Daily Media Summary, 04-23-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.




News of President Johnson Sirleaf’s condolence message to the Government and People of Ethiopia for the murder of twenty-eight Ethiopian Christians in Libya, the suspension the Managing Director and Comptroller of the National Port Authority and the World Health Organization Africa Regional Director, Dr. Matshidiso Rebecca Moeti’s approval of Liberians response toward the on-going Ebola fight are among stories dominating our summary of today’s local dailies.


Among the dominant stories also is the ceremony marking the 35th anniversary of 13 former officials of the William Richard Tolbert government who were killed on April 22, 1980 by firing squad.





President Sirleaf Consoles Ethiopia For The Murder Of Twenty-Eight

The INSIGHT newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that the President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency, Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to the Government and People of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia for the murder of twenty-eight Ethiopian Christians by affiliates of the ISIL terrorist group in Libya. In her message to her Ethiopian counterpart, His Excellency Dr. Mulatu Teshome Wirtu, President of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, President Johnson Sirleaf extended heartfelt condolences for this irreparable loss to the Government and People of Ethiopia, especially to the families and loved ones of those murdered by such barbaric act of terrorism, on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in her own name. The release says that the Government and People of Liberia stand with the Government and People of Ethiopia in solidarity and friendship as a demonstration of their longstanding relations and deep cooperation, as Ethiopia observes this period of national mourning.  "As we collectively endeavor to defeat terrorism, which has become a global threat to peace, security and economic growth, we pray that the Almighty God will grant His Excellency, Dr. Wirtu and the people of Ethiopia strength, courage and fortitude during this difficult period," the Liberian leader added.


Related Captions: President Consoles Ethiopia(New Democrat), Ellen Consoles Ethiopia For The Murder Of 28(Heritage), Ellen Consoles Ethiopia For Murder Of Twenty-Eight(In Profile Daily)




Pres. Sirleaf Suspends NPA Boss, Comptroller, Others

According to the New Dawn newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has suspended with immediate effect the Managing Director and Comptroller of the National Port Authority (NPA), Mrs. Matilda W. Parker and Mrs. Christina K. Pealay, respectively based on findings of an investigation by the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC). According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader in a nationwide  address Wednesday, has directed the Ministry of Justice to collaborate with the LACC, and all accused persons associated with this investigation, in order to inform additional actions, should they be required. In an unrelated matter, President Sirleaf has also suspended all members of the Board of Directors of the NPA, except for statutory members, and the Chairperson, who was recently named. The Liberian leader has instructed the Minister of State for Presidential Affairs to immediately liaise with all chairpersons of Boards of all State-owned Enterprises to collate, and report to her, all resolutions which have been passed by these Boards especially on board fees, benefits and other compensations. President Sirleaf said, “Where it is established that Boards have assigned emoluments to chairpersons and members that are inconsistent with established policies of this administration, it will be my pleasing duty to reverse all such resolutions.” The President also vowed that she will not hesitate to direct additional remedies, should they be required, to cure such unacceptable actions, wherever they are found to be practiced.



Related Captions: NPA MD, Other Officials Suspended(The Analyst), NPA Managing Director, Comptroller Suspended(The News), Ellen Suspends NPA Boss, Others…Frowns On Violence(The Inquirer), NPA Boss, Others Suspended For ‘Corruption’(FOCUS), Ellen Suspends NPA Boss, Comptroller, Others(Heritage), For Corruption Allegation, Matilda Parker, NPA Board Suspended(Daily Observer), Matilda Parker, NPA Comptroller Suspended(INSIGHT)



WHO Africa Regional Director Praises Liberia’s Response To Ebola Fight As Health Ministry Presents Her a Beautifully Embroidered Gift


The World Health Organization (WHO) Africa Regional Director, Dr. Matshidiso Rebecca Moeti, has lavished praises on the robust response Liberians exhibited toward the on-going Ebola fight. Though the country is yet to be declared Ebola-free, hopefully on May 9, the WHO senior official said that that national approach has now made Liberia move toward zero cases. “I am very optimistic that on the 9th of May, wherever we will be, we will be jumping up and down that Liberia has been declared Ebola-free. I am very confident of that”. She spoke Wednesday morning when she and her entourage, paid a visit with the outgoing Health Minister, Dr. Walter T. Gwenigale, and his senior staff at the Ministry of Health in Oldest Congo Town. The WHO Africa Regional Director told the Health Ministry authority that the UN specialized body has learned a lot from Liberia’s experience, specifically on how to respond to the next Ebola epidemic, writes the Daily Observer.


Related Captions: WHO Hails Liberia In Fight Against Ebola(The News), WHO Regional Head Optimistic About Defeating Ebola



‘We Are Defeating Ourselves’ Ellen Tells Liberians, Regretting Police-Cyclists Fracas


President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf says the tendency of destroying public infrastructure by Liberians whenever they have been provoked is not helping the forward march of the country, but rather defeating ourselves. She said it was disheartening to see the destruction of infrastructures by some Liberians, especially at a time when her government struggles with the rebuilding process of the country.  Speaking at Roberts International Airport upon arrival Tuesday from a weeklong trip to Washington, D.C., President Sirleaf made reference to the recent fracas that erupted in Paynesville City, leading to the burning of a police station and vandalizing of several others by angry motorcyclists who were protesting the death of one of their colleagues, reports the Daily Observer.


Related Captions: Ellen ‘Discouraged’(FOCUS), Pres. Sirleaf Urges Liberians To Desist From Violence(INSIGHT), Ellen Frowns On Paynesville Rioters(The New Republic)



‘God Gives Us Chance To Right Wrongs Of The Past’ -Asserts President Sirleaf at Memorial Service for 13 Executed Officials

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has reminded Liberians that God, in His bountiful mercies and love, has given us the chance over and over to write the wrongs of the past. “It was with the spirit and values of Christianity of our forefathers that Liberia was born to right the wrongs of the past, and build a great nation; but we still continue with the wrongs of hatred, injustice, lies, undermining, discrimination, wickedness, among others as a nation,” the President lamented.  She made the assertion at the 35th Anniversary Memorial Service for former officials of the William Richard Tolbert government who were killed on April 22, 1980 by firing squad on poles at the beach near the Post Stockage, the nation’s then maximum security prison. The Daily Observer reports that the 13 officials murdered on April 22, 1980 included: Cyril A. Bright, Joseph J.F. Chesson, Sr., C. Cecil Dennis, Jr., Richard A. Henries, Sr., Charles King and D. Franklin Neal, Sr. Others were P. Clarence Parker III, James T. Philips, Jr., James A.A. Pierre, John W. F. Sherman, Frank J. Stewart, Sr., Frank E. Tolbert, Sr., and E. Reginald Townsend. Also honored were President William R. Tolbert, Jr., Ex-Commander Spurgeon Capehart, Major General Emmett W. Cooper, Commander Varney E. Dempster, Captain Gabriel Moore, General Charles E. Railey, Jr., H. Carey Thomas, A. Benedict Tolbert, and Lieutenant “Railroad” Vesseley.


Related Captions: Memory Service For 13 Executed Officials Held(The News), Ellen Attends Memorial Service For 13 Executed Officials(The News), Remembering Assassinated Officials(New Democrat), As Victims Of April 22, 1980 Memorialized: Ellen Calls For Reconciliation(Heritage), Coup Victims Remembered(In Profile Daily)



31 Motorcyclists Arrested For Attempted Murder, Rape

The Liberia National Police (LNP) has arrested 31 motorcyclists in connection to the recent riot and burning of depots in Paynesville following the death of a motorcyclist. They have all been charged with criminal attempt to commit murder, criminal attempt to commit rape, criminal mischief, theft of properties, arson, aggravated assault, disorderly conduct, physical obstruction of government function, rioting and failure to disperse. They were arrested on April 16 – the same day the riot occurred. The suspects were arrested based on a complaint by the Republic of Liberia through the Ministry to the LNP on April 16. According to police investigators, the alleged actions of the motorcyclists violated section 10.1, 14.20, 15.1, 15.5, 15.51, 17.1, 17.3 and 17.7 respectively of the revised penal of Liberia, according to the INSIGHT newspaper.


Related Captions: Samukai Wants Non-Lethal Support(New Democrat), Minister Samukai Calls for Non-Lethel Support to Liberia’s Security Sector(Heritage), Defense Minister Wants Non-Lethal Support T Security Sector(The New Republic), Minister Samukai Calls for Non-Lethel Support(In Profile Daily)



Liberia Launches First HIV/AIDS Media Guide Today


The Anti-AIDS Media Network (AAMIN), will today, 23 April 2015, launch Liberia’s first HIV and AIDS Media Guide. A press release issued in Monrovia Wednesday indicates that the launch of the first HIV and AIDS Media Guide here, is an effort aimed at positively responding to HIV and other illnesses, which seeks to eventually reduce stigma and discrimination associated with the virus. The release revealed that Information Minister, Lewis G. Brown is expected to officially launch the Media Guide, adding that more than 40 representatives of the government, media, health, civil society, religious and traditional communities are expected to witness the launch of the media guide, FOCUS newspaper writes.


Related Caption: Liberia Launches First HIV And Aids Media Guide Today(The New Republic), Liberia Launches First AIDS/HIV Media Guide Today!-To Positively Respond To HIV And Other Illnesses(The Analyst),Liberia Launches First HIV/AIDS Media Guide Today(In Profile Daily)




Liberia Tired Being “Raw Material Country” – Says VP Boakai; Craves For Investment In Value Addition & Downstream Operations


The Vice President, Joseph N. Boakai, told the Indonesian Vice President that Liberia was tired being only a “raw material country” and wanted more investment in value addition and downstream operations. Vice president Boakai was speaking in Jakarta, when he was received by the Indonesian Vice President, Mr. Mohammad Jusuf Kalla. He called for the opening of vocational schools that will target high school dropouts, teaching them to be good craftsmen, and give them other professional skills to make the young people more marketable. Speaking earlier, Mr. Kalla welcomed Vice President Boakai, and commended the Liberian government and people for effectively fighting the Ebola Virus Disease, the New Republic newspaper reports.




Liberia Deposits Ratification Of Arms Trade Treaty


Liberia has deposited its instrument of ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty to fulfill its national and international obligation to prevent illicit trade and transfer of Conventional Weapons worldwide. The Government of Liberia through the National Legislature in consultations with the relevant agencies completed the ratification process and deposited same in compliance of the Treaty’s provisions. Preventing the instrument of ratification on behalf of the government to the UN Treaty Section, Liberia’s Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Marjon Kamara, said the ratification of the Arms Trade Treaty signifies Liberia’s commitment to global peace and stability.  Representing the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs, Mr. Daniel Prins said that Liberia has taken a very important step by acceding to a global Treaty which is coming into existence for the first time, the Heritage newspaper reports.


Related Caption: Liberia Deposits Ratification Of Arms Trade Treaty(INSIGHT)



UNESCO-China USD7000K Project Launched

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)-China Funds-in-Trust Project (CFIT) on “Harnessing Technology for Quality Teacher Training”, was on Wednesday launched in Monrovia. The project is a US$700,000 grant from the Government of the People’s Republic of China that intends to increase the institutional capacities of Liberia’s three teachers training institutions. Liberia is one of eight countries to benefit from the “Funds-in-Trust” Agreement between the UNESCO and the Chinese government. It has been established to support capacity-building for teachers education and development to achieve the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) in the area of education, the Daily Observer reports.



17 Agric  Millionaires Destine For  Liberia Soon – Says VOLT’s Leader


The Analystnewspaper reports that a leader of the group, Vision for Liberia’s Transformation (VOLT) has disclosed the coming of 17 agriculture experts and millionaires to country from the United States of America later this year for the purpose of growing food for the Liberian people. The group’s Transformational Officer Dr. Jeremiah Z. Whapoe made the disclosure when he addressed the students of the Cuttington University Suakoko Bong County. “Our people have suffered for so long and they need to be redeemed from this; they need to live better life like others; we have seen the long suffering of our people and this time we must do something and get them out of this hardship” Dr. Whapoe said.



As UNMIL Effects Draw Down Plan: Defense Urges EU For Non-Lethal Support

Liberia’s Defense Minister, Brownie J. Samukai, Jr., has called on the European Union (EU) for non-lethal support to Liberia’s security sector as UNMIL effects its draw down plan. Minister Samukai made these remarks when the European Union (EU) Ambassador accredited near this Capital, Tiina Intelmann, paid him a courtesy visit on Wednesday, April 22 at the Barclay  Training Center in Monrovia, the Inquirer news reports.



BIN Empowered –Several Security Tents Donated


The Deputy Country Director of United Nations Development Programs in Liberia has donated several tents to the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN) for the use by the border security. Making the donation Thursday, the Deputy Country Director said the long expected materials have finally been given to BIN authority to be used by security officers assigned to the various border points. Cleopas Torori said that plans are underway for UNDP and other partners to provide more than US$3.5 million material support to authorities of the Bureau who are considered as the first hand of security in the country.  “The new agreement to provide this support is between UNDP and the Japanese government is intended to help strengthen the borders between Liberia and its neighboring countries”, he said, the New Republic newspaper reports.


Related Caption: BIN Gets 8 Shelter Tents From UNDP(In Profile Daily). In a related development, theBureau of Immigration and Naturalization or BIN has disclosed here that it has trained border officers to monitor the affairs of every border point in the country. The training was conducted in three separate counties- Nimba, Gbapolu and Lofa. Under the caption “ Bin Train Border Officers”, the New Dawnnewspaper writes that the Acting BIN Commissioner Peter Zaizay noted that the training was intended to prepare the officers for any illegal entry by foreigners, as well as to deal with any suspected case of the deadly Ebola virus.



People Living With HIV Want End To Stigma And Discrimination

Over 25 representatives of the Liberian Network of People Living with HIV (LIBNEP+), an institution comprised of over five associations of people living with HIV, have called on the Government of Liberia and partners, especially, the Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM) to prioritize more, consistent with its new funding model, stigma and discrimination eradication. Members of LIBNEP+ made the called during a-day HIV prioritization dialogue organized by the Liberia Coordinating Mechanism (LCM) Secretariat of the Global Fund, in collaboration with the National AIDS Commission, National AIDS Control Program and the National Leprosy and TB Control Program, at the Rose Garden Plaza in Monrovia. The dialogue was held as part of a nationwide consultation which targeted key populations infected and infected with HIV and TB, as well as, representatives of civil society, opinion, religious and traditional leaders to identify areas in the country’s strategic plans that the nation can prioritized over the next three years, the INSIGHT newspaper writes.