South Africa Assures The Prosecution of Xenophobic Perpetrators

The South African Government has assured to prosecute appropriately the criminal minority involved in the xenophobic attacks against other African nationals residing in South Africa.


The assurance was given at South Africa's Freedom Day celebration organized by the South African Embassy near Monrovia, on Tuesday, April 28, 2015.


Speaking at the celebration, South African Ambassador accredited to Liberia H.E. Mr. Masilo Esau Mabeta has reassured the Government and People of Liberia that the South African takes the xenophobic attacks very seriously and it will continue to welcome and protect all foreigners in South Africa.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, Ambassador Mabeta said the South African Government will appropriately prosecute the criminal minority involved in the xenophobic attacks and the government will return South Africa to being a place that integrates migrants and refugees into host communities in accordance with its international obligations and South African warmth.


While announcing South Africa's donation of ambulances and motor cycles, as well as medication and foodstuffs and other items to the Government and People of Liberia, the South African Ambassador commended friendly and humanitarian groups, countries and organizations that contributed to the fight against Ebola.


Ambassador Mabeta believed that with the ability of Liberians to now obtain visas in Monrovia it will increase the levels of tourism, business and sport relations between South Africa and Liberia.


Also speaking at South Africa's Freedom Day celebration, Liberia's Foreign Minister Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan said he is pleased   by the  action of  the Government of South Africa to arrest the criminal minority responsible for the xenophobic attacks against their fellow Africans residing in that country. Minister Ngafuan encouraged the South African Government to continue on this positive path to rid of all traces of xenophobia in South Africa.


The Liberia Foreign Minister emphasized that the xenophobic attacks against other Africans living in South Africa which has led to the deaths of some foreign workers and business owners, has the propensity of detracting South Africa from the exalted and enviable position it occupies on the African continent.


Minister Ngafuan recalled Liberia's efforts and contributions towards the struggle for freedom and independence not only for South Africa, but for the entire African Continent, in solidarity with other African brothers and sisters who struggle for human freedom and dignity. "This was a duty assigned to Liberia by history as Africa's first Republic and by our consciousness that our contributions and support were based on moral, humanistic and brotherly grounds", Foreign Minister Ngafuan added.


Minister Ngafuan commended the South African Republic for the positive role the Republic of South Africa played in Liberia's peace process.


South Africa's Freedom Day is meant to commemorate the first post-apartheid elections held April 24, 1994 which was won by the illustrious Nelson Madiba Mandela after twenty seven years of imprisonment to celebrate freedom for all South Africans irrespective of racial, economic, religious and political differences.