Related Caption: EPA Boss Decries Depletion Of Ozone Layer(Success Forum)




Ethnography Forum Kicks Off In Bomi

The Independent National Commission on Human Rights (INCHR), with support from the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), is conducting series of regional ethnography discussions in parts of the Country. The fora are part of the two-hundred and seven (207) recommendations from the former Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) which called for the holding of National Palaver Hut discussions in Liberia to help heal the wounds following the end of the 14 year devastating crisis. The INCHR was then established to help lead the implementation of portions of the TRC Recommendations, one of which is the holding of a national palaver hut conference where Liberians can openly and freely express their grievances for redress or common ground. The on-going County discussions form part of preparations for the successful holding of the palava hut conference. Each forum brings together key personalities from various sectors of the country, including, women, elders, civil society and youth groups to brainstorm on how to proceed in preparing for the palava hut event. At the opening of the forum held in Tubmanburg Bomi County, the Chair of the National Commission on Human Rights (INCHR) Justice Gladys Johnson said it was important for Liberians to hold dear the TRC recommendations and try to implement most of the good ones for the country. The ethnography forum, according to Johnson, “will seek to study people's culture, ways of life; how they think and feel, the norms, as well as processes used over the years to achieve peace and blending mediation with arbitration.” The remaining three (3) regional ethnography fora are expected to separately be held in Montserrado, Grand Gedeh and Bong Counties. The fora are intended to bring together people with common culture, traditional values, as well as resolution mechanisms and methods used to prevent and resolve, according to the In Profile Daily.


Related Caption: Ethnography Forum Kicks Off In Bomi(The News)



U.S. Stops Screening Liberian Travelers

Travelers entering the U.S. from Liberia will no longer be screened automatically at US airports for Ebola. U.S. officials said Friday that the screening will end Monday for passengers from Liberia. But the screening and monitoring will continue for travelers from Guinea and Sierra Leone. International health officials’ this month said the Ebola virus is no longer spreading in |Liberia, New Democrat newspaper asserts.


Related Caption: Liberians Off US Ebola Screening Hook(FOCUS)




PCC, Angie Brooks Center Receive Medical Supply

The Liberian Association of southern California has donated a consignment of medical drugs and equipment to the Paynesville City Corporation (PCC) and the Angie Brooks International Center for Women Empowerment. The donation by the US-based Liberian organization is part of its support to the two organizations ere. Speaking Friday, September 18 while receiving the forty-foot container, the acting Mayor of Paynesville, Madam Cyvette M. Gibson, lauded the group for its kind gesture.. According to the PCC boss, the donated drugs and equipment will impact the lives of some citizens of the city. For her part, the head of the Angie Brooks International Center for Women Empowerment, Cllr. Yvette Cheeson Wureh, joined Madam Gibson in lauding the US-based Liberian group for the donation, describing it as meaningful, Heritage reports.


Related Caption: PCC, Angie Brooks Center Receive Medical Supplies(In Profile Daily)



Health Sector Gets Boost…NGO Takes Over Fleet Management, Simple Transport

An international non-governmental organization, ‘Riders for Health’, has established a specimen transport system in Liberia and taken over the management and maintenance of vehicles assigned to the Ministry of Health. United States’ Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Deputy Country Director Cristen Suhr, disclosed that with funding from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United States Government Riders for Health, a reliable specimen transport system has been established in Liberia, the News newspaper writes.



Bomi To Host Western Liberia ETU

Heads of the health teams in Bomi, Cape Mount and Gbarpolu counties have agreed to jointly operate a temporary Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) in Tubmanburg, Bomi County. The disclosure was made by the head of the Grand Cape Mount County health team and Coordinator of the joint health team, Dr. Loraine Cooper, at the just ended planning meeting to decommission the ETU in Sinje, Garwula District, Grand Cape Mount County. She said the three western region counties have decided to run the temporary ETU to combat the virus in case of resurgence, Heritage asserts.



U.S. Wants Electricity For All Liberians

The INSIGHT newspaper reports that the Government of the United States (US) has announced that in a bid to inspire investors’ confidence, it is working with Liberia to increase access to electricity for all Liberians, especially the underserved and disadvantaged communities. According to the US, Liberia is one of the six countries selected to benefit from President Barrack Obama’s “Power Africa” initiative which is implemented through Liberia’s Ministry of Lands, Mines and Energy, Liberia’s Rural and Renewable Energy Agency and the World Bank. “Our goal is to increase households’ and businesses’ access to electricity, serving as many as 800,000 new users over the next five years”, United States Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of African Affairs, Ambassador Bisa Williams said. At the same time the Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) has embarked on new projects which will extend its services to 18 New Communities within Montserrado County. A total of 8,500 new customers are expected to get connected to the LEC Power Grid over the next four months through this project. The project includes the installation of 22KV Distribution Network and Low Voltage (LV) Customer Connection, the Success Forum newspaper reports under the caption “LEC Connects 8, 500 New Customers”.