President Sirleaf Hails Estonia 97th Independence Anniversary

The President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Madam.  Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has congratulated the Government and People of the Republic of Estonia on the occasion commemorating the 97th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence of that country.


In her message to His Excellency Toomas Hendrik  Ilves, President of the Republic Of Estonia, President Johnson Sirleaf extended heartfelt felicitations and best wishes to the Government and People of Estonia on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia.


 President Johnson Sirleaf also expressed Liberia’s deepest appreciation to the Government of Estonia for the great contributions it has made to the ongoing fight against the Ebola virus disease in West Africa.


“As a nation and people, we take deep pride acknowledging that Liberia and Estonia share similar values including the respect for democracy, press freedom and human dignity”, the President declared.


The Liberian President further hoped that the two governments could work together for the enhancement of friendly ties with the aim of exploring areas of cooperation mutually beneficial to their respective governments and peoples. 


The Liberian leader then wished for President Hendrik Ilives personal well-being and continued peace and prosperity for the people of Estonia.   

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