Daily Media Summary, 03-06-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.



President Sirleaf congratulatory message to Ghana and the celebration of International Women Day, the discharging of Liberia’s last Ebola patient from the Chinese-run Ebola Treatment and the fire disaster on the William Booth School campus are the dominant stories on today’s newsstand.


Dominant Stories


Ellen Congratulates Ghana On 58th Independence Day

The In Profile Daily quotes a Foreign Ministry's release: Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and People of the Republic of Ghana on the occasion commemorating the 58th Independence Anniversary of that country. In Her message to her Ghanaian counterpart, H.E. Dr. John Dramani Mahama, President Johnson Sirleaf extended warmest congratulations and best wishes to the Government and People of Ghana on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in her own name; and wished President Mahama and his compatriots good health, continued prosperity and long life as the people of Ghana celebrate this joyous occasion. According to a Foreign Ministry's release, President Johnson Sirleaf then hoped that the cordial ties of friendship that so happily subsist between both countries and peoples will be strengthened as they seek new areas of partnership.


Related Captions: Ellen Congratulates Ghana On 58th Independence Day (The News), and Ellen Congratulates Ghana On 58th Independence Day (Heritage)



March 8 Declared Inter'l Women's Day


The Analystnewspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release: The President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has by Proclamation, declared Sunday, March 8, 2015 as International Women’s Day and is to be observed as a Working Holiday on Monday, March 9, 2015. A Foreign Ministry release says the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Women NGO Secretariat, women organizations and groups, in collaboration with the UN System and partners will celebrate the day simultaneously in the fifteen (15) counties of Liberia under the Global Theme: “Make It Happen” and the National Theme: “ Women Rising Beyond Ebola”. The Proclamation acknowledged the contribution of the women of Liberia in supporting Government in all of its efforts in ensuring Liberia is Ebola free and their continuous advocacy against perpetrators of gender based violence, especially rape. According to the Proclamation, the intent of the celebration of the day is to create awareness and to engage protection of institutions on the need to speed up the trial of rape cases, strengthen community structures to take collective action on issues against gender based violence and to launch study report on the impact of Ebola on women and men. Liberia ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), reflecting its commitment to gender equality and equity through its national reconstruction and development program.


Related Captions: Sunday Declared Women Holiday (New Democrat) and LNP Celebrates International Women's Day…Parade Major Streets, Business Centers (Inquirer)



Last Ebola Survivor Discharged

The last confirmed Ebola survivor in Liberia, Beatrice Yardolo, was on Thursday, March 5, discharged from a Chinese-run Ebola Treatment Unit at the SKD Sports Stadium in Paynesville, outside Monrovia. Liberian health authorities say with the discharge of Beatrice on Thursday, there has been no new confirmed case in any ETU throughout the country in the last 13 days. The United Nations Mission Emergency Ebola Response (UNMEER) chief in Liberia, Madam Rose Linda Barbuto, says Madam Beatrice’s survival, and the survival of thousands of Liberians is testimony to the resilience of the Liberian people, surviving Ebola is no easy task.  “There’s no doubt this is a great achievement. But, we’re not there yet. We must stay focused. We must continue to wash our hands, seek medical care early when we’re sick and when they pass, bury our loved ones safely,” she cautioned on the day of Beatrice’s discharge.  The UN envoy called for the upgrading of health facilities and ensuring that healthcare centers meet infection prevention and control standards so all Liberians can receive quality services and healthcare workers can be kept safe, Writes the New Dawn newspaper.


Related Captions: Great Progress In Ebola Fight-As Last Confirmed Patient Walks Out Of ETU(INSIGHT), Last Ebola Patient Discharged(The Inquirer), Liberia Discharges ‘Last Known Ebola Survivor’ But Liberia Not Yet Ebola-free(Daily Observer), Countdown To Ebola Freedom Begins(New Democrat), Counting The Days-Liberia’s Last Ebola Survivor Walks Out(FrontPage Africa)



William Booth High School Burns To Ashes –Students’ Fate In Limbo

Eight hundred and fifty students of the senior and junior high divisions of William Booth High School may not enroll this year as fire burned the school to ashes Wednesday night. The senior and junior high divisions contained 12th grade. He mentioned that they have informed their local and international partners about the unfortunate situation that befallen the school. Though William Booth High School has been burned down, the school system still remains. We are going to take temporary steps to make sure that we restore the learning facility to the compound so that the students can continue their education, according to theINSIGHT newspaper.


Related Captions: William Booth High School Burns To Ashes-Students’ Fate In Limbo(INSIGHT), ‘Arsonists’ Hit Salvation Army School Property Valued over US$1M Destroyed(Daily Observer), Salvation Army School In Paynesville Gutted By Fire, 850 Students Without School Building(FrontPage Africa)




Other Stories



US Ambassador Assures America's Support To Liberia's Ebola Recovery

The United States Ambassador to Liberia, Ambassador Deborah Mallac, says the U.S. is committed to helping Liberia to totally recover from the deadly Ebola virus disclosing that there has been a commitment made for more support to be provided to Liberia’s health and education sectors. Addressing her first 2015 news conference on Thursday at the U.S Embassy in Monrovia, Ambassador Mallac told reporters that President Barack Obama has made a firm commitment to help Liberia in its Ebola recovery programs. The U.S. Ambassador noted that several Peace Corps Volunteers will soon arrive in the country to help in the area of girl’s education which the United States Agency for Intentional Development (USAID) is already supporting, noting that it is a global priority for the US Government.  Said Amb. Mallac: But again, I want to stress that is not the only program. We are ready to do a lot to target girls’ education. President Sirleaf, who will be no surprise to anyone in this room has long been a champion for getting girls in schools and ensuring that they can realize their potential that their male companions have been able to do for centuries.” Commenting on Obama’s pledge to help President Sirleaf reduce corruption in Liberia, Amb. Mallac noted that Obama’s statement does not in any way contradict Sirleaf’s statement that corruption is a vampire. She said while it is true that corruption is a problem in Liberia and there is still more work that needs to be done, but there has been a lot of progress in terms of preventing corruption, reports FrontPage Africa newspaper.


Related Caption: U.S. Reaffirms Commitment To Liberia's Recovery Program (The Inquirer)



US$30m USAID Rural Water Projects For 3 Rural Counties Robertsport Gets Extended Pipe-borne Water


The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has provided US$30m to support rural water restoration projects in Grand Cape Mount, Lofa and Nimba Counties. A year ago the Robertsport City water extension project was implemented by the Liberia Municipal Water (LMWP/Tetratech) with USAID’s support. According to the Liberia Water and Sewer Corporation (LWSC), USAID has earmarked US$30m for the restoration of pipe-borne water to the capital cities of Voinjama, Sanniquellie and Robertsport, reports the Daily Observer.



Traditional Leaders Vow To Curtail Customary Practices Bong County Ebola-free since December 21, 2014


According to the Daily Observer, Traditional chiefs in Liberia have vowed to curtail their age old practices which are among the main causes of the spread of the deadly Ebola virus in the country. The chiefs from the fifteen counties made the pledge recently in Gbarnga, Bong County during a ceremony marking the ongoing cross border Ebola sensitization of the Mano River bordering countries of Guinea, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Cote d’Ivoire. The cross border initiative is being implemented by the Liberia Crusaders for Peace (LCP) with sponsorship from the United Nations Children‘s Fund (UNICEF). LCP, in partnership with UNICEF, on Monday held a one-day stakeholders and traditional leaders’ forum in support of Ebola prevention in the bordering counties of Bong, Lofa, Nimba and Grand Cape Mount. On behalf of the three counties, Chief of Lofa LCP County, Musa Kamara welcomed the initiative describing it as wonderful. “We will stop bathing dead bodies, eating bush meat, put a stop to Poro and Sande activities until Ebola can go,” Chief Musa pledged. The traditional leader said with the level of education being provided by the LCP to people in the counties that border Guinea and Sierra Leone, the total eradication of the virus from the region would be achieved.



EPA Boss Attends AMCEN Confab In Egypt


According to the In Profile Daily, the Executive Director of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of Liberia, Madam Anyaa Bohirir, is attending the African Ministerial Conference on the Environment (AMCEN) in Cairo, Egypt from March 2 - 6, 2015, AMCEN is to strengthen cooperation between African governments on economic, technical and scientific activities in order to halt the degradation of Africa's environment to satisfy the food and energy needs of the continent's people. The theme of this year's Conference is focused on managing Africa's Natural Capital for Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction.


Related Caption: EPA Boss Attends African Ministerial Confab In Cairo (Heritage)



Correctional Officers To Train In USA


The Bureau of Corrections and Rehabilitation at the Ministry of Justice, in partnership with the United States Embassy in Monrovia, has awarded a three-week capacity building training opportunity to four correction officer in the area of Correction Institution Management. The four officers include, James S. Ponpon, Flomo Johnson, Marca Marvey Sirleaf, and Varney G. Lake. The officers will be trained in Colorado, USA. According to Assistant Justice Minister, Hilary Siakor Sirleaf, the participants are expected to obtain basic understanding of how an inmate is processed in an institution, writes the In Profile Daily.