President Sirleaf Consoles China And Tanzania For The Death Of Their People

The President of the Republic of Liberia, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has extended messages of condolence to the Governments and Peoples of the People's Republic of China and the United Republic of Tanzania following the unfortunate news of a bus which turned over in Guangzgou Province, Southwest China, killing elven (11) persons and leaving nineteen (19) persons injured and another van which turned over in Linzhou City, Henan Province killing twenty (20) persons and injuring thirteen (13) others and  the death of forty-one (41) persons from a truck accident in the Iringa Region, Tanzania.


A Foreign Ministry release says in separate messages to her counterparts H.E. Dr. JakayaMorishoKikwete, President of the United Republic of Tanzania, and H.E. Mr. XI Jinping, Madam Johnson Sirleaf extended to both Governments and Peoplesof China and Tanzania, especially the bereaved families heartfelt condolences for the irreparable loss sustained, on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in her own name.


President Johnson Sirleaf then prayed that the fortitude, courage and resilience which has modeled the Chines character through the ages will see the Government and People of China through this period of national mourning and to the United Republic of Tanzania that the Almighty Allah will grant H.E. Dr. Kikwete and the People of Tanzania strength, courage and fortitude as they go through this period of national mourning.