President Sirleaf Congratulates Canada on 148th Independence Anniversary

The President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and People of the Dominion of Canada on the occasion commemorating the 148th Canada Day, on July 1st.


In her message to H.E. the Right Honorable David Johnston, Governor-General of Canada, President Johnson Sirleaf extended warmest congratulations to the Government and People of the Dominion of Canada on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in her own name, and prayed that Governor General Johnston continues to enjoy good health and happiness.


The Liberian leader expressed confidence that the cordial relationship and mutual cooperation subsisting  between their two countries and peoples which was  manifested in his country’s contribution to the international effort against the Ebola Virus Disease in Liberia, will continue to be strengthened through their shared values and commitment  to  democracy,  peace and human security.


According to a Foreign Ministry's release, President Johnson Sirleaf expressed hope that the historic bond of friendship and cooperation subsisting between their two countries can be fully leveraged to the benefit of their people through the exploration of new areas of partnership in trade and investment.