Daily Media Summary, 03-11-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs   

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


President Johnson Sirleaf’s Proclamation declaring Wednesday, March 12 as Decoration Day, the National Oil Company appointment of two persons to head the Divisions of Public Affairs and Finance, the Press Union of Liberia announcement of the death of two Liberian Journalists and the opening of a 10-day training on maritime casualty and accident investigation by the International Maritime Organization are stories dominating our selected dailies for today, Tuesday, March 11, 2014.


Dominant stories

Wednesday, March 12 is Decoration Day

The New Dawn newspaper quoes a Foreign Ministry release as saying that President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has issued a Proclamation, declaring Wednesday, March 12, 2014, as Decoration Day, which is to be observed throughout the Republic as a National Holiday. According an Executive Mansion press release, the Proclamation is in consonance with an Act passed on October 24, 1916, by the National Legislature, declaring the second Wednesday in March of each year as Decoration Day, and to be observed nationwide. The release pointed out that the observance is in recognition of the nation’s past heroes and heroines, who lived and died in the interest of the State. The Proclamation said it is befitting that a day be set aside to celebrate the memories of those blessed dead statesmen, loved ones and friends, thereby keeping ever alive their deeds and invaluable contributions made to society and the state for onward march to progress. The proclamation has further ordered that the National Ensign be flown at half –staff from all public buildings, military camps, and private residences from 12:01 Anti meridian to 5:30 post meridian on Wednesday.

Related CaptionsTomorrow Decoration Day (In Profile Daily), Liberians Observe Decoration Day(Focus), and Wednesday Is Decoration Day (Daily Observer)

New Appointments At NOCAL - Waritay Heads Public Affairs

The FrontPageAfrica newspaper reveals that the National Oil Company of Liberia (NOCAL) announces the appointments of two Vice Presidents to its Executive Team following a competitive vetting process. Those appointed by the Board of Directors are Lamini A.Waritay, Vice President for Public Affairs Division, and Karmo D. Ville, Vice President for Finance Division. Making the appointments, the   NOCAL board called on the appointees to "utilize their education, training, experience, and innovation” to ensure the development of NOCAL, which, according to the board, is an entity that holds “great promise for our nation and people." The appointments of the two NOCAL Vice Presidents are effective March 1, 2014. Mr. Ville succeeds Mrs. Marie Leigh-Parker, who retired in October last year while Mr. Waritay succeeds Mr. Israel Akinsanya who resigned in September last year.


Related Captions: Recycled Appointments - NOCAL Names New Executives (New Dawn), NOCAL Gets Two Vice Presidents (Inquirer Newspaper), NOCAL Appoints 2 VP On Vetting Progress (In Profile), Wariaty Appointed At NOCAL (Focus), New Appointment At NOCAL (Insight Newspaper), and VP Appointments At NOCAL Announced (Heritage Newspaper)


PUL Mourns Two Journalists

The Press Union of Liberia (PUL) has expressed deep regrets over the death of two Liberia journalists. Journalist Jerome Toe, Publisher of the New Nation Newspaper, passed off Sunday night (March 9, 2014) at the St. Joseph Catholic Hospital, while veteran female sports journalist Ena K. Harmon dies in Freetown, Sierra Leone, on March 2, 2014. The PUL and its auxiliary bodies described the deaths of the two enterprising journalists as another serious blow to the journalism profession in the country. Both journalists Toe, one-time employee of State Radio ELBC, and Harmon, a former employee of the News Newspaper, died following brief illnesses, writes the Focus Newspaper.

Related Captions: Journalist Jerome Toe Is Dead (Inquirer Newspaper). In a related development, a story captioned PUL opens book of condolence for Journalist Ena Harmon, the INSIGHT newspaper reports that the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) and the Sports Writers Association of Liberia (SWAL) will on Thursday open a book of condolence in memory of Sports Journalist Ena Harmon at the PUL headquarters on Thursday, March 13, 2014 at 11 am. In a statement issued today, the PUL and SWAL said the book is meant to recognize the courage of Journalist Harmon in entering a field that was previously handled only by men. Ms. Harmon died in Freetown, Sierra Leone, on March 2, 2014. PUL President Abdullai Kamara said Ena’s courage to enter strange terrains, as evidenced by her pioneering role in reporting sports, laid the groundwork that has today led many other ladies to follow sports reporting. The Sports Writers Association of Liberia (SWAL), on the other hand described the death of Ms Harmon as a big blow and irreplaceable loss to the Association and the sporting sector at large. “Madam Harmon was indeed a veteran in sports writing and a pioneer of female participation in sports writing in Liberia,” SWAL President Roland Mulbah lamented. Prior to her demise, journalist Harmon also ran the One Girl Foundation, a local NGO based in Freetown. She returned home in January and served as co-moderator of the February 7, 2014 SWAL elections debate that ushered in the current leadership of the Association. She previously served as media officer of the Liberia National Olympic Committee (LNOC) under Borbor Gaye and Clemenceau B. Urey, and also worked for the former Liberia Track and Field Federation (LTFF), now Liberia Athletic Federation (LAF) under Atty. Hector Hilton. Ena covered the Sydney 2000 Olympics in Australia and the World Athletics Championship in Edmonton, Canada as a sport journalist. In another development, the Press Union of Liberia (PUL) has expressed deep regret over the death of Journalist Jerome Toe, Publisher of the New Nation Newspaper. Toe passed off Sunday night (March 8) at the St. Joseph Catholic Hospital. The PUL described the death of the enterprising journalist as another serious blow to the journalism profession in the country. Kamara described Jerome Toe as one dedicated to journalism, as he was prepared to work both in print and electronic journalism, noting that his absence leaves a great vacuum in the media of our country. Prior to opening his own media outlet, Toe worked with the state-owned Liberia Broadcasting System.

Maritime Accident Training Begins

A ten-day seminar, focusing on maritime incidents, casualty and accident investigation got underway in Monrovia yesterday. The investigation of maritime casualty and incidents and cooperation amongst States in the conduct of such investigation are some of the items under consideration at the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The first outcome of its consideration of maritime casualty investigations was the adoption of resolution, A 173 ES,IV), by the fourth extraordinary session of the Assembly in November 1968, which encouraged cooperation and recognition of mutual interest among its member States in the  conduct  of official inquiries into marine casualties, the New Democrat writes.

Related Captions: 10-Day Training On Maritime Casualty and Accident Investigation Opens In Monrovia (Heritage Newspaper)


Other stories

Father Impregnates Daughter

Police in Monrovia have disclosed that a 55-year old man identified as Washington Wesseh has been arrested in Grand Gedeh County, after sexually abusing his 15-year old biological daughter. Spokesman Sam Collins told this paper at the Police Central Headquarters in Monrovia Monday that medical report from Grand Gedeh County indicated that the alleged teenage rape victim was pregnant for her own father. “He has been on the run; but the police have been able to have him arrested, and as I speak to you, he’s today making his court appearance in Grand Gedeh County,” Collins said, re-emphasizing government’s zero tolerance on rape. He urged people to report the crime, other than shielding perpetrators. In another development in Grand Gedeh County, the police spokesman disclosed that two brothers were undergoing police investigation in connection with an alleged armed robbery. He said 20-year old Prince Tumu and his brother, Daddy Tumu, 18, had allegedly chartered a motorcyclist in Grand Gedeh County and armed robbed him on the highway. The suspects were also accused of wasting pepper in the motorcyclist’s eyes before taking away his bike, cash and thereafter fled away. But Mr. Collins said the victim identified the suspects, who have already been arrested by police and are undergoing investigation in Grand Gedeh County, the New Dawn newspaper writes.

 Related CaptionMan 55  Pregnant Daughter (The New Republic)


Circumcision Goes Wrong: 1-Yr-Old Loses Manhood To Cutting

Donors are pumping millions in the health sector of Liberia through the Pool Fund and other health interventions, but the country’s health sector continues to perform below par, not meeting the needs of the majority of the population. In many towns and villages across Liberia, access to a nearby health center is difficult as people commute over long distances to seek medication at heath facilities that are not even well equipped, pregnant women and others are vulnerable to death during these risky situations they face before reaching a health center. Even in Monrovia, the capital city, the health situation is still dangerous with unskilled doctors and other medical practitioners attending to patients. Little, Phillip Zinnah, Jr., one year, seven months old, hope of becoming a father is at the verge of becoming impossible as he is the latest victim of unskilled medics. On a fateful Sunday afternoon, January 5, this year, Little Zinnah faced the shock of his life when a ‘doctor’ only identified as “Dr. Nimely” completely cut off his penis in an attempt to have him circumcised. Phillip Zinnah, Sr. 25, father of the boy explained that he took his son to the TB Annex to one Dr. Nimley for circumcision, but it all went wrong when the doctor completely cut off the boy’s penis, leaving him in severe pain. Said Zinnah: “I went to circumcise him on the 5th of January on Sunday, 4:15 pm and this doctor I have been hearing about him and he told me he can do the work. He charged me 600 Liberian dollars to do the work right at TB annex, the man was circumcising him and that is where this mistake came from. I been to majority of the hospitals and the doctors said the boy penis is damaged and we need to go for advance surgery out of the country”. Dr. Nimley is said to have abandoned his patient, an innocent child who is currently facing severe pain as he is unable to urinate, with a stomach swollen. “The doctor has not made any move, all the hospitals we went, they said it was the Doctor error, but he continues to deny it, all the hospitals I have been going, he is not with me. When I call him on the phone, he can’t come; he is not picking my call. Sometimes when I get him on the phone, he will make Palava with me, he says if that is the way I want to take it, I should carry him to court, he has money to get lawyer”, Zinnah lamented in an interview,FrontPageAfrica writes.

Value Early Childhood Development

A consultant for Women and Children at the Ministry of Gender and Development, Ina W. Christensen, has stressed the need for early childhood development in school. Consultant Christensen said early childhood development is a key to education transformation and it is aimed at changing the way children learn and grow. She made these statements last Friday, March7, 2014 when she spoke at the 46thGala Anniversary of the Isaac A. David, Sr. Memorial School in Paynesville. She used tree as analogy to describe the school, depicting, “the beautiful tree is called the good tree and this is where Isaac A. David, Sr. Memorial School has been, the most beautiful tree is called the treat tree-this is where y our school wants to be, the In Profile Daily reports.


Mental Health Claims Attention

As a way of addressing increasing mental health problems in Liberia and its effects on the society, the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare through its Mental Health Unit and the Liberia Crusaders for Peace are teaming to reach out to Liberians to draw their attention in a way that help to either eradicate or minimize the situation. Officials of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, especially from the Mental Health Unit and the Liberia Crusaders for Peace (LCP|), a non-governmental organization that provides training and skill-building opportunities to young girls in Liberia, graced the occasion, the New Republic newspaper reports.


No Company Qualified To Host Miss. Liberia

The Steering Committee of the Miss. Liberia Beauty Pageant has announced the opening of a new bidding process for the acquiring of franchise to organize and host the 2013-2014 annual Miss. Liberia Beauty Pageant. The committee made the disclosure yesterday, March 10, at the Ministry of Gender and Development (MGD) at which time they indicated that none of he prior bidders during the previous bidding process met the requirement to obtain permission to organize the country’s national pageantry. The new process was opened yesterday, March 10, 2014 and it is expected to run for two weeks. According to the committee, the franchise bidding process was opened to the public from September 10th up to October 31, 2013; and as a result of the limited number of applicants the process was extended by a month. More them, the extension was to create more awareness on the process and to develop public interest respectively, the Inquirer newspaper reports.


Minister Dukuly Welcomes Gender Parity Bill

The Minister of Internal Affairs, Morris M. Dukuly, has commended the Liberian Senate for passing the bill, seeking Gender Parity in government. The Senate passed the bill on 25 February. It was formerly known as Gender Equity Bill. A press release issued by the Internal Affairs Ministry quotes Minister Dukuly as describing the bill as timely for the country, stressing that it will promote democracy and peace. He called on Liberian women not to be comfortable with percentage accommodation, but to prepare for equity competition anywhere. In order to achieve this, women must develop their skills and capacities to be more competitive in electoral politics, said the minister. Minister Dukuly said, the bill is consistent with President Ellen Johnson- Sirleaf’s agenda for the advancement of Liberian women and their active involvement in the development of the country. Minister Dukuly disclosed that he is collaborating with his counterpart at the Ministry of Gender Development to explore possibilities that will create a new cadre of Liberian women leaders, who will rise to the challenges and perform diligently in all aspects of governance of the country. He stressed a need for women to develop their debating and campaigning skills to be able to boldly face their male opponents, especially in electioneering and critical decision making, theNew Dawn newspaper reports.


New Act Introduced

A proposed Act creating the Karluway Statutory District and Jobloken Township   in Maryland County has been introduced at the National Legislature. The Act sponsored by the Maryland District #3 Representatives, Rev. Dr. Isaac Roland, is entitle, the Act creating the Jobloken Township and providing for the governance of the same within Karluway Statutory District in Maryland County. The proposed Act was presented to the plenary of the House of Representatives on Thursday, and later sent to the relevant committee rooms for action. In a brief chat with legislative reporters following the submission of the Act, its sponsor, Representative Roland, said the instrument comes as a result of numerous request made by the people of Karluway, the In Profile Daily writes.


Nobel Prize Forum Brings Laureates

According to the New Democrat newspaper, the Nobel Peace Prize Forum takes off Friday in Minneapolis for the first time offering viewers across the globe a chance to participate in a Minnesota institution. “We’ve gone from n international event happening in the Twin Cities to an international event held internationally”, said Maureen Reed, the forum’s Executive Director.

Twenty-six years after being launched in a Northfield college auditorium, the forum has gone high-tech, offering audiences from Liberia to Japan a chance to remotely participate in forums exploring global peace, health and security. The forum typically drew crowds of about 1,500, Reed said.


Code Of Conduct Bill No Witch-Haunting – Speaker Tyler

FrontPageAfrica newspaper says the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Alex Tyler, has said the recent passage of the Code of Conduct bill is in no way a ploy to deny certain Liberians the right to contest public positions as it is being rumored. The Code of Conduct bill was submitted by the Executive branch two years ago to the national legislature requesting the resignation of individuals with political ambitions in government to resign before contesting public positions. The Senate adjusted the timing to one year before the House of Representatives’ amendment of three years prior to its passage last week. The passage of the bill has been greeted with mixed reactions with many Liberians describing the move as a clever attempt to deny certain people from seeking public positions. But Speaker Tyler speaking to journalists in Gbarnga Saturday said the move is in line with the ‘consistent nature’ the House of Representatives has adopted with regards to article 77 (b) of the Liberian constitution. “This is in no way a ploy to deny people as claimed by many but in furtherance of the consistency of article 77 (b) of the constitution of Liberia,” he said. He said the bill is important in the running the country as it discourages people with political intentions from lavishing government funds to accomplish their ‘selfish’ political interests. “The bill is meant is to save the country, most especially the cash-driven syndrome that is being adopted by most Liberian politicians,” he said.
Asked about his rumored presidential bid, the Bomi lawmaker said he is currently serving his position as Speaker of the House of Representatives and will not like to discuss the future.
“I hate to discuss the future. I was elected as Speaker of the House of Representatives and would like to discuss issues relative to my position not the future,” he said.


Mails Stockpiled In Robertsport - Postmaster Discloses

The postmaster assigned to Grand Cape Mount County, John Gordon, has said mails are stockpiled in the provincial capital Robertsport due to delay by mails vehicle to pick them up. He said because of this situation, residents of the coastal city are not utilizing the postal system, and are rather taking their mails to Monrovia for processing. Postmaster Gordon made the disclosure Friday in an interview with the Liberia News Agency (LINA) Grand Cape Mount County correspondent. He observed that the practice of residents of Robertsport taking their mails to Monrovia was denying government of much needed revenue. Gordon said several citizens who went to his office to send their parcels out of Liberia were turned down, due to the lack of a measuring scale to process the parcels, the Heritage newspaper writes.

 UWL Wants More Empowerment For Women

 The United Workers of Liberia (UWL) through its Secretary General David Sackor is calling on the Government of Liberia to promote gender equality in the country. “Before women were asked to always sit in the back because it is where they belong. But right now, women are in top positions that some men cannot afford”, he said. David made the call over the weekend during celebration of International Women’s Day here. He argued that women are people that deserve key positions in the country because of their numerous contributions in society. “Today women have set a very important record in Africa and the world at large; for a woman to become the first President of an African nation signified that they have the ability and the same learning skills as compared to us the men”, he said. According to him, a man alone cannot run his house without the help of a woman, stressing that it is always good to have women who can understand the dynamics, and hardship the government is faced with in order to help make things better. For his part, the President of the ArcelorMittal workers association, Chea Brooks, said equal participation of both gender is important in the country, because without women involvement in national issues, the country could head for another calamity. Brooks indicated that women are mothers, who build the society so they must feel part of society rather than relegating them to the kitchen. He said Liberia is pride of producing the first female President in Africa, which should not be a final stop for Liberian women. According to him, critics often complained about women being appointed to top positions, but it is because of their performance, the New Dawn newspaper asserts.


Sinoe Youth Hails GVL

A youth of Kulu-Shaw-Boe District in Sinoe County has applauded Golden Veroleum Liberia for adhering to a high level of Free, Prior and Informed Consent or FPIC in the district. He also hailed the company for taking development to the district. A representative of Sonnouhn Town Teah E. Barclay said GVL’s engagement with the locales on the FPIC exceeds previous companies that had operated in Tarjuowon, adding GVL management respects the rights and tradition of the Tarjuowon people. “GVL gave us free will to decide on whatever the project demands; no fear, force, harassment, and intimidation whatsoever from anyone, unlike in the days of our fathers when companies just entered and started working in a particular community without the consent of the people”, he explained. Barclay said he thought GVL would have started work days after it was invited to the district but it took more than six months before moving to Tarjuowon. He said the FPIC engagement with GVL was transparent, as the company shared with them every piece of document relating to its operations good or bad. “Even before the signing of the MOU, GVL brought it to us. We had several and separate community meetings in our various communities. Apart from that, we had general meetings in Shaw David for Kulu while another was held in Unification for Plahn Nyen District. After all these meetings before we jointly signed in the statutory district headquarters Unification City”, he narrated. Meanwhile, Barclay is calling on sons and daughters of Kulu to return home and join their kinsmen to build the district. “If you have any differences or anything you don’t understand, come to those of us on the ground. We will together, call the company and sort it out. Please stop writing without our consent. Look, we are on the ground and we are the ones really living in abject poverty. We will never allow you to obstruct the good operations of GVL,” he said, the New Dawn newspaper reports.


More Refugees Crossing Over

A top front page lead of the Inquirer newspaper reveals that more than 2000 Ivorian Refugees have now taken refuge in surrounding towns and villages along the Liberian, Ivorian border in River Gee County. According to several persons in Fish Town River Gee County including some of the County officials, the refugees who are arriving on a daily basis are now setting in Tuobo, Konowroken and Nyaaken along the Liberian border with the Ivory Coast. Kelvin Quennah who is the County Inspector told this paper that if nothing is done to urgently provide humanitarian supply to the refugees, the refugees, predominantly; women and children stand serious risk of starvation.


Gov’t Urged To Allocate US$5M For Football

The Daily Observer Newspaper quotes the President of the Liberia Business Association, Mr Dee Maxwell Kemyah, as saying, if Liberia will succeed in its sports development, then the Liberia Government must allocate USD5M in the National Budget to the Liberia Football Association (LFA). Speaking at the Installation of officers of the Sports Writers Association of Liberia (SWAL), Mr. Kemayah said such support will not only promote football, but will ensure support to football clubs as well as the ably representation of the National Team, Lone Star.


AfDB Holds One-Day Media Forum

According to the Heritage Newspaper, a one-day form organized by the African Deelopment Bank (AfDB) to address media and communication challenges in Liberia has convened in the capital, Monrovia. The Meeting held Friday, March 7, 2014, in the conference room of the Bank’s County office, brought together representatives of the Government, the Media umbrella group Press Union of Liberia and donor organizations, amongst others. Speaking at the forum, AfDB Country Director Margaret Kilo said the forum was intended to mae the media more efficient and effective and to bridge the gap between the Government’s development agenda and the national media content which, she noted, continues to widen. Issues including, inadequate funding, training and logistics as major challenges facing the Liberia media.