President CONDE Calls for United Front in the Fight Against Ebola……Hosts MRU Summit in Conakry

The President of the Guinea and current chairman of the Mano River Union (MRU), Professor Alpha Conde is calling on countries worst affected by the Ebola virus disease to amalgamated efforts to fight and defeat the disease.


According to an Executive Mansion release, Professor Conde made the assertion during a joint press stakeout with President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in the Foyer of the Foreign Ministry on Tuesday, February 10, 2015 following bilateral talks centered on the sustained fight against the Ebola virus disease within the MRU basin.


President Conde said his one-day visit was to show solidarity and compassion to President Sirleaf and the people of Liberia. Through an interpreter, President Conde said, “I came to show compassion to my sister, to the Liberian people and also to show that we have a common destiny in the turmoil we are facing. We have to fight Ebola and all the consequences including our economic recovery.”


The current chairman of the MRU disclosed that the Secretariat has organized a two-day technical and ministerial meeting for Friday and Saturday, February 13-14, 2015 in Conakry, Guinea which will focus on harmonizing the MRU’s approach to “recovery” from the Ebola virus disease.


A MRU Summit, which brings together the Heads of State and Government of the four countries, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Cotê d’Ivoire and host, Guinea, takes place in Conakry, Guinea on Sunday, February 15, 2015.


President Conde reiterated that it is important that the MRU countries have a common unified position when they meet with the international community which will make them stronger.


He said Liberia and Guinea are the same. If there is a problem in Liberia it means that it is a problem for Guinea.

Professor Conde expressed gratification that Liberia has only four confirmed Ebola cases and is optimistic that there would be no cases shortly within countries (Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea) worst affected by the Ebola virus disease.


In welcome remarks earlier, the Liberian leader commended Professor Conde and delegation for the visit. She recounted the long bilateral relations between both countries which have gone through some troubled times, especially during this Ebola crisis.


“I welcome you and your delegation as you visit Liberia to show solidarity with the Liberian people, not only as a long-time friend but also as the current chair of the MRU,” President Sirleaf said, adding, “Our two countries have a long history of relationship; our two countries have also gone through some difficulties. In the last few years the bonds of friendship between us have grown stronger as we work together not only in the MRU but in ECOWAS and the African Union.”


President Sirleaf applauded the Guinean President for the level of encouragement in the fight against the deadly Ebola virus disease, as well as his representation of the MRU countries at different international fora to mobilize support for the countries worse affected by the Ebola virus disease.


She said Liberia looks forward to working with Guinea as both countries work together in improving the lives of its citizens.