Daily Media Summary, 06-11-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



Among stories dominating today’s edition of our daily summary are news of Foreign Minister Ngafuan and delegation’s trip to Egypt for the Inauguration of that country’s President, Liberia and Sweden commitment to expend cooperation, Criminal court “D” guilty verdict against 13 men charged with Mercenarismand the signing of the Book of Condolence for fallen Liberian Ambassador to Sierra Leone, Thomas Brima.  


Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan Heads Liberia Delegation To Egypt

From a Foreign Ministry release, the INSIGHT newspaper writes that His Excellency Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan led a two-man official delegation that attended the inauguration of Egypt’s new President, Abdel Fatal El-Sisi, on 8 June, 2014 at the Presidential Palace in Cairo. The President-elect was officially sworn in at the Constitutional Court in Cairo, taking over as President of Egypt from out-going head of state, H.E. Adly Mansour. President El-Sisi and former interim President Mansour then headed for the Presidential Palace where both leaders signed a power transfer document in the presence of foreign and national dignitaries.  During the ceremony, H.E. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan was introduced to President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi as the Liberian Foreign Minister. Minister Ngafuan was among several world leaders and foreign government officials who were present at the inaugural ceremony. H.E Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan met with the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs, H.E.Nabil Fahmi,and both Ministers had a brief discussion on further strengthening the already cordial bilateral relations between the Republic of Liberia and the Arab Republic of Egypt; a visit by Minister Ngafuan to Egypt for bilateral talks is expected this year. The Minister also met with several foreign ministers who were attending the occasion; the Liberian Ambassador to Egypt introduced H.E. Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan to several resident Ambassadors to Egypt. Minister Ngafuan, accompanied by Mr. Rancy Saye Tokpa – Deputy Chief of Protocol, was received upon arrival at Cairo International Airport by H.E. Alexander H.N. Wallace III – Liberian Ambassador to Egypt, Madam Rania Megied – special assistant assigned to the Minister, and Mr. Muhammad A. Kromah II – Protocol Officer of the Embassy of Liberia in Egypt. The Minister was representing President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf who was officially invited for the occasion but could not attend due to tight domestic engagements.

Related Captions: Ngafuan Leads Delegation To Egypt(The New Dawn), Foreign Minister Foreign Minister Heads Liberia Delegation To Egypt (Heritage), Foreign Minister Heads Liberia Delegation To Egypt (INSIGHT), Foreign Minister Ngafuan Heads Liberia Delegation To Egypt (Daily Observer), Ngafuan Heads Delegation To Egypt(In Profile Daily)

Liberia, Sweden Expand Cooperation

The New Dawnnewspaper quotes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that Liberia’s Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan and Swedish Ambassador accredited to Liberia, H.E.  Madam Sofia Strand have reiterated their governments’ commitment and determination to expand cooperation and solidify the existing historic relationship between both countries for the mutual benefits of the two Governments and Peoples. The two officials spoke recently at a colorful ceremony commemorating the Swedish National Day held at the Royale Grand Hotel in Sinkor. Foreign Minister Ngafuan, during the event, recounted Sweden’s numerous aids to pre and post-war Liberia. While congratulating the Kingdom of Sweden following the observance of its National Day, Foreign Minister Ngafuan, on behalf of all the people of Liberia, expressed deepest appreciation for the strong support Sweden gave during the Liberian civil conflict and for the critical and precious assistance the Swedish Government continues to render Liberia: “Today, Sweden remains one of the troops contributing countries to UNMIL which has helped with more than a decade of uninterrupted peace in Liberia.” The Minister particularly referenced LAMCO, the American and Swedish joint venture mining company that operated in pre-war Liberia, Swedish Relief‘s contributions during the civil war and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)’s ongoing aid in post-war Liberia. He said with Sweden investment in the form of LAMCO in northern Liberia which witnessed a convergence of cultures, the impact continues to resonate today more than half a century later. “Liberians from far and near flocked to Yekepa to seek medical treatment at the LAMCO hospital while others took vacation there to enjoy the cool and exhilarating weather of Mount Nimba. Hundreds of Liberians received skill training in various disciplines from the LAMCO Wallenberg Vocational Training Center and thousands of students attended the company’s schools that were very outstanding.” Touching on the important contributions Swedish-Liberian children and families are making to society in both Sweden and Liberia, he asserted, “Quite a few Liberians fled to Sweden for refuge during our civil crisis and many young Liberians have gone there with dreams of becoming international football stars”. The Minister indicated the Swedish Relief Hospital’s vital healthcare it provided for hundreds of Liberia during the period of emergency at the height of Liberia’s civil crisis. The Liberian Foreign Minister said the Government of Sweden remains engaged with Liberia SIDA in the country’s civil service reform program, gender and development activities and many social programs aimed at improving the lives of the Liberian people. He said these important milestones attest to the long and successful history of Sweden as a nation, adding Liberia and Sweden continue to enjoy exceptional, long-standing and cordial relationship. At the same time minister Ngafuan asserted that Sweden continues to work closely with Liberia in its drive for accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). For her part, Ambassador Strand said Sweden is proud to be a close partner to Liberia in its dedicated struggle to make steadfast stride away from fragility and war induced devastation. “We work together with the Government of Liberia and try to assist Liberians’ efforts in areas that we consider fundamentally important to the long-term sustainable development of any country which has experienced the destructive elements of war, peace and stability are very significant in national growth”,  the Ambassador stressed. Ambassador Strand also commended the UP led administration for its aspiration for a better Liberia as envisaged in the country’s Agenda For Transformation and its Vision 2030 program.  According to the Swedish Diplomat, her Government has continuously recognized that peace and freedom from violence plays fundamental role in development. The Swedish Envoy further paid special tribute to President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. She stressed that the President has played a leading international role in promoting the need for peace as a prerequisite for any form of development, admitting that the Liberian Leader’s success in this endeavor is well illustrated by the Common Africa Position regarding the post-2015 Agenda in which peace, security and freedom from violence plays a significant role in the country’s growth. She noted that as her country celebrated two centuries of uninterrupted peace which ended its war against Norway, she acknowledged that the situation has permitted Sweden to develop a solid democracy based on the rule of law and respect for human right and dignity. “Uninterrupted peace allows for uninterrupted development and Sweden has therefore been able to build a society where accountability equal access to fundamental public service and education couple with a strength belief in free trade and openness to the world has led to industry innovations employment and inclusive economic growth”, she stated. The ceremony was attended by high profile dignitaries including top officials of the Liberia Government as well as members of the diplomatic corps.   

Related Captions: Liberia, Sweden to Expand Cooperation and Strengthen Historic Ties (Heritage), Liberia, Sweden to Expand Cooperation & Ties(INSIGHT), Liberia, Sweden to Expand Cooperation (The Informer)

Pres. Sirleaf Challenges Liberian Women

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has challenged Liberian women to rise up to the challenge by empowering themselves now that the pace has been set for self-actualization. According to an Executive Mansion release, the Liberian leader, speaking at the launch of the Chief Suah Koko Center for Rural Women’s Empowerment in Bong County, said the launch of the Center was a promise fulfilled on a commitment to improving their lives. The Chief Suah Koko Center for Rural Women’s Empowerment, located on the main campus of the Cuttington University in Suakoko, is named in honor of former paramount chief Madam Suah Koko for her role in the annexation of north-western region to Liberia in the late 19th century which includes today’s Lofa, Bong and Nimba Counties. President Sirleaf said the honoring of Madam Suah Koko was the rural women’s version of the same honor bestowed on Madam Angie Brooks Randall in whose name the Angie Brooks Randall International Center at the University of Liberia Fendell Campus is established which came as the result of the International Women Colloquium held in Liberia in March of 2009. She challenged the rural women to seize the opportunity that the Center will offer, which include but not limited to training, research and advocacy for their common good, writes the New Dawn newspaper.

Related Captions: Pres. Sirleaf Dedicates Chief Suah Koko Center For Rural Women’s Empowerment (INSIGHT), Pres. Sirleaf Dedicates Chief Suah Koko Center For Rural Women’s Empowerment-Visits Leprosy Rehabilitation Center in Bong(The Analyst), President Sirleaf Dedicates Chief Suah Koko Center For Rural Women’s Empowerment(Daily Observer), Ellen Dedicates Chief Suah Koko Center For Rural Women’s Empowerment(In Profile Daily)



13 Guilty of Mercenary Charge

The Daily Observerreports that after hours of deliberations, the jury of Criminal Court ‘D’ on Tuesday, June 10, handed down a unanimous guilty verdict against 13 men charged with Mercenarism. In their unanimous guilty verdict, the jurors established that prosecution’s evidence was overwhelming to pronounce a guilty verdict against the defendants. They are expected to be sentenced to prison on June 17 by Judge Emery Paye of Criminal Court ‘D.’ Minutes after the verdict was handed down, the grounds of the Temple of Justice turned into scene of mourning. According to the daily, people believed to be family members and sympathizers of the defendants bitterly crying. A woman believed to be a family member of one of the guilty party suddenly fainted and fell, claiming the attention of other relatives who quickly moved in with cold water to pour on her. 


Related Captions: Tearful Verdict: 13 Found Guilty Of Mercenarism In Liberia (FrontPage Africa), Guilty!(The New dawn), Juror’s Verdict: All 13 Defendants Guilty of Mercernarism(Heritage), Guilty(The Inquirer), Guilty!(In Profile Daily), Guilty(FrontPage Africa), JurorsGive Guilty Verdict Against 13 Mercernaries(The Informer), Guilty of Mercernarism(INSIGHT), Mercernarism Trial Reaches ‘Guilty Verdict’(National Chronicle), Drama in Court “D” As 13 Mercernaries Get Guilty Verdict(The Analyst), Guilty …Jury Returns Verdict(The News)


Pres. Sirleaf Signs Book Of Condolence For Amb. Thomas N. Brima, Sr.

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has led an array of officials of government to sign the Book of Condolence for Liberia’s Ambassador to the Republic of Sierra Leone with concurrent accreditation to the Mano River Union, His Excellency Thomas Ngombu Brima, Sr. the INSIHT newspaper quotes an Executive Mansion release as saying that the solemn and mournful ceremony took place in the Foyer of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Tuesday, June 10, 2014. Others who signed the book were Vice President Joseph N. Boakai, the leadership and members of the Legislative and Judicial branches of government, Cabinet Ministers and other officials of the Executive branch, members of the Diplomatic and Consular Corps as well as heads of international organizations, as well as other sympathizers. Ambassador Brima, who was also Dean of the Diplomatic Corps in Sierra Leone, passed away at the Hannibal International Hospital in Tunis, Tunisia at 2:00 p.m., on Monday, May 12, 2014. He was in his 76th year.

Related Captions: Ellen Signs Book of Condolence for Amb. Brima(The New Dawn), Ellen Signs Book of Condolence for Fallen Liberia’s Ambassador(Heritage), Pres. Sirleaf Signs Book Of Condolence For Amb. Thomas N. Brima, Sr.(INSIGHT),Pres. Sirleaf Signs Brima’s Book Of Condolence (FOCUS), Pres. Sirleaf Signs Book Of Condolence For Amb. Thomas Brima (The Analyst), President Sirleaf Signs Book of Condolence for Fallen Ambassador(Daily Observer),



WAJA Condemns Clampdown On Journalists

The West African Journalists Association is alarmed over the growing state of insecurity for Nigerian journalists and calls on authorities to ensure their safety. In the face of the Boko Haram horror that is terrorizing the Nigerian population and over region, WAJA says it is extremely troubling that state security personnel have decided to target journalists whom they should be protecting, The NEWS reports.

Related Captions: WAJA Term ‘Clampdown Of Media In Nigeria Simply Unacceptable(In Profile Daily), WAJA Condemns Clampdown on Media(New Democrat)


NAPETUL Loans For 400 Petty Traders

The National Petty Traders Union of Liberia (NAPETUL) Grand Cape Mount County branch has announced the granting of loans to more than 400 petty traders in Robertsport, the provincial capital of the county. NAPETUL County Coordinator, Sammy Dorley, told the Liberia News Agency Monday the Union’s head office in Monrovia has made available L$200,000 to the branch for the loan scheme. Dorley said the funds were given to the Union by the Central Bank of Liberia to help improve the petty trade sector in the county. According to him, beneficiaries of the loan would be required to pay back within three months, writes the INSIGHT newspaper.

Related Caption: NAPETUL Loans For 400 Petty Traders (Heritage)



UN Envoy To Mali Pleads For Liberian Troops

The United Nations Secretary General Special representative to Mali, has pleaded with Liberia’s Defense Minister Brownie J. Samukai for Liberian troops to continue to contribute to the UN mission in Mali. Mr. Albert Gerard Koenders, UN Envoy to Mali told Minister Samukai that the performance of the Liberian troops during their mission in Mali shows that Liberians can make meaningful contributions to the United Nations in restoring peace to Mali, FrontPageAfrica reports.

Liberia Health Sector Improves – Health Ministry

The Assistant Health Minister for Preventive Health Services, Mr. Tolbert Nyenswah has disclosed that massive improvement have been made in the country’s health sector. Speaking during the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism (MICAT) weekly press briefing, Mr. Nyenswah said in the past they operated limited health facilities in the country. According to him, the government and international partners have been supportive both in materially and financially to fight the spread of the disease. He said presently health workers are posted at the border entry points to fight any emerging outbreak of Ebola Virus, FOCUS reports.


CAMTEFIL Takes Anti-Money Laundering Awareness Campaign to G/Cape Mount-DEA, BIN, Others Attend

The Center Against Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Liberia (CAMTEFIL) with support from the Open Society Initiative of West Africa (OSIWA) extended its sensitization campaign on money laundering, terrorist financing and illicit drug trafficking to officers of the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization (BIN), Customs Officers, Personnel of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), students and teachers in Bo Waterside, Grand Cape Mount County on May 28, 2014. The sensitization and awareness campaign started with remarks from the Principal of the Alexander Ketter High School Mr. Varney Freeman, who extended appreciation to CAMTEFIL and OSIWA for educating the Bo Waterside community of the danger of money laundering and illicit drug, The Informer writes.

 ‘Energy Is Life’ – EDCP Director Asserts

Energizing Development Cooperation Program Director, Harlieh Euler, said energy has a profound and important role to play in development and human capacity building, emphasizing that “Energy is Life.” Euler made the statement Tuesday at the opening of a three-day Agenda and Solar Training Workshop held at the Stella Maris University in Monrovia, IN PROFILE DAILY reports.