Daily Media Summary Nov, 26, 2013

The Bureau of Public Affairs

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Monrovia, Liberia


Today’s local dailies are flooded with various news articles including the recent violent student demonstration at UL Campuses and the subsequent closure of the University by GOL; President Johnson Sirleaf’s Congratulatory Message to the  United Arab Emirates; Deputy Gender Minister’s call for the enactment of Domestic Violence Law and the dedication of a Church In Gbarnga, Bong County by a Lebanese Businessman amongst other stories.


 Dominant Stories


UL Suspends Classes…Commission On High Education Condemns Teachers’ Action


The Administration of the University of Liberia (UL) has suspended all its activities with immediate effect until calm can be restored on all its campuses, The Inquirer has reported. In a release issued under the signature of the Vice president for UL Relations, S. Momolu Getaweh, the decision is an approval of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees of the University. The administration has directed that all concerned stay away from the institution’s premises while a full investigation is being conducted.


The latest decision of the UL administration comes against the backdrop of series of ‘unprecedented’ violence which has not been experienced in the last five years. The administration is currently holding consultations with the leaderships of UL Faculty Association, the University of Liberia Staff Association, the UL Student Union and other concerned parties to restore civility and serenity to the institution. On November 8, ULSU presented a position paper to the Vice President for student Affairs,

Weade Brownell  listing issues among which the registration process and mid-term examinations which for them needed immediate attention The Administration said while it was reviewing the students’ concerns, the Faculty Association on November 20, held a press conference  calling for the immediate resignation of the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the disengagement of all faculty members from all teaching activities among other things until their demands are met.


The National Commission on Higher Education has strongly condemned the recent action taken by the faculty of the University of Liberia demanding the immediate resignation of Dr. Weade Brownell. The Commission on Higher Education was created by an act of the Legislature and is responsible for the guidance and direction of higher education in Liberia, the Inquirer newspaperreport.


Related CaptionUL Shutdown – Students, Professors, Warned Off (The Informer)Following Violent Student Demonstration, UL Shut Down ‘Indefinitely’ – December 2013 Graduation In Limbo (Daily Observer)UL Authorities: All Activities At UL Suspended Until Otherwise Ordered (The Heritage)UL Learning Activities Halted (FOCUS), UL Shuts Down (The Insight)



Ellen Congratulates The United Arab Emirates


Quoting a Foreign Ministry’s release, The Heritage newspaper says President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to the Government and people of the United Arab Emirates on the occasion commemorating the Independence Cerebration of that country. In her Message to His Excellency Mr. Khalifi Bin Zayed Bin Zayed Bin Sultan al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, the Liberian President conveyed heartfelt congratulations and best wishes to the Government and People of the Emirates on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia, and in her own name.


According to the Heritage newspaper, President Sirleaf noted that as the people of the United Arab Emirates commemorate this joyous occasion, it is her hope that the cordial ties of friendship and cooperation which subsist between the two countries will be further strengthened, as both countries work together in furtherance of the principles of the Afro-Arab cooperation and the United Nations aimed at the promotion of International Peace, Security and cooperation among all nations. President Sirleaf then prayed that the Almighty Allah will endow His Excellency Zayed with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads his compatriots to greater prosperity, the Heritage newspaper reports.


Related CaptionPres. Sirleaf Congratulates The United Arab Emirates (The Insight)


Deputy Gender Minister Calls For Domestic Violence Law


The Deputy Minister for Research and Technical Services at the Ministry of Gender and Development has stressed the need to enact a domestic violence law in Liberia. Minister Annette Kiawo said the enactment of a domestic violence law will go a long way in minimizing and even curtailing violence in the Liberian society. Minister Kiawu said several Liberians compromise the issue of domestic violence, which is dangerous for the health needs of the people and must be brought to an end. Minister Kiawu made the statement recently at a one-day National Stakeholders Review of the Domestic Violence Law meeting held at the Monrovia City Hall, the Heritage reports.

Related CaptionDeputy Gender Minister Calls For Domestic Violence Law (Focus)


Lebanese Businessman Dedicates Church


The Inquirer newspaper reveals that a Lebanese businessman born and nurtured in Liberia, Mr. Bassam H. Jawhary, has constructed and turned over a modern church building to hundreds of Christians at the Trinity healing Temple of Jesus Christ Church in Gbarnga, Bong County. At the dedicatory ceremony held during the weekend in Gbarnga City, the Associate Dean of Gbarnga School of Theology, Rev. Dr. George Weagba, urged the congregation to commit their lives to God while living on earth.  


Related CaptionLebanese Businessman Dedicates Church In Gbarnga (The Insight)


Other Stories


Liberia Set To Celebrate World AIDS Day


The National AIDS Commission (NAC), National AIDS Control Program (NACP) of the Ministry of Health and partners have begun executing activities marking the observance of this year’s World AIDS Day in Liberia. Observed on the 1st of December every year, World AIDS Day is dedicated to raising awareness about the HIV and AIDS pandemic. It provides a platform to reflect on the achievements made in the response to HIV and AIDS, and to embrace with optimistic solidarity the challenges that remain. According to a joint NAC and NACP press release, series of activities have been designed for the successful observance of the day in Liberia under the global theme: Getting to Zero, with a national Theme: “Eliminating HIV Transmission From Mother Child in Liberia through Compassion,” the Focus newspaper reports.


Gov’t Strives To End Hunger – Launches SAPEC Project In 12 Counties, Assures Farmers Of Support, Empowerment



The Daily Observer newspaper says the Liberian Government, through the Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), has launched an agricultural project – Smallholder Agricultural Productivity Enhancement and Commercialization (SAPEC) Project, which intends to benefit farmers of all categories, including physically challenged Liberians. MOA said the SAPEC project is aimed at addressing Liberia’s fragility following 14 years of civil conflict. Addressing the audience at the launch of the project last week, Agriculture Minister, Dr. Florence Chenoweth noted that the project promotes pro-poor growth by investing in smallholder agriculture to reduce food insecurity.


Cinta Township In Margibi County Gets First Public Clinic


The people of Cinta Township in Margibi County are to benefit from a 10-bedroom clinic valued at US$40,000, the first public health facility in the area. The township of about 25,000 people received medical attention from private health service providers. Margibi County District Number Four Representative James Nuquay, who financed the construction of the clinic, officially turned it over to the people of Cinta Township and the Government of Liberia at a ceremony on Wednesday in Cinta. Turning the clinic over to the people of Cinta, Nuquay said the decision to construct the clinic came from the people following meetings he held with them to know their priorities. He said the clinic will serve the people of Cinta Township and surrounding areas in Margibi County. In remarks, Deputy Health Minister for Administration, Matthew Flomo thanked Representative Nuquay for the initiative, noting that it will help reduce the constraints facing the over stretched health facilities in the county. Also speaking, the Chairman of the Margibi County Legislative Caucus, Senator Oscar Cooper hailed Representative Nuquay for constructing the clinic for his people, adding that the facility will help reduce the maternal and other health problems in the township, the Heritage newspaper reports.


War On Crime – Over 2,500 Trained To Expose Criminals


The Community Watch Forum of Liberia (CWFL) has trained 2,569 individuals on how to pass on “sensitive information” about criminals and their operations to police and other state security agencies for intervention. CWFL Chair Isaac Nyenati Kafey said as the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) draws down its forces, there is need to prioritize the safety of residents in various communities. Kaffey, according to the Liberia News Agency (LINA), expressed the Forum’s willingness to work with state security, civil society, the Informer newspaper writes.


Only Liberians, Not Foreigners Can Ensure Peace & Reconciliation Here – Liberia’s Peace Envoy Voices Out


The Heritage newspaper reports that Liberia’s Peace Ambassador, George M. Weah, has stressed the need for all Liberians to get involved in the maintenance of lasting peace and unity in the country. Weah noted that only Liberians, not foreigners, can strengthen andensure national peace and reconciliation. Ambassador Weah made the call recently at the Georgia Pattern Memorial United Methodist Church (UMC) in Monrovia during the opening of the 24th Annual Assembly of the United Methodist Men Organization of the Monrovia District Conference, Liberia Annual Conference (LAC), United Methodist Church (UMC).


Land Commission Conducts Education Training For Journalists


Representatives from community radio stations in five of Liberia’s 15 counties, including Monrovia based journalists and other media practitioners have benefited from a three day intensive refresher training workshop. The five counties included Nimba, Bong, Lofa, Maryland and Margibi, but also in Montserrado County. The training was conducted by the Land Conflict Resolution Project (LCRP) for over 35 journalists and media practitioners from November 19-21, at a local resort in Ganta, Nimba County.


The training was made successful with funding from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through LCRP. Earlier, the Chairman of LC, Dr. Cecil Brandy told his audience that the entity was established on August 4, 2009, by an Act of the National Legislature and officially launched on March 11, 2010, by Vice President Joseph Nyumah Boakai, Sr. The general mandate and purpose of the LC, he said, is to propose, advocate and coordinate reforms of land policy, laws and programs across the country, the Daily Observer newspaper reports.