Daily Media Summary, 03-05-2014

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia



News of thea joint statement, affirming shared commitment to fostering deeper bilateral relationships and encouraging cooperation on a variety of issues signed at the end of the 2nd edition of the US-Liberia Partnership Dialogue, the launch of the Government of Liberia and the UN joint Programme on Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) seventh One-Stop Center for rape survivors in Monrovia, the head of the National Elections Commission’s apology to members of the 53rd legislature for spending US$1. 9 million dollars on vehicles rental and President Johnson Sirleaf briefing to the visiting US delegation on government’s development plans and actions in infrastructure developmentare all dominant stories in our selected local news dailies for today, Wednesday, March 5, 2014. 

Dominant stories

US & Liberia Table Energy Talks - Commit To Agriculture And Human Development

The New Dawn newspaper says working group on the energy and the power infrastructure sector in the second session for the United States-Liberia Partnership Dialogue held in Monrovia did not meet to discuss Tuesday, with talks expected in Washington, DC dialogue later this year. The session on the second US-Liberia Partnership Dialogue instead focused on two of the three issues on the agenda yesterday, including human development and food security and agriculture. Authorities did not however say why the working group on energy and power infrastructure did not meet, though officials from the Liberian side, including Lands, Mines and Energy Minister Patrick Sendolo were present. At the end of the partnership dialogue graced by the US and Liberian delegations at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, both governments signed a joint statement, affirming shared commitment to fostering deeper bilateral relationships and encouraging cooperation on a variety of issues. A joint statement read by Liberia’s Education Minister Etmonia David Thorpe, says both governments renewed their calls… with focus on cooperation and direct US support within the framework of the partnership dialogue.

The two governments affirmed the importance of education in Liberia’s sojourn of economic and generational development. The US has however, affirmed strong support in undertaking a number of developments to strengthen education and other key human development issues to foster economic growth in the country. The US and Liberian governments say they will exert greater efforts to connect private educational institutions, universities, foundations, among others, from their respective countries to invest in Liberia’s human development sector. Such investment could include the reinstitution and resumption of the US Government’s educational programs in Liberia. On agriculture and food security, the working groups of both governments reiterated that… greater effort be exerted to ensure efficient land use than just tenure reform, greater effort must be exerted to improve… high quality imports and easy farm to market access, key to supporting the agriculture sector here. Liberia’s Foreign Minister Augustine K. Ngafuan expressed deep pleasure over the Partnership Dialogue, making emphasis on the importance food and agriculture, and human development play in Liberia. Minister Ngafuan said he was pleased that the US government has committed to strengthening the food and agriculture sector, describing the second session here in Monrovia as very fruitful and robust. The head of the US delegation to Liberia, Counselor Thomas Shannon said the joint statement affirms both governments’ commitment to work together to address the challenges Liberia currently faces in its agriculture, energy and education sectors, and acknowledged their importance to the country’s overall economic development.

Related Stories: Vibrant Boost for Education Sector, “Human Development Key To Liberia’s Growth” (Daily Observer),Second US-Liberia Partnership Dialogue Convenes (Insight Newspaper), US, Liberian Brainstorm Over Greater Strategic Cooperation (The New Republic), Joint Statement From 2nd Round Of The US - Liberia Partnership Dialogue (Frontpage Africa), Improving quality of Life (Frontpage Africa)



UNFPA Seeks Innovative Ways To Prevent SGBV

The United Nations Population Fund, UNFPA Liberia Representative has called for “innovative ways of preventing violence against women and girls” in the country.  Ms. Ratidzai Ndhlovu said there would be no need for one-stop centers to cater for the needs of rape survivors if as she puts it, “sanity” is brought into the minds of men, who go around, raping women and girls.
The UNFPA Liberia Representative spoke Tuesday when the Government of Liberia and the UN Joint Programme on Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) launched the seventh One-Stop Center for rape survivors at the Hope for Women Center on AB Tolbert Road in Paynesville. “This privately owned hospital dedicated space and resources for the construction of this One-Stop-Center where survivors of sexual and gender based violence will get free services including surgery to repair badly damaged survivors. This private hospital has set the pace, and demonstrated how the private sector can work in collaboration with the Government to provide health services to the most disadvantaged members of our population. This is a lesson for all those in the private sector, that running private hospitals and health centers is not just about making money, but it’s about having a passion to provide services to the  communities in which you work, having a passion that goes beyond making money”, she emphasized. The other centers include the Star of the Sea in West Point, the James Davies Memorial Hospital (JDJ) in Nee-Zoe community, the Redemption Hospital in New Kru Town, Duport Road Clinic, C.B. Dumbar Hospital in Bong County and Tubmanburg Hospital in Bomi County, respectively.

The One-Stop Center has been in partnership with the Government through the Public Health divisions of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare at Redemption, JDJ, C.B. Dumbar and Tubmanburg hospitals. The Hope for Women Center is the fourth partnership with the One-Stop Center, and is the first private institution, reports the New Dawn newspaper reports.

Related caption: UN Family, Health Ministry Open Another Center For SGBV Survivors (Daily Observer)

Samukai Lauds U.S. Government For Continuous Support

Defense Minister Brownie Samukai has lauded the United States Government for its numerous assistance rendered the Liberian Government, most especially, training and equipping the over two thousand personnel of the Armed Forces of Liberia (AFL) as well as the process leading to the selection and induction of the newly Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Liberia, Brigadier General Daniel Dee Ziankhan. Minister Samukai informed US State Department Delegation that Liberia is committed in fighting terrorism and others trans-borders crimes within the sub-region and beyond as mandated by Her Excellency Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, Commander-In-Chief of the AFL, that-“No inch of Liberia’s territory will be used to destabilize her neighbors.”  Minister Samukai further told the delegate that the security situations within the Mano River Union borders between Liberia, Guinea and Ivory Coast remain calm with a recent internal uprising in Ivory Coast which his counterpart said has been put under control. Minister Samukai made these remarks when United States Delegation on the Partnership Dialogue headed by Department of State Counselor Thomas Shannon paid him a courtesy visit at his BTC office on Tuesday, March 4, 2014. The Minister further praised the US Government through its Ambassador Deborah Malac for equipping Liberian Coast Guard that is now protecting our maritime borders from illegal fishery and other harmful substances from coming into Liberia.

For his part, Counselor Thomas Shannon-thanked Minister Samukai for the level of good works the Ministry has done and continues to do and he remains proud of US- Liberia relations for the fact that Liberia has contributed troop to International Peacekeeping efforts in Mali which show that Liberia is on par with the international community. He said his primary mission to Liberia is on Partnership Dialogue with Defense Authorities as well as to meet the new Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of Liberia, Brigadier General Daniel Dee Ziankhan, the New Dawn newspaper reports.


Related Caption: AFL Lauded For Regional Role(New Democrat), 'Liberian Army ‘Contributor To Regional Security’(Frontpage Africa)


NEC bows -Korkoya Slaps With L$4,999 Fine

Contrary to an earlier show of defiance and arrogance, the Chairman of the National Elections Commission has openly apologized to members of the House of Representatives for awarding US$1. 9 million dollars vehicles, rental contracts with a local vendor, Efficient Logistics Services to provide transportation services for the conduct of Voters’ Roll Update (VRU) in preparation for the October 14, 2014 Special Senatorial Election. Following his verbal apology Tuesday in the chamber of the House, setting in regular session,  the lawmakers through a motion filed by Montserrado County Electoral District #9 Representative Madam Munah Pelham Youngblood, mandated the National Elections Commission to pay a fine of L$4,999 into government’s coffers within 48 hours; write a formal letter of apology that should  be published in four local dailies, and that the contract with the Efficient Logistics Services be turned over to the House’s Committees on Public Accounts, Contracts and Monopoly and its  Committee on Judiciary to report to plenary in two weeks. Chairman Jerome George Korkoya, along with his team of commissioners at the NEC, awarded US$1.9 million to Efficient Logistics Services, a private vendor to provide car rental services to the commission for the conduct of the VRU which is expected to last for 45 days.  Upon hearing the information, the House of Representatives through Maryland County Electoral District #1 Representative James P. Biney, who also chairs the Committee on Public Accounts, wrote the NEC, demanding further clarities for expending such huge amount just in 45 days. The plenary of the House of Representatives subsequently summoned Chairman Korkoya to appear before the body to give reasons why he should not be held in contempt. But to the contrary, Korkoya wrote Speaker Alex Tyler and the entire membership of the House, arguing that the First Branch of Government lacks oversight, terming the summon as undue interference, challenging the lawmakers to go to court as the NEC was not interested in dialogue. A rather enraged Korkoya later filed a petition to the Supreme Court for legal action against the House for allegedly melting in the affairs of the NEC. 

However, in a sudden 360 degree turn around after he led a team of senior NEC officials to appear before the full House Tuesday, Chairman Korkoya said in a spirit of coordination and the forward march of the country’s young democracy, the National Elections Commission has no choice but to extend an olive branch of apology. He later expressed that such ungodly transactions will not be experienced between the commission and members of the 53rd Liberian Legislature. Last week, members of the House of Representatives summoned Korkoya after a New Dawn’s investigation established that the NEC has awarded a US$1.9 million contract to a local car rental company to provide transportation services to its various centers for the ongoing Voters Roll Update exercise. In their Thursday’s sitting last week, members of the House suggested that the US$1.9 million is ‘waste of resources.’ 


Related Captions: NEC Chief Fined For ‘Wasteful’ Spending(FOCUS), NEC Fined(New Democrat),Kokoyah fined for disrespect (INSIGHT), NEC Chief Fined for ‘Wasteful’ Spending (Focus Newspaper), NEC Bows (Daily Observer), Korkoyah Fined (In Profile), Korkoyah Bows (The New Republic), NEC Boss Admits To Wrongdoing (Heritage Newspaper), NEC Fined (New Democrat)

US State University Extends Partnership Hand To UL

The President of Savannah State University (SSU), Georgia, in the United States, has offered to form a partnership and collaboration with the University of Liberia in getting UL back to its pre-war status when it competed with world-class universities. According to an Executive Mansion release, SSU President, Cheryl Dozier, made the offer during a courtesy call on President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf on Tuesday, March 4, and said it was in support of President Sirleaf’s courage to see a revamped and quality education sector, and her institution stood ready to support the cause.
Madam Dozier said the SSU was willing to provide textbooks and enter into a student/faculty exchange program with UL and other institutions of higher learning. Savannah State, the only university awarding a degree in Homeland Security, was interested in extending its program by working with UL to see how the academic program can help Liberia with its ports of entry for the security of its borders, with security being a global issue. Coming to Liberia to form a partnership with the University of Liberia was like coming home, she said, since Liberia and the State of Georgia have a rich black history in common regarding the emancipation of former slaves. Responding, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf said she was grateful and honored that SSU would see Liberia as a home and at the same time, announce the formation of a partnership with Liberia’s flagship tertiary institution. She said the historical connection with the United States was clear, as evident by the continuous support from past and current U.S. Administrations and the Congress, which has, over the years, made the United States Liberia’s number one bilateral partner. The President hailed UL’s President, Dr. Emmet A. Dennis, for being an ambassador in the government’s quest to restore quality education in Liberia, especially at the tertiary level, describing him as a bridge builder between overseas and Liberian universities. President Sirleaf briefed the visiting delegation about government’s development plans and actions in infrastructure development, naming roads, water and electricity. Plans being concluded will see roads, water and electricity projects either rehabilitated or restored, to attract visitors to beautiful tourist sites like Lake Piso, in Grand Cape Mount County, the New Dawn newspaper reports.

Related caption: US Delegation Pays Courtesy Call On President Sirleaf (FOCUS)

Other stories

Partners, Liberians Assured Of Rights Protection

The Liberian Government has reassured development partners and Liberians that it will fully uphold the Liberian constitution that provides for freedom of speech and of the press, and will continue to respect and protect these rights at all times. The reassurance was contained in a press statement issued Monday by the Government in reaction to the 2013 Annual Human Rights report of the U.S. State Department on Liberia; stating that Liberian “Authorities generally maintained effective control over the security forces.” According to the NEWS newspaper, Government said it is particularly gratified by the U.S. State Department’s recognition and announcement of serious efforts by the Liberian Government that address the areas of concern in the report.


Gbarnga Streets To Be Paved - Delegates Agreed On Projects

 According to the New Dawn newspaper, delegates from Bong County’s thirteen administrative Districts have successfully passed on projects covered by the County Social Development Fund (CSDF) and Social Development Fund (SDF). Bong County annually receives US$2,762,000.00 from China Union-Liberia, Arcelor Mittal-Liberia, the National Budget and other sources. At the County Development Sitting for fiscal year 2013/2014 last week, the delegates agreed to apportion US$800,000.00 for the ongoing construction of the delayed Bong County Technical College or BCTC, US$50,000.00 each to all districts, as well as US$250,000.00 for feasibility studies on the pavement of major streets of Gbarnga, separate scholarship allocations to universities, among others.

Speaker Urges Bong Students

The Speaker of the 53rd Legislature is urging Liberian students to pay more attention to studying their lessons. Speaker Alex J. Tyler noted that while government has the mandate to educate its citizens, students were also under obligation to be studious if they must be successful in the future. Representative Tyler sounded out the advice recently in Gbarnga when about hundred beneficiaries of the Prince Karmue Moye Scholarship gathered for an acquaintance meeting with him. He hailed Mr. Moye for his assistance, saying that it takes a lawmaker to do what the Bong County Electoral District #2 lawmaker has initiated in his county. Representative Moye, addressing the students, recommitted himself to their education, describing the education Liberian youths as a major part of his development agenda to his people. He urged the students to study, as a student who fails in a class would be automatically dropped. The Government of Liberia provides US$1,000.00 every fiscal year for scholarship, but the lawmaker is said to be spending more than L$750,000.00 on Junior and senior secondary education, and US$19,000.00 on the sponsorship of university students annually. Beneficiaries were full of praises for the youthful lawmaker and pledged to always study to get better grades,the New Dawn newspaper asserts.

Youth Crime Watch Graduates 73 Female Trainees

After 10 weeks of hands-on training in Business and Entrepreneurship Skills and practical simulations, the Youth Crime Watch of Liberia has graduated the 1st Cohort of Trainees from its “Be the Change Academy” in Paynesville City, Liberia. According to a release issued Tuesday, in November 2013, over 100 young women were recruited from across the length and breathe of Paynesville, especially targeting women facing serious economic challenges. The release said that among them were young market women, literate and illiterate students, who already have been running some kind of petit businesses for the past 1-3 years, including those who started a business, but failed, as well as those who have a business idea but lack the basic knowledge of how to start or no capital. The ceremony held at Youth Crime Watch of Liberia’s Young Women Empowerment Center in Paynesville City, was graced by the Norwegian delegate to Liberia, Mrs. TOVE KVIL, and the Assistant Minister for Youth Development, Ministry of Youth & Sports, Mr. Lence Gbagonyon. The “Be the Change Academy” is a Youth-Led Job and Enterprise Creation program runs by Youth Crime Watch of Liberia with funding from the Norwegian Government (NORAD) through Peace Child International (PCI), the New Dawn newspaper writes.

GSA Intensifies Vehicle Registration

The recent registration process of all Government vehicles introduced by the Director General of the General Services Agency (GSA) Madam Mary T. Broh is gaining momentum in the country. The intention of the government vehicle registration exercise is to keep track of all government cars. At the GSA, there is a current construction work ongoing to put into place a system that will monitor all government vehicles for careful use by officials of government, the FOCUS newspaper reports.

Health Minister Lauds Carter Center

Health Minister Walter Gwenigale has commended the Carter Center for the training of several mental health workers in Liberia. Minister Gwenigale said with more than six hundred health facilities around the country, the ministry was looking forward to the assignment of mental health workers across the country. The Liberian Health Minister emphasized that the area of mental health was of major concern to the government as included in the basic package of health services. Minister Gwenigale was speaking last weekend at the Phebe hospital and the School of Nursing in Bong County when the Carter Center and the Ministry graduated twenty-three persons from six of its mental health programs. The Minister also admonished the new graduates to perform their duties according to the oath taken and not to abandon their patients. Minister Gwenigale disclosed that the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare had some money to assist rural health training institutions across the country. “For some of you, this is your second time taking an oath not to abandon your patients; but we hope to see you living up to your commitment,” he stated. In her congratulatory message, Former United States First Lady Rosalyn Carter commended the mental health clinicians for the bold step taken. In her message read by Consuelo Campbell, the former US First Lady committed herself to supporting mental health activities in Liberia, expressing the belief that mental health was an essential area that needed to be supported. The graduates were all presented computers as part of their capacity building, the New Dawn newspaper writes.


CAR President Inspired By Ellen

The Interim President of Central African Republic Cathrine Samba Panza has confessed her personal admiration for President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf at the same time making an analogy between Liberia and her country, according to the Atlanta Black Star online, the New Democrat newspaper writes.


Get Technical & Vocational Education - MYS Minister

The New Dawn newspaper reveals that Youth and Sports Minister Lenn Eugene Nagbe, has urged young people in the country to focus on vocational and technical education to improve their standard of living. “I’ve noticed that young people in the country only want government positions, which they are unable to have” he said.  According to Minister Nagbe, young people should not turn all of their attention on government jobs, noting that older folks cry to get jobs that will benefit them and their families. He said no one should think that it is easy to have lucrative positions without requisite qualification, because the job market is in need of qualified individuals with work experience for employment. Nagbe also called on youth in the country to be careful in their utterances when calling on the government to put mechanisms in place to provide jobs. However, he conceded that “Though it is the full responsibility of government to provide jobs for its citizens”, because without the people there can be no government.

The Youth and Sports Minister made these comments during the dedicatory ceremony of a center for women empowerment in the Poor River community, outside Monrovia.  He said residents of that community should see the center as government’s own way of bringing development to its citizens across the country.