President Sirleaf Consoles Pakistan on Tragic Bus-Bombing

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of condolence to the Government and people of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, following the unfortunate news of a bus bombing which occurred on March 16, 2016 in Peshawar, killing at least 15 persons and injuring 30 government workers.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, the Liberian leader, in the message to her Pakistani counterpart, H.E. Mamnoon Hussain, extended heartfelt condolences on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia, and in her own name, to the Government and people of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, especially the bereaved families for the irreparable loss sustained as a result of this tragic incident.


“We pray that the Almighty Allah will grant Your Excellency and the people of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan strength, courage and fortitude as you go through this period of national mourning,” President Sirleaf stressed. 


She indicated that the sad event has further accelerated the need to intensify international security cooperation so as to curtail future terrorist bombing of any kind.


President Sirleaf assured the Pakistani leader of Liberia’s readiness to join like-minded and peace loving States in utilizing international instruments through the United Nations and regional organizations to take all measures that will enhance peace and security for all peoples.