President Sirleaf Commissions Senator Isaac Nyenabo As Liberia's Ambassador to Belgium With Accreditations to EU…

Liberia's Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary accredited to the Kingdom of Belgium with accreditations to the European Union, Luxemburg and the Netherlands, Ambassador Isaac Nyenabo was on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 commissioned.


Speaking at the commissioning ceremony in the Cabinet Room at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Senator Nyenabo lauded the European Union for its immense contributions which it has made towards Liberia's recovery programs in the areas of Peace and Security, food security, human capacity building, budget support, and most recently the fight against the Ebola virus. The Former Senator expressed gratitude to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf for the Executive Commission his preferment to serve not only as her personal representative, but also as Liberia's Ambassador, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Kingdom of Belgium with accreditations to the European Union, Luxemburg, and the Netherlands.


"I believe that your choice of me to serve as your personal representative is based on your objectives and beliefs that I will perform to your expectation in implementing our Foreign Policy objectives while in Brussels by attracting genuine investment, trade and commerce with the objective of securing the needed resources to assist in the implementation of the vision for the Agenda for Transformation that this government have carved in lifting Liberia to a middle income level by 2030", the former Senator of Grand Gedeh County said.


Ambassador Nyenabo said that due to the long standing historical ties between Liberia and the Kingdom of Belgium, it will be incumbent upon him to do everything to strengthen the already cordial relations between the two countries. The Former Lawmaker promised that Liberia's accreditation to other European Countries with which Liberia enjoys diplomatic and bilateral relations will also be strengthened during his tour of duty.


"Our President has made and continues to make significant strides in placing Liberia amongst the comity of Nations, and we as a people must seize this moment in upholding those noble ideals which will hold us together as a Nation and as one people, that Liberia is on a trajectory of stability and peace. In our endeavor to promote the positive image of our beloved country, let do so with the conviction that Liberia is the only thing we as a people have to call home", Ambassador Nyenabo stressed.


Speaking earlier, Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf expressed appreciation to Senator Isaac Nyenabo for the manner in which he worked with the administration cooperatively and for the capability, intelligence that he brought to his task as Senator and in his interactions and supports for the Government and also for how he worked with his fellow Grand Gedian in promoting unity.


"We did not always agree, there were times when he took positions that he felt was contrary to what we were trying to achieve and expressed them in a very constructive and positive manner and there were many times when we reached compromises and consensus to enable him be an advocate of the administration whenever he felt it was in the national interest and he had the capacity to do so", President Johnson Sirleaf recalled.


"Now he has a very major responsibility representing Liberia not only to the Kingdom of Belgium but also the European Union. The European Union through the European Commission is one of Liberia's strongest partners; not only in support of our development agenda but in collaboration and advocacy on matters relating to international peace, international development international relationship", emphasized the Liberian Leader.


Madam Johnson Sirleaf added that the European Union  have an office here that they work with but Liberians have been missing for a longtime an office in Belgium that can work with them, that can on a regular basis exchange idea with Liberia, without Liberia having to wait to communicate through internet or other form of communication.


"He goes as the representative not only of the administration but a representative of Liberia which means that all three branches of government should see him as there representative and be able to communicate with him to convey some of their opinion to obtain information that will enable them to take decision on an inform basis that's his position of been there", President Johnson Sirleaf added.


"So we look forward to him going on and strengthening the relationship that we have, making sure that he makes our work easier in our communication, and in our work with the local office here. So it's my great pleasure to be able to perform this task that will give him the credential that he needs for him to move on to his next area of service to his country", President Johnson Sirleaf stressed.