President Sirleaf expresses optimism on Liberia-china relations

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has expressed confidence that the bond of friendship that so happily exist between the Republic of Liberia and the People’s Republic of China will continue to grow stronger, as China celebrates its National Independence Anniversary on October 1ST,   2013.  

President Johnson       Sirleaf’s remarks   were contained in her congratulatory message to the Government and People of China on the official observance of the 64th Independence Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China.   

In her message to Chinese President His Excellency XI Jinping, President Johnson Sirleaf on behalf of Liberia extended warmest felicitations and   best wishes to the Government and People of China on the celebration of this historic event.

The Liberia leader also prayed that the Government and People of China will continue to enjoy the blessings of peace, national cohesion and increasing prosperity under the progressive leadership of President XI Jinping.