President Sirleaf Rallies Nation On EBOLA Prayers

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is calling on all Liberians to observe three days of National Fast and Prayer beginning Wednesday, August 6 through Friday, August 8, 2014 from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily.


“Acknowledging our devout gratitude to God for our existence as a Free, Sovereign and Independent State, and relying on His Divine Guidance for our survival as a Nation, I call on all Liberians to observe three days of National Fast and Prayer to seek God’s face to have mercy on us and forgive our sins and heal our land, Liberia, as we continue the fight against the deadly Ebola virus,” the Liberian leader urged.


She said this call is indicative that God is the ultimate solution of this crisis and source of Liberia’s deliverance as a nation.


According to an Executive Mansion release, the observance of the National Fast and Prayer is being held under the auspices of the Liberia Council of Churches (LCC).


The Religious Advisor to the President, Rev. Jervis Witherspoon, who is also a member of the LCC, said that to climax the National Fast and Prayer on Friday, August 8th, a team of religious leaders will meet at the old Providence Baptist Church on Broad Street to lead prayers for the nation during the last three hours, beginning at 3:00 p.m.


The state broadcaster, Liberia Broadcasting System, and other radio stations will carry a simulcast and anyone who is unable attend the service in person can tune in and monitor the climax of the National Fast and Prayer Service.


Religious leaders will offer prayers for the spiritual, moral and physical restoration of the land including prayers for the elimination of Ebola and other pestilence from the country; prayer for comfort and strength for hurting families who have lost loved ones; prayer for healing and restoration of quarantined individuals in the land; prayer for the protection of health workers and other volunteers in harm’s way as they fight the deadly Ebola virus; prayer against any form of witchcraft activity used to spread Ebola virus; as well as prayer for God’s intervention in the sub-regional counties (Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia) affected by the Ebola virus.


“We are calling on all Liberians to join in this time of true national repentance and prayer against the Ebola virus,” Rev. Witherspoon urged his fellow compatriots, adding, “We believe, in accordance to the scripture, that God will hear our prayer, forgive our sins and heal the land.”