Daily Media Summary, 03-13-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs   

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Defense Minister, Brownie Samukai’s assurance to the French Ambassador to Liberia about his country’s readiness to work along with the Government of France, President Johnson Sirleaf’s additional appointment in government, Gender and Development Minister Julia Duncan Cassell disclosure of challenges in ensuring universal access to reproductive health by 2015 and the US and Japan Governments’ US$2.5 million contributions toward Ivorian refugee program remaining in Liberia are stories dominating our selected dailies for today, Thursday, March 13, 2014.


Dominant stories

Liberia lauds France’s Continuous Support

Liberia’s Defense Minister Brownie J. Samukai, Jr., has lauded the Government of France, most especially for the training of personnel of the Armed Forces of Liberia ( AFL). The New Dawn newspaper quotes a Defense Ministry release as saying that Minister Smaukai informed the French Ambassador that he and the Defense Chief within the Mano River Union are in direct communication with each other which is necessary for the sub-regional security. The release said Minister Samukai assured the French Envoy of Liberia’s readiness to work along with the Government of France and learn from its maritime expertise that will benefit both Liberian Coast Guard and staffs of the Ministry of National Defense. The Defense Minister made the remarks when France Ambassador accredited to Liberia, Joel Godeau paid him a courtesy visit Tuesday, March 11 at his Barclay Training Center or BTC office in the Compounds of the Ministry of National Defense. He pledged Liberia’s Commitment in fighting terrorism and other trains-border crimes within the sub-region and beyond as mandated by Army Commander- in –Chief President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

Related Caption: Minister Samukai Lauds French Support to Liberia (In Profile Daily), French Gov’t Lauded for AFL Support (New Democrat),Minister Samukai Lauds French Support to Liberia (The NEWS), Minister Samukai On France’s Support To Liberia (The New Republic), Minister Samukai Lauds French Support to Liberia (Heritage)

Pres. Sirleaf Makes Appointments

According to the Inquirer Newspaper, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, continuing with nomination of officials to positions in government, has named the following persons to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Financial Intelligence Unit and National Transit Authority, subject to confirmation by the Honorable Liberian Senate, where applicable. Ms. ArdiaKaikai, Assistant Minister for Afro-Asian Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs; and to National Transit Authority, Alexander N. Cuffy, Director, and Mr. Gabriel W. Bellepea, Deputy Director, Financial Intelligence Unit respectively, Mrs. Ruth Ceasar, Chairman, Board of Directors National Transit Authority.

Related Captions: Ellen Makes New Appointments In Government (Heritage), New Appointment in GoL(In Profile Daily)

Gender & Development Minister Speaks On Universal Access To Reproductive Health

The Minister of Gender and Development, Julia Duncan Cassell, has said global efforts to ensure universal access to reproductive health by 2015 are facing challenges worldwide. This she noted, is because the quest to reduce maternal mortality, one of the two gender specific goals, remains “unattainable and off track,” especially in Africa and South Asian, according to the Minister Counselor for Press and Public Affairs at the Permanent Mission of Liberia at the United Nations, Mr. Abu Kamara. Minister Cassell made the statement in her address to a cross-section of delegates and a side-event co-sponsored by Liberia, France and the International Planned Parent-hood Federation, on the margin of the Commission on the Status of Women, held at Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, UN Headquarters in New York, reports the Heritage Newspaper.

Related Caption: Gender Minister On Universal Access To Reproductive Health (The NEWS), Access To Reproductive Health Faces Challenges – Declares Gender Minister Cassell (The New Republic), Minister Cassell On Universal Access To Reproductive Health (IN PROFILE DAILY)

Liberians in France Bid Amb. Thomas Farewell

Members of the Liberian Community in Paris and other outlying province have bid good bye to Liberia’s Outgoing Ambassador to France, Mr. D. Mckinley Thomas. The Interim Chairman of the Community Mr. Mohammed Kanneh said members of the community sees it an obligation to extend a hand of goodbye to the Outgoing Ambassador for his contributions to Liberians living in France. Mr. Kanneh praised Amb. Thomas for having a cordial working relationship with various Liberian community members and also seeking their interest in times of need.

Related caption: Liberians in France Bid Farewell to Outgoing Envoy (Heritage)

Helping Ivorian Refugees

The New Republic Newspaper reports that the Government of the United States of America and Japan have contributed a total of US$2.5 million towards the Ivorian refugee program amid the need for more funding as the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) focuses on the Ivorian refuges remaining in Liberia. The US Government donated more than US$342 Million to various UNHCR operations around the world including refugee operation in Liberia, while the Government of Japan donated US$66.8 Million to UNHCR for humanitarian assistance in African countries, including US$1.5 million for protection and assistance to Ivorian refugees in Liberia.

Related caption:USA, Japan donates US$2.5m-To Ivorian refugees in Liberia(The New Dawn newspaper)

Other stories

MoA Begins Seed Rice Distribution

In a bid to enhance rice production in Liberia, the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) has begun the distribution of seed rice to local farmers in the country with support from the West Africa Agricultural Productivity Program (WAAPP-Liberia). The first batch of seed rice –containing 50 metric tons –was lifted on last Thursday from the Central Agriculture Research Institute (CARI) in Suakoko, Bong County for farmers in the South-East. The move is part of efforts carrying out the implementation of the WAAPP-Liberia program in the country. The WAAPP-Liberia is a ten year agricultural program aimed at increasing rice and cassava production funded by the World Bank and the Government of Japan, reports the Daily Observer Newspaper.

Inter Gov’t Tournament Begins Today

The Daily Observer says ninety six teams from 32 governmental ministries, agencies, public corporations as well as from other branches of government are expected to kickoff the Intra-Governmental Tournament (IGT) today at the Samuel K. Doe Sports Complex in Paynesville, outside Monrovia. The IGT which was previously called the Inter-Ministerial, Public Corporation and Agency Tournament (IMPUCAR) will begin with a parade from the ELWA Junction at about 9:00am and climaxed with a formal opening program by Youth and Sports Minister Lenn Eugene Nagbe. Immediately after the program, the opening games will see ‘Ministry of Finance (MoF) meeting the National Transit Authority (NTA) in volleyball and kickball simultaneously at 11a.m, followed by the second games of volleyball and kickball at 1:00pm between the General Service Agency (GSA) and the Ministry of Planning and Economic Affairs (MOPEA).

LTA to provide Universal Access Services

The Liberia Telecommunication Authority (LTA’s) Board of Commissioners has jumped started a process, partnering with the Ministry of Telecommunications and sector stakeholder o advance a national project, providing heavily subsidized Universal Access to underserved rural locations in all fifteen counties of Liberia with internet, data and telephone services. The Ministry of Post and Telecommunication Deputy Minister for Technical Services Titus, LTA Commissioner Harry Yuan and Universal Access Coordinator Elijah Glay made the disclosure on ELBC’s Super Morning Show when they explained he dynamics of the program. According to the New Dawn newspaper, the project is a requirement for the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) member states and part of the 2015 Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to each underserved populations.

May Their Memories Remain With Us’

The Daily Observerasserts that President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has paid homage to thousands of Liberians and other nationals, who were massacred during the nation’s 15-year-civil crisis. While describing their deaths as a great loss to the country, the President branded those who perpetrated the act against them as “cruel and indiscipline characters.” The President spoke solemnly Wednesday, March 12, at several sites, including Carter Camp in Firestone, Margibi County; St. Peter’s Lutheran Church on 14th Street in Sinkor, Monrovia, where thousands of Liberians and other nationals were massacred. President Sirleaf said the deceased would forever be remembered as the nation moves forward with peace, development, reconciliation and the rule of law. “May their memories remain with us as we move our country forward,” President Sirleaf said in a very solemn tone.  “Never again, should we as a people use this approach to solving our problems,” she added. Speaking on Decoration Day, a national holiday, set aside by an Act of the Legislature to remember the dead, the Liberian leader described it as a sad day for the country and called on Liberians to reflect on the price paid by their fallen counterparts. Decoration Day, which is celebrated nationally on the second Wednesday of March every year, was passed into law on October 24, 1916.  Accompanied by some of her Cabinet Ministers at these massacre sites, President Sirleaf urged Liberians to say no to violence and indiscipline, acts which do the nation no good. The President’s visit to those sites, where innocent women and children were murdered in cold blood, was organized by authorities of the Independent National Human Rights Commission (INHRC).  The Commission is clothed with the mandate of implementing the Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s (TRC) Report. One of the focal points in the TRC’s recommendations is highlighting these massacres. Also speaking was the head of the Commission, Justice Gladys Johnson, who said taking the Liberian leader around to the sites, was her Commission’s own way of remembering  the murdered, innocent Liberians and other nationals, who were killed during the country’s crisis by various warring factions. “Never again should we as a people resolve our differences in such a manner,” Justice Johnson said echoing the President. The former Supreme Court of Liberia Associate Justice added: “These Liberians buried here should not have been killed in this brutal manner. This was a violation of their constitutional right to live.” According to the INHRC’s Chairperson, her Commission is saddened as they reflect on those killed and vowed to ensure justice and reconciliation for all victims through its work. Commissioner Johnson then called on Liberians to embrace peace and always live up to things that are right. “Peace should prevail,” she told Liberians. “With this dark past, it is our hope that we can all live in accordance with the rule of law.” Officials of the Commission were later joined by Vice President Joseph Boakai, when they visited the St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Sinkor, Carter Camp in Firestone, and Duport Road in Monrovia. All of these places are areas that massacres took place. Another area the team visited was where five Catholic Church nuns were murdered. The Liberian leaders also visited the graves of former Liberian Presidents Samuel K. Doe, William V. S. Tubman and William R. Tolbert among others. Records show that over 600 Liberians (women and children) were murdered in cold blood by armed men at the St. Peter’s Lutheran Church, while another 300 were killed in Carter Camp. However, accounting for the total number of innocents who died in these massacres in other parts of the country during the years of civil conflict might not be accurate, as some have calculated the total figure to be somewhere around  200,000 to 250,000. 


Ellen, Others To Attend LCC 29th General Assembly today - LateBishop Francis, Several Others To Be Honored

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will lead an array of several distinguished  personalities from the clerical and other members of the society today Thursday at the Water in Desert Apostolic Pentecostal Church in Brewerville for the official opening of the 29th General Assembly of the Liberian Council of Churches (LCC) under the theme: “The Role of the Church In Fighting Hunger and Poverty”, the LCC  in collaboration with other national stakeholders want to use the Assembly to challenge local churches and the general Christian community on the role they play in the fight against hunger and poverty, and how such efforts can also contribute to the sustenance of peace, reconciliation and stability in the country. According to Rev. Dr. Kortu K. Brown who is chairing the 29th General Assembly, in order to actualize the vision of the churches, the LCC is expected to run an anti-hunger fund drive during the former opening ceremonies. The Assembly, which is expected to run from March 13 –15, will have a keynote address under the topic: “Church Response to Fighting Hunger and Poverty in Liberia”.  The keynote address will be followed by an elaborate honoring program to be led by the President of LCC, Rt. Rev. Dr. Jonathan B.B. Hart, for founding leaders and distinguished personalities of LCC who have served the state, church and humanity for more than 50 years and or through the Gospel ministry fighting for the enhancement for the ordinary people, the Daily Observer   reports.

Ellen To Launch ‘George Weah Football Training’ Project Friday

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf will on Friday, March 14, 2014 perform the ground breaking ceremony of Liberia’s first technical center at 10:00a.m at the project’s site in Careyburg City, Montserrado County. According to a release from the Liberia Football Association, signed by Secretary General B. Alphonso Armah, Mr. Sampon Kablan, FIFA West Africa Development Officer is expected to arrive in Liberia on March 13, (today) to observe the process, the Daily Observer reports.