Three Ambassadors to Present Credentials to President Sirleaf on Thursday
Those expected to present Letters of Credence include their Excellencies: Mr. William Billy Williams, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of Australia ; Madam Shamma Jain, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of India and Mr. Donald James Kililangwe, Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of the Malawi , respectively.
The ceremony will take place as follows: The Ambassador Extraordinary & Plenipotentiary of Australia will present his letter at 4:00 Post Meridian , while the Malawian Ambassador will present his letter at 5:00 Post Meridian .
In a related development, two officials of the Migration Department of the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London , the United Kingdom , Mr. Stephen Dicks and Mr. Andrew Fleming are expected in the country.
The purpose of their visit is to discuss issues relating to illegal migrants and asylum seekers from Liberia to the United Kingdom and to discuss possible support for the Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization.
While in the country, the Officials will hold discussions with appropriate Officials of the Liberian Government.