Daily Media Summary, 08-03-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



News ofForeign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan’s assertion that relations between Liberia and China is waxing stronger by the day and PresidentEllenJohnson Sirleaf’scongratulatory message to Swiss Confederation On 724th National Day are stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.



Liberia-China Relations ‘Waxing Stronger Day By Day’ Says Foreign Min. Ngafuan as He Welcomes 20-Man Chinese Business Delegation

The Daily Observer reports that: Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan has stated that the bilateral relations between Liberia and the People’s Republic of China are strong at the moment. Minister Ngafuan stated that the strength of the diplomatic relationship between both nations cannot be over-emphasized because it is “waxing stronger day by day”. According to a Foreign Ministry release, Minister Ngafuan made the remarks at a dinner hosted by his Ministry Saturday night in honor of a 20-man Chinese business delegation. Speaking further, Foreign Minister Ngafuan said Liberia’s Ebola crisis of 2014 was a “test of the solidity” of the cordial ties that exist between both nations; adding: “A friend in need is a friend in deed”. “During the crisis, some individuals and countries came very close to us; some went far from us, so we know the difference. As bad as that crisis was, it was an opportunity to know our true friends; and China distinguished itself as one of Liberia’s truest friends,” the Minister said. He disclosed that Liberia has drawn up an Economic Recovery Plan that it is expected to use as a blueprint in order to lead the nation out of the woods. He added that following the Chinese business delegation, would be the Foreign Minister of the People’s Republic of China, who is expected in Liberia for a visit. This will be the first visit of H. E. Hon. Wang Yi, Foreign Minister of China, to Liberia. Foreign Minister Ngafuan termed his counterpart’s visit as a “big visit” and that he is working with the Chinese Ambassador accredited near Monrovia, Amb. Zhang Yue, to make Mr. Wang’s visit a successful and significant one. He said Liberia’s history, since 2006 when President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf came to power, cannot be fully written if chapters are not dedicated to the very important roles China has played and continue to play in Liberia’s recovery process from decades of war. “We cannot talk about Liberia’s development without talking about China and its role,” he emphasized. He named many infrastructures, including the Foreign Ministry, that have China’s fingerprints on them. He stated that he was especially happy with the theme of the visit — “2015 Sino-Liberia WIN-WIN Visit.” The Foreign Minister further said that both nations have worked together politically to make their relationship strong, both at the level of the United Nations and are now doing all to solidify the ties through business and trade. Min. Ngafuan urged the Chinese delegation to link up with Liberian entrepreneurs in order to see the nation’s private sector grow. He stressed: “In order to make this visit a ‘win-win’, we have to identify with Liberian entrepreneurs so that they, too, can grow as these business intentions grow”. The Minister craved for a day that Liberia, too, can get so “significant” and be able to feed a business delegation to China. The Chinese delegation, including representatives of Chinese companies, is accompanied by Liberia’s Ambassador accredited near Beijing, D. McKinley Thomas. Speaking, Amb. Thomas said the he was simply trying to execute the “brief” that was given to him by his boss, Foreign Minister Ngafuan. The Minister’s brief instructed him to promote economic and development diplomacy so that more Liberians’ lives can be transformed for the better back home.  “Today, it is a fulfillment of a portion of that brief, Mr. Minister,” he stated. Ambassador Thomas and his wife tendered in a launch for their Chinese guests on Sunday, August 2. Amb. Thomas further stated that the visit shows that the cordial ties that exist between Liberia and China is strong and added: “Mr. Minister, I am pleased to report that China is our friend”. For his part, Chinese Amb. Zhang Yue spoke of the warm hospitality his commercial delegation has received so far from their hosts. He confirmed that his country’s Foreign Minister is expected to visit Liberia shortly. Amb. Zhang further stated that the Sino-Liberia relationship is being strengthened daily. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs release states that the Chinese delegation is in the country in order to explore means to invest in infrastructures, energy and other local businesses in post-war Liberia. Representatives of major Chinese companies that are a part of the visiting delegation come from the mining, power and high tech sectors. Other companies forming a part of the delegation include China Railway Material, and Sino-Tech Minerals, power China (BEC), Hydro China, and China Harbor Engineering Co. Others are Ginko Engineering Co. Ltd., Sino-German Engineering Co and SEPCO III Power Construction and Heknan Jingyuan guoye as well as the Shandong Exit Secure Network Technology Co. The visiting delegation, dubbed “2015 Sino-Liberia WIN-WIN Visit,” will hold major discussions with stakeholders from both government and private entities in Liberia beginning July 31 to August 10. The dinner was attended by Liberian government officials from the Ministries of Posts and Telecommunications, Agriculture, Education and Commerce and Industry. Officials from the National Investment Commission (NIC) were also present.


Related Captions: Liberia-China Relations ‘Waxing Stronger Day By Day’ Says Foreign Min. Ngafuan As He Welcomes 20-Man Chinese Business Delegation(The Inquirer), Liberia-China Relations ‘Waxing Stronger Day By Day’ Says Foreign Min. Ngafuan(FOCUS)


Pres. Sirleaf Congratulates Swiss Confederation

The New Dawnnewspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has congratulated her counterpart, Mr. Simonetta Sommaruga, President, Government and People of the Swiss Confederation on the occasion of the National Day of Switzerland.  The release said, President Sirleaf, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in her own name, sent “hearty congratulations” to President Sommaruga, his government and people as they celebrate their 724th National Day, Saturday, August 1, 2015. The Liberian Leader said, “It is satisfying to mention that bilateral engagements between our two countries have significantly intensified for the mutual benefit of our peoples. I also note with much gratitude your country’s support and generous contribution towards the fight against the Ebola Virus Disease (EDV), which led to the WHO declaration announcing the end of the Ebola outbreak in Liberia. The President further told her Swiss counterpart that his country’s support was helpful in strengthening Liberia’s capacity to effectively respond to any future outbreak of Ebola. “We have now embarked on our post-Ebola Economic Recovery and Stabilization Plan and your Government’s continuous cooperation is most welcome,” Mrs. Sirleaf further stated. The President concluded by wishing President Sammoruga’s family and people of the Swiss Confederation good health and a cheerful National Day.

Related Caption: Ellen Congratulates Swiss Confederation On 724th National Day(Heritage)


EJS Congratulates Obama For Nuclear Agreement Success


President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has congratulated U. S. President Barack Obama and the Government of the United States for the outstanding and remarkable success in reaching a groundbreaking Nuclear Agreement with the Islamic Republic of Iran. The agreement seeks to ensure that Iran does not obtain a nuclear weapon. According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Liberian leader in the message to President Obama stated that her government views this agreement as a significant milestone not only for peace in the Middle East, but also for global peace and security as it sends a strong message that diplomacy and negotiation remain viable tools in international relations for the attainment and maintenance of global peace and security.  The Liberian leader expressed confidence that the agreement will remove two thirds of Iran’s installed centrifuges and reduces its current stockpile to a fraction of what would be required for the production of a single weapon.  The Liberian Government also notes with deep satisfaction, that the agreement is built on verification upon the slightest suspicion, which provides inspectors from the IAEA 24/7 access to Iran’s key nuclear facilities among others. According to the statement, President Johnson-Sirleaf indicated that this far-reaching agreement with Iran seemed almost impossible a few years back, but the decision by President Obama to resort to diplomacy rather than force over the past six years of his tenure as President of the United States, coupled with his commitment in working along with other members of the P5 as well as his relentless pursuit of a peaceful settlement of the Iranian nuclear issues has once again demonstrated to the world his keen interest in global peace, security and human advancement. The Liberian leader then expressed satisfaction for the commitment, fortitude and hard work that President Obama and his team exhibited throughout the negotiation process and for obtaining a deal which seeks to make the world a safer place for mankind leading to prosperity, the News newspaper reports.

Former EPS Director Othello Warrick Dies

Controversial former Executive Protection Service (EPS) Director, Daniel Othello Warrick, has died. He took his last breath early Saturday, August 1, morning, less than 24 hours after he reportedly experienced a brain aneurism (brain disturb or blood filled in the brain) at his home in Monrovia, a former colleague said. According to the Daily Observer, Mr. Warrick died at the Aspen Medical health facility in Sinkor, awaiting a transfer abroad for further medical attention concerning his condition.

Related Caption: Othello Warrick Is Dead(FOCUS)

China Reaffirms Support To AFL


The People’s Republic of China (PRC) through its Military Attaché to Liberia has reaffirmed his country’s support to the Armed Forces of Liberia or AFL. Senior Captain Zhang Fenghua said the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA) will provide the AFL with more support and assistance within its capacity to help the AFL to shoulder the responsibilities of defending the country and safeguarding peace better. The top Chinese military personnel was speaking Thursday, July 30 at the 88th Chinese Army day reception held at the Chinese Embassy in Congo Town on the outskirt of Monrovia. The Ceremony marking the commemoration of the 88th Chinese Army Day was attended by top officials from the security sector including Liberia’s Defense Minister Mr. Brownie J. Samukai, Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) Mr. Fomba Sirleaf, Police Director Clarence Christopher Massaquoi, members of the diplomatic community as well as other top Liberian government officials. “We will provide AFL with more support and assistance within our capacity to help AFL to shoulder the responsibilities of defending the country and safeguarding peace better”, Capt. Fenghua stated. Speaking on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia, Minister Samukai urged the Government ad People of the PRC through its embassy here to provide the AFL with more assistance. Key among them he said include: infrastructure, construction, military personnel training, engineering, technical training and logistics among others. The Defense Minister, on behalf of the country, pledged Liberia’s commitment to upholding to the “One-China Policy, Heritage reports. 


EU Contributes 2.5m Euros To Water Project In Liberia


Today’s Monday, August 3, 2015 edition of the FOCUS newspaper reports that the European Union (EU) has contributed 2.5 million Euros of the total value of 3.3 million Euros under its Water Facility Project to sanitation and hygiene projects. The funds will support water and sanitation projects in several communities, including West Point, Cow Factory and Zodo Town. Meanwhile, EU Ambassador in Liberia, Ms. Tiina Intelmann, and her colleagues as well as the EU’s contractual partner Oxfam and their team have visited several EU-funded sanitation and hygiene sites.


Lion Pres. Promises Servant Leadership


The president of the Greater Monrovia Lions Club Theresa Davis has promised that as the organization begins its humanitarian journey she will be a servant leader. Madam Davis said the presidency affords her the opportunity to serve and not to be serve. “I promise that I will be a servant leader”. The head of the Greater Monrovia Lions is part of Lions international an organization with the aim to cater to the physically challenged, visually impaired and the less fortunate in society, The New Republicasserts.


Liberian-Nigerian Relations Extolled


The Informer newspaper reports that the Ambassador of Liberia to Nigeria, His Excellency Dr. Al-Hassan Conteh, has hailed the excellent bilateral relationship between Nigeria and Liberia. A dispatch from the Liberian Embassy in Abuja says the Liberian Ambassador spoke at a special thanksgiving program and reception organized by the Liberian Community in Nigeria on Sunday, July 26, 2015, at the Embassy of Liberia in Abuja, to commemorate Liberia’s 168th Independence Day. Ambassador Conteh, on behalf of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, and the government ad people of Liberia, paid homage to the excellent Liberian-Nigerian relation. He said Liberia’s deepened bilateral relation with Nigeria comes at an opportune time when Nigeria was rated the largest African economy in Africa following the rebasing of the size and structure of its economy in 2014.



WTO Accessions: Liberia Bid Advancing


An accession bid that is reportedly approaching the finish line is that of Liberia, a least developed country (LDC) situated in West Africa that has been in talks to join the WTO since 2007. Notably, Liberia has reached a series of bilateral agreements with interested WTO members – such as Canada, Chinese Taipei, the EU, the US, and Japan – over the past few months, which is a key component of accession negotiations. The Working Party tasked with the Liberia negotiations held its third meeting last week, with chairman Joakim Reiter of Sweden reporting that the accession is “on schedule” to be completed in time for the WTO’s Tenth Ministerial Conference (MC10) in Nairobi, Kenya this December. Reiter has suggested tat Monrovia submit its final “Legislative Action Plan” by 6 August, while also urging both the West African country and the members of the Working Party to contribute the necessary technical input to finalize the latter’s draft report, The New Dawn writes.



UN Validates 3-Year Plan To Support Govt. Response To AIDS


The Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and partners, including representatives of government, faith based organizations and civil society groups have validated a 3 year plan to support the government’s response to the pandemic in Liberia. A total of 35 representatives from various UN Agencies and partner institutions participated during the validation meeting held last Wednesday at the Mamba Point Hotel in Monrovia; with support from UNAIDS. Making a PowerPoint presentation of the plan, Mr. Isaac Ahemesah, UNAIDS’ Rights, Gender, and Community Mobilization Adviser said the objective the Joint Programme is to provide appropriate, adequate and timely technical and financial support to the Government and other national partners to create an enabling environment and to enhance organizational capacities to improve access to HIV Prevention, Care, Treatment and Support for People Living with HIV and other key populations towards “fast tracking” an “end to AIDS”, The New Republic reports.


PUL Trains 12 Media Monitors


The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) has trained 12 monitors who will scrutinize media contents for professional and ethical breaches in the country. The training is part of a grant the PUO secured from the Open Society for West Africa Initiative (OSIWA) titled “Strengthening the Liberian Media Freedom by Promoting Self-regulation & Accountability”. Speaking at the close of the two-day training in Monrovia last Friday, PUL President K. Abdullai Kamara said the OSIWA-sponsored project was intended to improving the media environment and increasing professionalism, where in media practitioners will hold themselves accountable, FOCUS reports.