Daily Media Summary, 07-21-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.




News of Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, dedication of the Ministry’s modern resource center, the European Union Commission approval of EUR 29.2 million as direct budget support to the Government of Liberia, President Johnson Sirleaf’s meeting with officials of the Ministry of Education for further consultations on the need for urgent reforms in the sector are among stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.



The summary also includes news of President Johnson Sirleaf’s Proclamation declaring Sunday, July 26, 2015 as Independence Day and the death news of Shiekh Kafumba Konneh, former Commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Liberia.





Min. Ngafuan Dedicates Resource Center

The New Dawnnewspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan, has dedicated a modern resource center within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.The center, which is located in the basement of the Ministry, was refurbished through a grant from the Japanese Government. The center is equipped with at least 28 brand new Dell Desktop Computers. Officially opening the center Monday, July 20, 2015, Minister Ngafuan stated that opening of the center was a significant step toward continuing the capacity building of the staffers of the Ministry. He stated that one of the best things that an employee can receive from his/her employer is training; adding: “The computer skills, research skills and others that will be acquired from this resource center will go a long way with you”. He further said that some “good staffers” of the Ministry when told to do a piece of assignment, especially when it has to do with computer, those staffers, because of “computer phobia,” will chose to write down their thoughts on paper and ask someone to put it on computer for them. He told the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Workers’ Union (MOFAWA) President, Mr. Lahai Kiazolu, to urge his members to take the resource center seriously.  “I want to hear in the next three months that someone has put away his/her computer phobia and is improving,” he emphasized. Speaking to some of his senior staffers, he stated: “As a diplomat, it’s a must that you learn to use computer because there are some sensitive communications that it won’t be wise to allow even your secretary to see”. According to the Minister, the center would be run through a corporative initiative by central administration, the Foreign Service Institute and the Department of International Corporation. He thanked his deputies, including Hon. Thomas Kaydor, Deputy Minister for International Corporation and Economic Integration, and all others, who worked to make the project fruitful. Following the Minister, the Deputy Minister for Administration, Hon. Wede Elliot Brownell, PhD, stated that it was a new time for senior staffer to provide the necessary tools and encourage employees in order to make them effective and efficient. Dr. Brownell among other things stated that some of the things that the Ministry has in its budget for education both abroad and at home, good incentives, health insurance, etc. have been placed there for the welfare of employees. Speaking earlier, Deputy Minister Kaydor, under whose department the resource center falls, said it is intended to build capacity and develop human resource within the Ministry. He also stated that in addition to this, they decided to include research documentation publication and other services that would be deemed necessary by the Ministry. “We therefore ask all employees to make this resource center their own place and take care of all of the pieces of equipment within the center,” he said. He at the same time called on employees of other ministries and agencies of government to make use of the resource center. For his part, Mr. Kiazolu, MOFAWA President, thanked Min. Ngafuan and all his Deputies for “brining smile to the faces of the over 400 employees of the Ministry.


Related Captions: Foreign Minister Dedicates Resource Center-Urges Ministry’s Employees TO Make Use of Center for Capacity Enhancement(INSIGHT), Foreign Minister Dedicates Resource Center-Urges Ministry’s Employees To Make Use of Center for Capacity Enhancement(Heritage)



EU Disburses Eur29.2 Million In Budget Support

The European Union (EU) Commission has approved the disbursement of EUR 29.2 million (approx. USD 31 million) of direct budget support to the Government of Liberia under the Liberia-EU "State-Building Contract" to help Liberia's recovery. According to the released issue yesterday, the aim of this first payment under this new budget support program is to contribute to the implementation of Liberia's Agenda for Transformation and the National Recovery Plan notably in the areas of health, socio-economic recovery after the Ebola crisis and public finance management (PFM). The released pointed that the disbursement is part of and follows the EU's 450M pledge of support for the recovery of the three countries most affected Ebola countries, of which EUR 121M for Liberia, made at the High Level International Ebola Recovery Conference on the 10th of July in New York, reports the New Dawn newspaper.



Related Captions: EU Supports Nat’l Budget With EUR 29.3m(INSIGHT), EU Disburses EIR 29.2 M In Budget Support To Liberia(Heritage), EU Disburses EUR 31M In Budget Support To GoL(The New Republic), EU Disburses EUR 29.2M…To Liberia’s Budget(The News)



EJS Leads Consultation With Educational Sector Stakeholders

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has joined officials of the Ministry of Education for further consultations with educational stakeholders considering the need for urgent reforms and an attempt to resolve the current impasse and bring about improvement to the sector. “Change is always difficult and resisted; but necessary to achieve reforms,” the Liberian President told the stakeholders. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf made the comments during ongoing consultations with educational stakeholders on “Improving Schooling after Ebola” at the Monrovia City Hall on Monday, July 20, 2015. She was joined at the meeting by Education Minister, George Werner; Deputy Education Minister for Instructions, Dr. Romell Horton and the Chairman on Higher Education, Dr. Michael Slaweon.    FrontPage Africa


Related Captions: Pres. Sirleaf, Werner Consult With Educational Sector Stakeholders(INSIGHT), EJS Leads Consultation On Educational Sector(The News)






Ellen Issues July 26 Proclamation

The New Dawn newspaper reads that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has by proclamation declared Sunday, July 26, 2015 as Independence Day to be celebrated throughout the Republic as a National Holiday. The Proclamation, however, added that since the Day falls on Sunday, it will be commemorated on Monday, July 27, 2015. According to the release, the official festive celebration will take place under the Theme: "Celebrating Our Community as a Strong Foundation for Accelerated Development”. The Presidential Proclamation urges all citizens and foreign residents within the borders of Liberia to observe the event as such and orders Government offices and business houses closed during the observance from six o'clock ante meridian to six o'clock post meridian. The Proclamation further requests all Prelates, Priests, Deacons, Evangelists Imams, Elders and others members of the Sacerdotal Order, regardless of religious creed to gather with one purpose in their respective places of worship in each city, town, village, hamlet, home, especially on Friday, July 24 2015 and Sunday, July 26 2015 to offer thanks and praises to God for his manifold blessing showered upon the nation throughout the ages and beseech him for his continuing goodness and beneficence toward mankind, especially the Liberian people. Under the Patriotic and Cultural Observances Law title 25, Liberian Codes of Law Revised, the 26th day of July each year is set aside as a public holiday to be appropriately celebrated as "Independence Day" of Liberia. The release says it is in grateful recognition of the miraculous deliverance that the Almighty God extended to the Government and Peoples of Liberia for which the nation must give thanks, adoration and praises unto him for saving the state as well as to commemorate the brave and timely decision of its forebears on July 26, 1847. After due deliberation of the future of the "Settlements" and facing colonial challenges and threats, the Founding Fathers did publish to the world that historic and immoral instrument known as the Declaration Of Independence by which the Commonwealth of Liberia became and was presented to the comity of nations as a free and sovereign State thereby warding off encroachment from any colonial power and becoming the first Independent African Republic, the Proclamation declared.


Related Caption: Ellen Declares July 26 As Liberia’s 168th Independence Day(Heritage)



Shiekh Kafumba Konneh Is Dead – ‘Unfortunate Loss For Lberia’


Shiekh Kafumba Konneh, an influential Muslim cleric and a former Commissioner of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Liberia, has died. According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, Family sources confirmed the death news of the cleric who had just returned from a visit to the Kingdom of Morocco died suddenly at his home in Topoe Village. The daily reports that Shiekh Konneh is regarded as the leading Muslim Authority who has a long record of conflict resolution and peace building efforts throughout the major civil and military conflicts in Liberia. In addition to his theological (Al-Islamic) achievement, the Sheikh studied secular law through apprenticeship.  He held several positions in the civil service, including Justice of the Peace, Associate Stipendiary Magistrate and County Commissioner in Nimba County, his birthplace. He has also served as Secretary-General and Managing Director of the Liberian Muslim Union in addition to serving as Secretary-General and National Chairman of the National Muslim Council of Liberia.


Related Caption: Sheikh Kafumba Konneh Is Dead (In Profile Daily)



‘Dream Come True’ NHA Gives Health Workers Home

 President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has mandated the heads of Ministries to commit US$5,000 each from their budget as initial payment for 20 housing units for health workers at the National Housing Authority (NHA) in Brewerville, Montserrado County. According to an Executive Mansion release, President Sirleaf made the pronouncement at a program marking the official launch of the National Housing Authority (NHA) “Health Workers Home Ownership Campaign” held at a local hotel on Monday, July 20, 2015. The Home Ownership Campaign is to demonstrate gratitude to health workers for their indefatigable and outstanding services to humanity, as they formed an integral part of the nation’s efforts to eradicate Ebola from Liberia. At the program, about 55 health workers from 11 health facilities, including doctors and nurses, were honored for their role in the fight against Ebola. Out of this number, 14 were randomly selected through a process (raffle draw) by some officials of government to own 14 of the 20 housing units. Those selected were Mayoe Kellen, Etta M. Flomo, and Patty McClain of Phebe Hospital in Bong County; Aaron B. Massaley of St. Timothy’s Hospital in Grand Cape Mount County; Louise Gaye of ELWA Hospital; Evan-Lin Wonlue, Mamah Wilmot, Nyanpu Oppong of SOS Children Village in Old Matadi Montserrado County. Others include Cynthia Gardner and Edward Mulbah of Seventh Day Adventist Cooper Hospital; Joyce B. Teage of Arcelor Mittal Hospital in Buchanan; Marie Vesselee of Redemption Hospital; Garmai Q. Johnson of Hope for Women International and Ciatta Kassellie of the James Davies Memorial Hospital in Paynesville, Montserrado County, according to the FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Caption: Campaign Launched Home Ownership NHA Targets Health Workers, Low Income Earners (The Analyst)



WHO, Stakeholders Brainstorm …On Recovery Plans 

According to the News newspaper,A three-day stakeholders' inter-country meeting focusing on Infection, Prevention and Control (IPC) recovery plan and implementation began Monday in Monrovia. The meeting brings together stakeholders in the Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) sectors from Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea. The event is being organized by the World Health Organization in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. Stakeholders are expected to discuss issues ranging from the status of IPC and WASH in health care facilities in the three countries. They are also expected to include progress during the response and transition phase as well as share their strategic plans for IPC and WASH improvement in the context of health system recovery. Alex Gasasira, who represented WASH and UNICEF said the three days inter-country meeting will provide an opportunity for sharing of experiences, best practices in infection prevention and control as well as water, sanitation and hygiene amongst the three Ebola countries.



No New Ebola Case In Liberia

The Liberian government says there is currently no new case of Ebola after the recovery of four remaining patients who were infected during the recent outbreak. However, the government clarified that in spite of the latest development more than 100 people are still under surveillance in Margibi County. According to the News newspaper, Deputy Health Minister Tolbert Nyenswah told reporters that there are no Ebola cases anywhere in Liberia, although over 120 contacts that are currently being monitored. He said four patients who had recovered during the past week would be discharged in a ceremony scheduled to be held today in Monrovia. However, Minister Tolbert cautioned that it is too soon to declare that Ebola is over because the country is still on high alert.


Related Caption: Six Survives New Ebola Outbreak (FOCUS)