Daily Media Summary, 04-08-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.




News of President Johnson Sirleaf’s revelation of Liberia’s approval over UNMIL’s transition plan is the lone dominant story in today’s edition of the local dailies summary.


Other stories being highlighted include the changes made in the government structure and the graduation of fifteen professions from the President Young Professional Program



Gov't Ready To Discuss UNMIL Transition...Pres. Sirleaf

President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has informed the Chair of the U. N. Peace-building Commission Ambassador Olof Skoog that Liberia is ready to talk about where it stands on UNMIL's transition and how to accelerate the transition plan. She indicated that her government is pleased with the transition plan, and has a renewed commitment to the plan because it will move the peace-building process forward. The News newspaper quotes an Executive Mansion release as saying that, Mr. Skoog, who is also Swedish Ambassador to the United Nations, was led to the Liberian leader's office at the Foreign Ministry by the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General to Liberia, Ms. Karen Landgren. President Sirleaf updated the visiting head of the UN Peace-building Commission on the security hub concept which was adopted in Liberia a few years ago. She noted that the operational scope of the existing hub needs to be reviewed and plans for hubs two and three finalized. The Chief Executive congratulated Ambassador Skoog for his preferment as the new head of the UN Peace-building Commission. Ambassador Skoog is Chair of the Peace-building Commission's Country Specific Configuration on Liberia.


Related Captions: UNMIL Drawdown Tops Talks –Between Pres. Sirleaf And Chair Of UN Peacebuilding Commission(The New Republic), UN Peacebuilding Boss To Lobby For Liberia






Major Changes In Gov’t

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has made major changes in government affecting the Ministries of Education, Health, LPRC, among others. Those appointed are subject to confirmation where applicable. The Daily Observer quoting ELBC news said the exercise, became necessary to bring more effectiveness into Government. Some of those appointed include Dr. Bernice Dahn, Minister of Health and Social Welfare (MOH/SW). Until her appointment, Dr. Dahn served as Chief Medical Officer (CMO). Others appointed at the MOH/SW are Dr. Francis Nah Kateh, Deputy Minister and CMO, succeeding Dr. Dahn. Dr. Kateh previously served as Chief Medical Officer in-charge of the Jackson Fiah Doe (JFD) Memorial Hospital in Tappita, Lower Nimba County. Ministry of Health Dr. Bernice Dahn, Minister Dr. Francis Kateh, Deputy Minister of Health/Chief Medical Officer Mr. Edward B. Tolbert, Deputy Minister for Administration Mr. Tolbert Nyenswah, Head of the Incident Management System and the (with the rank of Deputy Minister) Emergency Operation Center Ministry of Education Mr. George Werner, Minister Mr. Aagon Tingba, Deputy Minister, Administration Dr. Romelle A. Horton, Deputy Minister, Instruction Mr. Gbovadeh Gbilia, Assistant Minister, Fiscal Affairs & Human Resource Development Mr. Seklau Dukuly, Assistant Minister, Science, Technology, Vocational and Special Education Mrs. Felicia Doe-Sumah, Assistant Minister, Basic and Secondary Education Mr. Augustine Martin Kuleh, Asst. Minister, Student Personnel Services Mrs. Yukhiko D’Lovette Amnon, Assistant Minister, Early Childhood Education Mr. Advertus O. Wright, Assistant Minister, Teacher Education Civil Service Agency Dr. Puchu Leona Bernard, Director General Mrs. Wanneh Clarke Reeves, Deputy Director General/ HR Mang. & Policy Independent National Commission on Human Rights (INCHR) Mr. Adolphus Wade, Commissioner National Commission on Disabilities Mrs. Ricardia Dennis, Executive Director Rev. Fallah Boima, Deputy Director for Administration Mr. Joshua Bull, Deputy Director for Technical Services Internal Audit Agency Mr. Clarence Williams, Deputy Director for Administration Liberia Petroleum Refining Company Mr. Sumo Kupee, Managing Director National Port Authority Dr. Henrique Tokpah, Chairman of the Board of Directors Ministry of Justice Cllr. Emmanuel Tulay, Deputy Minister for Economic Affairs Cllr. Harriette G. Badio, Deputy Minister for Codification Attorney Frederick Gbemie , Assistant Minister for Administration Attorney Kou Dorliae, Assistant Minister for Economic Affairs Ministry of Internal Affairs Mr. Stephen Neufville, Deputy Minister for Urban Affairs Ministry of Public Works Mr. Ousman Kamara, Assistant Minister for Administration Mr. William Slour, Assistant Minister for Operations Mr. N. Pawon Baoyue, Assistant Minister for Planning and Programming Mr. Sumoiwuo Zizi Harris, Assistant Minister for Rural Development Ministry of Youth and Sports Mr. Lance Gbagonyon, Assistant Minister for Youth Development (replacing Mr. Teeko Yorlay, who goes away for further training) The President has also reconstituted the Monrovia Consolidated School System Board: Mrs. Hester Williams Catakaw Cllr. Rosemarie James Mrs. Christine Norman Ms. Alveria Morris-Raynes Mr. Charles S. N’Tow Ms. Hawa Norris Mr. Emmanuel O. Kparh Mother Mary N. Brownell – Advisor Additionally, she has constituted the National Education Advisory Board which comprise of: Five Members of the County School Boards (to be provided by MoE) Chairperson of the Monrovia Consolidated School System (to be provided by MCSS) The President of the Principal Association of Liberia; (to be provided by MoE) The President of the National Teachers Association of Liberia (MoE) The President of the Parent Teacher Association of Liberia (MoE) Dr. Elizabeth Davis-Russell (the President) The Executive Secretary of the Association of Liberian Universities (MoE) One Representative of the Federation of Labor Union (MoL) The President of Liberian National Students Union (MoE) One Representative from the Civil Service Association; (Civil Service) One Representative from the Chamber of Commerce; (Chamber of Commerce) One Representative from the Association of Private School Operators (MoE) The National Head of the West Africa Examination Council (MoE) One Representative from the Technical and Vocational Education Training Institute (MoE & MY&S) Paynesville City Council Mr. Abel Voker Mr. Nowai Gorlorwulu Mr. Massaquoi Kamara Mr. James Davies Ms. Alice Baysah Mr. Formbah Trawally Mrs. Lorpu Kandakai Mrs. Zoe Baker Ms. Cyvette Gibson Finally, in order to ensure effectiveness in our effort to modernize the Liberia Airports, the entire Liberia Airport Authority Board is dissolved to be reconstituted in the shortest possible published online once it is released.


Related Caption: Shakeup In Liberia: Dahn New Health Boss; Ex-Senator Heads LPRC(FrontPage Africa)


PYP Graduates 15 Today – Program Director Asserts

The Program Director of the President Young Professionals (PYP) has announced that another batch of the youthful professionals will today graduate after intensive training in career development that made them productive as part of the government Civil Service Agency Reform project in the country. Making the disclosure Tuesday at the Ministry of Information, Cultural Affairs and Tourism regular press briefing, Mr. Hh Zizay disclosed that the 15 graduates form part of class 4 of the President Young Professionals (PYP), the New Republic newspaper writes.


Related Caption: President Young Professional Graduates 15 Trainees Today(In Profile Daily)


UK Company Ready For Hydro

The New Democrat newspaper reports that Aim-listed Hummingbird Resources, a United Kingdom company has signed a collaboration agreement with development fund IFC Infra Ventures and energy company Aldwych International to embark on the planning and development of a 20 MW to 30 MW hydroelectric power (HEP) plant in south-east Liberia. According to the daily, the collaboration represents an extremely exciting opportunity for Hummingbird, working together with two highly regarded partners… to develop a sustainable source of power for Dugbe 1 and to secure the future domestic power supply for the south-east Liberia region and the town of Greenville, in particular”, Hummingbird Resources CEO Dan Betts said.


Sanniquellie Road Project Begins Soon

Report emanating from the northern county of Nimba says the long-awaited Sanniquellie Road Project is expected to begin shortly. The Resident Engineer, G. Lahaison Waritay, told the Inquirer over the weekend in Ganta that the company is now recruiting workers and road Engineers to work along with the company, the Inquirer newspaper reports.



Collaborate To Combat Security Menace-Veep

The Vice-President, Mr. Kwesi Amissah Arthur, has called for collaboration among security agencies along the Gulf of Guinea to fight security challenges in the region. The nine-day exercise provided African, European and Atlantic partner naval forces the opportunity to work together, refine tactics and improve co-operation to help the Gulf of Guinea nations deter piracy and other maritime threats, the New Republic newspaper reports.


Gov’t Launches 5-Year Plan Against Human Trafficking

The Government of Liberia (GOL) through the Ministry of Labor, has launched a five-year National Action Plan (NAP) to fight the trafficking of persons, according to the Ministry’s 2014 annual reports. The report said as a consequence of said as a consequence of the government’s anti-human trafficking policies and actions, the United States Department of State 2014 Human Trafficking report elevated Liberia’s status, FOCUS reports.


Women's Inheritance Rights Endorsed…At Constitution Confab

Delegates at the just ended National Constitutional Conference on the review of the 1986 Constitution in Gbarnga, Bong County, voted for the Constitution to guarantee inheritance rights for traditional women. The proposition to guarantee the inheritance rights of traditional women was among recurring views expressed during the Constitutional Review Committee's nationwide consultations. Delegates overwhelmingly voted for the proposition and another three propositions, including children's rights, equal representation and violence against women being championed by the women of Liberia. The conference agreed that child's right should be revisited so that it does not interfere with the parental duty to discipline children and shall recognize and guarantee equal protection for every child regardless of the circumstances of their birth, including children with disabilities, reports the News newspaper.



Residents Celebrate GVL Completed USD70, 000 6km

In Tarjuowon Over 1,000 residents and business traders in Jacksonville, Tarjuowon Statutory District took to the streets this week in jubilation during a dedication of a six-kilometer road constructed by Golden Veroleum Liberia. The road linked both Sonnuhn to Jacksonville towns, and provides a conduit for easy access for travelers emanating from surrounding communities. With smile beaming on their faces, the road project valued at over $70,000 dollars will serve Sonouhn Town, Jacksonville, Unification city, Bestnewlue and Shaw David town among others. At the dedication program, GVL’s Senior Vice President for Operations Viganeswaran Ponnudurai said roads remain an integral part of GVL’s development plan in Sinoe and Grand Kru.  Accompanied by Flomo Molubah, GVL’s General Manager for Sustainability, the officials reaffirmed the company’s commitment in helping provide road accessibility to communities in areas which it operates.