President Sirleaf Hails Appointment Of New Italian Prime Minister

The President of the Republic of Liberia, H.E. Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to His Excellency Matteo Renzi, Prime Minister of Italy following his appointment as Prime Minister of that Republic.


President Johnson Sirleaf extended her deepest congratulations to the Italian Prime Minister on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and recalled the longstanding relations between Liberia and Italy, which, she said, has spanned more than a century and a half.


The Liberian President noted that the relations between Liberia and Italy have remained friendly and cordial over the years.


President Sirleaf expressed hope that under the leadership of Prime Minister Renzi, the relations between both countries and peoples will increasingly grow stronger.


 “As you assume your demanding tasks and responsibilities at the head of the Italian Government, let me assure you of my government’s support and determination to work cooperatively with you in  striving together for world peace and progress.” the Liberian leader stated.


President Johnson Sirleaf then wished for the Italian Prime Minister personal well-being, and for the Government and People of Italy, continued progress and renewed economic prosperity under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Renzi.