Daily Media Summary, 07-17-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia




News ofthe Liberia and the European Union deal on Liberia's ascension to the World Trade Organization, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s planned honoring program of some Liberian citizens and other distinguished personalities for their key roles in the Ebola fight, the Government of Liberia Congratulatory Message to the Muslim Community for a successful month-long fast and prayer, during the month of Ramadan in the country and the Minister of Agriculture pronouncement of the deaths of over 2,000 goats and sheep in Nimba and Lofa counties from a disease known as Peste Des Petit Ruminants are among stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.





Liberia,EU Sign Deal On WTO Ascension

The New Dawnnewspaper reports that the Liberia and the European Union (EU) have signed a deal concluding bilateral negotiations on Liberia's ascension to the World Trade Organization (WTO).Ascension to the WTO is expected to make a lasting contribution to the process of economic reform and sustainable development in Liberia. EU Ambassador to the WTO, AngelosPangratis, said signature to the deal is a milestone in Liberia's WTO accession process and an important step towards fostering our economic relations. The bilateral deal – signed by EU Ambassador to the WTO Pangratis and Liberia's Minister for Commerce and Industry, Axel M. Addy – defines the level of market access that Liberia will grant to EU goods and services in the WTO. These commitments will be then embodied in the future Protocol of Ascension of Liberia to the WTO.


Related Captions: Liberia Signs Unto World Trade Organization-Signs Deal With European Union(The New Republic), EU, Liberia Sign Deal On WTO Accession(In Profile Daily), EU, Liberia Sign Deal On WTO Accession(Heritage), Milestone In Liberia's WTO Accession Process  Liberia, EU Sign Deal on WTO Accession(Daily Observer), EU And Liberia Sign Deal On WTO Accession(New Democrat),EU, Liberia Sign Deal On WTO Accession(The News)


Ellen To Honor Ebola ‘Freedom Fighters’

The President of Liberia and Grand Master of the Orders of Distinction, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, will today, Friday, July 17 confer distinctions on some Liberian citizens and other distinguished personalities for their key roles played in the Ebola fight. Making the disclosure at the Ministry of Information regular press conference in Monrovia Thursday, the Chief of Protocol of Liberia, Rufus Neufville, said the program is part of activities marking Liberia’s 168th Independence Day Celebration and will take place at the C.Cecil Denis Auditorium at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Heritagenewspaper reports.

Related Captions: Pres. Sirleaf To honor Ebola ‘Freedom Fighters’(INSIGHT), Ebola Fighters To Be Recognized Today(Women Voices)



Gov’t Congratulates Muslims On Successful Ramadan Month

The Government of Liberia has congratulated the Muslim Community for a successful month-long of fast and prayer during the month of Ramadan in the country. Making the pronouncement at the Ministry of Information press conference, Acting Information Minister Isaac Jackson said the moth-long religious rite by Muslims is an obligation and “a great worship that will bring blessing upon the nation”. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar and is observed by Muslims worldwide as a month of fasting and praying to commemorate the first revelation of the Quran to Muhammad, according to Islamic belief, Heritagenewspaper reports.

Related Captions: GoL Congratulates Muslims on Successful Ramadan Month(INSIGHT), Muslims End Ramadan Today(Daily Observer)



Animal Disease Kills 2,000 Livestock...Agriculture Ministry Says

The Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Administration, Seklau E. Wiles, says over 2,000 goats and sheep have died in Nimba and Lofa counties from a disease known as Peste Des Petit Ruminants (PPR). She said a team from the Ministry of Agriculture, which was dispatched to Nimba and Lofa counties to get clarity on the actual cause of the Peste Des Petit Ruminants outbreak was told by community dwellers that it was due to the illegal movement of animals between Guinea and a border town in Nimba County. Madam Wiles disclosed that blood samples collected from goats and sheep by the Leon Ledlum Central Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory in Fendell with the aid of rapid test kit for detection of viral disease by joint UNFAO/International Atomic Energy Agency established that the animals died from Peste des petit.  According to the News newspaper, the Deputy Minister of Agriculture spoke Thursday at the regular press briefing at the Ministry of Information.


Related Captions: Animals Disease Outbreak Under Control-Says MOA(The INFORMER), Another Outbreak From Guinea - Over 2,000 Cattles Dead In Liberia(FrontPage Africa), New Disease Kills 2000 Goats, Sheep(New Democrat). At the same time, the Heritage newspaper writes under the caption “MOA To Commence Animal Vaccination Campaign Early August”, that the Ministry of Agriculture  (MOA) will early August begin the vaccination of goats and sheep against the animal disease Peste Des Petit Ruminant (PPR) in areas that have not been exposed to the virus. According to the daily, the vaccination campaign comes against the backdrop of the deaths of about 2,000 goats and sheep, mainly in Nimba and Lofa counties.



GOL Budget Awareness Intends To Foster Agenda For Transformation…Says Minister Blama

The Assistant Minister for Budget at the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning, Augustine Blama, says Government’s Open Budget Awareness is intended to foster the Agenda for Transformation.According to him, budgets are resources that are allocated based on policy decision, adding that it is made up of two important components to include Strategic Planning and Operational Planning.Minister Blama spoke on Thursday at the William V.S. Tubman High School at an Open Budget Forum discussion organized by the Ministry of Finance and Development Planning Open Budget Initiative, writes the News newspaper.


Related Captions: Budget Awareness Campaign Activities Hit Across Liberia…MFDP Discloses(FOCUS), MFDP Launches Budget Awareness Activities(In Profile Daily), MFDP Launches Budget Awareness Activities Across Liberia(INSIGHT), MFDP Launches Budget Awareness-Want Citizens Have Knowledge of the Planning Process(Daily Observer), Budget Awareness Key To Agenda Tansformation-Says Assistant Finance Minister(New Democrat)






Govt Releases 168th Independence Day Calendar

Activities marking the observance of the 168th Independence Day celebration of Liberia in Grand Kru and Sinoe Counties got underway Thursday in Monrovia with the hosting of the Golden Image Award, a national event launched 2010 to recognize individuals across the globe who has imparted lives ad humanity. According to an official government calendar released yesterday by Chief of Protocol Rufus Neufville, the Golden Image Awards ceremony will follow today with an investiture ceremony at the C. Cecil Denis, Jr. auditorium at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As per the calendar, on July 21, 2015, President Sirleaf will depart for Sinoe County and while e route to Greenville she will dedicate the newly constructed Tarjuwon Public School, in Tarjuwon District in Sinoe County. This, according to the Chief Protocol, President will follow on the dedication of several development projects in Sinoe County. This, according to the Chief of Protocol, President will follow on the dedication of several development projects in Sinoe County, as well as meeting senior citizens of the county at Presidential palace. The official program will take place on Monday July 27, 2015 with the arrival and review of troops by the president at the James E. Greene Sports Stadium, while official indoor programs take place at the J. Dominic Bing City Hall, Greenville, Sinoe County and departure will be on Tuesday July 28, 2015, the New Republic newspaper reports.


98 Percent Of Independence Day Projects In Sinoe Completed…Supt. Quiah Discloses

Sinoe County Superintendent Thomas Quiah has disclosed that all projects intended for the Independence Day celebration in Sinoe County are 98 percent completed, and expressed optimism that the projects will be ready before July 26. Superintendent Quiah stated that all is set for Sinoe County to jointly host Liberia’s 168th independence anniversary on July 26 with Grand Kru County, pens Heritagenewspaper


UK-Based Group Recognizes Veep Boakai

An international humanitarian organization based in the United Kingdom, HIS Charities, has certificated Vice President Joseph Boakai on behalf of the Arsenal Football Club in England for being a true partner to the club.Presenting the certificate Thursday in Monrovia, the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of HIS Charities, Rev. Trevor Cockings, said the Vice President was also honored for lifting the interest of Liberia internationally.Rev. Cockings said since he met Vice President Boakai in 2006, it was when he expressed his willingness to partner with the Vice President's Office to support the government of Liberia's reconstruction drive.He said since then he had proven to be a committed and true friend to Liberia.Presenting the special commemorated plaque signed by all Arsenal players and Coach Arsene Wenger to Vice President Boakai in appreciation of selection of Arsenal as his favorite European team, Rev. Cockings pledged the team's commitment to support the development and advancement of football in Liberia.According to him, the team's assurance to support Liberian football was at a request of the Vice President.Rev. Cockings said the request of the Vice President for the development and advancement of Liberian soccer through coaches and players' training has been accepted.“Arsenal FC has agreed to support a national football tournament in Liberia, and will provide original uniforms (jerseys) and other football gears as prizes,” Rev. Cockings disclosed.In remarks, Vice President Boakai thanked the UK-based humanitarian group for the recognition.The Vice President told Rev. Cockings that majority of the country's population are interested in football and that investing in such critical area would open doors for many talented Liberian youth. The News


Related Caption: VP Boakai Receives Historic Arsenal’s Plaque In Pictures(The Parrot)



MRU Proposes Single Ebola Recovery Trust Fund

Leaders of the Mano River Union (MRU) have decided to establish a single Consolidated Ebola Recovery Trust Fund (CERTF), with allocation and disbursement arrangements to be determined by the MRU in consultation with partners. “In this regard, we urge our partners to adhere to the principles of the New Deal and the Mutual Accountability Framework and we renew our call to the international community for the cancellation of the debt (US$3.16 billion) and direct budget support to the affected countries”, the MRU leaders said in a statement delivered by the Liberian leader, Heritage reports.


Liberia Tailor Union Dedicates Textiles Garment Factory

The Liberia National Tailor Union on Thursday dedicated its textiles garment factor on Lynch Street in Monrovia. Speaking at the dedicatory ceremony the Tailor Union Secretary General Anthony B. Taweh, said that the process leading to the dedication began with Chevron-Liberia providing a grant of $180.000.00 for 75 Tailors union members in Motserrado and Grand Bassa Counties to undergo Intensive Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) enterprise in Tailoring through Garment construction. Mr. Taweh SME enterprise tailoring also included business Development for Tailors to access capacity, market and finance as the ultimate goal for the training to alleviate the defeat of poverty and improved the well-being of tailors and their families in Liberia, the Informer reports.


Dry Meat Ban Stay Enforce – Tolbert Nyenswah Asserts

Amid the reappearance of the deadly and unprecedented Ebola Virus Disease in Liberia, the Government of Liberia says al protocols previously put into place during the heat of the outbreak including the eating of dry meat remain fully enforce. According to Liberia’s Deputy Incident Management System head, Tolbert Nyenswah, government have not lifted the ban placed on the hunting and sale of bush meat across the country, theParrot newspaper writes.


FDA, LIBASSA, ECO Lodge Sign MOU – Protection For Wildlife Species Endorsed

The Management of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA), LIBASSA and ECO LODGE the signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) aimed at protecting and preserving wildlife species throughout the country. Under the terms of the MOU wildlife species will henceforth be prohibited for sale on the local markets places or used as food or pets. The FDA, SCNL and LIBASSA have agreed to collaborate ad support each other in the establishment of a Wildlife Sanctuary to be named ad styled “LIBASSA WILDLIFE SANCTUARY” within the lower Margibi County area located on the high way to Marshall City. According to agreement, the sanctuary will keep, provide care ad give support to confiscated wildlife species kept as pets, InProfile Daily reports.


‘Empower A Health Worker To Own A Home Campaign’ Launches On Monday

The National Housing Authority (NHA) will on Monday July 20, launch the “Empower A Health Worker to Own A Home Campaign,” in appreciation of the dedicated services of health workers to Liberia during the fight against the deadly Ebola Virus Disease, and their continuous dedicated services to society. The disclosure was made by Mr. Prince A. Wreh, Deputy Managing Director of Administration in Monrovia. According to Mr. Wreh, NHA’s management team will pay the amount of US5, 000, representing 45% of the cost of a two bedroom housing unit, valued at U$11,000 at the Gobah Town Housing Estate, Brewerville, Monsterrado County and will be processed through a mortgage program with LBDI with a balance of US$6,000 over a period of 10 years. He said a qualified health worker through a vetting process will be awarded with the money as the first payment for the unit, reports the Daily Observer.

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