President Sireleaf Congratulates Nigeria’s President-Elect, Gen. Muhammadu Buhari

The President of the Republic of Liberia, Her Excellency Mrs. Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has sent a message of congratulations to His Excellency Gen. Muhammadu Buhari, on the occasion of his victory in the just ended Nigerian election.


In her message to the Nigerian President-Elect, Gen. Buhari, Mrs. Johnson Sirleaf extended warmest congratulations to the Government and People of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on behalf of the Government and People of Liberia and in her own name on the occasion of the election of General Muhammadu Buhari to the highest office of Nigeria.


The Liberian leader applauded the people of Nigeria for the peaceful conduct of the elections, which marks a great victory for democracy in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. While acknowledging the historic transition in Nigeria, President Johnson Sirleaf entertained the hope that the cordial ties of friendship and cooperation existing between both countries and peoples will be strengthened in the spirit of African solidarity.


A Foreign Ministry release says, as Liberia and Nigeria work together in furtherance of deeper cooperation at ECOWAS, the AU, the United Nations and other international forums aimed at promoting international peace and security among all nations, President Johnson Sirleaf prayed that the Almighty Allah will endow President-Elect Gen. Buhari with abundant wisdom and strength as he leads Africa’s largest democracy. 


President Sirleaf also assured President-Elect Buhari of her government’s commitment to sustain the longstanding friendship and cooperation between Liberia and Nigeria which have gained significant momentum over the years.  


Meanwhile, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf has congratulated His Excellency Mr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria for the successful conduct of the recent Presidential and Parliamentary Elections in that country under his leadership.

In her message to her Nigerian counterpart, President Johnson Sirleaf said the Nigerian election marks a critical victory for democracy in Nigeria and Africa as a whole. The Liberia leader said the outcome of the elections is a clear manifestation of President Jonathan’s strong commitment to democratic values and principles which he has personally nurtured for many years as President of Nigeria.


She noted that the holding of free, fair and democratic elections in Nigeria, sets a standard for other African countries including Liberia, and gives new direction for all leaders in Africa to emulate.


President Sirleaf said the show of tolerance and patriotism by President Jonathan during the elections, brings pride not only to the people of Nigeria but to the entire continent of Africa, stating that he will forever be remembered not only as a good leader, but also as a nationalist who placed the stability and future of his country above all personal interests.  


President Johnson Sirleaf assured President Jonathan of the continued goodwill of the Liberian people as he transitions to another phase in his personal life. She then prayed that the Almighty God will continue to endow him with abundant wisdom and strength.