Daily News Summary, 03-18-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



The reinstatement of two Defense Ministry officials to their previous positions following an investigation, Labor Ministry request for more money in its budget, the construction of over 200 housing units by a gold mining company in Grand Cape Mount County are among stories highlighted in our Tuesday, March 18, 2014 selected dailies.

Dominant stories


Deputy Defense Minister Reinstated Following Investigation

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has reinstated Mr. Joseph F. Johnson, Deputy Minister for Administration at the Ministry of National Defense with immediate effect. In a letter from the President dated March 14, 2014 addressed to Mr. Johnson, the President said his reinstatement comes after he was cleared of all allegations following an investigation into the situation leading to his suspension. “I refer to my letter of December 18, 2013 by which you were suspended pending the conclusion of an investigation, regarding the alleged fraudulent transaction between the Ministry of National Defense and the Don Kan Incorporated,” stated President Sirleaf in her letter. “I am pleased to inform you that the investigation report cleared you of all charges levied against you. In this regard, you are hereby reinstated to your post as Deputy for Administration with all entitlements, such as remuneration and benefits, which are due you.” The President has reportedly also instructed Defense Minister Brownie J. Samukai, to likewise reinstate Defense Ministry Comptroller Nyumah Dorkor. The Defense Minister has complied with the directive of President Sirleaf and reinstated Comptroller Dorkor, and ordered him to report to work effective Tuesday, March 18. The Ministry of National Defense has at the same time welcomed the findings of the investigation panel, which exonerated the two officials based on the lack of evidence. The Ministry has accordingly welcomed Deputy Minister Johnson and Comptroller Dorkor back to their respective duties. Deputy Minister Johnson was suspended in December of last year in connection with a fraudulent transaction with petroleum products involving some officials of the Ministries of National Defense and Finance, and the Don Kan Gas Station, FrontPageAfrica reports.

Related Caption: Pres. Sirleaf Reinstates Suspended Officials(New Dawn), Defense Official Cleared (IN PROFILE DAILY), Suspended Defense Official Reinstated (INSIGHT), 2 Defense Ministry Officials Re-instated(Heritage), Suspended Defense officials Reinstated(The New Republic), Back In Play – President reinstates Suspended Defense Officials After Investigation(FrontPageAfrica)


Labor Ministry Cites Low Budget For Poor Recruitment Drive


TheNew Dawn newspaper reveals that Low budgetary allocation is constraining the Ministry of Labor in recruiting skilled professionals to provide quality services to the government and people of Liberia, according to the Ministry’s 2013 Annual Report. The report says of the total work force of 245 personnel, 40 are over-aged and need to be retired, while about 132 are unskilled, a situation that is posing difficulty for the Ministry in adequately carrying out its tasks. It said the recruitment of skilled personnel to provide quality services is very significant, but cannot be achieved due to low budgetary allocation. According to the report, the budget of US$1.99 million in the 2012/2013 fiscal year was inadequate to appropriately manage the labor administration of the country. The report further states that of the Ministry’s total budget, US$1.3 million was allocated to personnel services, while the balance US$600,000 was used to purchase goods and services, as well as meet other expenditures. The report disclosed that several vehicles of the Ministry are either in irreparable or depreciated state due to lack of funds to service them, leaving officials of the Ministry to ride their own cars or government vehicles that are likely to breakdown. The Labor Ministry is, therefore calling for the revisit of its annual budget with the view of increasing its allotment for more efficient and effective performance on the statutory tasks assigned it.

Related Caption: Labor Ministry Says Low Budget Hampers Recruitment(IN PROFILE DAILY), Labor Crisis At Labor Ministry(INSIGHT), Low Budget Hampers Recruitment…Labor Ministry(THE NEWS)


Kartumu Boakai Builds Resource Center In Margibi County – Tours Bong, Nimba, Grand Bassa Counties

The Daily Observer newspaper says as part of her programs to move the Group of 77 to another level, Madam Kartumu Y. Boakai, wife of Vice President Joseph N. Boakai has constructed a modern resource training Center in Kakata, Margibi County. The center is the first of its kind for the disable community in that part of the country. Madam Kartumu Y. Boakai, wife of Vice president Joseph N. Baiai, has been touring Bong, Nimba and Grand Bassa Counties to meet with people with disabilities that are under the umbrella of the Group of 77, a program under the auspices of the office of the Vice President of the Republic of Liberia. The Group of 77 was started in 1977.

Related Caption: Second Lady Tours Bong, Nimba and Grand Bassa – Builds Resource Center In Margibi(Heritage)


Mining Firm Building Houses To Relocate Residents


The Management of Aureus, a gold mining company in Grand Cape Mount County, is constructing more than 200 housing units to relocate community dwellers in areas of its operation. This was disclosed by the company’s Health and Safety Manager, Erickson T. Brown, in an interview with the Liberia News Agency when the County Superintendent and a delegation from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs paid a courtesy call on the company’s management. Mr. Brown also disclosed that management has reached a decision to sponsor the exhumation of over 200 bodies and relocate them to a new grave site under a special project. He told LINA that the management has decided to undertake the project because the affected towns, villages and the graveyard are sitting on mineral deposits. He said the relocation camp for the citizens, which is nearing completion, will also have a school, health center, vocational training center, church and mosque for the citizens. He added that Aureus management is also sponsoring the construction of housing units for residents of the nearby area. Mr. Brown revealed that the company has provided job opportunities for both skilled and unskilled Liberians in an effort to empower them economically. Meanwhile, Grand Cape Mount County Superintendent, Imam Mohammed A. Paasewe, has expressed gratitude to the management for their decision to invest in the county, the New Dawn reports.

Related Caption: Company Built Housing Units In Cape Mt.(INQUIRER)


Commerce Gets Tough With Businesses

The Inquirer newspaper reports that the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI) has gotten tough with businesses operating in Monrovia and its environs with the commencement of its national food inspection. The exercise is intended to assist in providing safe goods and eliminate contaminated goods from the Liberian market, and to also help keep the nation and its people healthy. In an interview with the Deputy Inspector for Enforcement, Macaetoh Wreh Togbah noted that they at MOCI will inspect all businesses under the Liberian government’s authority, and ensured that they are safe to be sold out to the public. Deputy Inspector Togbah added that the exercise will continue for months, and serving in such position as Enforcement Officers, they have to stand for what they are by implementing what should be implemented.

Related Caption: Warning Against Expired Goods Sale(IN PROFILE DAILY). In a related story captionedTwo Gas-Stations Nailed, theIn Profile Daily reports thatfollowing an ongoing verification inspection exercise on various filling stations across the country by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MOCI), the Minister of Commerce has shut-down two gas-stations including the Aminata on Ashmum and Mechlin Streets and the Liberia Petroleum (LP) located at Buzzer Quarters in Monrovia. The stations were shut-down by the technical team from the Division of National Standard and Laboratory (NSL) at the Ministry of Commerce. According to the technical team following the shutting of the two gas-stations, both Aminata and LP were identified as not being working in line with the Business Stand Law of the Country.


A Mark of Fidelity - Zodua Residents Celebrate Road Rehabilitated By Sime Darby

Sando Fahnbulleh, 57, is among the first female town Chiefs of her village, Karnga, which is in Zodua Clan. Chief Sando said Karnga is proud to become one of the three villages that had surrendered land to Sime Darby Plantations for the cultivation of oil palm. Even though Sando’s rubber farm was not qualified to get corps compensation because it falls within a 2 kilometer buffer zone that Sime Darby sets aside to each town as part of SDPL’s policy for land expansion and acquisition, she remains grateful that the nightmare of bad road is over. With good roads, Sando says she and other women will be able to transport food crops to markets nearby to earn additional income.  The rehabilitation of the more than 40 kilometer road that stretches across Sinjeh to Gbesseh, for almost a week according to her, is a mark of fidelity by Sime Darby. Sando said the last time Zodua road was rehabilitated was in 2007. Since then, her clan has faced huge challenges of getting vehicles into the area due to bad road. Sick people, pregnant women and children according to the chief, have borne the brunt of the lack of good roads. According to Chief Sando, Zodua residents were not the only beneficiaries of the road. She said because the only bridge that links Gbarpolu and Grand Cape Mount Counties had spoiled, commuters were now using Zodua road as an alternative route to get their goods to those parts of the country. Petty traders in their numbers from different areas were also seen with food and other commodities in Zodua. One of the traders, Miatta Kaidii said they are aware that people have money in the area because they were getting money for their crops. “Besides that, plenty people from Monrovia and other parts of the country will soon start coming here”, the New Dawn says.

Related Caption: ‘Mark Of Fidelity’ – Zodua Residents Celebrate Rehabilitated Road By Sime Darby(The New Republic)


'Unemployment Threat To Peace' - VP

Vice President Joseph N. Boakai said the greatest threat to peace in Liberia is the failure to provide opportunities for young people. Vice President Boakai said, the National Technical Vocational Educational Training Policy would serve as the roadmap for achieving government’s goal to reduce unemployment. “I believe that government’s role in achieving this milestone is to create the enabling environment for our young people to get income earning opportunities,” Vice President Boakai said. “This view is different from the government focusing on creating jobs.” He said, TVET will make young people become the creators of jobs through entrepreneurial ventures instead of them [youth] waiting for government to create jobs. The Veep asserted that the TVET policy will focus on bridging all the gaps and the coordination problems by creating a national TVET commission, adding that it will oversee the sector. “This TVET Commission will develop a qualifications framework that will make it easy for young people to transition from one level to another,” Veep Boakai. The Vice President made three recommendations to the panel deliberating the creation of a National TVET Commission. He noted that the panel should think about vulnerable youth who lack skills, opportunities, and live in disadvantaged locations, particularly those below the poverty line. He continued: “Please think about our disadvantaged girls and boys, the former child soldiers, the poor urban youths, the rural youth, the disable youth.” “Please think about how you will give them pre-employment or life skills, entrepreneurial skills, livelihood skills, and career guidance skills that will make them self -sustaining,” he asserted. The Vice President made these assertions during a one-day TVET stakeholder forum to validate the draft National TVET policy. The World Bank Liberia Country Manager Inguna Dobraja said the TVET policy need to create opportunities for all segments of the youths. “The draft policy is beginning to bring cohesion in the sector. This will require more than the traditional TVET,” Dobraja said. Dobraja continued: “Your Excellency, the preparation of the policy is an important first step. The building of a very robust and responsive TVET sector is a long term investment.” Dobraja assured the government of Liberia of the World Bank’s support in economically empowering young people. The Government of Liberia, through the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Friday, held a day-long national technical vocational education and training (TVET) stakeholders’ forum to validate the draft National TVET Policy, designed a year ago. The draft policy, among other things, seeks the formation of a national commission on TVET that will regulate the TVET sector, standardize a national TVET curriculum, accredit TEVET providers, and put in place a national qualification framework to standardize a TVET certification regime in Liberia. When validated, the National TVET Commission will use labor market information to direct TVET needs of the country. The forum, which takes place at the Ministry of Youth and Sports in Paynesville, will bring together major TVET stakeholders, including the Ministries of Education, Agriculture, the private sector, TVET providers, UNESCO, the World Bank, and FAO, FrontPageAfrica writes.

Related Caption: VP Boakai Identifies Threat To Liberia’s Peace(Heritage)


Other stories


E. Jonathan Goodridge Students Get 100 Scholarships, Computer Lab

The Daily Observer newspaper asserts that beginning in the academic year 2014-2015, around 100 students of E. Jonathan Goodridge Memorial High school, situated in the Barnesville community, will benefit from scholarships valued at over 100 United States dollars each. According to the executive director and founder of the Charles A. Johnson Jr. Foundation, Mr. Charles A. Johnson, Jr. said the school is expected to receive a modern library and computer laboratory. He made the disclosure on Friday March 14, on the main campus of the school where he donated several cartons of books.


Liberians In Australia Donate Assorted Items To Students

Students of the T-Five Elementary and Junior High School have benefited from the donation of boks and other assorted items donated by Liberians residing in Australia. Distributing the items, Mr. Francis David president of the Liberia Association in Australia, said, the gesture is a project initiated in 2010 under the theme “Support Education/Health in Liberia. Mr. David said students of the T-Five Academy institute are first beneficiaries of the donation because according to him T-Five Academy institute is amount several institutions of learning identified by the group in Australia for assistance, the FrontPageAfrica reports.


Albino Group Seeks Help From Government

A Liberian albino group, United Albino Association (UAA) is calling on the government here to help improve the standard of life of albinos by empowering them to become useful citizens. The group said it is frustrating for government to ignore the plight of albinos in the country while they have the same rights as other Liberians. It noted that government has created serious disservice for albinos by not providing then an opportunity to partake in developmental activities. Speaking at the First Presbyterian Church in Monrovia over the weekend, the group expressed disappointment in the lack of attention from government. The President of the United Albino Association, Thant Smith, claimed “We have been marginalized by the Liberia Albino Association; they don’t care about our health; as albinos, we don’t need to be treated like people, who don’t have parents.” He also noted that the Liberia Albino Association or LAA allegedly received US$50,000 from national government, but the UAA does not benefit from that money. “It is from our effort that Madam Patricia Logan, who is President of the LAA is always receiving said amount”, Thant said. According to him, the UAA is no longer part of the Liberia Albino Association, and wants government to come to its aid, stressing, “We the Albino of this country have the right to capacity building, human resource center and other essential things that will help us to become useful in the society.” Another albino resident in Grand Bassa County Louise Cooper, called on government to establish a center for albino people because “Our living condition is not encouraging as the sun damages our eyes and many of us don’t have the hand to send our children to school.” Ms Cooper said government has abandoned them because of their complexion, lamenting “We the Albino didn’t make ourselves but rather it is God, who makes everybody,” the New Dawn reports.


American Student To Do Design on Liberia’s Culture

According to the In Profile Daily Newspaper, a young American University student, Lawrence Wyman, has undertaken to do an architectural design that depicts “the warm culture” of Liberia and present it to the Tubman University in Harper, Maryland County. Wyman, an architectural engineering and graduating senior from Howard University in the State of Maryland, USA, is among nine architectural engineering students and four faculty staff from three African-American Universities, who arrived in the country at the invitation of the administration of Tubman University last week. They are from the African-American universities Morgan, Tuskegee and Howard, according to the Liberia News Agency.


Gov’t Institutes Measures To Combat Criminality

The Chairman of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission, Mr. James Verdier, has said it is critical for government to provide the necessary support for enforcement of the functions and mandate institutions it has created to fight corruption and crime. The Chairman Verdier said the institutions, laws and measures instituted to combat criminality in Liberia would be of less importance, if they were not implemented, reports the In Profile Daily Newspaper.


Logging Firm Offers To Repair Lofa Bridge

The B&V Timber Company, operating in western Liberia, has offered to undertake rehabilitation of the Lofa Bridge in the spirit of its corporate social responsibility, at no cost to Government.  press release from the Internal Affairs Ministry said the rehabilitation work will focus on replacing the decaying surface timbers with new surface runners. It said the Ministry of Public Works will coordinate all technical aspects of the rehabilitation work. The company made the offer after President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf mandated the Ministry of Internal Affairs to coordinate and ensure the immediate rehabilitation of the Lofa River Bridge, which was recently closed by the Government, due to its deplorable condition. Meanwhile, President Sirleaf has directed the Ministries of Internal Affairs and Public Works to explore the possibility of constructing a more permanent concrete structure on the Lofa River. Recently, women in Gbarpolu and Bomi Counties which the bridge links, shut down the bridge in protest at its deplorable condition, the Heritage reports.


Judge Frowns On Inadequate Retirement Package For Judges

The Judge of the Civil Law Court, Peter W. Gbeneweleh,   has frowned on the retirement package set aside by the Government of Liberia (GoL) for judges across the country. The Civil Law Court is situated at the Temple of Justice on Capitol Hill in Monrovia. Judge Gbeneweleh described the retirement package as “regrettable.” According to him, judges, who served  the country and its people for so many years, “were retired without adequate retirement package.” The Civil Law Court Judge was speaking on Monday, March 17, 2014 at the opening of the March Term of court in Monrovia. “It is regrettable to note that judges who served our country and its people tirelessly for many years were retired without adequate retirement package, and as such, retired in poverty. Judicial Canon six provides that the judge is a government paid official and must be paid adequately. He holds an exalted position which prevents him from engaging in any business pursuit,” he stated. Speaking further, Judge Gbeneweleh called on members of the Liberia Bar Association to constructively challenge any law that is passed by the legislative branch of government that would be “repugnant to our constitution.” He urged members of he Bar to constructively engage the Legislature in order to serve as clearing house of legislative enactments. Also speaking, the President of the Liberia Bar Association, Counselor Theophilus Gould, recounted the numerous sacrifices lawyers and judges continue to make in the discharge of their duties. He said judges are elevated lawyers; and the sacrifices they make should be recognized. He urged judges to “resign” if their earnings are not sufficient. “If you believe still that what you are getting is not sufficient; the solution is not to be corrupt; then resign,” he amongst other things stated the Heritage reports.


Providence Island Given Facelift

The FOCUS newspaper reports that the Liberia National Culture Union (LINCU), headed by popular comedian Kerkurah Kamara alias Malawala Balawala, has begun what is referred to as a resurrection of the once popular Providence Island in Monrovia. More than 35 distinct artistic groups converged on Saturday, March 15, 2014 at the historic site to conduct a massive cleanup exercise aimed at restoring hope and new look to the area, once known to be the hottest recreation center in pre-war era. Speaking during the event, LINCU President Kamara thanked the Government of Liberia through the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism (MICAT) for the opportunity of affording them full access to the Providence Island. He promised to make the best use out of the land in terms of restoring the cultural heritage of Liberia, attracting tourists and to ensure massive traditional internments. Mr. Kamara disclosed plans to lobby with partners in an effort to revamp the site compared to its pre-war times. He urged members of LINCU to work closely with him and put away attitudes capable of bringing the institution to disrepute. The veteran artist named the use of drugs, drunkenness and rude dances as habits not befitting the traditional practices of Liberia. Mr. Kamara then welcomed the public and international community to partner with the Union in its strives to invest in the transformation of that historic part of Liberia. He recalled, “This place was once an area for complete relaxation, where Liberians found pleasure over the weekend and during major events in the country to have a rest, but it is sad to note that it has turned up this way.” The Providence Island through a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was recently turned over to LINCU for a period of one year aimed at transforming the site into a tourist center.


AGWG Ends Capacity Building Workshop

A two day workshop for Adolescent Girls Working Group (AGWG) in Liberia has ended with participants receiving training on how to improve, fundraise and mobilize funding for their organizations. The workshop took place at the Ministry of Gender and Development conference hall in Monrovia and was held on Thursday and Friday, March 13-14, 2014. In all, over 25 heads of adolescent girls from 10 organizations made nominations of representatives to attend the workshop. The training focused on "Fundraising, Resource Mobilization and Sustaining the Organization." It can be recalled that the Gender Ministry was mandated to advise government on all matters affecting the development and welfare of women and children as well as any other matters referred to it by government. The workshop, which is the 3rd in the series of 6 workshops for the Adolescent Girls Working Group in Liberia, was sponsored by the World Bank.  The workshop is mainly geared towards the empowerment and building of the capacity of heads of adolescent girl organizations in Liberia to enhance their work and also improve the level of service delivery of the organization and management of their institutions across the county. Speaking at the workshop was the Coordinator at the Adolescent Girls Unit, Agnes Horton Nushann, who disclosed that the series of workshops are tailored to the needs of the partner organizations and to ensure that the delivery of their work is up to international standard, writes the FOCUS newspaper.