Daily Media Summary, 07-16-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia





News ofLiberia’s Transport Minister, Angela Cassell Bush’s, warningthat millions of the world’s population arelikely to face huge vulnerability from climate change effects and Vice President Joseph N. Boakai has recap of the significance of a sub-regional approach to the resolution of regional problems, including the Ebola outbreak are stories dominating today’s edition of our summary of the local dailies.






Millions Vulnerable To Climate Change

Liberia’s Transport Minister, Angela Cassell Bush, has warned that millions of the world’s population are likely to face huge vulnerability from climate change effects, stressing that global climate change if left unchecked could leave millions vulnerable to flooding as a result of rise in sea level. The Transport boss indicated that due climate to change vulnerability, farmers face difficulties in predating weather condition to sow crops. She stressed a need to put in place adequate measures to address climate change issues in Liberia, which she noted, poses serious threat to human lives such as flooding with community residents losing personal belongings. Minister Bush spoke Wednesday, July 15, at the start of a two-day integrated workshop on climate change at the Monrovia City Hall on 1st Street in Sinkor. She said socio-economic and livelihood conditions of Liberians and its fragile ecosystems, make the country particularly vulnerable to impacts and effects of climate change and its resulting negative implication on the livelihood of the population, saying, “The vulnerability of the country stems from its low economic base, dependence on rain-fed agriculture and huge reliance on biomass energy”. She pointed out that having experienced climate change in Liberia, weather disaster and flood have become unpredictable and more common., destroying most infrastructure, impeding agriculture and threatening food security, adding, “Our country recognizing the current and future threats, has been taking initiatives toward addressing climate change”, according to the New Dawnnewspaper.


Related Captions: Transport Minister Wants Collaborative Efforts To Battle Climate Change(Heritage), “Liberia Is vulnerable to climate change”…Transport Minister(Hot Pepper), Minister Bush Warns Against Global Change Effect(New Democrat), ‘Liberians Livelihood Vulnerable’(The New Republic), Liberia Committed In Creating International Climate Agreement(FrontPage Africa). At the same time, the Daily Observer writes under the caption “France Will Stand By You To Fight Climate Change”  Ambassador GODEAU Assures EPA, thatFrench Ambassador to Liberia Joël GODEAU has pledged his country’s commitment to holding the upcoming 2015 Paris Climate Conference on Climate Change. He made the commitment at the opening of the National Stakeholders initial workshop on Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs). The two day workshop will at its end today, validate a draft agenda for the preparation of the Liberian INDCs to the 2015 Paris Climate conference.



V P Boakai Underscores The Importance Of Regional Collaboration To Fight Ebola

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai has reiterated the significance of a sub-regional approach to the resolution of regional problems, including the Ebola outbreak that continues to kill people in Guinea and Sierra Leone and indicated that Liberia remains open for whichever role it can play in the fight against the deadly Ebola Virus. Vice President Boakai said the three Mano Rive Union Countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia share common values, traditions and borders with citizens in each country having family relations across the borders. He spoke Wednesday on Capitol Hill when he received a joint delegation from the Partnership for Research on Ebola Virus in Liberia, a U.S. Joint Clinical Research Partnership, the National Institute of Health, Media Lead Liberia and the Ebola Research Commission of the Republic of Guinea, In Profile Daily reports.


Related Captions: VP Boakai Underscores Importance Of Regional Collaboration(Heritage), VP Boakai Rallies Regional Force(The New Republic)








VP Boakai Goes To Equatorial Guinea For Ebola Conference


Vice President Joseph N. Boakai is expected in Equatorial Guinea to represent the GOL at the International Conference on Africa’s fight against Ebola. A release from the office of the Vice President quotes the Vice President as saying on departure that there was more room for the improvement of Liberia’s capacity to handle Ebola in the country and that with people moving across borders, it is still premature to celebrate. He said it is still important to continue to discuss the situation with the aim of improving the health sector. The Head of Mission of the Africa Union Support to Ebola Outbreak in West Africa, Dr. Djoudalbaye Benjamin has warned that numerous challenges remain in the fight against the Ebola outbreak in the sub region and cited weak public health infrastructure, inadequate specialized human resource adversely affecting surveillance activities and the risks associated with migration and international trade. He was accompanied to the office of the Vice President by Dr. Josha O. Obasanya, Deputy Head of Mission of ASEOWA, In Profile Daily reports.


Related Caption: Vice President Boakai Off To Malibu, Equatorial Guinea For Ebola Conference –Say There Still Room For Improvement In The Fight Against The Virus(The Inquirer)



NEC Wants Over US$77M … For Electoral Activities


The National Elections Commission (NEC) says it needs US$77,251,233 million to enable it conduct the 2017 General and Presidential Elections and other elections activities. In a communication to the Senate, the commission wants the money projected in the 2015/2016 National budget to enable it prepare in advance. NEC Chairman Cllr. Jerome Korkoyah informed the senators that the request is in line with the institution’s Public sector Investment Program (PSIP) to ensure effective implementation of several critical projects. Justifying the need for the mammoth amount, Korkoyah told the senators through his letter that additional three hundred voting precincts to the existing 1780 precincts are needed, the News newspaper asserts.


Related Caption: US$77M For 2017 Race(The New Dawn)



French Ambassador Pledges Support To LNP -Amidst UNMIL Drawdown Plan

French Ambassador to Liberia, Joël Godeau, has assured the Liberian Government of France’s commitment to support the Liberia National Police (LNP) and the Police Support Unit (PSU) when the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) shall have finally withdrawn its peacekeepers from Liberia on June 30, 2016. Amb. Godeau made the commitment at a program marking France’s Bastille Day (National Day), in Monrovia on Tuesday, July 14. He said France will continue to assist the LNP and the PSU with equipment and training to maintain law and order, when UNMIL shall draw down by next year. His promise comes amidst plan of UNMIL drawdown after which the Liberian Government is expected to take full control of its security. He also assured that at the bilateral level the French Development Agency (AFD) is preparing to mobilize a loan, with a concessional rate of nearly $21 million for co-financing, with the African Development Bank, the improvement of the network of transportation and distribution of electricity. Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs at the Foreign Ministry, Elias Shoniyin, in remarks recalled France’s role in Liberia’s catastrophic health crisis and thanked President Francois Hollande for keeping up the diplomatic tie between his country and Liberia, reports the Daily Observer.


Related Caption: France Pledges More Support(The Inquirer)



Angle Brooks Int, UNFPA Donate To Family Quarantined In Margibi


The Angie Brooks International Center (ABIC) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) have donated anti-Ebola items to the people of Margibi County who are undergoing a 21-day quarantine period.  Speaking in Margibi County, the Youth Desk Manager, Mohamed Swaray, said the Angie Brooks International Center (ABIC) and the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) have come to identify with the family members of the 17-year-old boy who died of the deadly Ebola Virus recently. “It is important to join the Government of Liberia in the fight against the virus”, Mr. Swaray added. The items donated were 10 Mattresses, 10 bags of rice, creams, washing soaps, bathing Soaps, T-Shirts and slippers, etc., In Profile Daily writes.




Ebola Affected Countries Chiefs Strategize Virus Fight


The FrontPage Africa newspaper says traditional beliefs and practices in West African countries are some of the leading causes for the continuous spread of the deadly Ebola Virus which has killed more than 10,000 people since the start of the outbreak in 2014 to current. On Thursday at the National Traditional Council in Monrovia, Chiefs from the worst affected countries gathered to strategize how they can help in fighting the EVD. Chief Zanzan Kawor of Liberia, Chief Varlie Kamara of Guinea, and Chief Price Kermuka of Sierra Leone dressed in their traditional attires spoke in their vernaculars through translators. Speaking to FPA, Chief Kawor commended his counterparts, the two chiefs from Sierra Leone and Guinea for accepting his proposal to visit Liberia stating that what affects Liberia affects the other two countries. Guinea’s Chief from Macenta Varlie Kamara speaking in Mandingo said he was overwhelmed to be in Liberia as the two countries (Liberia and Guinea) shared a lot in common. He added that though the virus affects the 3 countries but if they remain united, the virus can be contained and eradicated. According to theWorld Health Organization, statistical report July 8, 2015 there are 30 confirmed casesof Ebola virus disease (EVD) reported in the week to 5 July in all three countries with 18 in Guinea, 3 in Liberia, and 9 in Sierra Leone.



IMF Boss Postpones Visit To Liberia

A planned visit of the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Christine Lagarde, to Liberia, initially scheduled for July 16-17, has been postponed, according to an official of the Fund. In a communication written to House Speaker J. Alex Tyler Tuesday, July 14, IMF Resident Representative Dr. Charles Amo-Yartey, informed lawmakers that the visit of Director Lagarde was postponed due to some unforeseen circumstances. The communication noted that the Liberian Lawmakers will be informed when a new date for the visit is confirmed. The House of Representatives Tuesday unanimously agreed to honor a request by the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde, to meet with that august body, according to the New Dawnnewspaper.