Daily Media Summary, 07-11--2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



President Johnson Sirleaf’s congratulatory message to the Government and People of France on 225 Bastille Day, the Nigerian Government US$ 500,000 contribution toward the fight against Ebola in Liberia, Government’s pronouncement that Nimba County will bear the cost of repairs of ArcelorMittal’s properties and the placement of a moratorium on the issuance and use of mining licenses and permits in Nimba  County arestories dominating today’s summary of selected local dailies.




Ellen Congratulates France on Independence

The Heritage newspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that the President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has asserted that the Republic of Liberia and France will increase their collaboration aimed at expanding and enriching their bilateral relations and cooperation in various spheres for the mutual benefits of both countries. President Johnson Sirleaf’s statement was contained in her congratulatory message to the Government and People of France on the occasion commemorating the 225th Bastille Day of France. In the message to French President Francois Georges Hollande, President Johnson Sirleaf stated “on behalf of Government and People of Liberia and in my own name, I am delighted to convey warmest congratulations to you and the Government and People of France on this historic and blissful occasion in observance of the 225th Bastille Italy”. President Sirleaf assured the French leader of Liberia’s commitment to working together with France for the attainment of global peace and prosperity and wished for President Hollande personal good health and for the People of France continued peace and happiness.

Related Caption: Ellen Congrats France on Independence(In Profile Daily)

Nigerian President Donates 500K To Liberia’s Ebola Fight

The FrontPage Africa newspaper reports that the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria H.E. Goodluck Jonathan has announced his country’s donation of Five Hundred Thousand ((500,000.00) United States Dollars to the Government of Liberia to aid with the fight against the deadly Ebola Virus. President Jonathan made the donation on Thursday, July 10, 2014 at the ongoing 45th Ordinary Session of ECOWAS Heads of State and Government taking place in the Ghanaian capital, Accra. The half a million dollar United Dollars donation to Liberia is in response to the launch of the ECOWAS Special Fund for the Fight Against Ebola announced by the Chairperson of ECOWAS and Ghanaian President John Dramani Mahama. President Jonathan also made a donation to Guinea, Sierra Leone, the West African Health Organization (WHAO) and the ECOWAS Pool Fund Against Ebola   totaling 3.5 million United States Dollars. Vice President Boakai who is leading the Liberian Government delegation to the ongoing ECOWAS Summit in Accra, Ghana, thanked WAHO and other members of the international donor community for their assistance so far to Liberia and then lifted praises to Nigerian President Jonathan for what he described as a truly brotherly donation. Meanwhile, Ghanaian President Mahama has called on other member states of ECOWAS to join the fight against Ebola by following the footsteps of Nigeria by contributing to the ECOWAS Fund to Combat Ebola.

Related Captions: Nigerian President Donates US$500,000 To Liberia’s Fight Against Ebola(Heritage), Nigerian Donates 500k To Liberia-To Battle Ebola Fight(In Profile Daily), Nigeria Donates US$500,000 To Liberia’s Fight Against Ebola(The Inquirer), Pres. Jonathan gives US$500,000 to Liberia to fight Ebola(INSIGHT)

ECOWAS Summit Opens Today; Ebola On Agenda

The New Republic newspaper reports that 45th Ordinary Session of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) Heads of States and Government started Thursday in Accra with the menace of Ebola virus expected to feature prominently on the agenda. Explaining the agenda for the session, the Director of Communications at the Flagstaff House, Be DotseMalor, said all states have confirmed participation at various levels of the Ebola discussions.

Related Caption: Ebola Tops ECOWAS Agenda(New Democrat)

Gov’t Gives US$100,000 for Ebola

The Newsnewspaper writes that the Government of Liberia has made an initial contribution of US$100,000.00 towards the fight against the Ebola virus. According to the daily, the disclosure was made by Senate Chairperson on Health, Gender and Development and Women & Children Senator Peter S. Coleman. Senator Coleman told Plenary that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf during a visit to the JFK Medical Center revealed that additional one hundred thousand United States Dollars has been provided to the Ministry of Health & Social Welfare to combat the spread of Ebola.

Related Caption: US$100,000 For Ebola(New Democrat)

Nimba To Shoulder ‘Damage Cost’-Gov’t Announces, Poised to Set-up Inquiry Board


According to the Daily Observer, the Liberian Government has announced that Nimba County will bear the brunt of the actions of some of its citizens, who recently allegedly looted and destroyed properties of ArcelorMittal, as well as some public infrastructures in the county. Some residents of the county, mainly youths, early last week, put the safety and security of the main mining facility of ArcelorMittal, located in Tokadeh, Nimba County under attack, and held the company’s staff, contractors and employees hostage for hours without food or water. Offices were vandalized and mining equipment, vehicles, construction materials, office supplies and buildings were destroyed or looted. In a strongly-worded address on the violent protest that saw the loss of millions of dollars worth of property belonging to both the government and the company, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said government will undertake the repair of the damaged roads and bridges; but the costs will be deducted from funds directly allocated for the development of the county. This means that the funds will be taken from the Nimba County Social Development Funds. The Liberian leader also indicated that the costs to repair the damage and replace the properties destroyed at ArcelorMittal, when determined, will be discussed between the company and the government. President Sirleaf addressed the nation at a press conference on Thursday July 10, 2014 held in the foyer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


Related Captions: Nimba To Pay For Damaged Roads, Bridges President Sirleaf Announces(The New Republic), Nimba Will Pay!-Says Pres. Sirleaf For Damages Caused At Mittal(In Profile Daily), Nimba Funds Will be Used For Repairs At ArcelorMittal(The Inquirer), ‘Nimba Will Pay’(FrontPage Africa). Under the captionMoratorium Placed On Issuance & Use Of Mining Licenses, Permits In Nimba, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has announced the placement of a moratorium on the issuance and use of mining licenses and permits in Nimba County with immediate effect. The Heritage newspaper quotes the Liberian leader as saying that the suspension of mining licenses or permits in the country would be in place until full and associate causes of the attack on the company are known.

Related Caption:  Gov’t Halts Mining in Nimba(The New Dawn)

Liberia Celebrates World Population Day

The United Nation Population Fund (UNFPA) in collaboration with the Government of Liberia will today observe World Population Day under the theme “Investing in Young People”. According to the News newspaper, the UNFPA and its partners have planned series of activities including a panel discussion on the benefits of investing in young people.

Related Caption: GOL & UNFPA Observe World Population Day(Daily Observer)


More Chinese Peacekeepers Arrive

The New Democrat says China will send off its 13th contingent of policemen this morning for a United Nations peacekeeping mission in Liberia. According to the daily, the public security authority of central China’s Hubei province organized the 19-member team.



Ellen Sends Nursing & Midwifery Bill to Senate

The Daily Observer reports that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent to the Senate for enactment an Act to amend Chapter 65 and 66 of title 33 of Public Health Law to grant autonomy to the Liberia Board of Nursing and Midwifery.

MOE To Ban Grade School Graduation

Education Minister, Etmonia Tarpeh says the Ministry of Education has come up with a policy to end graduation ceremonies for grade schools. The policy would tend to prohibit graduation ceremonies held by schools for pupils transitioning from kindergarten to elementary, from elementary to junior high and from junior high to senior high. According to her, some of the fees being charged by some of the schools were too exorbitant and have the propensity to put pressure on parents of those pupils, the INSIGHT newspaper writes.

2,652 Domestic Violence Cases Report

The Ministry of Gender and Development has said there are 2,652 cases of domestic violence since the Convention on the Elimination of all forms. Making the assertion, Monday July 7, 2014 during a one day media awareness working session on the draft domestic bill with journalists at the Ministry, Adam Annette Kiawu Deputy Minister for Technical Services, said the figure of rape covering the period of 2009 to 2013.The Deputy Minister, who is calling on the media to help provide the platform for the citizens both in rural and urban communities in the country to see the need for the passage of draft bill said the document is a legal framework developed to address the issues of domestic violence in the country, reports the New Republic Newspaper.

DEA, FIU Forge Marriage Against Money Laundering

The Liberian Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) and the Financial Intelligence Unit of Liberia (FIU) have begun mapping out strategic modalities that could suppress money laundering as well as terroristic financing. At a meeting held today in Monrovia officials of both institutions mutually agreed to design appropriate ways and means whereby the two entities could effectively entrap the illegal flow of money, mostly from the sales of drugs, writes the In Profile Daily.

Golden Image Award Goes To Communities

According to the New Republic Newspaper, the 2014 Edition of the Golden Image Award (GIA) has taken a different trend, with organizers reaching out to the people in their communities and working places and spreading different messages, such as the Ebola Virus and the essence of the award itself. This year’s Edition was launched last week at the offices of the Liberia Crusaders for Peace, at which time organizers divulged plans to identify with communities through music, hot meals dance and raffle draw.