Daily Media Summary, 02-05-2015


Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia.




Today’s edition of the daily media summary highlights stories of the Government of Liberia’s promise to return the Liberian girls allegedly trafficked in Lebanon, Gender, Children and Social Protection Minister, Julia Duncan-Cassell’s attribution of the rise in rape and gender based violence cases to the culture of impunity, the news of 15 new Ebola cases in Margibi County  and the United Nations Development Programme’s donation to over sixty Ebola orphans and survivors in the Township of West Point.




Trafficked Girls To Return From Lebanon…Gov’t Says It Is Making Every Efforts

The Inquirernewspaper reports that the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs says it is concerned about the welfare of seven Liberian girls that were allegedly trafficked to the Republic of Lebanon and that all frantic efforts are being made to get the girls returned to Liberia soon. The girls, named Rema Nyepan, Ayres M. Jasper, Bernice Gbar, Muffitte N. Panma, Grace K. David, Emma T. Swaber and Patience King were reportedly subjected to slavery and abuse by residents to whom they were contracted for housekeeping.  Cllr. Boakai Kanneh, Deputy Foreign Minister for Legal Affairs made the disclosure Wednesday when he responded to a group of local journalists who had gone to seek clarity in the saga of the Liberian girls. Minister Kanneh also asserted that the Liberian Government has been investigating the matter and in order to facilitate the return of the girls to Liberia has sent travel documentations along with tickets while flight arrangements are being finalized. Minister Kanneh's clarity runs contrary to media reports that the Government has not shown any interest in the alleged trafficked Liberian girls. The Deputy Foreign Minister also disclosed that these efforts are being made in conjunction with other relevant stakeholders including the Ministries of Justice and Labor and the International Organization for Migration (IOM). 


Related Captions: Govt To Bring ‘Trafficked’ Girls Back From Lebanon(INSIGHT), Liberia’s Trafficked Girls Return Home(The New Republic), Gov’t Is Returning Home Alleged Trafficked Liberian Girls In Lebanon…Deputy Foreign Minister Voices Out(Heritage)


'Culture of Impunity Responsible for Rape'

Gender, Children and Social Protection Minister, Julia Duncan-Cassell has attributed the rise in rape and gender based violence cases to the culture of impunity. Madam Duncan-Cassell told the Ministry of Information regular press briefing Wednesday that most perpetrators of rape and sexual violence rely on the culture of impunity to commit these acts. "It is clear that most of these violations remain unpunished," Duncan Cassell said. Minister Duncan Cassell observed that in the wake of the Ebola epidemic, women and children are still being sexually abused. She disclosed that a total of 554 rape cases were reported between January and November of 2014. According to her, Montserrado County reported the highest number of rape cases at 428, while the other 14 counties accounted for 126 cases. Of the total number of rape cases reported, Duncan-Cassell noted that 512 were perpetrated against children between the ages of 0-17 years, reports the News newspaper.


Related Caption: Min. Cassel Calls For Concerted Effort Against Rape(INSIGHT), Gender Ministry To Ensure Speedily Prosecution of GBV Cases (FOCUS), 554 Rape Cases In One Year(New Democrat)


Margibi Confirms Ebola Death…Two Villages Quarantined

Health authorities in Margibi County have recorded two confirmed Ebola deaths in the county. The County Health Officer, Dr. Adolphus Yeah, the first confirmed death was reported in the county after a man from the St. Paul's Bridge community in Montserrado County died days after he fled his community. According to Dr. Yeah, the man, identified as John Forkpa, fled from his St. Paul bridge residence on January 27, 2015 and reportedly died on Sunday, February 1, 2015 in Dogbahta, a village in Borlorlah Township, about 15 kilometers from the provincial city of Kakata. Dr. Yeah explained that specimen from the deceased confirmed that he had Ebola. Meanwhile, the County Health team has launched a vigorous contact tracing for all those who interacted with the man prior to his demise. The CHO also disclosed that the two villages, including Dogbahta and Papata have been quarantined as part of measures intended to prevent the spread of the disease, reports the News newspaper


Related Captions: New Ebola Death Hits Margibi…15 New Cases Reported Earlier This Week(INSIGHT), 256 ‘Quarantined’ In Margibi County-As Reports of New Ebola Death Surfaces(Daily Observer), New Ebola Surge In Margibi(New Democrat)


UNDP Gives To Ebola Orphans, Survivors

Over sixty Ebola orphans and survivors in the Township of West Point Tuesday received and solar Lanterns from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The distribution of the sixty-four (64) solar radios and Panasonic solar Lanterns was in continuation of the UNDP’s endeavor to help Ebola survivors and orphans have access to information and provide light in their homes. Speaking Tuesday at distribution program of the solar radios and lanterns in the Township of West Point, UNDP Country Director Dr. Kamil Kamaluddeen said the items were procured through one of the many strong partnerships that the UNDP enters to bring support to people. The solar radios and lanterns were procured by Lifeline Energy, a South African based NGO, and the Japan based, Panasonic Corporation, one of the leading producers of electronic and other products. Speaking on behalf of the Ebola survivors and orphans in the township, Vexter Doe thanked the UNDP family and said the Ebola crisis greatly affected them and they are in serious need of every form of support and assistance to move ahead with their lives, writes the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Captions: Ebola Orphans in W/Point Benefit 64 Solar Radios(INSIGHT), Ebola Orphans, Survivors Get Solar Radios(The News), Ebola Orphans, Survivals Get Solar Radios And Lanterns From UNDP(New Democrat)




President Sirleaf Extols  Italy For New President-Elect  

The New Republicnewspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has congratulated His Excellency Sergio Mattarella, President – Elect of the Republic of Italy on his election as President of that country. In the message to the President-Elect, His Excellency Sergio Mattarella, President Johnson Sirleaf extended heartfelt congratulations to the new Italian leader on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia, and in her own name. Expressing joy over the occasion, President Johnson Sirleaf noted with satisfaction, that Mr. Mettarella will bring to this high office immense experience in jurisprudence coupled with decades of active participation in Italian politics. President Johnson Sirleaf further hoped that with the ascendency of Mr. Mattarella to the Italian Presidency, Liberia and Italy will continue to enjoy ever stronger ties of friendship and cordiality especially through these difficult times of economic uncertainties and global terror. The Liberian leader then conveyed her deepest appreciation for Italy’s contributions to the fight against the deadly Ebola outbreak in West Africa.


Related Caption: Ellen Congratulates President-Elect Of Italy And Extols Italy For Support To Curb Ebola(New Democrat)


AU Summit On APRM Ends

Foreign Minister and head of the Liberian delegation at the just ended African Union Summit, Augustine Ngafuan, has applauded the participating Heads of State and Government of the African Peer Review Forum, for the successful conclusion of the 22nd Summit of the APRM. The APRM is an initiative of the African Union (AU) that fosters the adoption of policies, standards and practices leading to political stability, economic growth, sustainable development and economic integration. Minister Ngafuan said the discussions amongst member countries in all the various background meetings and the main events were constructive and productive. On the accession of la Cote d'Ivoire to the APR Forum following the signature of the accession document by President Alassane Ouattara, Minister Ngafuan thanked President Ouattara for the decision and joined other Heads of State in calling for more countries to accede to the APRM. The 35-member mechanism voted to appoint a new Chief Executive Officer, Nigerian born Dr. Adebayo Olukoshi, who replaces Dr. Ibrahma Mayaki, interim CEO. By this appointment, four other divisional vacancies were filled, following the endorsement of the recommendation of the Committee of Focal Points. Under the guidance of South African President Jacob Zuma, who acted as Chairperson of the Forum in the absence of Forum Chairperson President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, the Forum unanimously voted to appoint two new members of the Panel of Eminent Persons of the APRM, Madame Bridgette Sylvia Mabandla of South Africa and Chief Mrs. Chinyere E. Asika of Nigeria, writes the News newspaper.


Gov’t To Pay Tuition For EBola Orphan

According to the New Democrat newspaper, Government will pay the tuition for children who lost their parents to the Ebola virus and were sent to foster homes.  Madam Lydia-Mai Sherman, Deputy Minister at the Ministry of Gender, Children and Social Protection disclosed that the foster parents were each given US$150 as government’s initial contribution for their welfare. She said foster parents will receive a monthly stipend of US$15 as allowance for each of the children.


Effective Strategies Needed For Youth Unemployment

The New Dawnnewspaper reports that Vice President of Liberia, Joseph N. Boakai says that developing nations grappling with youth unemployment issues need effective strategies and interventions to adequately address the situation that has the proclivity to undermine peace and stability in such countries. Vice President Boakai underscored that a whole generation of Liberians was still underdeveloped since the 1979 rice riots, followed by series of political and military upheavals up to the 1990 civil war which lasted for more than 14 years. He emphasized the urgent need for something positive to be done to address this problem of the youth, who are now adults without any experience of a peaceful and prosperous society. The Vice President made the remarks last weekend when a four-man delegation from the World Bank, accompanied by officials of the Liberia Youth Empowerment Program of the Ministry of Youth and Sports paid him a courtesy call at his Capitol Hill office to brief him on the status of discussions on the creation of job opportunities for Liberian Youth. At the same time, Youth and Sports Minister Eugene Nagbe says the government is working to improve and expand the Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) in the country so as to give unemployed youth skills that would make them marketable. He was speaking at the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism (MICAT) where he unfolded several measures being put in place by the government to address the issue of unemployment in the country which was alluded to by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf during her state of the nation address. He told the gathering that for the improvement and expansion of TVET throughout the country, the ministry has sourced some 24million Euros from the government and developmental partners that would aid in the construction and renovation of facilities where people will be trained. He pointed out that the Liberian Youth Employment Program (LYEP) launched in March 2013 provided one year employment to over 3,000 young people who worked to improve water and sanitation in about 26 cities in the 15 counties. Though the program was interrupted due to lack of funding, Min. Nagbe said negotiations with the World Bank would provide funding for 25,000 young Liberians to support the remaining component of the program which includes work in ICT, road maintenance, agriculture, health and education, writes the INSIGHTnewspaper under the caption “TVET To Broaden Employment Opportunities.. Min. Nagbe Says 24 Million Euro Has Been Solicited By Government; Development Partners”.


Related Caption: Youth Lacks Employment Skills-MYS (the New Dawn)


Judiciary Observes Hour Of Mourning For Fallen Chief Justice

The FrontPage Africa  newspaper reports that hundreds of employees of the Temple of Justice, including the Chief Justice Francis Korkpor and Associate Justices stood for an hour in queue to pay respect as the body of the fallen Chief Justice Johnnie N. Lewis was taken to the Temple of Justice for an hour of viewing. The mournful event held Wednesday was one of the protocols set by government as part of ceremonies marking the funeral rites of the fallen Chief Justice who died on Wednesday, January 21, 2015 at the John F. Kennedy Hospital after a brief illness. According to the to the daily, many legal practitioners, including ordinary Liberians after hearing the news of his death considered him as the greatest legal practitioners that the country will ever remember due to several reforms he made to transform the Judiciary. The mortal remains of the late Chief Justice Johnnie N. Lewis was removed from the Samuel Stryker Funeral Home in Sinkor at 3:00pm under a special escort and paraded with to the Temple of Justice for the mournful event. In his special statement Chief Justice Korkpor praised the late Lewis for the many reforms he made in the Judiciary such as the building of new courthouses and the rehabilitation of others both in Montserrado and the leeward counties. He praised the fallen Chief Justice for his passion and dedication to the high court and the judicial branch of government. According to government’s protocol at the end of the one-hour of viewing of the remains of the late Chief Justice his body was taken to the St. Thomas Episcopal Church on Camp Johnson Road for a night of wake-keeping. On Saturday, February 7, 2015, the remains of the late Chief Justice Lewis, who served the Judiciary from 2006-2013 as the 88th will be buried in his hometown of Greenville in Sinoe County.


MOD Releases Itinerary For February 11 Armed Forces Day

Defense Minister Brownie J Samukai, Jr. with AFL Chief of Staff (COS), Brig/Gen. Daniel Ziahkahn, as they look up to the successful execution of the program, In keeping with the tradition of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL), the Ministry of National Defense in Monrovia has released itinerary making the official observance of the year’s Armed Forces Day scheduled for next Wednesday.  As such, on tomorrow February 6, AFL solders will observe the “Jummat  Server”  at the Gurley Street Mosque about 1.0’clock PM in Monrovia. This part of the program formed the religious activity that marks the events of the Armed Forces Day.  Also, on Saturday, February 7, the soldiers will carry on “Clean-up Campaign” exercise, Daily Observer reports.


China Union Signs Collective Bargaining Agreement

China Union Investment, Liberia and the United Workers Union (UWUL local # 11 – China Workers Union) has concluded the signing of a two-year Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) in Monrovia. The CBA signing ceremony, which took place at the Golden Gate Hotel in Paynesville, brought together officials of Government (Executive and Legislature) and the management and workers of China Union Investment, Liberia. The CBA will help to improve the working relationship between the company and employees. Signing on behalf of the company, China Union General Manager, Gao Yur Yun, said “We are very pleased that management and workers have negotiated this agreement after intense negotiations. Gao You Yun said the signing of the CBA will help because many challenges will be addressed; adding that Liberia needs to improve on the workforce, FOCUS reports.


NTA, Workers Union Sign CBA

According to the Daily Observer, the National Transit Authority (NTA) and the United Workers Union of Liberia (UWUL) have signed a new Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) aimed at enhancing the working relationship for both the management and the workers. At the official Signing ceremony yesterday held at the compound of the NTA in Gardnersville, Monrovia, the Managing Director, Tarnue N. Jeke, said the situation of signing the CBA was tough but was glad that such a document would be used to help in moving the institution forward.  He said the document has a lot of good things that everyone would hope for in working at the NTA especially in doing the Liberian people’s work and, by extension, the management. He emphasized that the negotiation of the collective bargaining agreement between the NTA and workers union was a long process, which involved the representation of the workers and the management of NTA working hard to ensure that the discussion of terms were rigorously negotiated. In remarks, David Sackoh, Secretary General of the United Workers Union of Liberia, expressed gratitude to the NTA management for the initiative that would help in creating better working relationship at the NTA for the next three years.



According to the FrontPage Africa newspaper, the Center for National Documents and Records and its partners have launched a new customer service and marriage transaction software aimed at preventing criminals from using the system to produce fake marriage certificates in the country. “The introduction of this software is in line with the ongoing management reforms at CNDRA, it will prevent unauthorized individuals from using our system or product criminally,” said Madam P. Bloh Sayeh, Executive Director of the center. Speaking at the launching ceremony, Madam Sayeh said the launch was geared toward increasing government’s revenue and enhancing proper data management. Madam Sayeh stressed that the platform would provide excellent programs for effective reporting on all management’s customer service transactions with the public and make auditing of the transaction. The official launching of Customer service and Marriage certificate software brought together several stakeholders, including a representative of Governance Commission, Liberia Revenue Authority and World Bank Consultant. Also speaking, the manager of Soft Solution and Systems commended the CNDRA for giving the entity a chance to establish the software.


Two Top Gov’t Projects Completed In Gbarpolu

The Henry Town Administration Building and Commissioner Compound in Gbarpolu County worth US$80,000 have been completed. Making the disclosure to the Liberia News Agency recently, the Commissioner of Henry Town, Olu N. Nangba, said the projects were earmarked by the county leadership to be funded by the County Development Fund in 2012. He noted that the structures are the first to be implemented since the town was declared the headquarters of Bopolu District in 2009, FOCUS reports.