“Avoid Reckless Militancy” & “Shameless Mercenarism”, Former Student Activist, Min. Ngafuan Advises Student Leadership

Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan has proffered what he termed his big brotherly advice to the newly-elected student leadership of the Nimba County Community College (NCCC), cautioning them to avoid “reckless militancy” and shameless opportunism or mercenarism.


Minister Ngafuan, a former student leader himself, made these remarks at a Special Pre-Induction Program held in Sanniquellie, Nimba County hosted by the students, the faculty and administration of the community college.


Defining “reckless militancy”, the former student activist noticed that in their mad quest to have their names inscribed in the annals of student activism, some young leaders proceed with the mistaken belief that being reckless or foolishly uncompromising is a mark of effective student leadership. 


“So instead of actually mimicking the good attributes of the great veterans in the annals of student activism, some student leaders actually end up as caricatures of past student leaders.  They think that going to the dictionary and stringing together seventeen syllable words or uttering loud battle-cries is a mark of great student leadership”, he remarked in the midst of huge applause from a jam-packed auditorium.


On “shameless opportunism or mercenarism”, the Minister said that some think that leadership position in the student community or in civil society is a glorious opportunity that must be exploited to the fullest in the shortest possible time to get rich.  


He stressed, “Just as marketers in the general market peddle their goods in the wheelbarrow beckoning every passer-by to purchase; these conscienceless, belly-driven individuals are literally also in the political marketplace offering their goods for sale- their support to the highest bidder.  Whenever a contentious issue arises on the Liberian political landscape pitting two opposite sides against each other, these opportunistic, mercenary leaders of the student or civil society community immediately draft two contrasting position statements on each of the two contending parties, one passionately supporting and the other vehemently opposing the stance of each party. Which specific position statement(s) these hustlers would ultimately issue to the public would depend wholly or solely on which one of the contending parties offers them the highest monetary or other forms of inducement.  These individuals care less about the genuine interests of their constituents, but care more about lining their pockets.”


He then paid homage to many of the country’s historic veterans of the democratic struggle, some of whom were students, who where consigned to the notorious dungeon of Belle Yalla where for months they had to inhale the rancid stench of dingy cells and endured the excruciating pains of an oppressor’s whip. 


Describing the great veterans of the student struggle as true heroes and heroines whose love for country and their countrymen surpassed any selfish or pecuniary concerns, Minister Ngafuan added: “Some of them including comrades Momolu Lavela, Wiwi Debbah, Tonie Richardson, Benedict Garlawolo, and the indefatigable, intellectual par excellence, Wuo Gabie Tappia, a proud son of Nimba County, had to pay the ultimate price as they were butchered at the outset of the Liberian Civil War principally because of what they stood for – academic freedom, social justice, and democracy”.


The Minister climaxed the occasion by committing to spread the good news of the positive development obtaining at the community college to his colleagues in government and to other external partners, noting that the college is deserving of more support from the government, external stakeholders and citizens of Nimba.  “I will hereafter be an ambassador for this college”, he pledged.


Other speakers including Dr. Yah Gonwey-Gono, President of NCCC, Hon. Teeko Yorlay, Development Superintendent of Nimba County and Mr. Stephen Mehn, President-elect of the Student Council Government all praised and thanked Minister Ngafuan for both his inspiring keynote speech and commitment to help uplift the college’s scholarly endeavor.


The NCCC event was the Foreign Minster’s last activity as he concluded visits to the Southeastern and North-central regions where he attended academic, national and intellectual activities in Harper, Maryland County, Fish Town, River Gee County, Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County and Sanniquille, Nimba County respectively.