President Sirleaf Consoles India, Pakistan & Bangladesh

President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent separate messages of condolence to the leaders of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh over the deaths of at least 102 persons recently.


According to a Foreign Ministry release, in separate messages to the Presidents of the three nations, His Excellency Mr. Pranab Mukherjee, President of the Republic of India; His Excellency Mr. Mamnoon Hussian, President of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and His Excellency Mr. Abdul Hamid, President of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, the Liberian leader expressed profound shock and deep sorrow for the loss of innocent lives in three tragic incidences in those countries.


On Saturday, July 2, in the Himalayan State of Uttarahand and Arunachal Pradesh in India, at least 40 persons were reported dead and more than 30 missing as a result of torrential rain which triggered landslides and floods; while on Sunday, July 3, 40 deaths were reported with another 40 injured as a result of heavy downpour of rain, which triggered landslides and floods in the northern province of Pakhtunkwa in Pakistan.


Sadly in the Bangladeshi capital of Dhaka, there was an obscene terrorist attack, which led to the death of 22 persons and 40 injured.


President Sirleaf told her Indian, Pakistani and Bangladeshi counterparts: “It is with deep grief that I, on behalf of the Government and people of Liberia and in my own name, extend to you and through you to your Governments and peoples, especially families of the victims, our heartfelt condolences for the irreparable loss sustained.”

She further told the three leaders that during this difficult time of mourning, they can be assured that the people of Liberia stand in solidarity with their individual governments and peoples.


The Liberian President specifically joined all peace loving nations in condemning acts of terrorism in Bangladesh and elsewhere and called for collective and global cooperation and action in bringing an end to this barbarity against humanity.


She prayed that the Almighty Allah will grant Presidents Mukherjee, Hussian and Hamid, their Governments and peoples the strength, courage and fortitude as they go through this difficult period of national mourning.